NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- K.PrintF.PadL .EQ FAC+5 K.PrintF.PadC .EQ ARG.SIGN */-------------------------------------- * # putchar (BLOCKING) * Print A (char) to StdOut * ## C * `int putchar ( int character );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda character` * `>SYSCALL putchar` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success *\-------------------------------------- K.PutChar >PUSHA character ldy #S.PS.hStdOut lda (pPs),y jsr K.FPutC bcc K.PutChar.RTS tay E.NODATA bpl K.PutChar.RTS inc 0 = BLOCKING K.PutChar.RET1 inc pStack K.PutChar.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # fputc (BLOCKING) * Print A (char) to hFILE * ## C * `int fputc ( hFILE stream , int character );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHB character` * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fputc` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success *\-------------------------------------- K.FPutC jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.PutChar.RET1 lda (pStack) character sta K.IOBuf lda #0 >PUSHA inc write 1 byte >PUSHA >PUSHWI K.IOBuf buf jsr IO.Write.I bcc K.PutChar.RET1 pop char... tay E.NODATA bpl K.PutChar.RET1 inc 0 = BLOCKING * sec rts */-------------------------------------- * # puts (BLOCKING) * Write Str to StdOut, appends '\r\n' * ## C * `int puts ( const char * str );` * **In:** * ## ASM * `>LDYAI str` * `>SYSCALL puts` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success *\-------------------------------------- K.PutS >STYA ZPPtr2 ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .2 sta K.IOBuf,y iny bne .1 .9 lda #E.BUF sec rts .2 lda #C.CR sta K.IOBuf,y iny beq .9 lda #C.LF sta K.IOBuf,y iny beq .9 lda #0 sta K.IOBuf,y >PUSHWI K.IOBuf ldy #S.PS.hStdOut lda (pPs),y jsr K.FPutS bcc .99 tay bne .99 0 = BLOCKING inc pStack pop K.IOBuf inc pStack * sec .99 rts */-------------------------------------- * # fputs (BLOCKING) * Write Str to hFILE * ## C * `int fputs (hFILE stream, const char * str );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHW str` * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fputs` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success *\-------------------------------------- K.FPutS jsr PFT.CheckNodeA set IO.hFD bcs .9 lda (pStack) sta ZPPtr2 Get String ldy #1 lda (pStack),y sta ZPPtr2+1 * ldy #0 dey ldx #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .2 iny bne .1 inx bra .1 .2 txa >PUSHA push len HI tya >PUSHA push len LO >PUSHW ZPPtr2 jsr IO.Write.I bcc .9 tay bpl .9 IO Erorr inc 0 = BLOCKING rts .9 >RET 2 pop str */-------------------------------------- * # PrintF (BLOCKING) * # FPrintF (BLOCKING) * # SPrintF * Prints C-Style String * ## C * `int printf ( const char * format, ... );` * `int fprintf ( hFILE stream, const char * format, ... );` * `int sprintf ( char * str, const char * format, ... );` * ## ASM * **In:** * PrintF : (example is for printing Y,A as integer : format="%I", 2 bytes) * `>PUSHYA` #I * `>PUSHBI 2` #bytecount * `...` * `>LDYAI format` * `>SYSCALL printf` * FPrintF : * `>PUSHYA` #I * `>PUSHBI 2` #bytecount * `...` * `>PUSHWI format` * `lda hFILE` * `>SYSCALL fprintf` * SPrintF : * `>PUSHYA` #I * `>PUSHBI 2` #bytecount * `...