# A2osX Shell Developers Guide ### Updated October 31, 2019 One of the most significant parts of A2osX is its shell which can perform both interactive and scripted tasks. With the interactive part of the shell you can perform many common and complex tasks using both built-in (native or internal to shell) and external (BINs or executables) commands. Internal commands include CD (change directory), MD (make directory), PWD, DATE, etc. External commands include CP (copy), RM (remove), CAT (display file contents), TELNET, etc. It should be noted, that it is possible to create and execute short scripts right on the interactive command line (these are run once and not saved like true scripts). An example ``` FOR FILE IN `LS -C CT*`; CAT ${FILE}; NEXT ``` In this example, the system will generate a list of files found in the current directory that match the CT* wild card and perform the CAT operation on each. The semicolons act as a line separator allowing you to type in multiple commands, or short scripts on a single line, to execute as a script. This Developers Guide will cover the basic operation of the interactive shell, the available commands as well as creating and using complex scripts that can be run by the shell. ## The A2osX Shell (SH) The default A2osX Shell, ./BIN/SH, is an A2osX external command program like many others included with A2osX. It is probably the most complex and capable, as suggested by its size compared to other commands (7K vs 1K for TELNET), and is the primary tool for interacting with the A2osX system. The SH shell is based somewhat on the Linux BASH shell, to the extend possible on an 8-bit machine. Alternative shells are planned for the future and will be announced as they become available. As the primary mechanism for working with A2osX, the SH shell is launched automatically when you log into A2osX. In the case where no ./ETC/PASSWD file is present, A2osX automatically logs you in as the ROOT user. When a user login occurs and SH is launched, it looks for a file called PROFILE in the users HOME directory and if found executes that script, so the information below on writing scripts applies to the PROFILE file. ### Interacting with the Shell To interact with the A2osX shell, you type commands at the presented prompt, which ends with a **$** character. The prompt usually includes your current working directory such as **/FULLBOOT/ROOT/$**. You can change the prompt by changing the **$PS1** variable (see below). At the **$** you can enter any of the valid internal shell commands or an external program name. For external programs, A2osX will search in the current directory and then in the directories specified in the **$PATH** variable. #### Special Keys While entering commands at the A2osX shell prompt, you can use the following special keys to edit the command line: | Key | Usage | | -- | -- | | DELETE | Deletes character to left of cursor and moves cursor/rest of line to the left | | Control-C | Erases entire command line | | Control-D | Exits Shell and if the top most Shell logs you out of your session | | Control-Z | Deletes character under the cursor | | Up Arrow | Displays previous command from history. Multiple Up Arrows scrolls progressively through history | | Down Arrow | Displays next command from history. Multiple Down Arrows scrolls progressively through history | | Left Arrow | Moves cursor to the left to edit current command | | Right Arrow | Moves cursor to the right to edit current command | In addition to the editing keys above, you can use the following special keys while running scripts or executing commands: | Key | Usage | | -- | -- | | Control-C | Interrupts running command or script | | Open Apple-0 | Switches you to the console display | | Open Apple-1 to 4 | Switches you to Virtual Terminals 1 through 4 if so configured | #### Internal Commands The A2osX Shell contains an advanced set of internal commands. Several of these commands are commonly used interactively (at the $ prompt) while others are most useful in scripts. Technically all of these commands can be used both interactively or in scripts, many really show their power in scripts you develop or run. CD DATE ECHO EXIT MD NOHUP POPD PUSHD PWD RD REN SET SLEEP TIME A note on arguments, for internal and external commands: When passing a command a series of arguments, you must include between each argument. In addition, if a command has an option that requires an argument, there must also be a space between the option and its argument. For example, when using the READ command which has the -S -P and -N options, the -P and -N options both require an argument so the full use of the command would be **READ -S -N 3 -P "My Prompt" AVAR**. Do not use -N3 as you might in Linux or DOS as you will generate a Syntax Error and the command will fail to execute. Also note, for many commands the order of the arguments is important (i.e. CP sourcefile destfile, order critical), however the order of Options is not. **READ -S -N 3 -P "MyPrompt" AVAR** is the same as **READ -P "MyPrompt" AVAR -S -N 3 ** as well as **READ -S AVAR -N 3 -P "MyPrompt"**. What is critical here is that you **must** have a number immediately after -N and a string after -P which will be the prompt. ###### READ The READ command allows you to accept input from the user which can be used or evaluated in other commands. For instance you can use the READ command to get the name of a file to copy, ask the user for confirmation (Proceed?) and evaluate their response with an IF command, etc. READ has several powerful options including: Prompt, Suppress and NumChars. In all cases you must specify a variable in which to place the results of the READ command. #!/BIN/SH #READ Command Examples # Get Input from User and Store in Variable $A READ A # Display a prompt, Get Input and Store in $A READ -P "Enter your name: " A # Display a prompt, Get Suppressed Input and Store in $A # The suppress option will keep any input from appearing but you can # edit normally and $A will be correct. READ -S -P "Enter your name: " A # Display a prompt, Get Input limited to 8 characters and Store in $A READ -N 1 -P "Enter your name: " A # Display a prompt, Get Input limited to 1 characters and Store in $A # Special case of -N option. As soon as the user types any character # input will be ended and the single character will be stored in $A. # The user does NOT need to press return to accept the input. READ -N 1 -P "Proceed (Y/N): " A # Get Input limited to 1 key press and Store the ASCII value of the key in $A # Special case of -N option. As soon as the user types any key, input will # be ended and the single key code will be stored in $A as an Integer. # This can be used to capture/process special keys like TAB, Arrows and DEL. READ -N 0 A ###### REN The REN command allows you to Rename a single file, directory or Volume. It does not support wild cards. While REN and MV may seem similar, they are very different commands and you should use each for its intended purpose. In the case of REN, it changes the name of an item (Vol, Dir, File) in place; the item itself is not changed. For those familiar with ProDOS file systems, REN changes the entry of an item in the CATALOG. MV on the other hand actually copies files (and removes the original) to move them. Obviously REN is more efficient at RENaming an item in its current location, whereas MV could be used to change the location of a file (MV it from one directory or even volume to another). Yes you can use MV MYFILE NEWFILE to do the same thing as REN MYFILE NEWFILE, but since a copy must occur, it will be slower and you will have to have sufficient disk space free to make this copy. #!/BIN/SH #REN Command Examples # REName a Volume # Note How you need to use a full volume name as the Original Name and # the new name must not be proceeded by a slash (/). The following # will rename the volume /MYVOL to NEWVOL. REN /MYVOL NEWVOL # REName a Directory in the current working directory ($PWD) REN ADIR NEWDIR # REName a Directory in another relative directory # In this example, the directory ADIR in SUBDIR will be renamed. # Notice that the new name does not contain a path. REN SUBDIR/ADIR NEWDIR # REName a Directory using a full path # This example renames the dir MYDIR found in /FULLBOOT/TMP to YOURDIR. REN /FULLBOOT/TMP/MYDIR YOURDIR # REName File Examples # REName a file in the current directory REN MYFILE NEWFILENAME # REName a file in a relative (the parent) directory REN ../MYFILE NEWFILENAME # REName a file using a full path REN /FULLBOOT/TMP/MYFILE NEWFILENAME #### Redirection ### Writing Scripts Calling other scripts calling scripts with . (dot space) before script name from within a script loading functions this way #### Variables Variable overflow strings and ints Ints only no real num it just ignore The 32-bit int data type can hold integer values in the range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. If you add to or subtract from INTs that would cause a RANGE error, you actually get a result that wraps around the range, so if you add 1 to 2,147,483,647 you will get −2,147,483,648. Strings can be up to 255 characters in length. Note, like INTs, if you try to store more then 255 chars in a string, you get the same wraparound affect where the first 255 chars are tossed out the string is set to the remaining chars, so if you concatenate 3 strings of 100 chars the resulting string will be the last 45 chars of the 3rd original string. ##### Special Variables $BOOT $ROOT $PATH $TERM $PS1 $DRV $LIB ## Advanced Display Techniques A2osX provides advanced screen handling capabilities for the Apple console (keyboard/screen) as well as terminals connected directly (via Super Serial Cards) or remotely (via Telnet using a supported network card and the TELNETD server daemon). These features are based on the VT100 Terminal definition and scripts you develop can pass VT100 codes (via the ECHO command) to enhance the appearance of your scripts. In addition to VT100 codes, ECHO has been augmented with some short codes to perform the more common and to help display special characters. The examples below will help you understand what is possible with ECHO. For a fuller listing of the available VT100 Terminal Codes, consult the **[A2osX Terminal Codes Guide](.Docs/TERM.md).** #!/BIN/SH # ECHO / Advanced Display Techniques Examples # Note codes are CASE SENSITVE. \F is not the same as \f # Clear the Screen (\f) ECHO \f # Clear the Screen and Display text in the top left corner ECHO "\fThis line will appear on the first line of your Apple" # ECHO on a line byself will create a blank line (moving the cursor down one line) # Multiple ECHOs in a row, will skip multiple lines. The \n shortcode makes this easier. # This example is the same as ECHO; ECHO; ECHO "HELLO"; ECHO; ECHO; ECHO "WORLD" ECHO "\n\nHELLO\n\nWORLD" # Backspace shortcode \b moves the cursor one space to the left. # This example would print ABEF on the screen. The two \b overwrite the CD. ECHO "ABCD\b\bEF" # Turn Inverse on: \e[7m off: \e[0m # This example HELLO INVERSE WORLD with the word INVERSE in inverse. ECHO "HELLO \e[7mINVERSE\e[0m WORLD" # Print a backslash (\). Since \ is a special character, you need a way to print it. ECHO "\\" # Print a percent (%). Since % is a special character, you need a way to print it. ECHO "\%" # Supress Newline (-N). ECHO -N allows you to print multiple things on the same line # This code segment will print ONE TWO THREE all on one line. ECHO -N ONE ECHO -N TWO ECHO -N THREE # Move cursor to beginning of current line (\r) # This example will print WORLD HELLO, note spaces. ECHO " HELLO\rWORLD" # Scroll Screen Down 1 Line (\eM) ECHO \eM # Scroll the Screen Up 1 Line (\eD) ECHO \eD # Clear Screen VT100 Code alternative, same as \f (\ec) ECHO \ec # Move cursor to [x,y] \e[x;yH # Move cursor to row 5 and col 15 and print I AM HERE ECHO "\e[05;15HI AM HERE" # Move to home position [0,0] (\e[H) ECHO \e[H # Clear from cursor to end of line (\e[K) ECHO \e[K # Clear from cursor to beginning of line (\e[1K) ECHO \e[1K # Clear line (\e[2K) ECHO \e[2K # Clear line 15 ECHO \e[15;01H\e[2K ###Examples IFTTT Tweet using HTTPGET Also look at Microsoft Flow and Integromat and Automate.io where [ exp ] and [ condition ] allow to detail operators.... anywhere you can have [ exp ] you can have ![ exp ] which means NOT exp. while ![ $total -eq 0 ] loop is the same thing as while [ $total -ne 0 ] loop Just like IF [ A -GT 5 ] DO X ELSE DO Y FI is the same as IF ![ A -LE 5 ] DO Y ELSE DO X FI Notice that the DO X and DO Y logic is swapped between the two cases. ## Internal Shell commands: | Name | Status | Comment | | ---- | ------ | ------- | | \ | Working | $VAR \| string \| "string with SPACE" \| 123 \| -456 | | \ | Working | \ [\ \] ... | | \ | Working | \+ signed int32 add
\- signed int32 sub
mod | | \ | Working |[ -D direxists ]
[ -E fileordirexists ]
[ -F fileexists ]
[ -N $VAR variable is not empty ]
[ -Z $VAR variable is empty ]
[ string1 = string2 ]
[ string1 != string2 ]
[ string1 .< string2 ]
[ string1 <= string2 ]
[ string1 .> string2 ]
[ string1 >= string2 ]
[ int32 -eq int32 ]
[ int32 -ne int32 ]
[ int32 -lt int32 ]
[ int32 -le int32 ]
[ int32 -gt int32 ]
[ int32 -ge int32 ]| | BREAK | Working | Exit CASE of SWITCH | | CALL | Working | CALL function ... | | CASE | Working | CASE | | CD | Working | CD path or relative path | | .. | Working | CD .. | | DATE | Working | %a : Abbreviated weekday name : Thu
%A : Full weekday name : Thursday
%b : Abbreviated month name : Aug
%B : Full month name : August
%d : Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)
%H : Hour in 24h format (00-23) 14
%I : Hour in 12h format (01-12) 02
%m : Month as a decimal number (01-12) 08
%M : Minute (00-59) 55
%p : AM or PM designation PM
%S : Second (00-61) 02
%w : Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)
%y : Year, last two digits (00-99)
%Y : Year four digits 2001 | | DEFAULT | Working | Default CASE for SWITCH | | ECHO | Working | \b,\e,\f,\n,\\\ and \\% supported
-N : Suppress \r\n | | ELSE | Working | Optional branch for IF block | | END | Working | End of SWITCH Statement | | EXIT | Working | exit function, script or shell | | FI | Working | Terminator for IF block | | FUNCTION | Working | FUNCTION function_name {
} | | IF | Working | [ \ ]
![ \ ]| | LOOP | Working | Terminator for WHILE block | | MD | Working | MD path or relative path
Create a directory | | NOHUP | Working | Start a process with PPID=PS0 (Daemon) | | PAUSE | Working | Wait until CR | | POPD | Working | Restore previously saved working directory | | PUSHD | Working | Save actual working directory
PUSHD \ do also a CD to \ | | PWD | Working | Print Working Directory | | RD | Working | Delete an empty directory | | READ | Working | -S : no echo (password)
-P : "prompt message"
-N maxchar | | REN | Working | Rename a file, directory or volume | | SET | Working | -X : toggle debug mode
-C : toggle Control-C break mode
-E : toggle error printing mode
-F : delete all declared functions | | SHIFT | Working | Remove $1 from cmd line | | SLEEP | Working | Wait \ 10th sec | | SWITCH | Working | SWITCH | | WHILE | Working | [ \ ] | ## Shell variables: | Name | Status | Comment | | ---- | ------ | ------- | | $0 | Working | Command Full Path | | $1-$9 | Working | Arg[n] | | $* | Working | All Args | | $# | Working | Arg Count | | $? | Working | Return Code | | $@ | Working | Parent PID | | $$ | Working | PID | | $! | Working | Child PID | | $UID | Working | PS Owner UID | | $PWD | Working | Working Directory | note : '$VAR' does NOT expand Variable ## Shell I/O control/redirection: | Token | Status | Comment | | ---- | ------ | ------- | | . | Working | use same env | | & | Working | start proc | | \| | Working | pipe | | < | Working | StdIn redirection | | > | Working | StdOut redirection | | >> | Working | Append StdOut | | 1>> | Working | | | 1> | Working | | | 2>> | Working | StdErr redirection | | 2> | Working | | ## Stuff to work on if [] && [] is AND if [] || [] is OR ### functions if you SET -F, it will discard ALL previously learnt FUNC in the current SH context if . FUNCS1 file add 3 then . FUNCS2 file add 2 all 5 are available until an set -X is met if you launch . MYFILE1, the code within MYFILE1 can CALL all 5 functions but MYFILE1 (wthout dot) will run in a separate SH process, so no access to the 5 functions known by parent SH functions bodies are stored in AUX ram so you can put around 30k of code in AUX ram then do a short MYFILE1 that calls a lot of FUNC in AUX FUNCs recursion is allowed (until you explode the stack!) CORE.STACK.MAX = 128....so each CALL consumes about 7 bytes of stack (return Ctx/Ptr, ArgVC,hArgV and CALL keywordID) * DIV/MOD ## License A2osX is licensed under the GNU General Pulic License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. The full A2osX license can be found **[Here](../LICENSE)**. ## Copyright Copyright 2015 - 2019, Remy Gibert and the A2osX contributors.