PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD LOMEM $A00 INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * FRM.New * In: * Y,A = DataLen * X = * Out: * Y,A = Frame PTR * X = hMem *-------------------------------------- FRM.NewIP stx .8+1 >STYA ZPDataOutLen cpx #S.IP.PROTOCOL.TCP bne .1 lda #S.TCP-2 bra .4 .1 cpx #S.IP.PROTOCOL.UDP bne .2 lda #S.UDP-2 bra .4 .2 lda #S.IP-2 bra .4 .4 sta .5+1 save Header len for reset later clc adc ZPDataOutLen sta ZPFrameOutLen pha lda #0 adc ZPDataOutLen+1 sta ZPFrameOutLen+1 tax pla adc #2 tay txa adc #0 >PUSHYA >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .9 stx hFrameOut >STYA ZPFrameOutPtr lda ZPFrameOutLen sta (ZPFrameOutPtr) ldy #1 lda ZPFrameOutLen+1 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y iny .5 ldx #$ff Self Modified, header length lda #0 .6 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y iny dex bne .6 tya * clc adc ZPFrameOutPtr sta ZPDataOutPtr lda #0 adc ZPFrameOutPtr+1 sta ZPDataOutPtr+1 lda DevFlags and #S.DEVSTAT.NET.FLAGS.IPOFFLOAD bne .7 ldy #S.ETH.ETHERTYPE lda /S.ETH.ETHERTYPE.IP sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y iny lda #S.ETH.ETHERTYPE.IP sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y ldy #S.IP.V.IHL.DSCP.ECN lda #$45 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y * iny * lda #$0 * sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y * ldy #S.IP.FRAGMENT.FLAGS * sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y * iny * sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y ldy #S.IP.IDENTIFICATION+1 lda IP.ID ldx IP.ID+1 inc bne .61 inx stx IP.ID+1 .61 sta IP.ID sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y dey txa sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y ldy #S.IP.TTL lda #K.IP.TTL sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y .7 ldy #S.IP.PROTOCOL .8 lda #$ff sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y .9 rts *-------------------------------------- FRM.SendIP ldx #3 Copy SRC.IP even if IP offload ldy #S.IP.SRC+3 for proper UDP/TCP CRC calculation .1 lda IPCFG+S.IPCFG.IP,x sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y dey dex bpl .1 lda DevFlags and #S.DEVSTAT.NET.FLAGS.IPOFFLOAD bne .21 ldy #S.IP.TOTAL.LENGTH+1 lda ZPFrameOutLen sec sbc #S.ETH-2 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y dey lda ZPFrameOutLen+1 sbc /S.ETH-2 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y lda #0 ldy #S.IP.HDR.CHECKSUM sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y iny sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y stz IP.CHECKSUM RESET.IP.CHECKSUM stz IP.CHECKSUM+1 clc ldy #S.IP.V.IHL.DSCP.ECN ldx #10 10 words for IP Header .2 lda (ZPFrameOutPtr),y adc IP.CHECKSUM sta IP.CHECKSUM iny lda (ZPFrameOutPtr),y adc IP.CHECKSUM+1 sta IP.CHECKSUM+1 iny dex bne .2 ldy #S.IP.HDR.CHECKSUM lda IP.CHECKSUM adc #0 eor #$FF sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y iny lda IP.CHECKSUM+1 adc #0 eor #$FF sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y .21 ldy #S.IP.PROTOCOL lda (ZPFrameOutPtr),y cmp #S.IP.PROTOCOL.TCP bne .3 jsr TCP.ComputeChecksum bra .5 .3 cmp #S.IP.PROTOCOL.UDP bne .4 lda ZPFrameOutLen sec sbc #S.IP-2 ldy #S.UDP.LENGTH+1 sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y lda ZPFrameOutLen+1 sbc /S.IP-2 dey sta (ZPFrameOutPtr),y jsr UDP.ComputeChecksum bra .5 .4 cmp #S.IP.PROTOCOL.ICMP bne .5 jsr ICMP.ComputeChecksum .5 lda DevFlags and #S.DEVSTAT.NET.FLAGS.ARPOFFLOAD bne .6 jsr IP.SetDestMAC bcs FRM.Queue .6 >LDYA ZPFrameOutPtr ldx #DEVMGR.WRITEBLOCK jsr NetDevJmp bcs FRM.Queue lda hFrameOut beq .9 >SYSCALL FreeMemA clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- FRM.Queue ldy hFrameOut no hFrame, cannot queue for retry beq .9 ldx FRM.QUEUE.Head inx cpx #K.FRMQUEUE.SIZE bne .1 ldx #0 .1 cpx FRM.QUEUE.Tail beq .9 ldy FRM.QUEUE.Head stx FRM.QUEUE.Head sta FRM.QUEUE.State,y lda #K.FRMSEND.RETRY sta FRM.QUEUE.Retry,y lda hFrameOut sta FRM.QUEUE.hMem,y clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- FRM.Retry ldx FRM.QUEUE.Tail .10 cpx FRM.QUEUE.Head beq .8 Queue is empty, exit.... lda FRM.QUEUE.hMem,x >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPFrameOutPtr ldx FRM.QUEUE.Tail lda FRM.QUEUE.State,x cmp #ERR.DEV+1 Device error ? bcc .1 yes, retry sending... jsr IP.SetDestMAC Err is ARP or higher, retry getting MAC bcs .2 still error getting dest MAC .1 >LDYA ZPFrameOutPtr try sending again to DRV ldx #DEVMGR.WRITEBLOCK jsr NetDevJmp bcc .3 .2 ldx FRM.QUEUE.Tail save error... sta FRM.QUEUE.State,x dec FRM.QUEUE.Retry,x bne .8 exit....until next run! .3 ldx FRM.QUEUE.Tail Success,or max retry, discard entry lda FRM.QUEUE.hMem,x >SYSCALL FreeMemA .4 ldx FRM.QUEUE.Tail inx cpx #K.FRMQUEUE.SIZE bne .5 ldx #0 .5 stx FRM.QUEUE.Tail bra .10 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE LIB/LIBTCPIP.S.FRM LOAD LIB/LIBTCPIP.S ASM