PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD LOMEM $A00 INC 1 AUTO 6 */-------------------------------------- * # ExecProcessNewEnv.YA * # ExecProcess.YA (Blocking Parent PID) * # CreateProcessNewEnv.YA * # CreateProcess.YA (Non Blocking) * ## In: * Y,A = PTR To Cmd Line * ## Out: * A = Child PSID *\-------------------------------------- K.ExecProcessNewEnv.YA ldx #S.PS.F.ENV+S.PS.F.HOLD .HS 2C bit abs K.ExecProcess.YA ldx #S.PS.F.HOLD .HS 2C bit abs K.CreateProcessNewEnv.YA ldx #S.PS.F.ENV .HS 2C bit abs K.CreateProcess.YA ldx #0 stx K.CreateProcess.Flags >STYA K.CreateProcess.CmdLine jsr PS.CreateChild bcs .9 sta .8+1 >DEBUG jsr PS.Init bcc .8 pha save error code lda .8+1 jsr PS.Free.A pla get back error code sec rts .8 lda #$ff self modified .9 rts *-------------------------------------- K.CreateProcess.Flags .BS 1 K.CreateProcess.CmdLine .BS 2 */-------------------------------------- * # GetPSByID.A * ## In : * A = PID * ## Out : * Y,A = PTR to TSKSLOT *\-------------------------------------- K.GetPSByID.A pha >LDYAI TskMgr.Table >STYA ZPPtr1 pla beq .8 sta .20+1 ldx #0 .1 inx lda ZPPtr1 clc adc #S.PS sta ZPPtr1 bcc .2 inc ZPPtr1+1 .2 lda (ZPPtr1) bpl .3 ldy #S.PS.PID lda (ZPPtr1),y .20 cmp #$ff Self Modified beq .8 .3 cpx TskMgr.Count bne .1 .9 lda #TSKMGR.ERRNSP sec rts .8 >LDYA ZPPtr1 clc rts */-------------------------------------- * # Sleep * Make current process suspend until next RUN * ## In : * (none) * ## Out : * (none) *\-------------------------------------- K.Sleep pla get PC LO sec sbc pCode ldy #S.PS.PC sta (pPs),y pla get PC HI sbc pCode+1 iny sta (pPs),y lda (pPs) ora #S.PS.F.SLEEP sta (pPs) clc No error, rts back to Kernel *-------------------------------------- * PS.CreateChild * in : * out : * A = PSID * we cannot use ZPPtrs1 & 2 * because of calling K.NewPStrYA & S.DupEnvA *-------------------------------------- PS.CreateChild >LDYAI TskMgr.Table+S.PS >STYA ZPPtr3 ldx #0 .1 inx cpx TskMgr.Count beq .2 lda (ZPPtr3) Found an empty slot bpl .3 lda ZPPtr3 clc adc #S.PS sta ZPPtr3 bcc .1 inc ZPPtr3+1 bra .1 .2 cpx #K.PS.MAX bne .3 lda #TSKMGR.ERROOH sec rts .3 inc TskMgr.Count .4 inc TSKMGR.LASTID Get a PSID not alredy running beq .4 not = 0 lda TSKMGR.LASTID jsr K.GetPSByID.A bcc .4 ldy #S.PS.PID lda TSKMGR.LASTID sta (ZPPtr3),y lda #0 ldy #S.PS.hCS .5 sta (ZPPtr3),y Blank Everything in this S.PS iny cpy #S.PS bne .5 lda #S.PS.F.ENV bit K.CreateProcess.Flags need to create ENV & Prefix ? beq .6 no... sta (ZPPtr3) Mark this PS with ENV flag ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX copy hPREFIX... lda (pPs),y jsr K.GetMemPtr.A jsr K.NewPStr.YA bcs .9 txa ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX sta (ZPPtr3),y ldy #S.PS.hENV ...and hENV from parent PS lda (pPs),y jsr PS.DupEnv.A bcs .9 ldy #S.PS.hENV sta (ZPPtr3),y bra .8 .6 ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX reuse same hPREFIX... lda (pPs),y sta (ZPPtr3),y ldy #S.PS.hENV ...and hENV from parent PS lda (pPs),y sta (ZPPtr3),y .8 ldy #S.PS.hStdIn .81 lda (pPs),y sta (ZPPtr3),y iny cpy #S.PS.hStdErr+1 bne .81 ldy #S.PS.PID lda (pPs),y ldy #S.PS.PPID sta (ZPPtr3),y lda #S.PS.F.HOLD bit K.CreateProcess.Flags beq .82 ora (pPs) sta (pPs) HOLD parent PS if ExecProcess .82 lda #S.PS.F.INUSE+S.PS.F.INIT ora (ZPPtr3) sta (ZPPtr3) Make this PS Init.... ldy #S.PS.CPID lda TSKMGR.LASTID sta (pPs),y clc Exit with A=PSID .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PS.Init >LDYA K.CreateProcess.CmdLine jsr PS.CmdLine2Args.YA bcs .9 phy save PTR to Args[0]... pha txa ldy #S.PS.hCMDLINE sta (ZPPtr3),y pla Restore PTR... ply jsr BIN.Load.YA Y,A=filename full path bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr4 save PTR to Code Segment txa ldy #S.PS.hCS sta (ZPPtr3),y save CS hMem in TSKSLOT ldy #H.BIN.EXE.DS.SIZE+1 lda (ZPPtr4),y Load DS.SIZE HI tax dey ora (ZPPtr4),y beq .2 DS.SIZE=0... lda (ZPPtr4),y tay txa Y,A = DS.SIZE jsr K.GetMem0.YA bcs .9 txa ldy #S.PS.hDS sta (ZPPtr3),y save DS hMem in TSKSLOT .2 ldy #H.BIN.EXE.SS.SIZE+1 lda (ZPPtr4),y Load DS.SIZE HI tax dey ora (ZPPtr4),y beq * DS.SIZE=0!!!! lda (ZPPtr4),y tay txa Y,A = DS.SIZE jsr K.GetMem0.YA bcs .9 txa ldy #S.PS.hSS sta (ZPPtr3),y save DS hMem in TSKSLOT clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- * PS.Free.A * In : A = PID to free *-------------------------------------- PS.Free.A jsr K.GetPSByID.A PS in ZPPtr1 ldy #S.PS.hCMDLINE jsr PS.Free.A.PsY lda (ZPPtr1) get S.PS.F and #S.PS.F.ENV do we have to discard duplicated env & prefix ? beq .1 ldy #S.PS.hENV jsr PS.Free.A.PsY ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX jsr PS.Free.A.PsY .1 ldy #S.PS.hDS jsr PS.Free.A.PsY ldy #S.PS.hCS jsr PS.Free.A.PsY lda #0 sta (ZPPtr1) Mark TSKSLOT as free clc PS.Free.A.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- PS.Free.A.PsY lda (ZPPtr1),y beq PS.Free.A.RTS jmp K.FreeMem.A *-------------------------------------- PS.Select ldy #S.PS.hCS lda (pPs),y jsr K.GetMemPtr.A >STYA pCode ldy #S.PS.hDS lda (pPs),y beq .8 jsr K.GetMemPtr.A >STYA pData .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- * PS.DupEnv.A * In: * A = ENV hMem To Duplicate * Out: * A = hMem to new ENV *-------------------------------------- PS.DupEnv.A jsr K.GetMemPtr.A >STYA ZPPtr1 >LDYAI K.ENV.SIZE jsr K.GetMem.YA bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr2 ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr1),y sta (ZPPtr2),y beq .8 iny bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .1 .8 txa clc .9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # CmdLine2Args.YA * Convert a CSTR (e.g. : command Line) to Args[] * ## In: * Y,A = PTR to String * ## Out: * CC : success * Y,A = PTR to StrArray * X = hMem * CS : error * A = SYS error code *\-------------------------------------- PS.CmdLine2Args.YA >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) Get mem size STRLEN+1 inc tay lda #0 jsr K.GetMem.YA bcs .9 phx save hMem phy save PTR.LO pha save PTR.HI >STYA ZPPtr2 lda (ZPPtr1) tax count in src string beq .8 ldy #0 reset index in dst token .3 inc ZPPtr1 get... bne .4 inc ZPPtr1+1 .4 lda (ZPPtr1) char cmp #' ' found a space ? bne .6 tya in a token ? beq .7 no, skip & go to next char sta (ZPPtr2) yes, set this token len sec adc ZPPtr2 advance to next token sta ZPPtr2 bcc .5 inc ZPPtr2+1 .5 ldy #0 reset index in dst token bra .7 .6 iny add char to token sta (ZPPtr2),y .7 dex end of src string? bne .3 char... tya yes, are we in a token ? beq .8 sta (ZPPtr2) yes, set last token len sec adc ZPPtr2 advance to next token sta ZPPtr2 bcc .8 inc ZPPtr2+1 .8 lda #0 sta (ZPPtr2) set Array Ending 0 pla get back PTR.HI ply get back PTR.LO plx get back hMem clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.PS LOAD /A2OSX.SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM