NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- XDOS.Destroy jsr findfile look for file to be destroyed. bcs L4B66 if error. jsr tstopen is it open ? lda totent bne L4B64 error if open. stz reql force proper free count in volume. stz reqh (no disk access occurs if already jsr tstfrblk proper) bcc L4B39 no errors. cmp #MLI.E.VOLFULL was error a full disk ? bne L4B66 no, report error. L4B39 lda d_attr make sure ok to destroy file. and #$80 bne L4B45 branch if ok to destroy. lda #MLI.E.LOCKED access error jsr GP.P8errv L4B45 lda devnum last device used. jsr twrprot1 test for write protected hardware bcs L4B66 before going thru deallocation. lda d_frst 'detree' needs first block address sta firstbl lda d_frst+1 sta firstbh lda d_stor find out which storage type. and #$F0 strip off name length. cmp #$40 is it a seed, sapling or tree ? bcc L4B68 branch if it is. bra L4BCF otherwise, test for directory destroy. L4B64 lda #MLI.E.OPEN file busy error. L4B66 sec can't be destroyed rts L4B68 sta stortyp destroy a tree file. save storage type. ldx #$05 lda #$00 set 'detree' input variables, must be L4B6F sta stortyp,x in order: deblock, dtree, dsap, dseed. dex bne L4B6F loop until all zero'd. lda #$02 this avoids an extra file i/o and pre- sta dseed+1 vents destruction of any deleted data. inc delflag don't allow detree to zero index blocks. jsr detree make trees and saplings into seeds. dec delflag reset flag. bcs L4B93 (de-evolution) L4B85 ldx firstbh lda firstbl now deallocate seed. jsr dealloc bcs L4B93 jsr upbmap L4B93 pha save possible error code. lda #$00 update directory to free entry space. sta d_stor cmp h_fcnt file entry wrap ? bne L4BA1 branch if no carry adjustment. dec h_fcnt+1 take carry from hi byte of file entries. L4BA1 dec h_fcnt mark header with one less file. jsr dvcbrev go update block count in vcb (ignore jsr drevise error, if any) and update dir last. tax save possible new error code, pla restore possible old error code. bcc L4BAF branch if last call succeeded. txa last call failed, use it's error code. L4BAF cmp #$01 adjust carry accordingly rts dvcbrev ldy vcbptr update block free count in vcb. point to vcb of correct device. lda deblock get # of blocks recently freed. adc vcbbuf+20,y sta vcbbuf+20,y update current free block count. lda deblock+1 adc vcbbuf+21,y sta vcbbuf+21,y lda #$00 force re-scan from 1st bitmap sta vcbbuf+28,y rts L4BCD bcc L4B85 branch widened (always taken) L4BCF cmp #$D0 is this a directory file ? bne L4C1B no, file incompatible. jsr fndbmap make sure a buffer available for bitmap bcs L4C1A if error. lda d_frst read 1st block of directory into gbuf sta bloknml lda d_frst+1 sta bloknml+1 jsr rdgbuf bcs L4C1A lda gbuf+37 do any files exist in this directory ? bne L4BF1 if so, access error. lda gbuf+38 beq L4BF6 L4BF1 lda #MLI.E.LOCKED access error. jsr GP.P8errv L4BF6 sta gbuf+4 make it an invalid subdirectory jsr wrtgbuf bcs L4C1A L4BFE lda gbuf+2 get forward link. cmp #$01 test for null block into carry. ldx gbuf+3 get the rest of the block address. bne L4C0A branch if not null. bcc L4BCD was the low part null as well ? L4C0A jsr dealloc free this block. bcs L4C1A lda gbuf+2 ldx gbuf+3 jsr rdblk bcc L4BFE loop until all freed L4C1A rts L4C1B lda #MLI.E.INCFF file incompatible jsr GP.P8errv fcbused pha mark fcb as dirty so the directory will be flushed on 'flush'. tya save regs. pha ldy fcbptr lda fcbbuf+28,y fetch current fcb dirty byte. ora #$80 mark fcb as dirty. sta fcbbuf+28,y save it back pla and restore regs. tay pla rts * 'detree' deallocates blocks from tree files. it is assumed that the device has * been pre-selected and the 'gbuf' may be used. * * on entry: * stortype = storage type in upper nibble, lower nibble is undisturbed. * firstbl & firstbh = first block of file (index or data). * deblock = 0 * dtree = ptr to 1st block with data to be deallocated at tree level. * dsap = ptr to 1st block at sapling level. * dseed = byte (0-511) position to be zeroed from (inclusive). * * on exit: * stortype = modified result of storage type (if applicable). * firstbl & h = modified if storage type changed. * deblock = total number of blocks freed at all levels. * dtree, dsap, deseed unchanged. * * to trim a tree to a seed file, both dtree and dsap must be zero. * to go from tree to sapling, dtree alone must be zero. detree lda stortyp which kind of tree ? cmp #$20 is it a 'seed' ? bcc L4C46 if yes. cmp #$30 a sapling ? bcc L4C51 if yes. cmp #$40 is it at least a 'tree' ? bcc L4C59 branch if it is. lda #$0C block allocation error. jsr sysdeath P8 system death vector * seedling file type - make sure first desireable block is the only * block available in a seedling file. L4C46 lda dsap ora dtree bne L4CC2 jmp seedel0 * sapling file type - make sure first desireable block is within the range of * blocks available in a sapling file L4C51 lda dtree can't have any blocks in this range bne L4CC2 if so then done jmp sapdel0 else go deallocate L4C59 lda #$80 sta topdest for tree top start at end, work backwards. L4C5E jsr drdfrst read specified first block into gbuf. bcs L4CC2 return errors. ldy topdest get current pointer to top indexes. cpy dtree have enough sapling indexes been beq L4CC3 deallocated? yes, now deallocate blocks ldx #$07 buffer up to 8 sapling index block L4C6D lda gbuf,y addresses. fetch low block address sta dealbufl,x and save it. ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block that is allocated? beq L4C81 branch if phantom block. lda gbuf+$100,y fetch high block address sta dealbufh,x and save it. dex decrement and test for dealc buf filled. bmi L4C93 branch if 8 addresses fetched. L4C81 dey look for end of deallocation limit. cpy dtree is this the last position on tree level? bne L4C6D if not. iny lda #$00 fill rest of dealc buffer with null addresses. L4C8A sta dealbufl,x sta dealbufh,x dex bpl L4C8A L4C93 dey decrement to prepare for next time. sty topdest save index. ldx #$07 L4C99 stx dtmpx save index to dealc buf. lda dealbufl,x sta bloknml ora dealbufh,x finished ? beq L4C5E branch if done with this level. lda dealbufh,x complete address with high byte, sta bloknml+1 jsr rdgbuf read sapling level into gbuf. bcs L4CC2 return errors. jsr dealblk go free all data indexes in this block bcs L4CC2 jsr wrtgbuf write the flipped index block bcs L4CC2 ldx dtmpx restore index to dealc buff. dex are there more to free? bpl L4C99 branch if so. bmi L4C5E branch always to get up to 8 more L4CC2 rts sapling block numbers. L4CC3 ldy dtree deallocate all sapling blocks greater iny than specified block. jsr dalblk1 (master index in gbuf) bcs L4CC2 if errors. jsr wrtgbuf write updated master index back to disk. bcs L4CC2 ldy dtree figure out if tree can become sapling. beq L4CEB branch if it can. lda gbuf,y otherwise, continue with partial. sta bloknml deallocation of last sapling index. ora gbuf+$100,y is there such a sapling index block ? beq L4CC2 all done if not. lda gbuf+$100,y read in sapling level to be modified. sta bloknml+1 jsr rdgbuf read highest sapling index into gbuf. bcc L4CF5 rts L4CEB jsr shrink shrink tree to sapling bcs L4CC2 sapdel0 jsr drdfrst read specified sapling level index bcs L4CC2 into gbuf. branch if error. L4CF5 ldy dsap pointer to last of desirable indexes. iny inc to 1st undesirable. beq L4D05 branch if all are desirable. jsr dalblk1 deallocate all indexes above specified. bcs L4CC2 jsr wrtgbuf write out the index block bcs L4CC2 L4D05 ldy dsap prepare to clean up last data block. beq L4D1F branch if possibility of making a seed. L4D0A lda gbuf,y fetch low order data block address. sta bloknml ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block ? beq L4CC2 if not, then done. lda gbuf+$100,y sta bloknml+1 jsr rdgbuf go read data block into gbuf. bcc L4D2E branch if good read rts or return error. L4D1F lda dtree are both tree and sap levels zero ? bne L4D0A if not. jsr shrink reduce this sap to a seed. bcs L4D52 if error. seedel0 jsr drdfrst go read data block. bcs L4D52 if error. L4D2E ldy dseed+1 check high byte for no deletion. beq L4D39 branch if all of 2nd page to be deleted. dey if dseed > $200 then all were done. bne L4D52 branch if that is the case. ldy dseed clear only bytes >= dseed. L4D39 lda #$00 L4D3B sta gbuf+$100,y zero out unwanted data iny bne L4D3B ldy dseed+1 is that all ? bne L4D4F yes. ldy dseed L4D49 sta gbuf,y iny bne L4D49 L4D4F jmp wrtgbuf update data block to disk. L4D52 rts return error status. drdfrst lda firstbl read specified 1st block into gbuf ldx firstbh jmp rdblk go read it * beware that dealloc may bring in a new bitmap block and may destroy * locations 46 and 47 which are used to point to the current index block. shrink ldx firstbh first deallocate top index block txa pha lda firstbl pha save block address of this index block. jsr dealloc free it from the bitmap pla sta bloknml set master of sapling pla index block address. sta bloknml+1 bcs L4D8D report errors. lda gbuf get # of new 1st block from old index. sta firstbl lda gbuf+$100 sta firstbh ldy #$00 jsr swapme flip that one entry in old top index. sec now change file type, lda stortyp from tree to sapling, sbc #$10 or from sapling to seed. sta stortyp jsr wrtgbuf write the (deallocated) old top index. L4D8D rts return error status. dealblk ldy #$00 start at beginning. dalblk1 lda bloknml save disk address of gbuf's data. pha lda bloknml+1 pha L4D96 sty saptr save current index. lda gbuf,y get low address of block to deallocate. cmp #$01 test for null block into carry. ldx gbuf+$100,y get remainder of block address. bne L4DA5 branch if not null. bcc L4DB0 was the low part null too ? L4DA5 jsr dealloc free it up on volume bitmap. bcs L4DB4 return any error. ldy saptr get index to sapling level index block. jsr swapme L4DB0 iny next block address. bne L4D96 if more to deallocate or test. clc no error. L4DB4 tax save error code, if any. pla restore blocknm (16 bit) sta bloknml+1 pla sta bloknml txa restore return code rts swapme lda delflag swapping or zeroing ? bne L4DC5 skip if swapping. tax make x = 0. beq L4DCB zero the index (always taken). L4DC5 ldx gbuf+$100,y index high lda gbuf,y index low L4DCB sta gbuf+$100,y save index high txa sta gbuf,y save index low rts done. * MEMMGR memory manager * * allocate buffer in memory tables alcbuffr ldy #$04 index to user specified buffer. alcbufr1 lda (A3L),y this buffer must be on a page boundary. tax save for validation. cmp #$08 bcc L4E1E cannot be lower than video ! cmp #$BC nor greater than $BB00 bcs L4E1E since it would wipe out globals... sta datptr+1 dey lda (A3L),y low address should be zero ! sta datptr bne L4E1E error if not page boundary. inx add 4 pages for 1k buffer. inx inx inx L4DED dex test for conflicts. jsr cmembit test for free buffer space and MEMTABL,y P8 memory bitmap bne L4E1E report memory conflict, if any. cpx datptr+1 test all 4 pages. bne L4DED inx add 4 pages again for allocation. inx inx inx L4DFE dex set proper bits to 1 jsr cmembit ora MEMTABL,y to mark it's allocation. sta MEMTABL,y cpx datptr+1 set all 4 pages bne L4DFE