PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD LOMEM $A00 INC 1 AUTO 6 */-------------------------------------- * # ExpandStr.YA * ## In: * Y,A = PTR to String to Expand (C-String) * ## Out: * X = hMem to Expanded String (C-String) * Y,A = PTR to Expanded String *\-------------------------------------- K.ExpandStr.YA stz K.ExpandStr.hPStr Reset Intermediate string... .1 >STYA ZPPtr2 stz K.ExpandStr.BufLen init Expanded String len=0 stz K.ExpandStr.bFound No var found yet stz K.ExpandStr.bNoExp Reset no expand flag ldy #0 .10 stz K.ExpandStr.VarLen stz K.ExpandStr.bInVar .11 lda (ZPPtr2),y End of CSTR? beq .8 iny cmp #''' bne .21 lda K.ExpandStr.bNoExp eor #$ff sta K.ExpandStr.bNoExp toggle flag bra .11 .21 bit K.ExpandStr.bNoExp bpl .23 .22 ldx K.ExpandStr.BufLen sta K.Buf256,x inx stx K.ExpandStr.BufLen bra .11 .23 ldx K.ExpandStr.bInVar already in a var? bne .3 yes... cmp #'$' no, found one ? bne .22 no, store... sta K.ExpandStr.bFound Toggle flag sta K.ExpandStr.bInVar bra .11 skip this char .3 cmp #'{' we are in var, "{" after "$"? bne .31 ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen No char in var yet ? beq .11 normal, "${" syntax is ok,skip bne .5 not allowed char in varname, end of var .31 cmp #'}' end of var? beq .50 jsr K.ExpandStrValidChar bcc .32 yes, add to varname ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen bne .5 varname has already chars...end of var inx must be a $? or ?x.....go expand stx K.ExpandStr.VarLen sta K.ExpandStr.VarName bra .51 go Expand.... .32 ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen cpx #16 beq .11 varname longer than 15....ignore sta K.ExpandStr.VarName,x inx stx K.ExpandStr.VarLen bra .11 .5 dey last char was invalid...move back .50 ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen beq .52 var name is empty...start over .51 stz K.ExpandStr.VarName,x phy save current index jsr K.ExpandStrGetValue ply restore index in string... .52 jmp .10 reset start flag and continue .8 ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen end of STR,are we in a var? beq .80 no...exit... stz K.ExpandStr.VarName,x jsr K.ExpandStrGetValue yes, expand and add to STR .80 lda K.ExpandStr.hPStr working from our temp string ? beq .81 no... jsr K.FreeMem.A yes, discard.... .81 ldx K.ExpandStr.BufLen stz K.Buf256,x >LDYAI K.Buf256 jsr K.NewStr.YA bcs .9 stx K.ExpandStr.hPStr save this as temp string, in case of recurse ldx K.ExpandStr.bFound Did we expand something ? beq .82 jmp .1 Yes, start over with hPStr .82 ldx K.ExpandStr.hPStr * or exit with Y,A from K.NewStrYA .9 rts *-------------------------------------- K.ExpandStrValidChar cmp #'0' bcc .9 cmp #'9'+1 bcc .8 cmp #'A' bcc .9 cmp #'Z'+1 bcc .8 cmp #'_' bne .9 .8 clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- K.ExpandStrGetValue jsr ENV.ExpandSysVar bcc .9 >LDYAI K.ExpandStr.VarName jsr K.GetEnv.YA bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr3 jsr ENV.AppendPtr3ToBuf .9 rts *-------------------------------------- K.ExpandStr.BufLen .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.bNoExp .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.bInVar .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.bFound .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.hPStr .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.VarLen .BS 1 K.ExpandStr.VarName .BS 16 */-------------------------------------- * # PutEnv.YA * ## In: * Y,A = PTR to String NAME=VALUE (C-String) * ## Out: *\-------------------------------------- K.PutEnv.YA >STYA ZPPtr1 NAME=VALUE ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr1),y copy STR to K.Buf256 beq .9 cmp #'=' beq .2 sta K.Buf256,y iny bne .1 .2 lda #0 sta K.Buf256,y tya sec adc ZPPtr1 sta ZPPtr2 lda ZPPtr1+1 adc #0 sta ZPPtr2+1 >LDYAI K.Buf256 >STYA ZPPtr1 bra K.SetEnvPtr1Ptr2 .9 sec rts */-------------------------------------- * # SetEnv * ## In: * PUSHW = PTR To Value (PSTR) * PUSHW = PTR To Name (PSTR) * ## Out: *\-------------------------------------- K.SetEnv jsr PullPtr1Ptr2 Ptr1=NAME,Ptr2=VALUE K.SetEnvPtr1Ptr2 jsr S.UnsetEnvPtr1 jsr ENV.InitEnvPtr3 ZPPtr3 -> Env ldy #0 ldx #0 .10 lda (ZPPtr3) End of ENV beq .15 .11 iny Compute ENV size in X,Y bne .12 inx .12 inc ZPPtr3 bne .13 inc ZPPtr3+1 .13 lda (ZPPtr3) End of string bne .11 iny bne .14 inx .14 inc ZPPtr3 bne .10 inc ZPPtr3+1 bra .10 .15 sty ZPPtr4 stx ZPPtr4+1 ldy #0 .16 lda (ZPPtr1),y beq .17 iny bne .16 .17 tya sec adc ZPPtr4 sta ZPPtr4 bcc .18 inc ZPPtr4+1 .18 ldy #0 .19 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .20 iny bne .19 .20 tya sec adc ZPPtr4 tax bcc .21 inc ZPPtr4+1 .21 cpx #K.ENV.SIZE lda ZPPtr4+1 sbc /K.ENV.SIZE bcs .99 ldy #$ff .22 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y sta (ZPPtr3),y bne .22 tya sec adc ZPPtr3 sta ZPPtr3 bcc .23 inc ZPPtr3+1 .23 ldy #$ff .24 iny lda (ZPPtr2),y sta (ZPPtr3),y bne .24 iny sta (ZPPtr3),y don't forget array ending 0 clc rts .99 lda #SYSMGR.ERRENVF * sec rts */-------------------------------------- * # GetEnv.YA * ## In: * Y,A = PTR to NAME (PSTR) * ## Out: * CC : Y,A = PTR to VALUE (PSTR) * CS : not found *\-------------------------------------- K.GetEnv.YA >STYA ZPPtr1 jsr ENV.FindVarPtr1 bcs .9 jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 Skip NAME clc just in case ADC in NextEnvPtr1 disturb CC .9 >LDYA ZPPtr3 rts */-------------------------------------- * # UnsetEnv.YA * ## In: * Y,A = PTR To Name (PSTR) * ## Out: *\-------------------------------------- K.UnsetEnv.YA >STYA ZPPtr1 Store VAR Name S.UnsetEnvPtr1 jsr ENV.FindVarPtr1 bcs .8 not found, quit jsr ENV.DiscardVarPtr3 Ptr3 -> ENVNAME .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- * PRIVATE *-------------------------------------- * ENV.ExpandSysVar * In: * K.ExpandStr.VarName * Out: * CC: Found * Append VALUE to K.Buf256 * CS: Not Found *-------------------------------------- ENV.ExpandSysVar ldx K.ExpandStr.VarLen cpx #1 is name 1 char? bne .9 lda K.ExpandStr.VarName cmp #'0'-1 $0...$9 ?? bcc .1 cmp #'9'+1 bcs .1 and #$0F >DEBUG jsr K.GetArg.A bcs .99 >STYA ZPPtr3 jmp ENV.AppendPtr3ToBuf .8 clc rts .1 ldx #ENV.SysVarsJmp-ENV.SysVars-1 .2 cmp ENV.SysVars,x beq .3 dex bpl .2 .9 sec .99 rts .3 txa asl tax jmp (ENV.SysVarsJmp,x) ENV.SysVars .AS "*#?@$!" ENV.SysVarsJmp .DA ENV.SysVarsArgs .DA ENV.SysVarsArgC .DA ENV.SysVarsRC .DA ENV.SysVarsPPID .DA ENV.SysVarsPID .DA ENV.SysVarsCPID *-------------------------------------- ENV.SysVarsArgs lda #1 jsr K.GetArg.A bcs .8 >STYA ZPPtr3 .1 lda (ZPPtr3) beq .8 jsr ENV.AppendPtr3ToBuf .2 jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 lda (ZPPtr3) beq .8 inx beq .8 make sure not overlapping buf 256 lda #' ' sta K.Buf256,x stx K.ExpandStr.BufLen jsr ENV.AppendPtr3ToBuf bra .2 .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- ENV.AppendPtr3ToBuf ldx K.ExpandStr.BufLen ldy #$ff dex .1 iny inx lda (ZPPtr3),y sta K.Buf256,x bne .1 stx K.ExpandStr.BufLen rts *-------------------------------------- ENV.SysVarsArgC ldy #S.PS.ARGC .HS 2C ENV.SysVarsRC ldy #S.PS.RC .HS 2C ENV.SysVarsPPID ldy #S.PS.PPID .HS 2C ENV.SysVarsPID ldy #S.PS.PID .HS 2C ENV.SysVarsCPID ldy #S.PS.CPID lda (pPS),y stz .2+1 stz .3+1 ldx #8 sed .1 asl pha .2 lda #$ff Self Modified adc .2+1 sta .2+1 .3 lda #$ff Self Modified adc .3+1 sta .3+1 pla dex bne .1 cld ldx K.ExpandStr.BufLen lda .3+1 beq .4 sta K.Buf256,x inx .4 lda .2+1 lsr lsr lsr lsr beq .5 ora #$30 sta K.Buf256,x inx .5 lda .2+1 and #$0f ora #$30 sta K.Buf256,x inx stx K.ExpandStr.BufLen clc rts *-------------------------------------- * ENV.FindVarPtr1 * In: * ZPPtr1 -> NAME * Out: * CC: Found * ZPPtr1 -> NAME * ZPPtr3 -> ENV.NAME * CS: Not Found * ZPPtr1 -> NAME * ZPPtr3 -> PTR to Ending 0 *-------------------------------------- ENV.FindVarPtr1 jsr ENV.InitEnvPtr3 Store ENV .1 lda (ZPPtr3) beq .9 end of ENV ldy #0 .2 lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp (ZPPtr3),y bne .3 ora #0 beq .8 iny bne .2 .8 clc rts .3 jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 Skip NAME jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 Skip VALUE bra .1 .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * ENV.DiscardVarPtr3 * In: * ZPPtr3 -> ENV.NAME to Discard *-------------------------------------- ENV.DiscardVarPtr3 >LDYA ZPPtr3 save actual Ptr >STYA ZPPtr4 jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 Skip current NAME.... jsr ENV.NextEnvPtr3 Skip current VALUE.... ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr3),y Move back CSTRs... .2 sta (ZPPtr4),y beq .3 0 ended.... iny bne .1 inc ZPPtr3+1 inc ZPPtr4+1 bra .1 .3 iny bne .4 inc ZPPtr3+1 inc ZPPtr4+1 .4 lda (ZPPtr3),y bne .2 Until array ending 0 sta (ZPPtr4),y .8 rts *-------------------------------------- ENV.InitEnvPtr3 ldy #S.PS.hENV lda (pPs),y jsr K.GetMemPtr.A >STYA ZPPtr3 Store ENV rts *-------------------------------------- ENV.NextEnvPtr3 ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr3),y beq .2 iny bne .1 .2 tya sec adc ZPPtr3 sta ZPPtr3 bcc .8 inc ZPPtr3+1 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.ENV LOAD /A2OSX.SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM