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# The name of the destination disk image
IMAGE_TARGET = main.dsk
# Apple II command issued by the "run" recipe after booting the disk image.
# Paths and flags for build/processing applications
DASM = dasm
DASM_FLAGS = -v0 -f2
AC = java -jar /usr/local/bin/ac.jar
# Source folder. All files in this folder will produce an object file (No subfolders)
SDIR = ./src
# Include folder. Changes to files in this folder will invalidate the current build (No subfolders)
IDIR = ./include
# Output folder for build product
BDIR = ./build
# Resource folder. Contains any resources required by this makefile. (No subfolders.)
RDIR = ./res
# Path to the runner script
RUNNER = osascript $(RDIR)/runner.scpt
# Paths to source files
SRC_FILES = $(shell ls $(SDIR))
ASM_FILES = $(filter %.asm,$(SRC_FILES))
# BAS_FILES = $(filter %.bas,$(SRC_FILES))
SRC = $(patsubst %,$(SDIR)/%,$(ASM_FILES))
# Paths to include files
_DEPS = $(shell ls $(IDIR))
DEPS = $(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/%,$(_DEPS))
# Destination paths to object files
OBJ = $(patsubst %.asm,$(BDIR)/%,$(ASM_FILES))
# Path to disk image
IMAGE = $(abspath $(BDIR)/$(IMAGE_TARGET))
# Path to the blank bootable disk image
BOOTIMAGE = $(RDIR)/dos3.3bootable.dsk
# Shell commands to copy object files to the disk image
COPY_OBJ = $(foreach FN,$(OBJ),$(AC) -cc65 $(IMAGE) "$(shell echo $(notdir $(FN)) | tr a-z A-Z | tr '_' ' ')" B < $(FN);)
.PHONY: clean all disk run
# Build all object files
all: $(OBJ)
$(OBJ): $(DEPS) $(SRC)
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(eval OBJNAME = $(notdir $@))
$(eval SRCPATH = $(patsubst %,$(SDIR)/%.asm,$(OBJNAME)))
$(eval LSTPATH = $(BDIR)/$(OBJNAME).lst)
# Create disk image
disk: $(IMAGE)
$(IMAGE): $(OBJ)
# Delete all build output
@rm -rf $(BDIR)
@echo All clean.
# Boot disk image in emulator
run: $(IMAGE)
@echo Running...