NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- XRWDBG .EQ 0 *-------------------------------------- XRW.START cld $D8 to flag language card bank 1 (main) lda unitnum get unit number. pha lsr lsr lsr lsr sta XRW.UnitIndex tax lda XRW.D2SeekTime-1,x bne .10 lda #IO.D2.SeekTimeP sta XRW.D2SeekTime-1,x .10 pla and #$7F mask off high bit. sta A2L 0SSS0000 for IO indexing * make sure other drives in other slots are stopped eor XRW.LastUnitUsed same slot as last ? asl beq L59BD lda #$01 sta XRW.montimeh .1 lda XRW.LastUnitUsed and #$70 tax beq L59BD branch if no previous ever (boot only). jsr XRW.CheckMotorOnX check if previous drive running. beq L59BD branch if stopped. lda #1 jsr XRW.Wait100usecA lda XRW.montimeh bne .1 *-------------------------------------- L59BD lda bloknml ldx bloknml+1 stx XRW.ReqTrack calculate block's track and sector. ldy #$05 .1 asl rol XRW.ReqTrack dey bne .1 asl bcc .2 ora #$10 adjust for upper 4 bits of track .2 lsr lsr lsr lsr sta XRW.ReqSector *-------------------------------------- jsr XRW.Reset jsr XRW.CheckMotorOn php save motor on state : NZ if on lda #$E8 24 up to 0 sta XRW.montimeh lda unitnum determine drive 1 or 2. cmp XRW.LastUnitUsed same slot/drive used before ? sta XRW.LastUnitUsed save it for next time. php keep results of compare. asl get drive # into carry. bcc .3 branch if drive 1 selected. inx select drive 2. .3 lda IO.D2.DrvSel1,x ldx A2L lda IO.D2.DrvOn,x turn on the drive. plp was it the same drive ? beq .5 yes. plp NZ: indicate drive off by setting z-flag. ldy #6 .4 jsr XRW.Wait25600usec 150 ms delay before stepping. dey bne .4 php Z set .5 plp was motor on ? bne L538E if so, don't wait. * motor was off, wait for it to speed up .6 lda #1 jsr XRW.Wait100usecA wait 100us for each count in montime lda XRW.montimeh bmi .6 count up to 0000 * motor should be up to speed, * if it looks stopped then the drive is not present jsr XRW.CheckMotorOn is drive present ? beq XRW.E.ND *-------------------------------------- L538E lda A4L get command # bne .1 jsr XRW.TestWP 0 = status bcs XRW.E.WP bra XRW.E.OK .1 cmp #4 3 = format bcs XRW.E.IO cmp #2 Write ? bne .2 jsr XRW.TestWP bcs XRW.E.WP *-------------------------------------- .2 jsr regrwts bcs XRW.E.IO inc buf+1 inc XRW.ReqSector inc XRW.ReqSector jsr regrwts get 2nd half of block dec buf+1 bcc XRW.E.OK XRW.E.IO lda #MLI.E.IO .HS 2C BIT ABS XRW.E.WP lda #MLI.E.WRTPROT .HS 2C BIT ABS XRW.E.ND lda #MLI.E.NODEV sec .HS 2C BIT ABS XRW.E.OK lda #0 ldx A2L bit IO.D2.DrvOff,x turn off rts *-------------------------------------- regrwts ldy #1 sty XRW.RecalibrateCnt lda A4L get command # lsr set carry = 1 for read, 0 for write. bcs .1 must prenibblize for write jsr XRW.PreNibble .1 ldy #64 sty XRW.RetryCnt lda #$fe sta XRW.BadSeek .2 jsr XRW.ReadAddr read next address field. bcc .4 if CC, A = current track .3 dec XRW.RetryCnt one less chance. bne .2 branch to retry. dec XRW.RecalibrateCnt sec bmi .9 .DO XRWDBG=1 jsr XRW.DEBUG .FIN ldy XRW.UnitIndex lda #41 sta XRW.D2Trk-1,y lda #0 sta XRW.D2VolNum-1,y .30 jsr XRW.Seek bra .1 .4 cmp XRW.ReqTrack beq .5 inc XRW.BadSeek bmi .41 ldx XRW.UnitIndex lda XRW.D2SeekTime-1,x bmi .41 clc adc #IO.D2.SeekTimeI sta XRW.D2SeekTime-1,x .41 lda XRW.ReqTrack bra .30 .5 lda XRW.AddrField.S is this the right sector ? cmp XRW.ReqSector bne .3 no, try another sector. lda A4L read or write ? lsr the carry will tell. bcc L53F4 branch if write jsr XRW.Read bcs .3 if bad read .9 rts L53F4 jmp XRW.Write *-------------------------------------- * determine if motor is stopped * * if