PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- K.GetKeyboardEvent lda KBD bpl .9 sta KBDSTROBE and #$7F ldy #S.EVT.DATA sta (pEvent),y iny lda OPENAPPLE asl lda SOLIDAPPLE ror and #$C0 sta (pEvent),y lda #S.EVT.F.KEY sta (pEvent) clc rts .9 inc A2osX.RANDOM16 sta A2osX.RANDOM16+1 sec no event rts *-------------------------------------- * EVT.GetEvents : * IN : * OUT : * CS = no event, A = ERROR * CC * event in YA * (pEvent) *-------------------------------------- EVT.GetEvents stz pEvent point to start of event list stz EVTMGR.COUNT reset Size lda VBL get VLINE status tax eor EVTMGR.VBLSTATE bpl EVT.GetEvents.DEV no change,no tick txa sta EVTMGR.VBLSTATE save new bpl EVT.GetEvents.DEV Up2down transition,no tick * sta PDLTRIG clr VBL (IIc) * lda RDIOUDIS clr VBL (IIc) inc A2osX.TIMER16 bne .1 inc A2osX.TIMER16+1 .1 dec EVTMGR.HZ.CNT bne EVT.GetEvents.DEV not yet 100ms ldx A2osX.HZ stx EVTMGR.HZ.CNT lda #S.EVT.F.T10TH dec EVTMGR.10TH.CNT bne .2 ldx #10 stx EVTMGR.10TH.CNT ora #S.EVT.F.T1SEC .2 sta (pEvent) jsr EVT.GetEvents.Add *-------------------------------------- EVT.GetEvents.DEV >LDYAI DevMgr.Table >STYA pDev stz DevMgr.DevID .1 ldy #S.DEV.F lda (pDev),y get S.DEV.F bit #S.DEV.F.EVENT beq .2 EVENT enabled ? lda (pDev) cmp #H.BIN.HEADER.DRV65 bne * ldx #DEVMGR.GETEVENT jsr pDevJmp Call DRV GetEvent function bcs .2 no event ldy #S.EVT.hDEV lda DevMgr.DevID sta (pEvent),y jsr EVT.GetEvents.Add bcc .9 Event Q is full, exit now with CC .2 lda pDev clc adc #S.DEV sta pDev bcc .3 inc pDev+1 .3 lda DevMgr.DevID inc DevMgr.DevID cmp DevMgr.LastDevID bne .1 lda EVTMGR.COUNT if 0, exit with CS=no event (from cmp) beq .9 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- EVT.GetEvents.Add inc EVTMGR.COUNT Add one event to Queue lda pEvent clc adc #S.EVT sta pEvent rts if CS, EVT queue full!!! ($100) *-------------------------------------- EVT.DestroyEvent lda (pEvent) beq .9 bit #S.EVT.F.hMEM1 beq .1 pha ldy #S.EVT.DATALO lda (pEvent),y jsr K.FreeMemA pla .1 bit #S.EVT.F.hMEM2 beq .2 ldy #S.EVT.DATAHI lda (pEvent),y jsr K.FreeMemA .2 lda #0 sta (pEvent) dec EVTMGR.COUNT .9 rts *-------------------------------------- EVTMGR.VBLSTATE .BS 1 EVTMGR.10TH.CNT .BS 1 EVTMGR.HZ.CNT .BS 1 EVTMGR.COUNT .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.EVT LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM