NEW AUTO 3,1 * object code = ram_1 * * /RAM installer - transfer part of the driver to the aux bank * and front part of the driver to the main bank (language card). H2C80 ldy #$99 move $9A bytesfrom lcsrc to lcdest. H2C82 lda lcsrc,y transfer main bank portion of driver sta lcdest,y dey cpy #$FF bne H2C82 ldx #ramsrc stx A1L+1 inx stx A2L+1 lda #ramdest ramsrc to ramdest sta A4L+1 sec direction = to aux bank. jsr auxmove move aux bank portion of driver. lda #lcdest sta drivertbl2+7 inc numdevs count (-1) active devices ldx numdevs lda #$BF unit num of /RAM sta devlist,x rts end of obj ram_1 r1_end .EQ * end of /RAM installer ds $D00-(r1_end-H2000) pad 0's to page boundary *-------------------------------------- MAN LOAD USR/SRC/PRODOS.203/PRODOS.S.RAMI SAVE USR/SRC/PRODOS.203/PRODOS.S ASM