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AUTO 3,1
* object code = sel_2
* Alternate program selector segment for P8 when used in conjunction with
* gs/os. This code is used in place of the standard P8 interactive program
* selector when P8 is started up by GQuit. It is called when passing control
* from one application to another and the new application is 8-bit. This
* code first loads the specified P8 application at $2000 in bank 0 of memory.
* It then checks the message center for a possible name of a file. this file
* is passed on to the 8-bit application. This segment then passes control to
* the freshly loaded app. This code does NOT start with a CLD instruction
* (as other replacement quit code is supposed to do) because GQuit checks
* this to see if this version of quit code is available.
GQdisp lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 read/write LC bank 1
xce 16 bit native mode.
jmp P8QUIT go to GQuit.
.HS 0000000000 offset to paragraph boundary.
.AS "GQ" id bytes so GQuit can identify this
* load application
* Entry is in 16-bit native mode. Exit is in emulation mode.
* On entry and exit:
* Data bank register is set to $00.
* Direct register is set to $0000.
* Stack pointer is set to $01FB.
* Inputs: acc = value of E1_OS_Switch (0 or 1, 1 = yes to switch)
* This code is moved to $00/1010 and executed there.
* first, copy the prefix passed from gs/os to our own volume name buffer
* so in case of an error setting the P8 prefix, it can be displayed in the
* error message.
>SHORTM 8 bit accumulator
pha save the switch status.
ldx ##inbuf point to passed prefix.
jsr copyvol copy the name into the buffer.
pla retrieve the switch status
* go into emulation mode to load and run Prodos 8 application
xce 8 bit emulation mode
ora #$00 switching from P16 to P8 ?
beq L602D no.
* switching from P16 to P8 so pass prefix 0 from P16 to the P8 prefix. the
* prefix is passed at $00/0200 by GQuit.
L6020 jsr MLI set prefix
.DA #$C6
.DA pfxparms
bcc L602D if prefix ok.
jsr gqerror error handler.
bra L6020 try again
* load application at $2000
L602D xce native mode (carry clear)
>LONGX 16 bit regs, 8 bit acc.
lda pbuf+1 is the application name
cmp #$2F a complete pathname ?
bne L603D no, use prefix as volume name
ldx ##pbuf else use the application name.
jsr copyvol copy the volume name to buffer.
L603D sec back to emulation mode.
L603F jsr MLI open the application file
.DA #$C8
.DA opnparms
bcc L604C if open ok.
jsr gqerror handle error.
bra L603F try again.
L604C lda oprefnum copy ref number to parameter lists
sta eofrefn
sta rdrefnum
sta closeref
* do a geteof call for how many bytes to read
L6058 jsr MLI get eof
.DA #$D1
.DA eofparms
bcc L6065 eof ok.
jsr gqerror handle error.
bra L6058 try again.
* store the size of the file in the read parameter list
L6065 lda eofval
sta rdcount
lda eofval+1
sta rdcount+1
L6071 jsr MLI read
.DA #$CA
.DA readparm
bcc L607E read ok
jsr gqerror
bra L6071
L607E jsr MLI close
.DA #$CC
.DA closeprm
bcc L608B close ok
jsr gqerror
bra L607E
L608B jsr dolaunch check for possible 2nd pathname.
bne L6099 if none then run program
jsr ckfordrv else make sure the file is online.
bcc L6099 if so then run the program.
lda #$45 volume not found error.
bra L60AB
L6099 lda RROMBNK2 enable ROM
jmp sysentry execute the system application
gqerror clc
xce 16 bit native mode
jsr mountvol mount volume.
bcs L60AB if error.
sec back to emulation mode.
* generate a fatal error while running under Prodos 8.
* on input, acc = error code. this routine does not return.
L60AB clc native mode
and ##$00FF mask off high byte of error code.
pha put on stack for IntMath tool call.
pea $0000 errval>>16
pea errval push address of string buffer.
pea $0004 make string 4 digits long.
>IIGS Int2Hex convert value to hex string.
pha make space for return value.
pea $0000 quitstr1>>16
pea quitstr1 push first error message address
pea $0000 quitstr2>>16
pea quitstr2 push second error message address
pea $0000 button1>>16
pea button1 push first button text address
pea $0000 quitbtn2>>16
pea quitbtn2 push 2nd button text address (null)
>IIGS TLTextMountVolume make the dialog box
pla retrieve button press (not used)
sec emulation mode
jsr MLI quit back to GQuit
.DA #$65
.DA quitparms
* p8 mount volume
* on entry: volbuf = name of volume to mount.
* on exit: carry clear if mount volume displayed and 'return' was pressed.
* carry set if no window displayed or if had window and 'esc' pressed.
mountvol ldy ##$0000 volbuf>>16
ldx ##volbuf set up pointer to volume name.
* if error is 'volume not found' or 'no disk in drive' then display the
* Mount Volume window, otherwise return with carry set.
and ##$00FF mask just in case.
cmp ##$0045 volume not found ?
beq L6101 yes
cmp ##$002F no disk in drive ?
beq L6101 yes
sec indicate error not handled.
rts return with error code still in acc.
L6101 pha save error code in case esc pressed.
phy pointer to volume name.
phd save D reg.
tcd point D reg at stack.
lda [$01] get length byte and leading separator.
dec don't count leading separator.
xba then swap the bytes so the volume name
sta [$01] doesn't cpntain the separator.
pha room for result.
pea $0000 mountmsg>>16
pea mountmsg
phy hi word of pointer to volume name.
inx skip separator.
phx lo word of pointer to volume name.
pea $0000 button1>>16
pea button1 'Return'
pea $0000 button2>>16
pea button2 'Escape'
>IIGS TLTextMountVolume
lda [$01] restore first 2 bytes of vilume name
xba back to their original positions
inc and values.
sta [$01]
pla which button: 1=Return 2=Escape.
pld restore D reg.
plx pull volume name pointer off stack
cmp ##$0001 which button was pressed ?
bne L613C if Escape pressed.
clc indicate Return was pressed.
pla pull original error code off stack.
rts return with carry clear.
L613C sec indicate Escape was pressed.
pla restore error code.
rts return with carry set.
* copy the volume name from the given pathname to the volume name buffer.
* inputs: x = length byte of complete pathname containing volume name.
* output: volume name is stored in volbuf.
copyvol lda >1,x get the first slash
sta volbuf+1
ldy ##$0002 initialize the length count.
L6148 lda >2,x now copy the volume name up to
cmp #$2F the separating slash.
beq L6156
sta volbuf,y
bra L6148
L6156 dey fix character count.
tya length.
sta volbuf store the resultant string length.
* translate a filename message from the message center to the currently
* launching P8 application if it can accept a second filename. If found,
* copy the filename into the application's filename buffer.
* on exit, the z-flag is set if a filename was correctly passed to the
* application elst the z-flag is clear if it couldn't be done.
dolaunch lda sysentry does the app start with a jump ?
cmp #$4C
bne L616F no, doesn't follow the convention.
lda #$EE check for the signature bytes.
cmp sysentry+3
bne L616F 1st one doesn't match, skip it.
cmp sysentry+4
beq L6170 both match, go get a filename message.
L616F rts just return to launch the app.
L6170 lda #$FF put flag conditioning value on
pha the stack (assume error).
clc native 16-bit mode.
pha make room on stack for user id.
>IIGS MMStartUp start up the memory manager.
pla get the user id and
pha leave it on the stack.
pha make room on stack for new handle.
pea $0000
pea $000A get a 10 byte block of memory.
pha put user id on stack.
pea $0000 totally unrestricted block.
pha LocationPtr (not used)
>IIGS NewHandle go get the block of memory.
pla get the handle from the stack.
bcs L620A branch if error, no memory available.
phx leave the handle on the stack.
pea $0002 'get' a message.
pea $0001 get a type 1 (filename) message.
phx put the message handle on the stack
pha (still in acc and x regs)
>IIGS MessageCenter
bcs L6203 branch if no message.
pha leave 4 bytes free on stack
pha (will be used as a direct page pointer)
tsc get the stack pointer.
phd save current direct register.
inc point to new direct page space.
tcd make a new direct page.
lda [$04] de-reference the handle.
sta $00
ldy ##$0002
lda [$04],y
sta $02
ldy ##$0006 get the message command.
lda [$00],y
bne bad_msg if print, then skip it.
lda $00 adjust pointer to filename string.
adc ##$0008
sta $00
bcc L61D1
inc $02
L61D1 lda [$00] get the length of the string.
and ##$00FF mask off high (leaving just the length)
>SHORTM 8 bit accumulator
cmp sysentry+5 check against length of app buffer.
beq L61DF if equal then continue with move.
bcs bad_msg if too long then bad message.
L61DF tay string length.
L61E0 lda [$00],y get a character.
sta sysentry+6,y store it in the app's filename buffer
sta inbuf,y and in prefix buffer.
bpl L61E0
lda #$00 change flag conditioning value on stack
sta $0D,s to indicate a filename is passed.
>LONGM 16-bit acc.
pld restore direct register.
pla fix stack because handle and userid
pla still on stack.
pea $0003 now delete the message (done with it).
pea $0001 message type 1.
pha garbage handle (not used).
>IIGS MessageCenter go delete the message.
L6203 >IIGS DisposeHandle throw away message (handle is on stack)
L620A >IIGS MMShutDown shutdown the memory manager (userid is
sec on stack).
xce back to emulation mode.
pla condition z-flag with value on stack.
bne L6231 then done.
ldx inbuf get length of pathname.
lda #$2F look for slash.
L621B cmp inbuf,x
beq L6225 when found, set prefix.
bne L621B
bra L6231 if no slash, just skip it.
L6225 dex don't include trailing slash.
stx inbuf set new length.
jsr MLI set the P8 prefix.
.DA #$C6
.DA pfxparms
lda #$00 set z-flag
L6231 rts and go launch the app.
* check for disk volume
* on exit:
* carry clear = disk was found
* carry set = disk not found
ckfordrv clc native mode
>LONGX 16-bit regs, 8-bit acc.
ldx ##sysentry+6 point to pathname buffer.
jsr copyvol copy volume name to pathname buffer.
.1 sec emulation mode.
jsr MLI get info on the volume.
.DA #$C4
.DA gfiparms
bcc .2 branch if volume found,
clc (native mode)
jsr mountvol else ask user to mount the volume.
bcc .1 if <return> pressed, then try again.
sec emulation mode.
sec disk not found.
.2 rts
* Prodos 8 parameter lists
pfxparms .DA #01 one parm.
.DA inbuf address of prefix.
opnparms .DA #3 3 parms.
.DA pbuf pathname
.DA op_buf i/o buffer
oprefnum .HS 00 reference #
eofparms .DA #02 2 parms
eofrefn .HS 00 reference #
eofval .HS 000000 3 byte eof value
readparm .DA #04 4 parms
rdrefnum .HS 00 reference #
.DA sysentry read into $2000 (bank 0).
rdcount .HS 0000 # of bytes to read.
.HS 0000 transfer count
closeprm .DA #1 1 parm
closeref .HS 00 reference #
quitparms .DA #04 4 parms.
.HS 00 quit back to launcher (GQuit)
.HS 0000
.HS 00
.HS 0000
gfiparms .DA #$0A 10 parms
.DA volbuf volume buffer
.DA #0 access
.DA #0 file type
.DA 0 aux type
.DA #0 storage type
.DA 0 blocks used
.DA 0 modification date
.DA 0 modification time
.DA 0 creation date
.DA 0 creation time
* messages for P8 fatal error. maximum length of message is 35 characters.
* the error code will be displayed immediately after the final character.
quitstr1 .DA #$1B
.AS "Can't run next application."
quitstr2 .DA #$14
.AS "ProDOS Error = $"
errval .AS " "
quitbtn2 .HS 00
* messages for P8 mount volume. maximum length of message is 35 characters.
* the button labels must not be more than 16 characters.
mountmsg .DA #$17
.AS "Please insert the disk:"
button1 .DA #$0D
.AS "Accept: "
.DA #$1B mousetext on
.DA #$0F inverse on
.DA #$4D mousetext return
.DA #$0E normal on
.DA #$18 mousetext off
button2 .DA #$0B
.AS "Cancel: Esc"