stopped, controller's shift register will not be changing. * return y = 0 and zero flag set if it is stopped. *-------------------------------------- XRW.CheckMotorOn ldx A2L XRW.CheckMotorOnX ldy #0 init loop counter. .1 lda IO.D2.RData,x read the shift register. jsr .9 delay pha pla more delay. cmp IO.D2.RData,x has shift reg changed ? bne .9 yes, motor is moving. lda #MLI.E.NODEV anticipate error. dey no, dec retry counter bne .1 and try 256 times. .9 rts *-------------------------------------- XRW.TestWP ldx A2L lda IO.D2.ReadProt,x test for write protected lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x rol write protect-->carry-->bit 0=1 lda IO.D2.RData,x keep in read mode rts *-------------------------------------- * preniblize subroutine (16 sector format) * * converts 256 bytes of user data in (buf) into 6 bit nibls in nbuf2. * high 6 bits are translated directly by the write routines. * * on entry: buf is 2-byte pointer to 256 bytes of user data. * * on exit: a,x,y undefined. write routine modified to do direct conversion * of high 6 bits of user's buffer data. *-------------------------------------- XRW.PreNibble lda buf self-modify the addresses because of ldy buf+1 the fast timing required. clc all offsets are minus $AA. adc #$02 the highest set is buf+$AC. bcc L58FA branch if no carry, iny otherwise add carry to high address. L58FA sta prn3+1 self mod 3 sty prn3+2 sec sbc #$56 middle set is buf+$56. bcs L5906 branch if no borrow, dey otherwise deduct from high. L5906 sta prn2+1 self mod 2 sty prn2+2 sec sbc #$56 low set is exactly buf bcs L5912 dey L5912 sta prn1+1 self mod 1 sty prn1+2 ldy #$AA count up to 0. prn1 lda $1000,y warning: self modified. get byte from lowest group. and #$03 strip high 6 bits. tax index to 2 bit equivalent. lda XRW.0000XX00,x pha save pattern prn2 lda $1056,y warning: self modified. get byte from middle group. and #$03 tax pla restore pattern. ora XRW.00XX0000,x combine 2nd group with 1st. pha save new pattern. prn3 lda $10AC,y warning: self modified. get byte from highest group. and #$03 tax pla restore new pattern ora XRW.XX000000,x and form final nibl. pha tya eor #$FF tax pla sta nbuf2,x save in nibl buffer. iny inc to next set. bne prn1 loop until all $56 nibls formed. ldy buf now prepare data bytes for write16 subr. dey prepare end address. sty A2H lda buf sta wrefd1+1 warning: the following storage addresses beq L595F starting with 'wref' are refs into code eor #$FF space, changed by this routine. tay index to last byte of page in (buf). lda (buf),y pre-niblize the last byte of the page iny with the first byte of the next page. eor (buf),y and #$FC tax lda XRW.FC2Nib,x get disk 7-bit nible equivalent. L595F sta pch beq L596F branch if data to be written is page aligned. lda A2H check if last byte is even lsr or odd address. shift even/odd -> carry. lda (buf),y if even, then leave intact. bcc L596D branch if odd. iny if even, then pre-xor with byte 1. eor (buf),y L596D sta A1L save result for write routine. L596F ldy #$FF index to last byte of data to write. lda (buf),y to be used as a checksum. and #$FC strip extra bits sta A1H and save it. ldy buf+1 now modify address references to sty wrefa1+2 user data. sty wrefa2+2 iny sty wrefa3+2 sty wrefa4+2 sty wrefa5+2 sty wrefa6+2 ldx A2L and lastly, index references to stx wrefd2+1 controller. stx wrefd3+1 stx wrefd4+1 stx wrefd5+1 rts *-------------------------------------- * write subroutine (16 sector format) * * writes data from nbuf1 and buf. first nbuf2, high to low then direct * from (buf), low