PR#3 PREFIX /DATA/A2OSX NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 *-------------------------------------- * !!!!!!!! DO NOT USE VCPU16 !!!!!!!! * !!!!!! DO NOT USE ZPQuickPTRs !!!!! *-------------------------------------- ZPMemMgrReqS .EQ ZPMemMgr store requested Size ZPMemMgrReqF .EQ ZPMemMgr+2 store requested Flags ZPMemMgrSPtr .EQ ZPMemMgr+6 Pointer To Slot selected ZPMemMgrTmp1 .EQ ZPMemMgr+8 ZPMemMgrTmp2 .EQ ZPMemMgr+10 ZPMemMgrTmp3 .EQ ZPMemMgr+12 *-------------------------------------- * TODO : * - Create a 256 bytes table in SLOT #0 * (eh, mem.ID=0 always used! useful to test if hMem=0) * mapping hMem's to real memory blocks to help * Garbage collector move blocks *-------------------------------------- S.MemMgrInit stz MEMMGR.MHLIMIT stz MEMMGR.HIMEM ldx /MLI dex Reserve $BE00 For Global Page stx MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 stx MEMMGR.HIMEM+1 >LDYAI A2osX.LOMEM >STYA MEMMGR.MLLIMIT >STYA MEMMGR.LOMEM stz MEMMGR.TABLESIZE Init Table Size to 0 * jsr S.UpdateMemStats Not needed, will be called by S.GetMem >PUSHWI 256 get a 256 bytes buffer for Map Table, hMem=0 >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem create it... clc rts *-------------------------------------- * PUBLIC *-------------------------------------- S.SetLowMemLimit clc rts *-------------------------------------- S.GarbageCollector clc rts *-------------------------------------- * S.GetMem * In: * PULLB = FLAGS * PULLW = Size Requested * Out: * YA = PTR to Mem * X = S.MEM.ID * CS on err *-------------------------------------- S.GetMem >PULLB ZPMemMgrReqF store requested flags >PULLW ZPMemMgrReqS store requested size lda ZPMemMgrReqS align REQS to 16 bytes and #$0F beq .10 lda ZPMemMgrReqS and #$F0 clc adc #$10 sta ZPMemMgrReqS bcc .10 inc ZPMemMgrReqS+1 .10 ldx #0 init to SLOT #0 of MEMSLOT list lda MEMMGR.TABLESIZE Check if some free slot to reuse first beq .6 .1 txa jsr S.GetMemByIDA lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) Get Flags bmi .4 in use ? .2 lda ZPMemMgrReqF Found an empty slot and #S.MEM.F.ALIGN is request needs a page align ? beq .3 ldy #S.MEM.PTR lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y get LO of PTR bne .4 not page-aligned .3 ldy #S.MEM.LEN lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y get LEN of this block cmp ZPMemMgrReqS compare with requested size bne .4 iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y cmp ZPMemMgrReqS+1 beq .5 requested size matches slot size !!! .4 inx move to next slot cpx MEMMGR.TABLESIZE last slot ? bne .1 check for another slot beq .6 last one, create a new slot *-------------- Reuse this SLOT .5 lda ZPMemMgrReqF get requested flags ora #S.MEM.F.INUSE mark as in use sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) lda #0 ldy #S.MEM.BIN sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y inc Mark this slot used by one task ldy #S.MEM.REFCNT sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.PS.ID lda (TSKMGR.TSKPTR),y ldy #S.MEM.OWNERPID sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.MEM.PTR lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y pha iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y A = HI PTR ply Y = LO PTR clc X = Current hMem rts *-------------- Create a New SLOT .6 lda ZPMemMgrReqF and #S.MEM.F.ALIGN is request needs a page align ? beq .7 lda MEMMGR.MHLIMIT target PTR will be page aligned ? sec sbc ZPMemMgrReqS beq .7 yes, allocate tay no, reserve a free slot to fill gap lda #0 jsr S.AddSlot bcs .99 .7 >LDYA ZPMemMgrReqS jsr S.AddSlot bcs .99 phx Save hMem >STYA ZPMemMgrTmp1 lda ZPMemMgrReqF ora #S.MEM.F.INUSE sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) set Flags lda #1 ldy #S.MEM.REFCNT Mark this slot referenced sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.PS.ID lda (TSKMGR.TSKPTR),y ldy #S.MEM.OWNERPID sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y jsr S.UpdateMemStats >LDYA ZPMemMgrTmp1 Y,A = PTR plx X = hMem clc rts .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * S.FreeMemA * In: * A = hMem To Free * Out: * X,Y unmodified *-------------------------------------- S.FreeMemA and #$FF bne S.FreeMemA0 Slot=0, reserved by Kernel rts S.FreeMemA0 phy phx jsr S.GetMemByIDA lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) bmi .10 In use ? bra * .10 ldy #S.MEM.REFCNT lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y Get count of those referencing this hMem dec only one left ? sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y bne .82 no, must be a code segment loaded several times ldy #S.MEM.BIN lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y Any BINPATH to discard ? beq .11 pha save hMem >PUSHW ZPMemMgrSPtr pla jsr S.GetMemByIDA lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) bmi .12 In use ? bra * .12 lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) mark record as free and #$7F sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) >PULLW ZPMemMgrSPtr .11 lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) mark record as free and #$7F sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) .20 lda MEMMGR.TABLESIZE beq .82 .21 dec jsr S.GetMemByIDA lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) bmi .81 dec MEMMGR.TABLESIZE discard last record ldy #S.MEM.LEN lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y give back LEN bytes clc adc