ldy fcbptr calculate buffer number lda fcbbuf,y asl buffer number = (entnum) * 2. sta fcbbuf+11,y save it in fcb. tax use entnum * 2 as index to global lda datptr+1 buffer addr tables. get addr already sta buftbl-1,x validated as good. store hi addr clc (entnums start at 1, not 0) rts L4E1E lda #$56 buffer is in use or not legal sec rts getbufadr tax index into global buffer table. lda buftbl-2,x sta bufaddrl lda buftbl-1,x sta bufaddrh rts relbuffr jsr getbufadr preserve buffer address in 'bufaddr' tay returns high buffer address in acc. beq L4E54 branch if unallocated buffer space. stz buftbl-1,x take address out of buffer list. stz buftbl-2,x (x was set up by getbufadr) freebuf ldx bufaddrh get hi buffer address inx add 4 pages to account for 1k space. inx inx inx L4E43 dex drop to next lower page. jsr cmembit get bit and position to memtable of eor #$FF this page. invert mask. and MEMTABL,y mark address as free space. sta MEMTABL,y cpx bufaddrh all pages freed ? bne L4E43 no. L4E54 clc no error. rts *-------------------------------------- * calculate memory allocation bit position. * on entry: x = high address of buffer, low address assumed zero. * on exit: acc = allocation bit mask, x = unchanged, y = pointer to memtabl byte *-------------------------------------- cmembit txa page address and #$07 which page in any 2k set ? tay use as index to determine lda whichbit,y bit position representation. pha save bit position mask for now. txa page address. lsr lsr determine 2k set lsr tay return it in y. pla restore bit mask. return bit position rts in a & y, pointer to memtabl in x. valdbuf lda usrbuf+1 high address of user's buffer cmp #$02 must be greater than page 2. bcc L4E1E report bad buffer ldx cbytes+1 lda cbytes get cbytes-1 value. sbc #$01 (carry is set) bcs L4E76 dex L4E76 clc adc usrbuf calculate end of request address. txa do high address. adc usrbuf+1 the final address tax must be less than $BFnn (globals) cpx #$BF bcs L4E1E report bad buffer. inx loop thru all affected pages. vldbuf1 dex check next lower page. jsr cmembit and MEMTABL,y if 0 then no conflict. bne L4E1E branch if conflict. cpx usrbuf+1 was that the last (lowest) page ? bne vldbuf1 if not. clc all pages ok. rts getbuf ldy #$02 give user address of file buffer referenced by refnum. lda bufaddrl sta (A3L),y iny lda bufaddrh sta (A3L),y clc no errors possible rts setbuf ldy #$03 jsr alcbufr1 allocate new buffer address over old one bcs L4EC7 report any errors immediately lda bufaddrh sta usrbuf+1 lda bufaddrl sta usrbuf jsr freebuf free address space of old buffer ldy #$00 ldx #$03 L4EB8 lda (usrbuf),y move all 4 pages of the buffer to sta (datptr),y new location. iny bne L4EB8 inc datptr+1 inc usrbuf+1 dex bpl L4EB8 cmembit.CLCRTS clc no errors L4EC7 rts *-------------------------------------- .DO LOWERCASE=1 XDOS.LC2UCBM stz d_sosver stz d_comp lda d_stor and #$0F tay .1 lda d_stor,y cmp #'a' bcc .4 cmp #'z'+1 bcs .4 eor #$20 sta d_stor,y cpy #8 bcs .2 lda whichbit,y tsb d_sosver bra .3 .2 lda whichbit-8,y tsb d_comp .3 lda #$80 tsb d_sosver .4 dey bne .1 rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- XDOS.IsValidChar cmp #'0' bcc XDOS.IsValidFirstChar cmp #'9'+1 bcc XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.RTS XDOS.IsValidFirstChar .DO ENHFILENAME=1 cmp #'.' beq cmembit.CLCRTS cmp #'_' beq cmembit.CLCRTS .FIN cmp #'A' bcc XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.SEC cmp #'Z'+1 .DO LOWERCASE=1 bcc XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.RTS cmp #'a' bcc XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.SEC cmp #'z'+1 .FIN XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.RTS rts XDOS.IsValidFirstChar.SEC sec rts *-------------------------------------- *XDOS.ToUpper cmp #'a' * bcc .8 * cmp #'z'+1 * bcs .8 * eor #$20 *.8 rts *-------------------------------------- XDOS.ToLower cmp #'A' bcc .8 cmp #'Z'+1 bcs .8 eor #$20 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- * move 3 pages of dispatcher from 'displc2' to 'dispadr' * this move routine must be resident above $E000 at all times *-------------------------------------- calldisp lda RRAMWRAMBNK2 read/write RAM bank 2 lda RRAMWRAMBNK2 stz A1L lda #$D1 sta A1L+1 stz A2L lda #$10 sta A2L+1 ldy #$00 ldx #$03 3 pages to move. .1 lda (A1L),y sta (A2L),y iny bne .1 inc A1L+1 pointers to next page inc A2L+1 dex move all pages needed bne .1 lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 read/write RAM bank 1 lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 swap mli space back in stz mliact MLI active flag stz softev lda #$10 point RESET to dispatch entry sta softev+1 eor #$A5 sta pwredup power up byte jmp $1000 *-------------------------------------- XDOS.SPREMAP ldx #$03 assume 3 parameters. lda A4L command number sta cmdnum bne .1 taken if not status call ldy #spstatlist set up memory for the status list buffer sty buf fake up the prodos parameters ldy /spstatlist sty buf+1 stz bloknml set statcode = 0 for simple status call .1 cmp #$03 format command ? bne .2 no. ldx #$01 format has only 1 parameter. .2 stx statparms set # of parms. lda unitnum DSSS0000 lsr turn unit number into an index lsr lsr lsr tax range = 1-15 lda spunit-1,x get the smartport unit number and sta sp_unitnum store into smartport parm list. lda spvectlo-1,x sta sp_vector+1 copy smartport entry address lda spvecthi-1,x sta sp_vector+2 ldx #$04 copy buffer pointer and block # .3 lda buf-1,x from prodos parameters sta sp_bufptr-1,x to smartport parameter block dex bne .3 sp_vector jsr $0000 smartport call (entry address gets modified) cmdnum .HS 00 command # .DA statparms bcs .9 ldx cmdnum status call ? bne .9 no... ldx spstatlist+1 else get the block count ldy spstatlist+2 lda spstatlist get the returned status. bit #$10 is there a disk present ? beq .8 and #$44 mask all but write allowed and write eor #$40 protected bits. if allowed and not * clc beq .9 protected, exit with carry clear lda #MLI.E.WRTPROT else return write protected error. .HS 2C BIT ABS .8 lda #MLI.E.OFFLINE return offline error. sec .9 rts *-------------------------------------- statparms .HS 03 # of parms (always 3 except format) sp_unitnum .HS 00 unit number sp_bufptr .HS 0000 data buffer .HS 000000 block number (3 bytes) *-------------------------------------- * data tables *-------------------------------------- scnums .HS D3000000 table of valid mli command numbers. .HS 40410000808182 .HS 65C0C1C2C3C4C5C6 .HS C7C8C9CACBCCCDCE .HS CF00D0D1D2 pcntbl .HS 02FFFFFF parameter counts for the calls .HS 0201FFFF030300 .HS 04070102070A0201 .HS 0103030404010102 .HS 02FF020202 cmdtable .DA XDOS.Create .DA XDOS.Destroy .DA XDOS.Rename .DA XDOS.SetFileInfo .DA XDOS.GetFileInfo .DA XDOS.Online .DA XDOS.SetPrefix .DA XDOS.GetPrefix .DA XDOS.Open .DA newline .DA XDOS.Read .DA XDOS.Write .DA XDOS.Close .DA XDOS.Flush .DA setmark .DA getmark .DA seteof .DA geteof .DA setbuf .DA getbuf * corresponding command function bytes disptch .HS A0A1A2A3 .HS 84050607 .HS 88494A4B .HS 2C2D4E4F .HS 50515253 dinctbl .HS 0100000200 table to increment directory usage/eof counts pass .HS 75 xdosver .HS 00 compat .HS 00 .HS C3270D000000 rootstuf .HS 0F02000400000800 whichbit .HS 8040201008040201 ofcbtbl .HS 0C0D1819151617 inftabl .HS 1E101F2080939421 .HS 22232418191A1B deathmsg .AS "RESTART SYSTEM-$0" deathmsg.LEN .EQ *-deathmsg *-------------------------------------- XDOS.DATA .DUMMY * note: this area is accessed by code that depends on the order of these * variables in the file control block and temporary directory. own_blk .HS 0000 own_ent .HS 00 own_len .HS 00 h_credt .HS 0000 directory creation date .HS 0000 directory creation time .HS 00 version under which this dir created .HS 00 earliest version that it's compatible h_attr .HS 00 attributes (protect bit, etc.) h_entln .HS 00 length of each entry in this directory h_maxent .HS 00 maximum number of entries per block h_fcnt .HS 0000 current # of files in this directory h_bmap .HS 0000 address of first allocation bitmap h_tblk .HS 0000 total number of blocks on this unit d_dev .HS 00 device number of this directory entry d_head .HS 0000 address of directory header d_entblk .HS 0000 address of block which contains entry d_entnum .HS 00 entry number within block d_stor .BS 16 file name d_filid .HS 00 user's identification byte d_frst .HS 0000 first block of file d_usage .HS 0000 # of blocks allocated to this file d_eof .HS 000000 current end of file marker d_credt .HS 0000 file creation date .HS 0000 file creation time d_sosver .HS 00 sos version that created this file d_comp .HS 00 backward version compatibility d_attr .HS 00 attributes (protect, r/w, enable, etc.) d_auxid .HS 0000 user auxilliary identification d_moddt .HS 0000 file's last modification date .HS 0000 file's last modification time d_dhdr .HS 0000 file directory header block address scrtch .HS 00000000 scratch area for allocation address conversion. oldeof .HS 000000 temp used in r/w oldmark .HS 000000 xvcbptr .HS 00 used in 'cmpvcb' as a temp vcbptr .HS 00 fcbptr .HS 00 fcbflg .HS 00 reql .HS 00 reqh .HS 00 levels .HS 00 totent .HS 00 entcntl .HS 00 entcnth .HS 00 cntent .HS 00 nofree .HS 00 bmcnt .HS 00 saptr .HS 00 pathcnt .HS 00 p_dev .HS 00 p_blok .HS 0000 bmptr .HS 00 basval .HS 00 half .HS 00 * bitmap info tables bmastat .HS 00 bmadev .HS 00 bmadadr .HS 0000 bmacmap .HS 00 tposll .HS 00 tposlh .HS 00 tposhi .HS 00 rwreql .HS 00 rwreqh .HS 00 nlchar .HS 00 nlmask .HS 00 ioaccess .HS 00 has a call been made to disk device handler ? cmdtemp .HS 00 bkbitflg .HS 00 used to set or clear backup bit duplflag .HS 00 vcbentry .HS 00 * xdos temporary variables namcnt .HS 00 rnptr .HS 00 namptr .HS 00 vnptr .HS 00 prfxflg .HS 00 cferr .HS 00 * deallocation temporary variables firstbl .HS 00 firstbh .HS 00 stortyp .HS 00 deblock .HS 0000 dtree .HS 00 dsap .HS 00 dseed .HS 0000 topdest .HS 00 dtmpx .HS 00 loklst .EQ * look list of recognized device numbers dealbufl .HS 0000000000000000 dealbufh .HS 0000000000000000 cbytes .HS 0000 .HS 00 cbytes+2 must = 0 bufaddrl .HS 00 bufaddrh .HS 00 delflag .HS 00 used by 'detree' to know if called from delete (destroy). pathbuf .BS 64+2 .LIST ON XDOS.DATA.LEN0 .EQ *-XDOS.DATA .LIST OFF * variables used by mli for smartport interface spstatlist .HS 00000000 spunit .HS 00000000000000 14+1 for S0D2 .HS 00 .HS 00000000000000 spvectlo .HS 00000000000000 storage for low byte of smartport entry. .HS 00 .HS 00000000000000 spvecthi .HS 00000000000000 storage for high byte of smartport entry. .HS 00 .HS 00000000000000 .LIST ON XDOS.DATA.LEN .EQ *-XDOS.DATA .LIST OFF .ED * zero fill to page boundary - 3 ($FEFD). so that cortland flag stays within page boundary. .LIST ON XDOS.FREE .EQ $FEFD-*-XDOS.DATA.LEN (2.0.3 = $0C) .LIST OFF cortdisp .EQ $FEFD cortflag .EQ $FEFF cortland flag. 1 = Cortland system (must stay within page boundary) *-------------------------------------- XDOS.LEN .EQ *-XDOS.START MAN SAVE USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S.XDOS.F LOAD USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S ASM