` * `>PUSHWI format` * `>LDYAI str` * `>SYSCALL sprintf` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : success, Y,A = bytes sent * CS : error, A = code from Output * Specifiers : * + %b : pull 1 byte to Print BIN * + %B : pull 2 bytes to Print BIN * + %d : pull 1 byte unsigned DEC 0..255 * + %D : pull 2 bytes unsigned DEC 0..65535 * + %u : pull 4 bytes long unsigned DEC 0..4294967295 * + %e : pull 5 Bytes float (-)1.23456789e+12 * + %f : pull 5 Bytes float (-)3.1415 * + %h : pull 1 byte to Print HEX * + %H : pull 2 bytes to Print HEX * + %i : pull 1 byte to Print signed DEC -128..127 * + %I : pull 2 bytes to Print signed DEC -32768..32767 * + %L : pull 4 bytes signed DEC -2147483648..2147483647 * + %s : pull 2 bytes ptr to C-Style String * + %S : pull 2 bytes ptr to P-Style String * + \b : Print 'BS' (08) * + \e : Print 'ESC' ($1B,27) * + \f : Print 'FF' ($0C,12) * + \n : Print 'LF' ($0A,10) * + \r : Print 'CR' ($0D,13) * + \t : Print 'TAB' ($09,09) * + \v : Print 'VT' ($0B,11) * + \xHH : Print byte with hexadecimal value HH (1 to 2 digits) * + \\\\ : Print \ * + \\% : Print % * Modifiers for len and padding : * + %d : '9' '12' * + %2d : ' 9' '12' * + %02d : '09' '12' * + %11s : 'ABCDEFGH ' * + %011s : 'ABCDEFGH000' * + %2f : '3.14' *\-------------------------------------- * .DUMMY * .OR ZPTMP PrintF.Cnt .BS 2 PrintF.hFILE .BS 1 * .ED *-------------------------------------- K.PrintF.GetFormat lda (pStack) sta ZPPtr2 ldy #1 lda (pStack),y sta ZPPtr2+1 lda pStack inc inc sta pLocal rts *-------------------------------------- K.SPrintF stz PrintF.hFILE >STYA pIOBuf str jsr K.PrintF.GetFormat bra K.PrintF.1 K.FPrintF sta PrintF.hFILE jsr K.PrintF.GetFormat bra K.PrintF.0 K.PrintF >STYA ZPPtr2 format lda pStack sta pLocal ldy #S.PS.hStdOut lda (pPs),y sta PrintF.hFILE K.PrintF.0 >LDYAI K.IOBuf >STYA pIOBuf K.PrintF.1 stz PrintF.Cnt stz PrintF.Cnt+1 stz PrintF.GetByte+1 .1 jsr MEM.GetCharPtr2 bne .22 jmp .8 end of format.. .22 cmp #'%' bne .10 stz K.PrintF.PadL stz K.PrintF.PadC ldy #0 .2 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .7 end of line... print % and exit iny jsr K.PrintF.CheckTBL1 do we have a %x command? bcc .6 yes, jmp to it! cmp #'0' ...a 0...mmm... padding char? bne .4 ldx K.PrintF.PadL K.PrintF.PadL is not nul, so this 0 is second digit bne .5 * lda #'0' sta K.PrintF.PadC no, this is the first 0, so make it K.PrintF.PadC bra .2 .4 jsr IsDigit bcs .7 no TBL1, no digit....abort .5 and #$0F we have a digit ldx K.PrintF.PadL bne .51 second digit... sta K.PrintF.PadL first digit, store. lda #' ' sta K.PrintF.PadC and set pad char as SPACE bra .2 .51 pha save it... lda K.PrintF.PadL starts K.PrintF.PadL * 10 asl asl A=times 4 adc K.PrintF.PadL CC by ASL, A=times 5 asl times 10 sta K.PrintF.PadL pla get back digit adc K.PrintF.PadL sta K.PrintF.PadL lda (ZPPtr2),y we have 2 digits, must get a letter, now beq .7 iny jsr K.PrintF.CheckTBL1 bcs .7 abort and print % .6 jsr MEM.AddYToPtr2 skip all processed chars txa asl tax jsr PrintF.ESC bcc .1 bcs .99 .7 lda #'%' bra .20 *-------------------------------------- .10 cmp #'\' bne .20 jsr MEM.GetCharPtr2 beq .99 ldx #PrintFTBL2.Cnt-1 .12 cmp PrintFTBL2,x beq .19 dex bpl .12 cmp #'x' bne .1 jsr MATH.Hex2ACC32 bcs .99 jsr MEM.AddYToPtr2 .14 lda ACC32 bra .20 .19 lda PrintFTBL2.OUT,x .20 jsr PrintF.COut bcs .99 jmp .1 *-------------------------------------- .99 pha lda pLocal sec ByteCnt byte adc (pLocal) ... ByteCnt sta pStack CC pla sec rts *-------------------------------------- .8 ldx PrintF.hFILE beq .80 Writing to buffer, append \0 >PUSHW PrintF.Cnt Writing to File/dev... >PUSHWI K.IOBuf txa jsr K.FWrite bcc .81 tay bne .99 >RET 4 0=BLOCKING .80 ldy PrintF.Cnt A=0, Writing to buffer, append \0 sta (pIOBuf),y .81 lda pLocal sec ByteCnt byte adc (pLocal) ... ByteCnt sta pStack CC >LDYA PrintF.Cnt clc rts *-------------------------------------- K.PrintF.CheckTBL1 ldx #PrintFTBL1.Cnt-1 .1 cmp PrintFTBL1,x beq .8 dex bpl .1 sec no valid letter... rts .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.ESC jmp (.1,x) .1 .DA PrintF.B,PrintF.BB .DA PrintF.D,PrintF.DD,PrintF.U .DA PrintF.E,PrintF.F .DA PrintF.H,PrintF.HH .DA PrintF.I,PrintF.II,PrintF.L .DA PrintF.S,PrintF.SS *-------------------------------------- PrintFTBL1 .AS "bBdDuefhHiILsS" PrintFTBL1.Cnt .EQ *-PrintFTBL1 PrintFTBL2 .AS "befnrtv\%" PrintFTBL2.Cnt .EQ *-PrintFTBL2 PrintFTBL2.OUT .HS 08.1B.0C.0A.0D.09.0B \b\e\f\n\r\t\v .DA #'\' \\ .DA #'%' \% *-------------------------------------- PrintF.BB jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS pha jsr PrintF.B pla bcc PrintF.B.1 PrintF.BB.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.B jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS PrintF.B.1 ldx #8 .1 asl tay lda #'0'/2 rol jsr PrintF.COut bcs .9 tya dex bne .1 .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.I sec signed short .HS 90 BCC PrintF.D clc unsigned short (BYTE) ror ACC32.Sign jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS sta ACC32 stz ACC32+1 ldx #0 one byte bra PrintF.DD.1 PrintF.II sec signed int .HS 90 BCC PrintF.DD clc unsigned int (WORD) ror ACC32.Sign jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS sta ACC32 jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS sta ACC32+1 ldx #1 two bytes PrintF.DD.1 stz ACC32+2 stz ACC32+3 bra PrintF.NUM PrintF.L sec signed long .HS 90 BCC PrintF.U clc unsigned long (DWORD) ror ACC32.Sign ldx #$ff .1 jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.BB.RTS inx sta ACC32,x cpx #3 bne .1 PrintF.NUM ldx K.PrintF.PadL ldy K.PrintF.PadC rol ACC32.Sign jsr MATH.ACC322STR10 bra PrintF.StrNum *-------------------------------------- * EXP(8) 1(s) 1significants(31) * *-------------------------------------- PrintF.E sec Force "E+12" .HS 90 BCC PrintF.F clc lda PrintF.GetByte+1 get current stack Ptr tay clc at least 5 bytes remaining ? adc #5 cmp (pStack) bcc .1 bne PrintF.StrNum.RTS .1 tya sec +1 adc pStack tay lda pStack+1 ldx #FPU.SETFAC jsr GP.ROMCALL lda PrintF.GetByte+1 clc adc #5 sta PrintF.GetByte+1 ldy #A2osX.NumStrBuf+1 In order not to trash A2osX.SaveSM,A2osX.SaveSX ldx #FPU.FOUT jsr GP.ROMCALL PrintF.StrNum ldy #0 .2 lda A2osX.NumStrBuf,y beq .8 iny jsr PrintF.COut bcc .2 .9 rts .8 clc PrintF.StrNum.