| Esc Sequence | Description | DEC Code | A2osX TERM | |--------------|-------------|----------|------------| |Esc[20h |Set new line mode|LMN|OK| |Esc[?1h |Set cursor key to application|DECCKM|| |Esc[?3h |Set number of columns to 132|DECCOLM|| |Esc[?4h |Set smooth scrolling|DECSCLM|| |Esc[?5h |Set reverse video on screen|DECSCNM|OK| |Esc[?6h |Set origin to relative|DECOM|| |Esc[?7h |Set auto-wrap mode|DECAWM|OK| |Esc[?8h |Set auto-repeat mode|DECARM|| |Esc[?9h |Set interlacing mode|DECINLM|| |Esc[20l |Set line feed mode|LMN|OK| |Esc[?1l |Set cursor key to cursor|DECCKM|| |Esc[?2l |Set VT52 (versus ANSI) DECANM|| |Esc[?3l |Set number of columns to 80|DECCOLM |Esc[?4l |Set jump scrolling| DECSCLM |Esc[?5l |Set normal video on screen| DECSCNM |OK| |Esc[?6l |Set origin to absolute| DECOM |Esc[?7l |Reset auto-wrap mode| DECAWM |OK| |Esc[?8l |Reset auto-repeat mode| DECARM |Esc[?9l |Reset interlacing mode| DECINLM || |Esc= |Set alternate keypad mode| DECKPAM || |Esc> |Set numeric keypad mode| DECKPNM || |Esc(A |Set United Kingdom G0 character set| setukg0 |OK| |Esc)A |Set United Kingdom G1 character set| setukg1 |OK| |Esc(B |Set United States G0 character set| setusg0 |OK| |Esc)B |Set United States G1 character set| setusg1 |OK| |Esc(0 |Set G0 special chars. & line set| setspecg0 |OK| |Esc)0 |Set G1 special chars. & line set| setspecg1 |OK| |Esc(1 |Set G0 alternate character ROM| setaltg0 |OK| |Esc)1 |Set G1 alternate character ROM| setaltg1 |OK| |Esc(2 |Set G0 alt char ROM and spec. graphics| setaltspecg0 |OK| |Esc)2 |Set G1 alt char ROM and spec. graphics| setaltspecg1 |OK| |EscN |Set single shift 2| SS2 |EscO |Set single shift 3| SS3 |Esc[m |Turn off character attributes| SGR0 |OK| |Esc[0m |Turn off character attributes| SGR0 |OK| |Esc[1m |Turn bold mode on| SGR1 |Esc[2m |Turn low intensity mode on| SGR2 |Esc[4m |Turn underline mode on| SGR4 |Esc[5m |Turn blinking mode on| SGR5 |Esc[7m |Turn reverse video on| SGR7 |OK| |Esc[8m |Turn invisible text mode on| SGR8 || |Esc[Line;Liner |Set top and bottom lines of a window| DECSTBM |OK| |Esc[ValueA |Move cursor up n lines| CUU || |Esc[ValueB |Move cursor down n lines| CUD || |Esc[ValueC |Move cursor right n lines| CUF|| |Esc[ValueD |Move cursor left n lines| CUB || |Esc[H |Move cursor to upper left corner| cursorhome|| |Esc[;H |Move cursor to upper left corner| cursorhome|| |Esc[Line;ColumnH |Move cursor to screen location v,h| CUP |OK| |Esc[f |Move cursor to upper left corner| hvhome || |Esc[;f |Move cursor to upper left corner| hvhome || |Esc[Line;Columnf |Move cursor to screen location v,h| CUP|| |EscD |Move/scroll window up one line| IND || |EscM |Move/scroll window down one line| RI || |EscE |Move to next line| NEL || |Esc7 |Save cursor position and attributes| DECSC || |Esc8 |Restore cursor position and attributes| DECSC || |EscH |Set a tab at the current column| HTS || |Esc[g |Clear a tab at the current column| TBC|| |Esc[0g |Clear a tab at the current column| TBC|| |Esc[3g |Clear all tabs| TBC|| |Esc#3 |Double-height letters, top half| DECDHL || |Esc#4 |Double-height letters, bottom half| DECDHL|| |Esc#5 |Single width, single height letters| DECSWL|| |Esc#6 |Double width, single height letters| DECDWL|| |Esc[K |Clear line from cursor right| EL0 |OK| |Esc[0K |Clear line from cursor right| EL0 |OK| |Esc[1K |Clear line from cursor left | EL1 |OK| |Esc[2K |Clear entire line| EL2 |OK| |Esc[J |Clear screen from cursor down| ED0 |OK| |Esc[0J |Clear screen from cursor down | ED0 |OK| |Esc[1J |Clear screen from cursor up | ED1 |OK| |Esc[2J |Clear entire screen | ED2 |OK| |Esc5n |Device status report | DSR || |Esc0n |Response: terminal is OK | DSR|| |Esc3n |Response: terminal is not OK | DSR|| |Esc6n |Get cursor position | DSR |OK| |EscLine;ColumnR |Response: cursor is at v,h | CPR |OK| |Esc[c |Identify what terminal type | DA || |Esc[0c |Identify what terminal type (another)| DA|| |Esc[?1;Value0c |Response: terminal type code n | DA || |Escc |Reset terminal to initial state| RIS |OK|