to high. assumes 1 usec cycle time. self modified code !! * * on entry: x = slotnum times 16 * * on exit: carry set if error (write protect violation). * if no error, acc=uncertain, x=unchanged, y=0, carry clear. *-------------------------------------- XRW.Write lda IO.D2.ReadProt,x lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x lda nbuf2 sta pcl lda #$FF sync data. sta IO.D2.WriteMode,x (5) goto write mode ora IO.D2.WShift,x (4) ldy #$04 (2) for five nibls nop (2) pha (3) pla (4) wsync pha (3) exact timing. pla (4) exact timing. jsr wnibl7 (13,9,6) write sync. dey (2) bne wsync (3-) must not cross page ! lda #$D5 (2) 1st data mark jsr wnibl9 (15,9,6) lda #$AA (2) 2nd data mark jsr wnibl9 (15,9,6) lda #$AD (2) 3rd data mark jsr wnibl9 (15,9,6) tya (2) zero checksum ldy #$56 (2) nbuf2 index bne L583D (3) branch always * total time in this write byte loop must = 32us !!! L583A lda nbuf2,y (4) prior 6-bit nibl *L583D eor nbuf2-1,y (5) xor with current (4+1 : PAGE CROSS) L583D eor nbuf2-1,y (4) xor with current (NO MORE PAGE CROSS) tax (2) index to 7-bit nibl lda XRW.FC2Nib,x (4) must not cross page boundary * ldx A2L (3) restore slot index ldx >A2L (4) absolute reference to zero page sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) store encoded byte lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) handshake dey (2) bne L583A (3-) must not cross page boundary * end of write byte loop lda pcl (3) get prior nibl (from nbuf2) wrefd1 ldy #$00 (2) warning: load value modified by prenib. wrefa1 eor $1000,y (4) warning: address modified by prenib. and #$FC (2) strip low 2 bits tax (2) index to nibl table lda XRW.FC2Nib,x (4) wrefd2 ldx #$60 (2) warning: value modified by prenib. sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) write nibl lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) handshake wrefa2 lda $1000,y (4) prior nibl. warning: address modified by prenib. iny (2) all done with this page ? bne wrefa1 (3-) loop until page end. lda pch (3) get next (precalculated & translated) nibl. beq L58C0 (2+) branch if code written was page aligned. lda A2H (3) get byte address of last byte to be written. beq L58B3 (2+) branch if only 1 byte left to write. lsr (2) test for odd or even last byte (carry set/clear) lda pch (3) restore nibl to acc. sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) lda A1L (3) = byte 0 of 2nd page xor'd with byte 1 if nop (2) above test set carry. iny (2) y=1 bcs L5899 (2+) branch if last byte to be odd. wrefa3 eor $1100,y (4) warning: address modified by prenib. and #$FC (2) strip low 2 bits. tax (2) index to nibl table lda XRW.FC2Nib,x (4) get nibl wrefd3 ldx #$60 (2) restore slot index. warning: modified by prenib sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) wrefa4 lda $1100,y (4) warning: modified by prenib iny (2) got prior nibl, point to next wrefa5 eor $1100,y (4) warning: modified by prenib L5899 cpy A2H (3) set carry if this is the last nibl and #$FC (2) strip low 2 bits tax (2) lda XRW.FC2Nib,x (4) wrefd4 ldx #$60 (2) restore slot. warning: modified by prenib sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) wrefa6 lda $1100,y (4) get prior nibl. warning: modified by prenib iny (2) bcc wrefa3 (3-) branch if not the last. bcs L58B1 (3) waste 3 cycles, branch always. L58B1 bcs L58C0 (3) branch always. L58B3 lda >pch (4) absolute reference to zero page sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) pha (3) waste 14 micro-seconds total pla (4) pha (3) pla (4) L58C0 ldx A1H (3) use last nibl (anded with $FC) for checksum lda XRW.FC2Nib,x (4) wrefd5 ldx #$60 (2) restore slot. warning: modified by prenib sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) lda IO.D2.WShift,x (4) ldy #$00 (2) set y = index end mark table. pha (3) waste another 11 micro-seconds pla (4) nop (2) nop (2) L58D3 lda XRW.EndDataMark,y (4) dm4, dm5, dm6 and turn off byte. jsr wnibl (15,6) write it iny (2) cpy #$04 (2) have all end marks been written ? bne L58D3 (3) if not. clc (2,9) lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x out of write mode lda IO.D2.WShift,x to read mode. rts return from write. * 7-bit nibl write subroutines wnibl9 clc (2) 9 cycles, then write. wnibl7 pha (3) 7 cycles, then write. pla (4) wnibl sta IO.D2.WLoad,x (5) nibl write ora IO.D2.WShift,x (4) clobbers acc, not carry XRW.Write.RTS rts (6) *-------------------------------------- * delays a specified number of 100 usec intervals for motor timing. * on entry: acc holds number of 100 usec intervals to delay. * on exit: acc = 0, x = 0, y = unchanged, carry set. * montimel, montimeh are incremented once per 100 usec interval * for motor on timing. *-------------------------------------- XRW.WaitSeekTime * lda #IO.D2.SeekTime phy ldy XRW.UnitIndex lda XRW.D2SeekTime-1,y ply .HS 2C BIT ABS XRW.Wait25600usec lda #0 XRW.Wait100usecA phx (3) .1 ldx #16 (2) .2 dex (2) bne .2 (3) ldx A2L (3) bit IO.D2.DrvOn,x (4) Slow down ACC boards inc XRW.montimel (6) bne .3 (3) inc XRW.montimeh (6) .3 sec (2) sbc #1 (2) bne .1 (3) plx (4) rts (6) *-------------------------------------- * read subroutine (16-sector format) * * reads encoded bytes into nbuf1 and nbuf2. * first reads nbuf2 high to low, then nbuf1 low to high. * on entry: x=slot# times $10, read mode * on exit: carry set if error, else if no error: * acc=$AA, x=unchanged, y=0, carry clear. * observe 'no page cross' on some branches !! *-------------------------------------- XRW.Read txa get slot # ora #$8C prepare mods to read routine. sta rd4+1 warning: the read routine is sta rd5+1 self modified !! sta rd6+1 sta rd7+1 sta rd8+1 lda buf modify storage addresses also ldy buf+1 sta ref3+1 sty ref3+2 sec sbc #$54 bcs L571F branch if no borrow dey L571F sta ref2+1 sty ref2+2 sec sbc #$57 bcs L572B branch if no borrow dey L572B sta ref1+1 sty ref1+2 ldy #$20 32 tries to find L5733 dey beq L576D branch if can't find data header marks L5736 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl L5736 L573B eor #$D5 1st data mark bne L5733 nop delay L5740 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl L5740 cmp #$AA 2nd data mark. bne L573B if not, check for 1st again nop L574A lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl L574A cmp #$AD 3rd data mark bne L573B if not, check for data mark 1 again ldy #$AA lda #$00 L5757 sta pcl use z-page for keeping checksum rd4 ldx IO.D2.RData+$60 warning: self modified bpl rd4 lda XRW.Nib2FC-$96,x sta nbuf2-$AA,y save the two-bit groups in nbuf. eor pcl update checksum. iny next position in nbuf. bne L5757 loop for all $56 two-bit groups. ldy #$AA now read directly into user buffer. bne rd5 always taken. L576D sec error rts ref1 sta $1000,y warning: self modified rd5 ldx IO.D2.RData+$60 warning: self modified bpl rd5 eor XRW.Nib2FC-$96,x get actual 6-bit data from dnib table. ldx nbuf2-$AA,y get associated two-bit pattern eor dnibl2,x and combine to form whole byte. iny bne ref1 loop for $56 bytes. pha save for now, no time to store... and #$FC strip low bits. ldy #$AA prepare for next $56 bytes rd6 ldx IO.D2.RData+$60 warning: self modified bpl rd6 eor XRW.Nib2FC-$96,x ldx nbuf2-$AA,y eor dnibl3,x ref2 sta $1000,y warning: self modified iny bne rd6 loop unil this group of $56 read rd7 ldx IO.D2.RData+$60 warning: self modified bpl rd7 and #$FC ldy #$AC last group is $54 long L57A5 eor XRW.Nib2FC-$96,x ldx nbuf2-$AC,y eor dnibl4,x combine to form full byte ref3 sta $1000,y warning: self modified rd8 ldx IO.D2.RData+$60 warning: self modified bpl rd8 iny bne L57A5 and #$FC eor XRW.Nib2FC-$96,x checksum ok ? bne L57CC error if not. ldx A2L test end marks. L57C2 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl L57C2 cmp #$DE clc beq L57CD branch if good trailer L57CC sec L57CD pla place last byte into user buffer ldy #$55 sta (buf),y XRW.Read.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- XRW.Reset ldx A2L lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x turn off write enable X = slot $S0 nop nop ldy #4 .1 lda IO.D2.Ph0Off,x inx inx dey bne .1 rts *-------------------------------------- * A = target track *-------------------------------------- XRW.Seek ldx XRW.UnitIndex pha save target track jsr XRW.Trk2Qtrk sta XRW.TargetQTrack .DO XRWDBG=1 jsr XRW.DEBUG3 .FIN lda XRW.D2Trk-1,x jsr XRW.Trk2Qtrk sta XRW.CurrentQTrack .DO XRWDBG=1 jsr XRW.DEBUG2 .FIN pla sta XRW.D2Trk-1,x will be current track at the end ldx A2L ldy A2L .1 lda XRW.CurrentQTrack cmp XRW.TargetQTrack beq .7 jsr .8 bcs .2 * Current < Target, must move in inc .HS B0 BCS * Current > Target, must move out .2 dec sta XRW.CurrentQTrack pha and #6 ora A2L tax pla bcs .3 * Current < Target, must move in inc .HS B0 BCS * Current > Target, must move out .3 dec and #6 ora A2L bcc .4 * move out : invert 2 phases phx tax pla .4 tay lda IO.D2.Ph0On,x nop nop lda IO.D2.Ph0On,y nop nop jsr XRW.WaitSeekTime bra .1 .7 jsr XRW.Wait25600usec .8 bit IO.D2.Ph0Off,x nop nop ldx IO.D2.Ph0Off,y nop nop rts *-------------------------------------- XRW.Trk2Qtrk asl x2 sta .1+1 bit XRW.D2VolNum-1,x bpl .1 x4 bvs .1 > $C0 ? (VOL=254) lsr x3 .1 adc #$ff SELF MODIFIED rts *-------------------------------------- XRW.ReadAddr ldy #$FC sty XRW.CheckSum init nibble counter to $FCFC ldx A2L get slot # .1 iny bne .2 counter LO inc XRW.CheckSum counter HI beq .99 .2 lda IO.D2.RData,x read nibl bpl .2 .3 cmp #$D5 address mark 1 ? bne .1 nop nibl delay .4 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl .4 cmp #$AA address mark 2 ? bne .3 if not, is it address mark 1 ? ldy #$03 index for 4 byte read .5 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl .5 cmp #$96 address mark 3 ? bne .3 if not, is it address mark 1 sei ???ALREADY DONE by XDOS.devmgr??? no interrupts until address is tested. lda #$00 init checksum .6 sta XRW.CheckSum .7 lda IO.D2.RData,x read 'odd bit' nibl bpl .7 rol align odd bits, '1' into lsb. sta XRW.Temp4x4 save them. .8 lda IO.D2.RData,x read 'even bit' nibl bpl .8 and XRW.Temp4x4 merge odd and even bits. sta XRW.AddrField.C,y store data byte. eor XRW.CheckSum dey bpl .6 loop on 4 data bytes. tay if final checksum non-zero, bne .99 then error. .9 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl .9 cmp #$DE bne .99 .10 lda IO.D2.RData,x bpl .10 cmp #$AA bne .99 ldy XRW.UnitIndex Successful Read, update Drive table lda XRW.AddrField.V sta XRW.D2VolNum-1,y lda XRW.AddrField.T sta XRW.D2Trk-1,y and exit with A = Trk clc normal read ok rts .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- .DO XRWDBG=1 XRW.DEBUG phx ldx #26 lda XRW.AddrField.V jsr XRW.DEBUG.PRINT lda XRW.AddrField.T jsr XRW.DEBUG.PRINT lda XRW.AddrField.S jsr XRW.DEBUG.PRINT inx lda XRW.ReqTrack jsr XRW.DEBUG.PRINT plx rts XRW.DEBUG2 phx ldx #36 bra XRW.DEBUG31 XRW.DEBUG3 phx ldx #38 XRW.DEBUG31 jsr XRW.DEBUG.PRINT plx rts XRW.DEBUG.PRINT pha lsr lsr lsr lsr jsr .7 pla and #$0F .7 ora #$B0 cmp #"9"+1 bcc .8 adc #6 .8 sta $700,x inx rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- .LIST ON XRW.FREE .EQ $D540-* .LIST OFF .BS $D540-* *-------------------------------------- * nibl buffer 'nbuf2' must fit in a page *-------------------------------------- nbuf2 .BS $56 nibl buffer for read/write of low 2-bits of each byte. *-------------------------------------- * 7-bit to 6-bit 'deniblize' table (16-sector format) * * valid codes are $96 to $FF only. codes with more than one pair of * adjacent zeroes or with no adjacent ones (except bit 7) are excluded. * * nibbles in the ranges of $A0-$A3, $C0-$C7, $E0-$E3 are used for * other tables since no valid nibbles are in these ranges. * aligned to page boundary + $96 *-------------------------------------- XRW.Nib2FC .HS 0004 * .HS FFFF XRW.UnitIndex .HS 00 XRW.LastUnitUsed .HS 00 .HS 080C * .HS FF XRW.RecalibrateCnt .HS 00 .HS 101418 XRW.XX000000 .HS 008040C0 used in fast prenib as lookup for 2-bit quantities. * .HS FFFF XRW.montimel .HS 00 XRW.montimeh .HS 00 .HS 1C20 .HS FFFFFF .HS 24282C3034 * .HS FFFF XRW.ReqTrack .HS 00 XRW.ReqSector .HS 00 .HS 383C4044484C * .HS FF XRW.BadSeek .HS 00 .HS 5054585C606468 XRW.00XX0000 .HS 00201030 used in fast prenib. XRW.EndDataMark .HS DEAAEB table using 'unused' nibbles ($C4,$C5,$C6,$C7) * .HS FFFFFFFF XRW.AddrField.C .HS 00 AddrField Checksum XRW.AddrField.S .HS 00 AddrField Sector XRW.AddrField.T .HS 00 AddrField Track XRW.AddrField.V .HS 00 AddrField Volume .HS 6C .HS FF *ibstat .HS 00 .HS 707478 .HS FFFFFF .HS 7C * .HS FFFF XRW.Temp4x4 .HS 00 XRW.CheckSum .HS 00 used for address header cksum .HS 8084 * .HS FF XRW.RetryCnt .HS 00 .HS 888C9094989CA0 XRW.0000XX00 .HS 0008040C used in fast prenib. * .HS FF XRW.CurrentQTrack .HS 00 .HS A4A8AC * .HS FF XRW.TargetQTrack .HS 00 .HS B0B4B8BCC0C4C8 .HS FFFF .HS CCD0D4D8DCE0 .HS FF .HS E4E8ECF0F4F8FC *-------------------------------------- * 6-bit to 2-bit conversion tables: * * origin = $D600 (page boundary) * * dnibl2 abcdef-->0000FE * dnibl3 abcdef-->0000DC * dnibl4 abcdef-->0000BA * page align the following tables: *-------------------------------------- * FC-bits to nibble conversion table (256 bytes) * * codes with more than one pair of adjacent zeroes * or with no adjacent ones (except B7) are excluded. *-------------------------------------- dnibl2 .HS 00 dnibl3 .HS 00 dnibl4 .HS 00 XRW.FC2Nib .HS 96 .HS 02000097 .HS 0100009A .HS 0300009B .HS 0002009D .HS 0202009E .HS 0102009F .HS 030200A6 .HS 000100A7 .HS 020100AB .HS 010100AC .HS 030100AD .HS 000300AE .HS 020300AF .HS 010300B2 .HS 030300B3 .HS 000002B4 .HS 020002B5 .HS 010002B6 .HS 030002B7 .HS 000202B9 .HS 020202BA .HS 010202BB .HS 030202BC .HS 000102BD .HS 020102BE .HS 010102BF .HS 030102CB .HS 000302CD .HS 020302CE .HS 010302CF .HS 030302D3 .HS 000001D6 .HS 020001D7 .HS 010001D9 .HS 030001DA .HS 000201DB .HS 020201DC .HS 010201DD .HS 030201DE .HS 000101DF .HS 020101E5 .HS 010101E6 .HS 030101E7 .HS 000301E9 .HS 020301EA .HS 010301EB .HS 030301EC .HS 000003ED .HS 020003EE .HS 010003EF .HS 030003F2 .HS 000203F3 .HS 020203F4 .HS 010203F5 .HS 030203F6 .HS 000103F7 .HS 020103F9 .HS 010103FA .HS 030103FB .HS 000303FC .HS 020303FD .HS 010303FE .HS 030303FF *-------------------------------------- XRW.LEN .EQ *-XRW.START MAN SAVE usr/src/prodos.fx/prodos.s.xrw LOAD usr/src/prodos.fx/prodos.s ASM