MEMMGR.MHLIMIT to HLIMIT sta MEMMGR.MHLIMIT iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y adc MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 sta MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 lda MEMMGR.MLLIMIT And give back S.MEM.SIZE sec sbc #S.MEM.SIZE sta MEMMGR.MLLIMIT to LLIMIT bcs .2 dec MEMMGR.MLLIMIT+1 .2 lda MEMMGR.TABLESIZE bne .21 no slot left, exit .81 jsr S.UpdateMemStats .82 plx ply clc rts *-------------------------------------- * IN/OUT * A = hMem *-------------------------------------- S.ClrMemA pha jsr S.GetMemByIDA ldy #S.MEM.LEN ZPMemMgrSPtr already set by S.GetMemByIDA lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y sta ZPMemMgrReqS set ZPMemMgrReqS to mem size iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y sta ZPMemMgrReqS+1 ldy #S.MEM.PTR lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y tax iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y stx ZPMemMgrSPtr sta ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 set ZPMemMgrSPtr to Mem lda #0 .1 ldx ZPMemMgrReqS bne .2 ldx ZPMemMgrReqS+1 beq .3 dec ZPMemMgrReqS+1 .2 dec ZPMemMgrReqS sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) inc ZPMemMgrSPtr bne .1 inc ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 bra .1 .3 pla rts *-------------------------------------- * S.GetMemByIDA * In: * A = hMem * Out: * Y,A = ZPMemMgrSPtr = PTR to S.MEM * X unmodified *-------------------------------------- S.GetMemByIDA stz ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 asl rol ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 asl rol ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 asl rol ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 clc adc MEMMGR.LOMEM sta ZPMemMgrSPtr tay lda ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 adc MEMMGR.LOMEM+1 sta ZPMemMgrSPtr+1 rts *-------------------------------------- * In: * A = hMem to BINPATH (PSTR) * Out: * Y,A = ZPMemMgrSPtr = PTR to S.MEM * X = hMem *-------------------------------------- S.GetMemByNameA jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPMemMgrTmp1 save BINPATH >LDYA MEMMGR.LOMEM >STYA ZPMemMgrTmp2 ldx #0 .1 lda (ZPMemMgrTmp2) bpl .6 In Use? ldy #S.MEM.BIN any BIN PATH in this slot? lda (ZPMemMgrTmp2),y beq .6 jsr S.GetMemPtrA get pathname >STYA ZPMemMgrTmp3 ldy #0 .2 lda (ZPMemMgrTmp1),y cmp (ZPMemMgrTmp3),y bne .6 tya iny cmp (ZPMemMgrTmp1) bne .2 >LDYA ZPMemMgrTmp2 clc rts .6 lda ZPMemMgrTmp2 clc adc #S.MEM.SIZE sta ZPMemMgrTmp2 bcc .7 inc ZPMemMgrTmp2+1 .7 inx cpx MEMMGR.TABLESIZE bne .1 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * S.GetMemPtrA * In: * A = hMem * Out: * Y,A = PTR to MemBlock * X unmodified *-------------------------------------- S.GetMemPtrA jsr S.GetMemByIDA ldy #S.MEM.PTR lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y pha iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ply rts *-------------------------------------- * S.GetMemLenA * In: * A = hMem * Out: * Y,A = PTR to MemLength * X unmodified *-------------------------------------- S.GetMemLenA jsr S.GetMemByIDA ldy #S.MEM.LEN lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y pha iny lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ply rts *-------------------------------------- * PRIVATE *-------------------------------------- * S.AddSlot * In: * Y,A = Requested size * Out: * Y,A = PTR to MemSlot * X = SLOT.ID *-------------------------------------- S.AddSlot >STYA ZPMemMgrTmp1 save req size lda MEMMGR.TABLESIZE inc beq .99 > 255 ERR:OUT OF SLOT dec jsr S.GetMemByIDA yes, get PTR to slot lda MEMMGR.MHLIMIT Compute base PTR=HLIMIT-REQ size sec sbc ZPMemMgrTmp1 sta ZPMemMgrTmp2 store new HLIMIT in ZPMemMgrTmp2 lda MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 sbc ZPMemMgrTmp1+1 sta ZPMemMgrTmp2+1 lda MEMMGR.MLLIMIT compute new LLIMIT clc adc #S.MEM.SIZE sta ZPMemMgrTmp3 store new LLIMIT in ZPMemMgrTmp3 lda MEMMGR.MLLIMIT+1 adc #0 sta ZPMemMgrTmp3+1 lda ZPMemMgrTmp2 ensure new LLIMIT is not higher sec than new HLIMIT sbc ZPMemMgrTmp3 lda ZPMemMgrTmp2+1 sbc ZPMemMgrTmp3+1 bcc .98 ERR out of mem >LDYA ZPMemMgrTmp3 get new LLIMIT >STYA MEMMGR.MLLIMIT And set it allocated lda #0 sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) ldy #S.MEM.BIN sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.MEM.REFCNT sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.MEM.OWNERPID sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.MEM.PTR lda ZPMemMgrTmp2 get new HLIMIT sta MEMMGR.MHLIMIT set as system HLIMIT value sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y store is as base address of new slot iny lda ZPMemMgrTmp2+1 sta MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldy #S.MEM.LEN lda ZPMemMgrTmp1 get requested size sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y setup slot LEN iny lda ZPMemMgrTmp1+1 sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y >LDYA ZPMemMgrTmp2 Y,A = PTR ldx MEMMGR.TABLESIZE X = SLOT.ID inc MEMMGR.TABLESIZE mark this slot allocated clc rts .98 lda #MEMMGR.ERROOM sec rts .99 lda #MEMMGR.ERROOS sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.UpdateMemStats lda MEMMGR.MHLIMIT sec sbc MEMMGR.MLLIMIT sta MEMMGR.MFREE lda MEMMGR.MHLIMIT+1 sbc MEMMGR.MLLIMIT+1 sta MEMMGR.MFREE+1 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.MEM LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM