A2osX/Technical Spec.md
2019-03-13 11:37:05 +00:00

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# A2osX (0.92) Multi-Tasking OS for Apple II
## SYS/KM* Supported Hardware At Kernel Level (ProDOS):
| KM.Name | Status | Comment |
| ------- | ------ | ------- |
| KM.APPLETALK | Working | AppleTalk Support for ProDOS |
| KM.NSC | Working | No-Slot-Clock/DS1216E |
| KM.RAMWORKS | Working | AE-Ramworks I,II,III |
| KM.VSDRIVE | Working | ADTPro Virtual Drive for SSC |
## SBIN,Daemons/Commands:
| Name | Status | Comment | K.Ver |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ------|
| DHCPCLNT| Working | rewritten to use new Socket API | 0.92 |
| GETTY | Working | -E : Exit on remote close | 0.92 |
| HTTPD | In Progress | | 0.9 |
| INSDRV | Working | | 0.92 |
| KCONFIG | Working | Kernel Configuration Utility | 0.92 |
| LOGIN | In Progress | no auth using /etc/passwd yet | 0.92 |
| SHELL | Working | (See Internal Shell commands) | 0.92 |
| TCPIPD | Working | ARP,IP,ICMP,UDP & TCP ok | 0.92 |
| TELNETD | Working | | 0.92 |
## Internal Shell commands:
| Name | Status | Comment |
| ---- | ------ | ------- |
| \<value\> | Working | $VAR \| string \| "string with SPACE" \| 123 \| -456 |
| \<expression\> | Working | \<value\> [\<op\> \<value\>] ... |
| \<op\> | Working | \+ signed int32 add |
| | Working | \- signed int32 sub |
| | | \* |
| | | div |
| | | mod |
| \<condition\> | Working |[ -d direxists ] |
| | | [ -e fileordirexists ] |
| | | [ -f fileexists ] |
| | | [ -n $VAR variable is not empty ] |
| | | [ -z $VAR variable is empty ] |
| | | [ string1 = string2 ] |
| | | [ string1 != string2 ] |
| | | [ string1 .< string2 ] |
| | | [ string1 <= string2 ] |
| | | [ string1 .> string2 ] |
| | | [ string1 >= string2 ] |
| | | [ int32 -eq int32 ] |
| | | [ int32 -ne int32 ] |
| | | [ int32 -lt int32 ] |
| | | [ int32 -le int32 ] |
| | | [ int32 -gt int32 ] |
| | | [ int32 -ge int32 ] |
| FUNC | | FUNC fonction_name {body} |
| RETURN | | Exit function with return code |
| SWITCH | | SWITCH <expression> |
| CASE | | CASE <expression> |
| DEFAULT | | |
| END | | End of SWITCH Statement |
| CD | Working | Improved syntax : now, 'CD ../BIN' works |
| DATE | Working | |
| ECHO | Working | \b,\e,\f,\n,\\\ and \\% supported |
| | | -N : Suppress \r\n |
| ELSE | Working | Optional branch for IF block |
| EXIT | Working | exit shell |
| FI | Working | Terminator for IF block |
| IF | Working | [ \<condition\> ] |
| LOOP | Working | Terminator for WHILE block |
| MD | Working | Create a directory |
| NOHUP | Working | Start a process with PPID=PS0 (Daemon) |
| PAUSE | Working | Wait until CR |
| POPD | Working | Restore previously saved working directory |
| PUSHD | Working | Save actual working directory |
| | | PUSHD \<dir\> do also a CD to \<dir\> |
| PWD | Working | Print Working Directory |
| RD | Working | Delete an empty directory |
| READ | Working | -S : no echo (password) |
| | | -P : "prompt message" |
| REN | Working | Rename a file, directory or volume |
| SET | Working | -X : toggle debug mode |
| | | -C : toggle Control-C break mode |
| SHIFT | Working | Remove $1 from cmd line |
| SLEEP | Working | Wait \<count\> 10th sec |
| TIME | Working | |
| WHILE | Working | [ \<ondition\> ] |
## Shell variables:
| Name | Status | Comment |
| ---- | ------ | ------- |
| $0 | Working | Command Full Path |
| $1-$9 | Working | Arg[n] |
| $* | Working | All Args |
| $# | Working | Arg Count |
| $? | Working | Return Code |
| $@ | Working | Parent PID |
| $$ | Working | PID |
| $! | Working | Child PID |
| $UID | Working | PS Owner UID |
| $PWD | Working | Working Directory |
note : '$VAR' does NOT expand Variable
## Shell I/O control/redirection:
| Token | Status | Comment |
| ---- | ------ | ------- |
| . | Working | use same env |
| & | Working | start proc |
| \| | Working | pipe |
| < | Working | StdIn redirection |
| > | Working | StdOut redirection |
| >> | Working | Append StdOut |
| 1>> | Working | |
| 1> | Working | |
| 2>> | Working | StdErr redirection |
| 2> | Working | |
## DRV,Drivers:
| Name | Status | Comment | K.Ver |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ----- |
| Console.DRV | Working | ANSI support in Progress. | 0.92 |
| DHGR.DRV | Working | 560x192 Mono/16 colors Mixed-Mode support | 0.9.1 |
| LanCeGS.DRV | Working | | 0.92 |
| Mouse.DRV | Working | Apple Mouse Card,//c Mouse Port | 0.9.1 |
| PIC.DRV | In Progress | Apple "Parallel Interface Card" Driver, renamed from PPIC.DRV | 0.9 |
| SSC.DRV | Working | Apple "Super Serial Card" Driver | 0.92 |
| SSC.I.DRV | Working | Apple "Super Serial Card" Driver (IRQ enabled) | 0.92 |
| Uthernet.DRV | Working | | 0.92 |
| Uthernet2.DRV | Working | | 0.92 |
| Uther2.AI.DRV | In Progress | With ARP/IP Offloading | 0.92 |
## BIN,External Shell commands:
| Name | Status | Comment | K.Ver |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ----- |
| CAT | Working | -A : Show All non printable caracters | 0.92 |
| | | -N : Number all output lines | |
| | | -S : Suppress repeated empty output lines | |
| CUT | Working | CUT \<opt\> "line" or CMD\|CUT \<opt\> | 0.92 |
| | | -H : This help screen | |
| | | -F nn : Output field nn | |
| | | -M nn : Output starting at nn | |
| | | -N nn : Output Ending at nn | |
| | | -S ch : Change default SPACE separator to 'ch' | |
| CHGRP | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error | 0.9 |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| CHMOD | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error | 0.9 |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| CHOWN | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error | 0.9 |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| CHTYP | Working | -C : Continue On Error | 0.92 |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| CP | Working | -C : Continue On Error | 0.92 |
| | | -Q : Quiet | |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| | | -Y : Dont't Prompt For Override | |
| EDIT | Working | still missing : find/replace | 0.92 |
| FORMAT | In Progress | FORMAT \<BLOCKDEV\> [VOLUME.NAME] | 0.92 |
| | | -L : Low-Level Format *not currently supported | |
| | | -1..9 : Catalog Size (block count) | |
| GREP | Working | GREP \<opt\> PATTERN FILE or CMD\|GREP \<opt\> PATTERN | 0.92 |
| | | -H : This help screen | |
| | | -I : Ignore Case | |
| | | -N : Print line Number | |
| KILL | Working | KILL \<signal\> PID | 0.92 |
| | | -0 : No Signal | |
| | | -1 : SIGQUIT | |
| LS | Working | -A : Print . & .. | 0.92 |
| | | -C : Single column listing | |
| | | -F : Single column, includes full path | |
| | | -L : long listing with size/date... | |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| LSDEV | Working | Dump device Drivers | 0.92 |
| LSOF | Working | List Open Files | 0.92 |
| MD5 | Working | MD5 \[ -D : String \| file \] | 0.92 |
| MEM | Working | Old dump behavior is now MEMDUMP. New MEM command displays MEMSTAT (Main, Aux & Kernel Memory) | 0.92 |
| MKDIR | Working | Make Directory| 0.92 |
| MORE | Working | MORE \<File\> or CMD\|MORE \<opt\> | 0.92 |
| | | -H : This help screen | |
| | | -N : Number all output lines | |
| | | -P : Page mode, no scroll | |
| | | -S : Process ESC codes | |
| NSCUTIL | Working | NSCUTIL DD/MM/YY,hh:mm:ss | 0.92 |
| | | Tool for setting time in NSC/DL1216E | |
| MV | Working | -C : Continue On Error | 0.92 |
| | | -Q : Quiet | |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
| | | -Y : Dont't Prompt For Override | |
| PS | Working | List Processes| 0.92 |
| RM | Working | RM \[File/Dir, *,? wildcards allowed\] | 0.92 |
| | | -C : Continue On Error | |
| | | -Q : Quiet | |
| | | -R : Recurse subdirectories | |
## Network (TCPIP) tools:
| Name | Status | Comment | K.Ver |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ----- |
| ARP | Working | dump ARP cache, setup a static ARP entry | 0.92 |
| DNSINFO | Working | dump DNS cache, setup a static DNS entry | 0.92 |
| HTTPGET | In Progress | HTTPGET <ip\|host> [port] | 0.93 |
| | | -U Url | |
| | | -F UrlFile | |
| IPCONFIG | Working | -D : Try to get IP address from DHCP | 0.92 |
| | | -E : Read ETC files | |
| | | -S : Set/Reset TCPIP configuration (-E, then -D if required) | |
| NETSTAT | Working | | 0.92 |
| PING | Working | PING <ip\|host> | 0.92 |
| | | -1..9 : Ping Count | |
| TELNET | Working | TELNET <ip\|host> [port] | 0.92 |
## DEV tools:
| Name | Status | Comment | K.Ver |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ----- |
| ASM | In Progress | S-C MASM based multi CPU assembler | 0.9.1 |
| MEMDUMP | Working | Tool to track memory leak| 0.92 |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ----- |
| RPCDUMP | In Progress | tool based on UDP socket API, renamed from RPCINFO | 0.92 |
| | | RPCDUMP <ip\|host> | |