NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR FAC 15 Bytes BIN.CmdLine .BS 2 BIN.hMem .BS 1 BIN.Move.Len .BS 2 BIN.R.CS.Start .BS 2 BIN.R.CS.End .BS 2 BIN.R.End .BS 2 BIN.R.Offset .BS 2 .ED *-------------------------------------- * LoadLib * in : * Y,A = PTR To "LibName.o" C-String * out : * A = hMem To loaded LIB *-------------------------------------- K.LoadLib jsr ENV.Search.LIB bcs .9 >LDYAI K.Buf256 jsr BIN.Load Y,A = "/PATH/BIN" bcs .9 >STYA .1+1 stx BIN.hMem txa Pass hLib to LibLoad ldx #LIBMGR.LOAD .1 jsr $ffff Self Modified, Call LIB.LOAD function bcs BIN.Load.Cleanup lda BIN.hMem hLib clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- * UnloadLib * in : * A = hMem To Lib * out : *-------------------------------------- K.UnloadLib pha jsr K.GetMemPtr >STYA .2+1 jsr MEM.decREFCNT beq .1 pla clc rts .1 ldx #LIBMGR.UNLOAD .2 jsr $ffff Self Modified, Call LIB.UNLOAD function pla jmp K.FreeMem */-------------------------------------- * # LoadDrv * ## ASM * **In:** * Y,A = PTR to "NAME.DRV [PARAM]" C-String * ## RETURN VALUE * none *\-------------------------------------- K.LoadDrv >STYA .2+1 Save "BIN\0ARGS\0\0" jsr ENV.Search.DRV bcs .9 >LDYAI K.Buf256 jsr BIN.Load Y,A = "/PATH/BIN" bcs .9 >STYA .3+1 stx BIN.hMem ldx #$ff .1 inx Skip "BIN" .2 lda $ffff,x bne .1 txa sec adc .2+1 tay lda #0 adc .2+2 Y,A = ARGS .3 jsr $ffff SELF MODIFIED, call Dev.Detect bcs BIN.Load.Cleanup jsr BIN.Load.Cleanup lda #0 Make sure RC = 0 if success clc .9 rts BIN.Load.Cleanup pha lda BIN.hMem jsr K.FreeMem pla sec BIN.Load.Cleanup.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- * BIN.Load * in : * Y,A = /BIN/PATH (CSTR) * out : * Y,A = MEMPTR * X = hMem of Code Segment *-------------------------------------- BIN.Load >STYA BIN.CmdLine ldx #0 .1 cpx Mem.LastSlot beq BIN.Load.1 inx we will skip Slot 0... txa jsr K.GetMemPtr lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) bpl .1 In Use? ldy #S.MEM.BIN any BIN PATH in this slot? lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y beq .1 jsr K.GetMemPtr X unmodified, get pathname >STYA .3+1 ldy #0 .2 lda (BIN.CmdLine),y .3 cmp $ffff,y SELF MODIFIED bne .1 iny ora #0 bne .2 txa jsr K.GetMemPtr jsr MEM.IncREFCNT clc jmp K.GetMemPtr.ZPMemMgrSPtr * X=hMem, Y,A=Ptr *-------------------------------------- * STAT Already called by Filesearch in FindDRV, FindLIB * STAT Already called by PS.Load (TXT,BIN,SYS) *-------------------------------------- BIN.Load.1 >LDYA K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.AUXTYPE >STYA BIN.R.CS.Start >PUSHYA Push AUXTYPE >PUSHBI S.FI.T.BIN >PUSHBI O.RDONLY >LDYA BIN.CmdLine >SYSCALL LoadFile BANK1!!! bcs BIN.Load.Cleanup.RTS Error Loading file stx BIN.hMem save hMem pha YA=CODE+DATA size tya * clc CC from bcs .99 adc BIN.R.CS.Start Get AUXTYPE for actual Base Address sta BIN.R.End compute Range End=AUXTYPE+FILELEN pla adc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 sta BIN.R.End+1 txa jsr K.GetMemPtr >STYA ZPPtr1 set ZPPtr1 -> Code start pha YA = actual load address tya sec sbc BIN.R.CS.Start sta BIN.R.Offset Offset=ZPPtr1-AUXTYPE pla sbc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 sta BIN.R.Offset+1 ldy #H.BIN.CS.SIZE get Code Len lda (ZPPtr1),y clc adc BIN.R.CS.Start sta BIN.R.CS.End ZPPtr1 + CodeLen iny lda (ZPPtr1),y adc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 sta BIN.R.CS.End+1 jsr BIN.RelExe >LDYA BIN.CmdLine get back bin path >SYSCALL StrDup make a copy of this string bcs .98 lda BIN.hMem Keep X=hMem jsr K.GetMemByID X unmodified lda (ZPMemMgrSPtr) ora #S.MEM.F.CODE This is a code segment sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr) txa Get Back Cmd line hMem ldy #S.MEM.BIN sta (ZPMemMgrSPtr),y ldx BIN.hMem return hMEM to Caller... clc jmp K.GetMemPtr.ZPMemMgrSPtr ...and Y,A=PTR to CS .98 jmp BIN.Load.Cleanup Discard Loaded Code, exits CS */-------------------------------------- * # InsDrv * ## C * `void * insdrv (void * src, void * crvcsstart, void * drvcsend, void * drvend);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHW DRV.END` * `>PUSHW DRV.CS.END` * `>PUSHW DRV.CS.START` * `>LDYA L.SRC` * `SYSCALL insdrv` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = Ptr to installed driver *\-------------------------------------- K.InsDrv >STYA ZPPtr2 SRC PTR >PULLW BIN.R.CS.Start >PULLW BIN.R.CS.End >PULLW BIN.R.End lda BIN.R.End Compute DRVLen=End-start sec sbc BIN.R.CS.Start sta BIN.Move.Len tay lda BIN.R.End+1 sbc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 sta BIN.Move.Len+1 jsr MEM.GetKrnlBuf Y,A = LEN bcs .9 No More Room to load Driver >STYA ZPPtr1 Y,A = DST Buf for RelDrv... >STYA ZPPtr3 ...for move... sty .7+1 ...and for exit sta .8+1 lda ZPPtr1 sec sbc BIN.R.CS.Start sta BIN.R.Offset lda ZPPtr1+1 sbc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 sta BIN.R.Offset+1 lda BIN.Move.Len+1 eor #$ff pha lda BIN.Move.Len eor #$ff tax ldy #0 .1 inx bne .2 pla inc beq .3 pha .2 lda (ZPPtr2),y sta (ZPPtr3),y iny bne .1 inc ZPPtr2+1 inc ZPPtr3+1 bra .1 .3 jsr BIN.RelDrv Relocate at Ptr1 .7 ldy #$ff SELF MODIFIED .8 lda #$ff SELF MODIFIED .9 rts *-------------------------------------- BIN.RelExe ldy #H.BIN.T+1 lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp /H.BIN.T.BIN65 beq .1 cmp /H.BIN.T.DRV65 beq .1 lda #E.IBIN sec rts .1 ldy #H.BIN.JMP relocate Main JMP jsr BIN.RelocateAtPtr1Y ldy #H.BIN.EXE.REL.TABLE skip Header, CS.SIZE & DS.SIZE... (16 bytes) .HS 2C bit abs *-------------------------------------- BIN.RelDrv ldy #H.BIN.DRV.REL.TABLE .1 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y HI in A beq .2 $00xx = end of table dey jsr BIN.RelocateAtPtr1Y iny bra .1 *-------------------------------------- .2 jsr MEM.AddYp1ToPtr1 add current offset in Y to Ptr * + 1 to skip last 00 from beq .2 * ZPPtr1=Current Code PTR .3 lda BIN.R.CS.End compute new CS.END to stop relocating clc adc BIN.R.Offset sta .7+1 lda BIN.R.CS.End+1 adc BIN.R.Offset+1 sta .8+1 lda (ZPPtr1) get OPCODE lsr /2 tax lda BIN.65816,x get OPCODE definition bcs .4 go get LO nibble lsr lsr move HI -> LO lsr lsr .4 and #$0f bit #$8 abs addressing? beq .6 no.... and #7 save Opcode length... pha ldy #1 jsr BIN.RelocateAtPtr1Y .5 pla get back Opcode length... .6 clc A = OPCODE length adc ZPPtr1 sta ZPPtr1 bcc .7 inc ZPPtr1+1 clc Make sure exit with CC .7 eor #$ff SELF MODIFIED A = ZPPtr1 bne .3 lda ZPPtr1+1 .8 eor #$ff SELF MODIFIED bne .3 next opcode.... rts *-------------------------------------- BIN.RelocateAtPtr1Y lda (ZPPtr1),y Get LO tax save LO in X iny make Y point to HI lda (ZPPtr1),y Get HI cpx BIN.R.CS.Start sbc BIN.R.CS.Start+1 bcc .9 addr < BIN.R.CS.Start, out of range txa Get back LO cpx BIN.R.End lda (ZPPtr1),y Get HI sbc BIN.R.End+1 bcs .9 addr > BIN.R.End, out of range txa Get back LO dey clc adc BIN.R.Offset sta (ZPPtr1),y iny lda (ZPPtr1),y adc BIN.R.Offset+1 sta (ZPPtr1),y .9 rts *-------------------------------------- * 6502/65C02/65816 OPCODES * Bit 3 : 1 = absolute addressing * Bit 2-1-0 : opcode + @ length *-------------------------------------- * BIN.65816 * TO DO : Make 2 different tables * *-------------------------------------- * 65R02 OPCODES *-------------------------------------- * BIN.65R02 .HS .HS .HS B. .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.BIN LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM