NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 #!/BIN/SH # # This script creates Bootable A2osX Disks. # # This script will prompt the user for any needed information # such as version of PRODOS to include and then will verify that # it has the right media and files available. # # Note this is the first version of the script so it may not # include the finished/polished UI that is planned. # # Media Types: RELEASE, RC, STABLE, and BLEED. # Media Formats: 140K, 800K, and 32MB. # # First we define the functions this script uses. # #FUNC ECHOAT # ECHO -N "\e[${1};${2}H${3}" #END ECHO "\f A2osX Make Discs Utility" ECHO READ -P "Which Build Number is the Source: " Build SET SOURCE = "/MAKE/BUILDS/BUILD${BUILD}" IF [ -Z $BUILD ] ECHO "You pressed return with no choice, bad idea" EXIT FI IF [ -D $SOURCE ] ELSE ECHO "Invalid Build - Exiting" EXIT FI ECHO "\nTypes: RELEASE, RC, STABLE, and BLEED" READ -P "Which Type to you want to make: " TYPE IF [ -Z $TYPE ] ECHO "You pressed return with no choice, bad idea" EXIT FI SWITCH $TYPE CASE "release" CASE "Release" CASE "RELEASE" SET TYPE = "RELEASE" BREAK CASE "rc" CASE "Rc" CASE "RC" SET TYPE = "RC" BREAK CASE "stable" CASE "Stable" CASE "STABLE" SET TYPE = "STABLE" BREAK CASE "bleed" CASE "Bleed" CASE "BLEED" SET TYPE = "BLEED" BREAK DEFAULT ECHO "You entered an invalid choice" EXIT END ECHO "\nMedia: 140K, 800K and 32MB (1, 8 or 32)" READ -P "Which Media to you want to make: " MEDIA IF [ -Z $MEDIA ] ECHO "You pressed return with no choice, bad idea" EXIT FI SWITCH $MEDIA CASE "1" CASE "140" CASE "140K" CASE "140k" SET MEDIA = "140" BREAK CASE "8" CASE "800" CASE "800K" CASE "800k" SET MEDIA = "800" BREAK CASE "32" CASE "32MB" CASE "32mb" CASE "32Mb" SET MEDIA = "32" BREAK DEFAULT ECHO "You entered an invalid choice" EXIT END ECHO "\nProDOS version: 2.03 or 2.42 (3 or 42)" READ -P "Which ProDOS version to want installed: " PRODOS IF [ -Z $PRODOS ] ECHO "You pressed return with no choice, bad idea" EXIT FI SWITCH $PRODOS CASE "3" CASE "03" CASE "2.03" SET PRODOS = "2.03" BREAK CASE "42" CASE "2.42" SET PRODOS = "2.42" BREAK DEFAULT ECHO "You entered an invalid choice" EXIT END ECHO "\nPlease make sure that the ${TYPE} ${MEDIA} is online" READ -P "Ready to make your disk (Y/N): " GO IF [ -Z $GO ] ECHO "You pressed return with no choice, bad idea" EXIT FI IF [ $GO = "y" ] SET GO = "Y" FI IF [ $GO = "Y" ] ELSE ECHO "\nOK, Well you have a nice day. Bye!" EXIT FI SET DEST = "/${TYPE}${MEDIA}/" # Verify that DESTINATION is ONLINE IF [ -D $DEST ] ECHO "\n\nValid Destination Volume found" ELSE ECHO "\n\nCould not find Valid Destination Volume - Exiting" EXIT FI # At least check that a2osx.system is on disk. IF [ -F ${SOURCE}/A2OSX.SYSTEM ] ELSE ECHO "\n\nSource Directory missing SYSTEM files - Exiting" EXIT FI # # List check that there is 1 and only 1 DEST volume on line # and get its DEV id so we can format it. # # Verify that ProDOS is on DEST DISK IF [ -F ${DEST}/PRODOS ] ELSE ECHO "\n\nDestination Volume missing ProDOS - Exiting" EXIT FI CP ${SOURCE} ${DEST} MAN TEXT /MAKE/USR/SHARE/MAKE/MAKEDISKS