PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * Uses: (pData) * hDIRs .BS X.MAX.RECURSE+1 * hDIRENTs .BS X.MAX.RECURSE+1 * hSrcBasePath .BS 1 * hDstBasePath .BS 1 (optional) *-------------------------------------- X.MAX.RECURSE .EQ 8 *-------------------------------------- InitSrcDirPatYA ldx #$80 .HS 2C bit abs InitSrcDirYA ldx #0 stx .11+1 >SYSCALL GetFullPathYA bcc .10 rts .10 stx .90+1 >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #1 beq .5 we have '/' .11 lda #$ff Self Modified bmi .1 Force using pattern >PUSHW L.STAT >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL Stat bcs .1 File/DIR does not exists, go extract pattern lda STAT+S.STAT.P.TYPE cmp #$0f beq .5 TYPE=DIR, do not extract wildcard .1 lda (ZPPtr1) tay .2 lda (ZPPtr1),y search backward for a / cmp #'/' beq .3 dey bne .2 .3 tya cmp (ZPPtr1) beq .5 Make sure at least one char ldx #0 phy save / pos to trunk string later .4 iny inx lda (ZPPtr1),y sta UsrBuf256,x tya cmp (ZPPtr1) bne .4 pla get back / pos sta (ZPPtr1) trunk it for Opendir stx UsrBuf256 >LDYAI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL NewPstrYA bcs .9 txa ldy #hFilter sta (pData),y .5 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMemYA Get a 256 buffer to store BasePath bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr2 txa ldy #hSrcBasePath sta (pData),y lda (ZPPtr1) sta (ZPPtr2) tay .6 lda (ZPPtr1),y sta (ZPPtr2),y dey bne .6 lda (ZPPtr2) tay lda #'/' cmp (ZPPtr2),y beq .7 iny sta (ZPPtr2),y tya sta (ZPPtr2) .7 >LDYA ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL OpenDirYA bcs .9 ldy #hDIRs sta (pData),y set hDIRs[0] = Src Hdir ldy #index lda #1 sta (pData),y index=hDIRs[0] jsr .9 Cleanup clc rts .9 pha .90 lda #$ff self modified >SYSCALL FreeMemA pla sec InitSrcDirYA.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 InitDstDirYA >SYSCALL GetFullPathYA bcc .10 rts .10 stx .90+1 >STYA ZPPtr1 >PUSHW L.STAT >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL Stat bcs .1 File/DIR does not exists, go extract DstFileName lda STAT+S.STAT.P.TYPE cmp #$0f beq .5 Dst is a destfilename .1 lda (ZPPtr1) tay .2 lda (ZPPtr1),y search backward for a / cmp #'/' beq .3 dey bne .2 .3 tya cmp (ZPPtr1) beq .5 Make sure at least one char ldx #0 phy save / pos to trunk string later .4 iny inx lda (ZPPtr1),y sta UsrBuf256,x tya cmp (ZPPtr1) bne .4 pla get back / pos sta (ZPPtr1) trunk it for Opendir stx UsrBuf256 >LDYAI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL NewPstrYA bcs .9 txa ldy #hDstFileName sta (pData),y .5 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMemYA Get a 256 buffer to store DstBasePath bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr2 txa ldy #hDstBasePath sta (pData),y lda (ZPPtr1) sta (ZPPtr2) tay .6 lda (ZPPtr1),y sta (ZPPtr2),y dey bne .6 lda (ZPPtr2) tay lda #'/' cmp (ZPPtr2),y beq .7 iny sta (ZPPtr2),y tya sta (ZPPtr2) .7 jsr .9 Cleanup clc .99 rts .9 pha .90 lda #$ff self modified >SYSCALL FreeMemA pla sec rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- GetNextEntry jsr GetEntry bcs .9 lda (ZPFileName) Save actual file len for setting up tax new offset later lda ZPFileStat clc adc #S.STAT sta ZPFileName lda ZPFileStat+1 adc /S.STAT sta ZPFileName+1 Make nDIRENTs[i] point to next DIRENT lda (ZPFileName) are we at end of this buffer ? beq .1 yes, go read next one ... sec adc ZPFileName sta ZPFileStat lda ZPFileName+1 adc #0 sta ZPFileStat+1 ldy #index lda (pData),y asl clc adc #oDIRENTs-1 tay txa Get back previous file len sec adc (pData),y sta (pData),y iny lda #0 adc (pData),y sta (pData),y dey lda #S.STAT clc adc (pData),y sta (pData),y iny lda /S.STAT adc (pData),y sta (pData),y clc rts .1 jsr GetEntry.ReadDir bcs .9 lda (ZPFileName) beq .99 sec adc ZPFileName sta ZPFileStat lda ZPFileName+1 adc #0 sta ZPFileStat+1 clc .9 rts .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- GetEntry ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRENTs-1 tay lda (pData),y bne .1 we have a buffer to scan jsr GetEntry.ReadDir First run, get first block bcs .9 ZPFileName = start of buffer lda (ZPFileName) Empty !!! bne .8 * txa * >SYSCALL FreeMemA sec rts .1 >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPFileName ldy #index lda (pData),y asl clc adc #oDIRENTs-1 tay lda ZPFileName clc adc (pData),y sta ZPFileName iny lda ZPFileName+1 adc (pData),y sta ZPFileName+1 ZPFileName=ZPFileName+oDIRENT .8 lda ZPFileName sec adc (ZPFileName) sta ZPFileStat lda ZPFileName+1 adc #0 sta ZPFileStat+1 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- GetEntry.ReadDir ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRENTs-1 tay lda (pData),y beq .1 pha lda #0 sta (pData),y reset hDIRENT pla >SYSCALL FreeMemA discard previous hDIRENT .1 ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRs-1 tay lda (pData),y >SYSCALL ReadDirA bcs .9 >STYA ZPFileName ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRENTs-1 tay txa get hDIRENT in A sta (pData),y ldy #index lda (pData),y asl clc adc #oDIRENTs-1 and reset offset for this buffer tay lda #0 sta (pData),y iny sta (pData),y clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- EnterSubDirYA >STYA ZPPtr2 save SUBDIR for StrCat ldy #index lda (pData),y cmp #X.MAX.RECURSE beq .9 ldy #hSrcBasePath jsr EnterSubDirYA.1 >LDYA ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL OpenDirYA bcs .9 pha ldy #index lda (pData),y inc sta (pData),y tax * clc from BCS adc #hDIRs-1 tay pla sta (pData),y txa make sure hDIRENTs[i] is closed adc #hDIRENTs-1 tay lda #0 sta (pData),y .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 ldy #hDstBasePath jsr EnterSubDirYA.1 .FIN clc .9 rts EnterSubDirYA.1 lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPPtr1 save full path >PUSHW ZPPtr2 >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL PStrCat lda (ZPPtr1) inc tay sta (ZPPtr1) lda #'/' sta (ZPPtr1),y rts *-------------------------------------- LeaveSubDir ldy #index lda (pData),y beq .9 ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRENTs-1 tay lda (pData),y beq .1 pha lda #0 sta (pData),y pla >SYSCALL FreeMemA .1 ldy #index lda (pData),y clc adc #hDIRs-1 tay lda (pData),y pha lda #0 sta (pData),y pla >SYSCALL CloseDirA ldy #index lda (pData),y dec sta (pData),y bne .8 ldy #hSrcBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL FreeMemA .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL FreeMemA .FIN .9 sec rts .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- BasePath.. .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 ldy #hDstBasePath jsr BasePath..1 .FIN ldy #hSrcBasePath BasePath..1 lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPPtr1 save full path lda (ZPPtr1) get len tay .1 dey At first run, discard ending / lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp #'/' bne .1 tya sta (ZPPtr1) cut DIR2/ from /dir1/DIR2/ rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.SRC/BIN/X.FILEENUM.S