NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 Enable MASM3 auto line num .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 Target CPU, must match CPU level in header .OR $2000 usualy $2000, but any value > $100 allowed .TF BIN/CSH *-------------------------------------- .INB INC/MACROS.I .INB INC/A2OSX.I .INB INC/MLI.E.I *-------------------------------------- .INB USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.E *-------------------------------------- * Zero Page Segment, up to 32 bytes *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ZPPtr2 .BS 2 ZPFileBufPtr .BS 2 ZPCSHSymbols .BS 2 ZPCSHData .BS 2 ZPCSHValue .BS 2 ZPCSHStack .BS 2 ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA #0 S.PS.F.EVENT .DA #0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Size (without Constants) .DA DS.END-DS.START Data SegmentSize .DA #16 Stack Size .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT .INB USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.R .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Called once at process creation * Put code for loading LIB here *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- * Called until exit with CS * if RUN exits with CC, RN entered again *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN * Put your code here * >LDYA L.MSG.Test Load EFFECTIVE address * >SYSCALL puts Call API to print a string .8 lda #0 Exit Code = Succes sec QUIT Process rts .9 lda #E.SYN Exit Code = Succes sec QUIT Process rts *-------------------------------------- * Called if option S.PS.F.EVENT enabled in Header * Timer Event : every 10th seconds *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- * Called once, when RUN exited with CS * Put code for unloading LIB here *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- .INB USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.S.CORE *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- * Initialized DATA *-------------------------------------- .INB USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.I *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START .INB USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.D DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/BIN/CSH.S ASM