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.S ldy #$ff CSTR .HS 2C bit abs PrintF.SS ldy #$00 PSTR jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs .9 sta ZPPtr1 jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs .9 sta ZPPtr1+1 lda (ZPPtr1) if CSTR:last char=0, if PSTR:len=0 beq .8 sty .1+1 .1 lda #$ff Self Modified bne .11 CSTR tya PSTR cmp (ZPPtr1) len check beq .2 .11 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y beq .2 jsr PrintF.COut bcs .9 lda K.PrintF.PadL beq .1 cpy K.PrintF.PadL bne .1 .8 clc rts .2 lda K.PrintF.PadL beq .8 .3 cpy K.PrintF.PadL beq .8 lda K.PrintF.PadC jsr PrintF.COut bcs .9 iny bne .3 * clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.HH jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.COut.RTS pha LO byte jsr PrintF.H plx bcs PrintF.COut.RTS txa bra PrintF.H.1 *-------------------------------------- PrintF.H jsr PrintF.GetByte bcs PrintF.COut.RTS PrintF.H.1 jsr MATH.AToHexAX jsr PrintF.COut bcs PrintF.COut.RTS txa *-------------------------------------- PrintF.COut phy ldy PrintF.Cnt sta (pIOBuf),y ply inc PrintF.Cnt bne .8 lda PrintF.hFILE bne .9 inc pIOBuf+1 inc PrintF.Cnt+1 .8 clc rts .9 lda #E.BUF sec PrintF.COut.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- PrintF.GetByte lda #$FF SELF MODIFIED LStack Ptr cmp (pLocal) beq PrintF.GetByte.9 CS phy tay iny lda (pLocal),y sty PrintF.GetByte+1 ply * clc PrintF.GetByte.9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # fgets (BLOCKING) * read bytes from stream into the array * pointed to by s, until n-1 bytes are read, or a is read and * transferred to s, or an end-of-file condition is encountered. The * string is then terminated with a null byte. * ## C * `char *fgets(hFILE stream, char * s, int n);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHW n` * `>PUSHW s` * `lda hFILE` * `>SYSCALL fgets` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A: s * CC = success *\-------------------------------------- * (pStack)+2 n * (pStack)+0 s *-------------------------------------- K.FGetS jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs PrintF.GetByte.9 lda (pStack) sta ZPPtr2 s LO ldy #1 lda (pStack),y sta ZPPtr2+1 s HI iny lda (pStack),y n LO sta ZPPtr1 iny lda (pStack),y n HI sta ZPPtr1+1 bmi .3 already something in buffer .1 >PUSHWI 1 >PUSHWI K.IOBuf jsr IO.READ.I bcc .2 cmp #MLI.E.EOF beq .9 tay bpl .9 IO error inc NO DATA -> BLOCKING rts .2 lda K.IOBuf cmp #C.LF Discard any leading LF beq .1 cmp #C.CR beq .8 empty string jsr MEM.PutCharPtr2 lda ZPPtr1 eor #$ff sta ZPPtr1 lda ZPPtr1+1 eor #$ff sta ZPPtr1+1 .3 inc ZPPtr1 bne .4 inc ZPPtr1+1 beq .8 Buffer full .4 >PUSHWI 1 >PUSHWI K.IOBuf jsr IO.READ.I bcs .5 lda K.IOBuf cmp #C.CR beq .8 jsr MEM.PutCharPtr2 bra .3 .5 cmp #MLI.E.EOF beq .8 String terminated by EOF tay bpl .9 I/O error lda ZPPtr2 NO DATA, but string not yet terminated sta (pStack) s ldy #1 lda ZPPtr2+1 sta (pStack),y s iny lda ZPPtr1 sta (pStack),y !n LO iny lda ZPPtr1+1 sta (pStack),y !n HI lda #0 BLOCKING sec rts .8 lda #0 sta (ZPPtr2) terminate string clc .9 >RET 4 */-------------------------------------- * # getchar (BLOCKING) * Get char from StdIn * ## C * `int getchar ();` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>SYSCALL getchar` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success * A = char *\-------------------------------------- K.GetChar ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPs),y */-------------------------------------- * # getc (BLOCKING) * Get char from Node * ## C * `int getc ( hFILE stream );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL getc` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC = success * A = char *\-------------------------------------- K.GetC jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.GetC.RTS >PUSHWI 1 >PUSHWI K.IOBuf jsr IO.READ.I bcc .8 tay bpl K.GetC.RTS I/O error inc 0 = BLOCKING rts .8 lda K.IOBuf K.GetC.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # SScanF * Read formatted data from string * ## C * `int sscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, ... );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHW ptr` * `...` * `>PUSHBI bytecount` * `>PUSHWI format` * + %i : short int * + %d : byte * + %I : int * + %D : word * + %L : long int * + %U : dword * + %h : HEX byte * + %H : HEX word * + %s : string * TODO : %10s * `>LDYA s` * `>SYSCALL sscanf` * ## RETURN VALUE * A = Number of arguments filled. *\-------------------------------------- K.SScanF jsr MEM.SPtr2PPtr1 ptr2=String to Scan,Ptr1=format stz .5+1 reset LStack Ptr stz .80+1 rest Arg processed .1 jsr MEM.GetCharPtr1 End Of format? beq .8 cmp #'%' Escape ? beq .2 cmp #' ' Space ? beq .12 cmp (ZPPtr2) Same char in string? bne .9 jsr MEM.NextCharPtr2 bra .1 .12 jsr MEM.NextCharPtr2 Space.... cmp (ZPPtr2) another one ? beq .12 bne .1 .2 jsr MEM.GetCharPtr1 Get specifier after % beq .9 unexpected End of format after "%" ? ldx #K.SScanFJMP-K.SScanFTBL-2 .3 cmp K.SScanFTBL,x beq .4 dex dex bpl .3 .9 jsr .8 lda #MLI.E.EOF sec rts .4 jsr .5 bcs .9 out of Ptr on stack bra .1 .8 lda pStack sec ByteCnt byte adc (pStack) ... ByteCnt sta pStack CC .80 lda #$ff SELF MODIFIED Arg processed .99 rts *-------------------------------------- .5 lda #$FF SELF MODIFIED LStack Ptr cmp (pStack) beq .99 CS tay iny lda (pStack),y sta ZPPtr3 iny lda (pStack),y sta ZPPtr3+1 get VAR Ptr sty .5+1 inc .80+1 parsed one more arg! jmp (K.SScanFJMP,x) *-------------------------------------- K.SScanFTBL .DA #'i,#1,#'d,#1,#'I,#2,#'D,#2,#'l,#4,#'u,#4,#'h,#1,#'H,#2,#'s,#2 K.SScanFJMP .DA K.SScanF.I .DA K.SScanF.D .DA K.SScanF.II .DA K.SScanF.DD .DA K.SScanF.L .DA K.SScanF.U .DA K.SScanF.H .DA K.SScanF.HH .DA K.SScanF.S *-------------------------------------- K.SScanF.I K.SScanF.D K.SScanF.II K.SScanF.DD K.SScanF.L K.SScanF.U lda K.SScanFTBL+1,x Get VAR size pha Save VAL size jsr MATH.Dec2ACC32 bra K.SScanF.GetVAL *-------------------------------------- K.SScanF.HH K.SScanF.H lda K.SScanFTBL+1,x Get VAR size pha jsr MATH.Hex2ACC32 K.SScanF.GetVAL jsr MEM.AddYToPtr2 Y=char count parsed .1 ply get back VAL size .2 lda ACC32-1,y dey sta (ZPPtr3),y bne .2 .9 rts *-------------------------------------- K.SScanF.S ldy #$ff .1 iny lda (ZPPtr2),y Get char in string to scan sta (ZPPtr3),y store in param ptr beq K.SScanF.Fwd end of string to scan ? cmp (ZPPtr1) match format next char ? beq .2 cmp #' ' is it a space ? bne .1 .2 lda #0 add \0 to param ptr sta (ZPPtr3),y K.SScanF.Fwd jmp MEM.AddYToPtr2 Y=char count parsed */-------------------------------------- * # FOpen * Open a file * ## C * `hFILE fopen ( const char * filename, short int flags, short int ftype, int auxtype );` * **In:** * ## ASM * `>PUSHWI auxtype` * `>PUSHBI ftype` * `>PUSHBI flags` * + O.RDONLY : if R and !exists -> ERROR * + O.WRONLY : if W and !exists -> CREATE * + O.TRUNC : Reset Size To 0 * + O.APPEND : Append * + O.TEXT : Open/Append in Text mode * + O.CREATE : Create if not exists * TODO: replace flags/ftype/auxtype with mode="w+,t=TYP,x=AUXTYPE" * + r = O_RDONLY * + r+ = O_RDWR * + w = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC * + w+ = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC * + a = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND * + a+ = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND * + ,t=123 or t=$ff or t=TXT * + ,x=12345 or x=$ffff * `>LDYAI filename` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : A = hFILE * CS : A = EC *\-------------------------------------- K.FOpen jsr PFT.CheckPathYA bcs K.FOpen.RET4 >PULLB K.Open.FLAGS >PULLB K.Open.TYPE >PULLW K.Open.AUXTYPE jsr IO.Open.I bcs K.FClose.RTS jsr STDIO.NewHFile bcc K.FClose.RTS jmp IO.Open.ERR K.FOpen.RET4 >RET 4 */-------------------------------------- * # FClose * Close a file * ## C * int fclose ( hFILE stream ); * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fclose` * ## RETURN VALUE *\-------------------------------------- K.FClose jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.FClose.RTS sta .1+1 store hFile jsr IO.Close.I bcs K.FClose.RTS .1 ldx #$ff SELF MODIFIED stz OF.Table.hFD-1,x lda OF.Table.hPath-1,x beq K.FClose.RTS special files have no path stz OF.Table.hPath-1,x jmp K.FreeMem discard filename K.FClose.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # FRead (BLOCKING) * Read bytes from file * ## C * int fread (hFILE stream, void * ptr, int count ); * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI count` * `>PUSHW ptr` * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fread` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = Bytes Read *\-------------------------------------- K.FRead jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.FOpen.RET4 jsr IO.Read.I bcs K.FWrite.9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # FWrite (BLOCKING) * Write bytes to file * ## C * `int fwrite (hFILE stream, const void * ptr, int count );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI count` * `>PUSHW ptr` * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fwrite` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = Bytes Written *\-------------------------------------- K.FWrite jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.FOpen.RET4 jsr IO.Write.I bcc K.FWrite.RTS K.FWrite.9 tay bpl K.FWrite.RTS dec pStack FF = NODATA dec pStack dec pStack dec pStack keep ptr & count on stack inc 0 = BLOCKING K.FWrite.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # FFlush * ## C * int fflush(hFILE stream); * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fflush` *\-------------------------------------- K.FFlush jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs .9 lda (pFD) bne STDIO.IOERR >MLICALL MLIFLUSH .9 rts *-------------------------------------- STDIO.IOERR lda #MLI.E.IO sec rts */------------------------------------- * # FSeek * Set the file-position indicator for hFILE * ## C * `int fseek(hFILE stream, long offset, short int whence);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHBI whence` * `>PUSHL offset` * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL fseek` *\------------------------------------- K.FSeek jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcc .11 >RET 5 .11 >PULLA whence tax >PULLW ZPPtr1 offset LW >PULLW ZPPtr2 offset HW cpx #SEEK.END+1 bcs .98 jmp (.1,x) .1 .DA .10 .DA .20 .DA .30 * SEEK.SET .10 stz K.MLI.PARAMS+2 stz K.MLI.PARAMS+3 stz K.MLI.PARAMS+4 bra .8 * SEEK.CUR .20 >MLICALL MLIGETMARK bcc .8 rts * SEEK.END .30 >MLICALL MLIGETEOF bcs .9 .8 ldy #0 ldx #3 3 bytes, 24 bits!!! clc .81 lda K.MLI.PARAMS+2,y adc ZPPtr1,y sta K.MLI.PARAMS+2,y iny dex bne .81 bcs .99 Offset out of range! .82 >MLICALL MLISETMARK bcc .9 cmp #MLI.E.BEYEOF bne .9 >MLICALL MLISETEOF bcc .82 .9 rts .98 lda #E.BADARG .HS 2C bit abs .99 lda #E.FTB sec K.FSeek.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # FEOF * Test the end-of-file indicator for hFILE * ## C * `int feof(hFILE stream);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL feof` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : * A = $ff EOF * A = 0 NOT EOF * CS : *\-------------------------------------- K.FEOF jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.FSeek.RTS jmp IO.EOF */-------------------------------------- * # FTell * Return the current value of the file-position indicator * ## C * `long ftell(hFILE stream);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `lda stream` * `>SYSCALL ftell` * ## RETURN VALUE * On stack (long) *\-------------------------------------- K.FTell jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs .9 >MLICALL MLIGETMARK bcs .9 lda #0 >PUSHA ldy #2 .1 lda K.MLI.PARAMS+2,y >PUSHA dey bpl .1 .9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # Remove * Remove a file or directory * ## C * int remove(const char *pathname); * ## ASM * **In:** * `>LDYA pathname` * `>SYSCALL remove` * ## RETURN VALUE *\-------------------------------------- K.Remove jsr PFT.CheckPathYA bcs .9 >MLICALL MLIDESTROY .9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # Rename * Rename a file * ## C * `int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHW newpath` * `>LDYA oldpath` * `>SYSCALL rename` * ## RETURN VALUE *\-------------------------------------- K.Rename jsr PFT.CheckPathYA bcs .9 >PULLW .1+1 ldy #0 .1 lda $ffff,y Self Modified beq .8 iny sta K.Buf256,y cpy #MLI.MAXPATH bne .1 .8 sty K.Buf256 >LDYAI K.Buf256 >STYA K.MLI.PARAMS+3 >MLICALL MLIRENAME rts .9 >RET 2 *-------------------------------------- * K.Buf256 = filepath * X = hFD *-------------------------------------- STDIO.NewHFile sta .4+1 Store hFD ldx #1 .1 lda OF.Table.hFD-1,x beq .2 inx cpx #K.OF.MAX+1 bne .1 lda #E.OOH * sec rts .2 stx .3+1 Store hFILE lda (pFD) cmp #S.FD.T.CDEV beq .20 cmp #S.FD.T.BDEV bne .21 .20 lda #0 No hPath for DEV bra .3 .21 >LDYAI K.buf256 ldx #SYS.strdup jsr K.SYSCALL2.BANK bcs .9 txa .3 ldx #$ff SELF MODIFIED sta OF.Table.hPath-1,x .4 lda #$ff SELF MODIFIED sta OF.Table.hFD-1,x txa hFILE clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.STDIO LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM