PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF */-------------------------------------- * #SScanF * Scan a PStr (in progress) * ##In: * PUSHW PTR to target buffer * PUSHW PSTR pattern (ex: "%d.%d.%d.%d") * %d : byte * PUSHW PSTR to scan (ex: "") * ##Out: *\-------------------------------------- K.SScanF jsr PullPtr1Ptr2Ptr3 ldy #0 Y = PTR in pattern lda (ZPPtr1) beq .9 tax X = COUNT to scan inc ZPPtr1 bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 .1 txa End Of String? beq .8 tya cmp (ZPPtr2) End of pattern? beq .8 iny lda (ZPPtr2),y cmp #'%' Escape? beq .2 cmp (ZPPtr1) Same char? bne .9 jsr K.SScanF.IncPtr1 bne .1 clc rts .2 tya cmp (ZPPtr2) unexpected End of pattern after "%" ? beq .9 iny lda (ZPPtr2),y cmp #'d' BYTE ? bne .3 stz ASCBUF .20 lda (ZPPtr1) jsr K.SScanF.IsDigit bcs .21 phx inc ASCBUF ldx ASCBUF sta ASCBUF,x plx jsr K.SScanF.IncPtr1 bne .20 end of string ? .21 jsr DEC2HEX lda HEXBUF sta (ZPPtr3) inc ZPPtr3 bne .1 inc ZPPtr3+1 bra .1 .3 cmp #'D' WORD ? bne .4 bra .1 .4 cmp #'s' STRING ? bne .9 bra .1 .8 clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- K.SScanF.IncPtr1 dex beq .1 inc ZPPtr1 bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 never Zero .1 rts *-------------------------------------- K.SScanF.IsDigit cmp #'0' bcc .1 cmp #'9'+1 bcs .1 rts .1 sec rts */-------------------------------------- * #PPrintFYA/CPrintFYA * Prints Pascal/C-Style String * ##In: * Y,A = PTR to PStr/CStr * %a : pull 2 bytes to Print Access right String 'drwxrwxrwx' * %b : pull 1 byte to Print BIN * %B : pull 2 bytes to Print BIN * %d : pull 1 byte unsigned DEC 0..255 * %D : pull 2 bytes unsigned DEC 0..65535 * %u : pull 2 bytes PTR to 4 bytes long unsigned DEC 0..4294967295 * %e : pull 2 bytes PTR to 6 Bytes Real +1.23456789e+12 * %f : pull 2 bytes PTR to 6 Bytes Real 3.1415 * %h : pull 1 byte to Print HEX * %H : pull 2 bytes to Print HEX * %i : pull 1 byte to Print signed DEC -128..127 * %I : pull 2 bytes to Print signed DEC -32768..32767 * %L : pull 2 bytes PTR to 4 bytes signed DEC -2147483648..2147483647 * %n : pull 1 byte to Print low Nibble HEX * %N : pull 1 byte to Print high Nibble HEX * %s : pull 2 bytes ptr to C-Style String * %S : pull 2 bytes ptr to P-Style String * \b : Print 'BS' (08) * \e : Print 'ESC' ($1B,27) * \f : Print 'FF' ($0C,12) * \n : Print 'CR' ($0D,13) * \\\\ : Print \ * \% : Print % * Modifiers for len and padding : * %d : '9' '12' * %2d : ' 9' '12' * %02d : '09' '12' * %11s : 'ABCDEFGH ' * %011s : 'ABCDEFGH000' * %2f : '3.14' * ##Out: * CC : success * CS : I/O error from COut *\-------------------------------------- K.PPrintFYA ldx #$01 PSTR .HS 2C bit abs K.CPrintFYA ldx #$00 CSTR >STYA ZPPtr1 stx CIO.GetCharAtPtr1Y+1 ldy #0 .1 jsr CIO.GetCharAtPtr1Y beq .99 cmp #'%' bne .10 stz PADLEN lda #' ' sta PADCHAR .2 ldx #PrintFTBL1.END-PrintFTBL1-1 jsr CIO.GetCharAtPtr1Y beq .99 .3 cmp PrintFTBL1,x do we have a %x command? beq .8 yes, jmp to it! dex bpl .3 no valid letter... cmp #'0' ...a 0...mmm... padding char? bne .4 ldx PADLEN PADLEN is not nul, so this 0 is second digit bne .5 lda #'0' sta PADCHAR no, this is the first 0, so make it PADCHAR bra .2 .4 bcc .99 less than '0'....error cmp #'9'+1 bcs .99 more than '9' ....error .5 and #$0F we have a digit pha save it... lda PADLEN starts PADLEN * 10 asl asl A=times 4 adc PADLEN CC by ASL, A=times 5 asl times 10 sta PADLEN pla get back digit adc PADLEN sta PADLEN bra .2 go get next char... .8 phy txa asl tax jsr PrintFESC ply bcc .1 rts .10 cmp #'\' bne .20 ldx #PrintFTBL2.END-PrintFTBL2-1 jsr CIO.GetCharAtPtr1Y beq .99 .12 cmp PrintFTBL2,x beq .13 dex bpl .12 bra .1 .13 lda PrintFTBL2.OUT,x .20 jsr K.PutCA bcc .1 .99 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintFESC jmp (PrintFJMP,x) *-------------------------------------- PrintFTBL1 .AS "abBdDuefhHiILnNsS" PrintFTBL1.END PrintFTBL2 .AS "befn\%" PrintFTBL2.END PrintFTBL2.OUT .HS 08.1B.0C.0D \b\e\f\n .DA #'\' \\ .DA #'%' \% PrintFJMP .DA PrintF.A .DA PrintF.B,PrintF.BB .DA PrintF.D,PrintF.DD,PrintF.U .DA PrintF.E,PrintF.F .DA PrintF.H,PrintF.HH .DA PrintF.I,PrintF.II,PrintF.L .DA PrintF.N,PrintF.NN .DA PrintF.S,PrintF.SS *-------------------------------------- PrintF.A >PULLW HEXBUF lda HEXBUF+1 lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda TYPES,x jsr K.PutCA bcs .9 ldx #0 .1 lda #'-' lsr HEXBUF bcc .2 lda ACCESS,x .2 jsr K.PutCA bcs .9 inx cpx #8 bne .1 .3 lda #'-' lsr HEXBUF+1 bcc .4 lda ACCESS,x .4 jmp K.PutCA .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.BB >PULLA pha jsr PrintF.B pla bcc PrintF.B.1 PrintF.BB.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.B >PULLA PrintF.B.1 ldx #8 .1 asl pha lda #'0' adc #0 add Carry jsr K.PutCA pla bcs PrintF.BB.RTS dex bne .1 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.D >PULLB HEXBUF stz HEXBUF+1 bra PrintF.DD.1 PrintF.DD >PULLW HEXBUF PrintF.DD.1 stz HEXBUF+2 stz HEXBUF+3 bra PrintF.U.1 PrintF.U >PULLW ZPPtr2 ldy #3 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y sta HEXBUF,y dey bpl .1 PrintF.U.1 stz SIGN jsr HEX2DEC jmp PrintDEC *-------------------------------------- PrintF.E >PULLW ZPPtr2 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.F >PULLW ZPPtr2 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.HH >PULLA pha jsr PrintF.H pla bra PrintF.H.1 *-------------------------------------- PrintF.H >PULLA PrintF.H.1 pha jsr PrintF.NN.1 pla jmp PrintF.N.1 *-------------------------------------- PrintF.I >PULLB HEXBUF eor #$ff if positive, it becomes neg so branch if....minus! clc bmi .1 sec inc 2s complement... sta HEXBUF .1 stz HEXBUF+1 bra PrintF.II.1 PrintF.II >PULLW HEXBUF A=HI eor #$ff clc bmi PrintF.II.1 sec tax lda HEXBUF eor #$ff inc 2s complement... sta HEXBUF bne .1 inx .1 sta HEXBUF stx HEXBUF+1 PrintF.II.1 stz HEXBUF+2 stz HEXBUF+3 bra PrintF.L.1 PrintF.L >PULLW ZPPtr2 ldy #3 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y sta HEXBUF,y dey bpl .1 PrintF.L.1 ror SIGN jsr HEX2DEC *-------------------------------------- PRINTDEC lda PADLEN any Len format ? beq .1 no lda #10 sec yes, Print only digits starting at pos 10-padlen sbc PADLEN .1 tax x=0 if no padlen, or x=10-padlen .2 lda ASCBUF,x cmp #'0' a zero? beq .3 inc PADLEN found a non zero, Print all digits, even if 0, next time ldy #'0' sty PADCHAR bra .4 .3 cpx #9 last digit ? beq .4 Print always ldy PADLEN no pad to fill, do not Print 0 beq .6 lda PADCHAR fill with PADCHAR .4 bit SIGN a sign to print before digits ? bpl .5 pha yes, save whatever we have to print.... lda #'-' jsr K.PutCA stz SIGN reset flag for next char... pla .5 jsr K.PutCA bcs .9 .6 inx cpx #10 bne .2 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.N >PULLA PrintF.N.1 and #$0F bra PrintF.NN.2 PrintF.NN >PULLA PrintF.NN.1 lsr lsr lsr lsr PrintF.NN.2 ora #$30 cmp #$3A bcc .1 adc #6 .1 jmp K.PutCA *-------------------------------------- PrintF.S ldy #$ff CSTR .HS 2C bit abs PrintF.SS ldy #$00 PSTR >PULLW ZPPtr2 lda (ZPPtr2) if CSTR:last char=0, if PSTR:len=0 beq .8 sty .1+1 .1 lda #$ff Self Modified bne .11 CSTR tya PSTR cmp (ZPPtr2) len check beq .2 .11 iny lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .2 jsr K.PutCA bcs .9 lda PADLEN beq .1 cpy PADLEN bne .1 rts .2 lda PADLEN beq .8 .3 lda PADCHAR jsr K.PutCA bcs .9 iny cpy PADLEN bne .3 .8 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CIO.GetCharAtPtr1Y lda #$ff Self Modified PSTR/CSTR bne .1 lda (ZPPtr1),y CSTR beq .9 iny advance to next char... bne .9 inc ZPPtr1+1 Allow >256 CStrings rts .1 tya PSTR cmp (ZPPtr1) beq .9 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y NZ .9 clc no error, but end of string rts *-------------------------------------- TYPES .AS "-dbclssp" ACCESS .AS "rwxrwxrwx" SIGN .BS 1 PADLEN .BS 1 PADCHAR .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.CIO LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM