Added support for Fdraw gfx library.

This commit is contained in:
Bobbi Webber-Manners 2021-09-17 21:06:24 -04:00
parent a9da7ba16b
commit b9b5b76d4f
7 changed files with 2504 additions and 5 deletions

FDRAW.CIRCLE.S Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
* *
* Fast Apple II Graphics *
* By Andy McFadden *
* Version 0.3, Aug 2015 *
* *
* Circle rendering *
* (Included by FDRAW.S) *
* *
* Developed with Merlin-16 *
* *
* TODO: if USE_FAST is 0, replace the outline circle
* plot code with calls to DrawPoint (or maybe a
* common sub-function so we don't trash the input
* parameters). Saves a little space.
* Draw a circle. The radius is in in_rad, and
* the center is at in_x0l+in_x0h,in_y0.
lda #$20 ;JSR
cmp _cp08 ;configured for outline?
beq :okay
jsr fixcplot
jmp calc_circle
* Draw filled circle.
lda #$2c ;BIT
cmp _cp08 ;configured for fill?
beq :okay
jsr fixcplot
jsr calc_circle
jmp FillRaster
* Calculate a circle, using Bresenham's algorithm. The
* results are placed into the rasterization buffers.
* in_rad must be from 0 to 255. The x/y center
* coordinates must be on the screen, but the circle
* can extend off the edge.
* The computed values are stored in the rasterization
* tables. For an outline circle, we also plot the
* points immediately.
do USE_FAST ;*****
* local storage -- not used often enough to merit DP
circ_8bit ds 1
circ_clip ds 1
fin ;*****
max_fast_rad equ 41
]cxl equ zloc0
]cxh equ zloc1
]cy equ zloc2
]dlo equ zloc3
]dhi equ zloc4
]xsav equ zloc5
]ysav equ zloc6
]min_x equ zloc7 ;min/max offsets from center
]max_x equ zloc8 ;(min is above center, max
]min_y equ zloc9 ; is below)
]max_y equ zloc10
]hitmp equ zloc11
* only used by hplot for outline circles
]hbasl equ zptr0
]andmask equ zloc11 ;overlaps with ]hitmp
]savxreg equ zloc12
]savyreg equ zloc13
* Special-case radius=0. It removes an annoying
* edge case (first y-- becomes 0xff, but 6502 cmp
* is unsigned).
lda in_rad
bne :notzero
ldy in_y0
sty rast_top
sty rast_bottom
lda in_x0l
sta rastx0l,y
sta rastx1l,y
lda in_x0h
sta rastx0h,y
sta rastx1h,y
* Use different version of function for small
* circles, because we can do it all in 8 bits.
do USE_FAST ;*****
ldy #$01
cmp #max_fast_rad ;in_rad in Acc
blt :use_fast
:use_fast sty circ_8bit
fin ;*****
lda in_x0l ;copy center to DP for speed
sta ]cxl
lda in_x0h
sta ]cxh
lda in_y0
sta ]cy
* Compute min/max values, based on offset from center.
* These are compared against offset-from-center x/y.
* We need tight bounds on Y because we use it to
* compute the rast_render top/bottom. Getting tight
* bounds on X is not so important, but we still need
* it for the no-clip optimization.
ldx #$04 ;count edges needing clip
lda #NUM_ROWS-1 ;191
sbc ]cy ;maxY = 191-cy
cmp in_rad
blt :ylimok
lda in_rad ;clamp to radius
:ylimok sta ]max_y ;maxY = 191-cy
lda ]cy ;minY = cy
cmp in_rad
blt :ylimok2
lda in_rad ;clamp to radius
:ylimok2 sta ]min_y
lda ]cxh
beq :xlimlo
* Examples (note #<NUM_COLS-1 is 279-256 = 23):
* cx=265 (cxh=1 cxl=11), 23-11=14, chk rad
lda #<NUM_COLS-1 ;maxX = 279-cx
sbc ]cxl
cmp in_rad
blt :xlimhok
lda in_rad ;clamp to radius
:xlimhok sta ]max_x
lda in_rad ;min X always out of range
dex ; so just clamp to radius
sta ]min_x
jmp :xlimdone
* Examples:
* For cx=0 to 24, we can never pass right edge (our
* maximum radius is 255).
* cx=3, 23-3=20 + carry set --> bad, must use rad
* cx=24, 23-24=255 + carry clear --> ok, chk rad
* cx=255, 23-255=24 + carry clear --> ok, chk rad
lda #<NUM_COLS-1 ;maxX = 279-cx
sbc ]cxl
bcs :xuserad
cmp in_rad
blt :xlimok
:xuserad lda in_rad ;clamp to radius
:xlimok sta ]max_x
lda ]cxl ;minX = (cx > 255) ?
cmp in_rad
blt :xlimok2
lda in_rad ;clamp to radius
:xlimok2 sta ]min_x
do USE_FAST ;*****
stx circ_clip
fin ;*****
* set top/bottom rows for rasterizer
lda ]cy
adc ]max_y
sta rast_bottom
lda ]cy
sbc ]min_y
sta rast_top
DO 0 ;debug debug debug
LDA ]min_x ;save a copy where the
STA $0380 ; monitor won't trash it
LDA ]max_x
STA $0381
LDA ]min_y
STA $0382
LDA ]max_y
STA $0383
* Set initial conditions for Bresenham.
ldx #0 ;:x = 0
stx ]xsav
ldy in_rad ;:y = rad
sty ]ysav
lda #1 ;:d = 1 - rad
sbc ]ysav ;in_rad
sta ]dlo
bcs :hizero ;C==1 if in_rad<=1
ldx #$ff ;C was 0, make neg
:hizero stx ]dhi
* Outer loop -- plot 8 points, then update values.
do USE_FAST ;*****
lda circ_clip
beq ncypy
jmp with_clip
* Quick version, no clipping required
* row cy+y: cx-x and cx+x
lda ]ysav
adc ]cy
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
lda ]cxl
sbc ]xsav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp00 jsr cplotl
lda ]cxl
adc ]xsav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp01 jsr cplotrn
* row cy-y: cx-x and cx+x
lda ]cy
sbc ]ysav
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
lda ]cxl
sbc ]xsav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp02 jsr cplotl
lda ]cxl
adc ]xsav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp03 jsr cplotrn
* row cy+x: cx-y and cx+y
lda ]xsav ;off bottom?
adc ]cy
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
lda ]cxl
sbc ]ysav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp04 jsr cplotl
lda ]cxl
adc ]ysav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp05 jsr cplotrn
* row cy-x: cx-y and cx+y
lda ]cy
sbc ]xsav
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
lda ]cxl
sbc ]ysav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp06 jsr cplotl
lda ]cxl
adc ]ysav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp07 jsr cplotrn
jmp circ_plot_done
fin ;***** (USE_FAST)
* Same thing, but this time clipping edges.
* row cy+y: cx-x and cx+x
lda ]ysav ;off bottom?
cmp ]max_y
beq :cypy_ok
bge cypy_skip ;completely off screen
:cypy_ok clc
adc ]cy
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
ldx ]xsav ;handle cx-x
cpx ]min_x
blt :cxmx_ok
beq :cxmx_ok
lda #0 ;clip at 0
sta rastx0l,y
sta rastx0h,y
beq cxmx_done0 ;always
:cxmx_ok lda ]cxl
sbc ]xsav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp08 jsr cplotl
cpx ]max_x ;handle cx+x
blt :cxpx_ok
beq :cxpx_ok
lda #<NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1l,y
lda #>NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1h,y
bne cxpx_done0 ;always
:cxpx_ok lda ]cxl
adc ]xsav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp09 jsr cplotr
* row cy-y: cx-x and cx+x
lda ]ysav ;off top?
cmp ]min_y
beq :cymy_ok
bge cymy_skip
:cymy_ok lda ]cy
sbc ]ysav
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
ldx ]xsav ;handle cx-x
cpx ]min_x
blt :cxmx_ok
beq :cxmx_ok
lda #0 ;clip at 0
sta rastx0l,y
sta rastx0h,y
beq cxmx_done1 ;always
:cxmx_ok lda ]cxl
sbc ]xsav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp10 jsr cplotl
cpx ]max_x ;handle cx+x
blt :cxpx_ok
beq :cxpx_ok
lda #<NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1l,y
lda #>NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1h,y
bne cxpx_done1 ;always
:cxpx_ok lda ]cxl
adc ]xsav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp11 jsr cplotr
* row cy+x: cx-y and cx+y
lda ]xsav ;off bottom?
cmp ]max_y
beq :cypx_ok
bge cypx_skip
:cypx_ok clc
adc ]cy
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
ldx ]ysav ;handle cx-y
cpx ]min_x
blt :cxmy_ok
beq :cxmy_ok
lda #0 ;clip at 0
sta rastx0l,y
sta rastx0h,y
beq cxmy_done2 ;always
:cxmy_ok lda ]cxl
sbc ]ysav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp12 jsr cplotl
cpx ]max_x ;handle cx+y
blt :cxpy_ok
beq :cxpy_ok
lda #<NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1l,y
lda #>NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1h,y
bne cxpy_done2 ;always
:cxpy_ok lda ]cxl
adc ]ysav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp13 jsr cplotr
* row cy-x: cx-y and cx+y
lda ]xsav ;off top?
cmp ]min_y
beq :cymx_ok
bge cymx_skip
:cymx_ok lda ]cy
sbc ]xsav
tay ;y-coord in Y-reg
ldx ]ysav ;handle cx-y
cpx ]min_x
blt :cxmy_ok
beq :cxmy_ok
lda #0 ;clip at 0
sta rastx0l,y
sta rastx0h,y
beq cxmy_done3 ;always
:cxmy_ok lda ]cxl
sbc ]ysav
sta rastx0l,y
lda ]cxh
sbc #$00
sta rastx0h,y
_cp14 jsr cplotl
cpx ]max_x ;handle cx+y
blt :cxpy_ok
beq :cxpy_ok
lda #<NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1l,y
lda #>NUM_COLS-1
sta rastx1h,y
bne cxpy_done3 ;always
:cxpy_ok lda ]cxl
adc ]ysav
sta rastx1l,y
lda ]cxh
adc #$00
sta rastx1h,y
_cp15 jsr cplotr
* Update X/Y/D. Up to about radius=41 we can maintain
* 'd' in an 8-bit register.
do USE_FAST ;*****
lda circ_8bit
beq circ_slow
* Bresenham update, with 8-bit 'd'.
ldx ]xsav
lda ]dlo
bmi :dneg
txa ;:d = d + ((x-y)*4) +5
sbc ]ysav ;x <= y, may be neg or 0
clc ;can't know carry
adc #5
clc ;still don't want carry
adc ]dlo
sta ]dlo
dec ]ysav ;:y--
jmp :loopbot
:dneg txa ;:d = d + (x*4) +3
asl ;x always pos, C=0
DO 0
BCC :TEST ;debug
BREAK ;debug
:TEST ;debug
adc #3
adc ]dlo
sta ]dlo
inx ;:x++
stx ]xsav
cpx ]ysav
beq :again
bge circ_done
:again jmp circ_loop
fin ;*****
* Bresenham update, with 16-bit 'd'
ldx ]xsav
lda ]dhi
bmi :dneg
lda ]dlo
adc #5
sta ]dlo
bcc :noinc
inc ]dhi
txa ;:d = d + ((x-y)*4) +5
ldy #$00
sty ]hitmp
sbc ]ysav ;x <= y, may be neg or 0
beq :xeqy ;if x==y, nothing to add
ldy #$ff
sty ]hitmp
rol ]hitmp
rol ]hitmp
adc ]dlo
sta ]dlo
lda ]dhi
adc ]hitmp
sta ]dhi
dec ]ysav ;:y--
jmp :loopbot
:dneg lda ]dlo ;:d = d + (x*4) + 3
adc #3
sta ]dlo
bcc :noinc2
inc ]dhi
:noinc2 txa
ldy #0 ;x always positive
sty ]hitmp
rol ]hitmp
rol ]hitmp
clc ;not needed?
adc ]dlo
sta ]dlo
lda ]dhi
adc ]hitmp
sta ]dhi
inx ;:x++
stx ]xsav
cpx ]ysav
beq :again
bge circ_done
:again jmp circ_loop
circ_done rts
* Plot a point for outline circle rendering.
* X and Y must be preserved. Y holds the current line
* number.
* Most DP locations are in use -- see the variable
* declarations at the start of the circle function.
* cplotl is the entry point for the leftmost point.
stx ]savxreg
sty ]savyreg
lda ylooklo,y
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,y
_pg_or2 ora #$20
sta ]hbasl+1
* Convert the X coordinate into byte/bit.
ldx rastx0l,y ;x coord, lo
lda rastx0h,y ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl cplotcom ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
jmp cplotcom
* cplotr is the entry point for the rightmost point.
* We use rastx1 instead of rastx0.
lda ylooklo,y
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,y
_pg_or3 ora #$20
sta ]hbasl+1
* If we just plotted the left point on the same line,
* we can skip the Y-lookup by jumping here.
stx ]savxreg
sty ]savyreg
ldx rastx1l,y ;x coord, lo
lda rastx1h,y ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl cplotcom ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
* Plot the point. The byte offset (0-39) is in Y,
* the bit offset (0-6) is in A.
lda colorline,y ;start with color pattern
eor (]hbasl),y ;flip all bits
and andmask,x ;clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y
ldx ]savxreg
ldy ]savyreg
* Reconfigure calc_circle to either JSR to cplotl/r,
* or just BIT the address (a 4-cycle no-op). The
* desired instruction is in A.
do USE_FAST ;*****
sta _cp00
sta _cp01
sta _cp02
sta _cp03
sta _cp04
sta _cp05
sta _cp06
sta _cp07
fin ;*****
sta _cp08
sta _cp09
sta _cp10
sta _cp11
sta _cp12
sta _cp13
sta _cp14
sta _cp15

FDRAW.LINE.S Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
* *
* Fast Apple II Graphics *
* By Andy McFadden *
* Version 0.3, Aug 2015 *
* *
* Point and line functions *
* (Included by FDRAW.S) *
* *
* Developed with Merlin-16 *
* *
* Draw a single point in the current color.
]hbasl equ zptr0
ldy in_y0
lda ylooklo,y
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,y
ora g_page
sta ]hbasl+1
ldx in_x0l ;x coord, lo
lda in_x0h ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :plotit ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
* Plot the point. The byte offset (0-39) is in Y,
* the bit offset (0-6) is in A.
lda colorline,y ;start with color pattern
eor (]hbasl),y ;flip all bits
and andmask,x ;clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y
* Draw a line between two points.
]hbasl equ zptr0
]xposl equ zloc0 ;always left edge
]xposh equ zloc1
]ypos equ zloc2 ;top or bottom
]deltaxl equ zloc3
]deltaxh equ zloc4
]deltay equ zloc5
]count equ zloc6
]counth equ zloc7
]diff equ zloc8
]diffh equ zloc9
]andmask equ zloc10
]wideflag equ zloc11 ;doesn't really need DP
* We use a traditional Bresenham run-length approach.
* Run-slicing is possible, but the code is larger
* and the increased cost means it's only valuable
* for longer lines. An optimal solution would switch
* approaches based on line length.
* Start by identifying where x0 or x1 is on the
* left. To make life simpler we always work from
* left to right, flipping the coordinates if
* needed.
* We also need to figure out if the line is more
* than 255 pixels long -- which, because of
* inclusive coordinates, means abs(x0-x1) > 254.
lda in_x1l ;assume x0 on left
sbc in_x0l
beq checkvert ;low bytes even, check hi
lda in_x1h
sbc in_x0h
bcs lx0left
* x1 is on the left, so the values are negative
* (hi byte in A, lo byte in X)
lx0right eor #$ff ;invert hi
sta ]deltaxh ;store
eor #$ff ;invert lo
sta ]deltaxl
inc ]deltaxl ;add one for 2s complement
bne :noinchi ;rolled into high byte?
inc ]deltaxh ;yes
:noinchi lda in_x1l ;start with x1
sta ]xposl
lda in_x1h
sta ]xposh
lda in_y1
sta ]ypos
sbc in_y0 ;compute deltay
jmp lncommon
lda in_x1h ;diff high bytes
sbc in_x0h ;(carry still set)
blt lx0right ;width=256, x0 right
bne lx0left ;width=256, x0 left
jmp vertline ;all zero, go vert
* (branch back from below)
* This is a purely horizontal line. We farm the job
* out to the raster fill code for speed. (There's
* no problem with the line code handling it; its just
* more efficient to let the raster code do it.)
ldy ]ypos
sty rast_top
sty rast_bottom
lda ]xposl
sta rastx0l,y
adc ]deltaxl ;easier to add delta back
sta rastx1l,y ; in than sort out which
lda ]xposh ; arg is left vs. right
sta rastx0h,y
adc ]deltaxh
sta rastx1h,y
jmp FillRaster
* x0 is on the left, so the values are positive
lx0left stx ]deltaxl
sta ]deltaxh
lda in_x0l ;start with x0
sta ]xposl
lda in_x0h
sta ]xposh
lda in_y0 ;and y0
sta ]ypos
sbc in_y1 ;compute deltay
* Value of (starty - endy) is in A, flags still set.
bcs :posy
eor #$ff ;negative, invert
adc #$01
sta ]deltay
lda #$e8 ;INX
bne gotdy
_lmb beq phorizontal
sta ]deltay
lda #$ca ;DEX
gotdy sta _hmody
sta _vmody
sta _wmody
do 0 ;***** for regression test
ldx #$01
lda ]deltaxh
bne :iswide
lda ]deltaxl
cmp #$ff ;== 255?
beq :iswide
ldx #$00 ;notwide
:iswide stx $300
lda ]xposl
sta $301
lda ]xposh
sta $302
lda ]ypos
sta $303
ldx ]deltaxl
stx $304
ldx ]deltaxh
stx $305
ldx ]deltay
stx $306
lda _hmody
and #$20 ;nonzero means inc,
sta $307 ; zero means dec
fin ;*****
* At this point we have the initial X position in
* ]startxl/h, the initial Y position in ]starty,
* deltax in ]deltaxl, deltay in ]deltay, and we've
* tweaked the Y-update instructions to either INC or
* DEC depending on the direction of movement.
* The next step is to decide whether the line is
* horizontal-dominant or vertical-dominant, and
* branch to the appropriate handler.
* The core loops for horiz and vert take about
* 80 cycles when moving diagonally, and about
* 20 fewer when moving in the primary direction.
* The wide-horiz is a bit slower.
ldy #$01 ;set "wide" flag to 1
lda ]deltaxl
ldx ]deltaxh
bne horzdom ;width >= 256
cmp #$ff ;width == 255
beq horzdom
dey ;not wide
cmp ]deltay
bge horzdom ; for diagonal lines
jmp vertdom
* We could special-case pure-diagonal lines here
* (just BEQ a couple lines up). It does
* represent our worst case. I'm not convinced
* we'll see them often enough to make it worthwhile.
* horizontal-dominant
sty ]wideflag
sta ]count ;:count = deltax + 1
inc ]count
lsr ;:diff = deltax / 2
sta ]diff
* set Y to the byte offset in the line
* load the AND mask into ]andmask
ldx ]xposl
lda ]xposh ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gottab ;always
* BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
lda andmask,x
sta ]andmask
* Set initial value for line address.
ldx ]ypos
lda ylooklo,x
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,x
ora g_page
sta ]hbasl+1
lda ]wideflag ;is this a "wide" line?
beq :notwide ;nope, stay local
jmp widedom
:notwide lda colorline,y ;set initial color mask
sta _hlcolor+1
jmp horzloop
hrts rts
* bottom of loop, essentially
hnoroll sta ]diff ;3
hdecc dec ]count ;5 :count--
beq hrts ;2 :while (count != 0)
;= 7 or 10
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
_hlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdh eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
* If this is a shallow line we would benefit from
* keeping the index in X and just doing a 4-cycle
* indexed load to get the mask. Not having the
* line number in X makes the line calc more
* expensive for steeper lines though.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
bne :noh8 ;3 cleared hi bit?
* We could BEQ away and branch back in, but this
* happens every 7 iterations, so on average it's
* a very small improvement. If we happen to branch
* across a page boundary the double-branch adds
* two more cycles and we lose.
iny ;2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ;4 update color mask
sta _hlcolor+1 ;4
lda #$81 ;2 reset
:noh8 sta ]andmask ;3 = 13 + ((12-1)/7) = 14
* Update error diff.
lda ]diff ;3
sec ;2
sbc ]deltay ;3 :diff -= deltay
bcs hnoroll ;2+ :if (diff < 0) ...
;= 11 level, 10 up/down
adc ]deltaxl ;3 : diff += deltax
sta ]diff ;3
_hmody inx ;2 : ypos++ (or --)
lda ylooklo,x ;4 update hbasl after line
sta ]hbasl ;3 change
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or4 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3
bne hdecc ;3 = +27 this path -> 37
* horizontal: 10+21+14+11=56 cycles/pixel
* diagonal: 7+21+14+37=79 cycles/pixel
* Vertical-dominant line. Could go up or down.
ldx in_y0
cpx ]ypos ;starting at y0?
bne :endy0 ;yup
ldx in_y1 ;nope
:endy0 stx _vchk+1 ;end condition
lda ]deltay
sta ]diff ;:diff = deltay / 2
* set Y to the byte offset in the line
* load the AND mask into ]andmask
ldx ]xposl
lda ]xposh ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gottab ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
lda andmask,x ;initial pixel mask
sta ]andmask
lda colorline,y ;initial color mask
sta _vlcolor+1
ldx ]ypos
jmp vertloop
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
* Bottom of loop, essentially.
vnoroll sta ]diff ;3
lda ylooklo,x ;4
sta ]hbasl ;3
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or5 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3 = 16
_vlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdv eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
_vchk cpx #$00 ;2 was this last line?
beq vrts ;2 yes, done
_vmody inx ;2 :ypos++ (or --)
* Update error diff.
lda ]diff ;3
sec ;2
sbc ]deltaxl ;3 :diff -= deltax
bcs vnoroll ;2 :if (diff < 0) ...
;= 10 vert, 9 move right
adc ]deltay ;3 : diff += deltay
sta ]diff ;3
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
beq :is8 ;2+ goes to zero on 8th bit
sta ]andmask ;3
bne vertloop ;3 = 21 + (18/7) = 24
:is8 iny ;2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ;4 update color
sta _vlcolor+1 ;4
lda #$81 ;2 reset
sta ]andmask ;3
bne vertloop ;3 = 18
vrts rts
* vertical: 3 + 16 + 21 + 6 + 10 = 56 cycles
* diagonal: 16 + 21 + 6 + 9 + 24 = 76 cycles
* "Wide" horizontally-dominant loop. We have to
* maintain error-diff and deltax as 16-bit values.
* Most of the setup from the "narrow" version carried
* over, but we have to re-do the count and diff.
* Normally we set count to (deltax + 1) and decrement
* to zero, but it's actually easier to set it equal
* to deltax and check for -1.
lda ]deltaxh ;:count = deltax
sta ]counth
ldx ]deltaxl
stx ]count
stx ]diff
lsr ;:diff = deltax / 2
ror ]diff
sta ]diffh
ldx ]ypos
lda colorline,y ;set initial color mask
sta _wlcolor+1
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
_wlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdw eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
bne :not7 ;3 goes to zero on 8th bit
iny ; 2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ; 4 update color mask
sta _hlcolor+1 ; 4
lda #$81 ; 2 reset
:not7 sta ]andmask ;3 = 13 usually, 25 every 7
* Update error diff, which is a positive number. If
* it goes negative ("if (diff < 0)") we act.
lda ]diff
sbc ]deltay ;:diff -= deltay
bcs wnoroll ;didn't even roll low byte
dec ]diffh ;check hi byte
bpl wnoroll ;went 1->0, keep going
adc ]deltaxl ;: diff += deltax
sta ]diff
lda ]diffh
adc ]deltaxh
sta ]diffh
_wmody inx ;: ypos++ (or --)
lda ylooklo,x ;update hbasl after line
sta ]hbasl ; change
lda ylookhi,x
_pg_or6 ora #$20
sta ]hbasl+1
bne wdecc
wnoroll sta ]diff
wdecc dec ]count ;5 :count--
lda ]count ;3
cmp #$ff ;2
bne wideloop ;3 :while (count > -1)
dec ]counth ;low rolled, decr high
beq wideloop ;went 1->0, keep going
* Pure-vertical line. These are common in certain
* applications, and checking for it only adds two
* cycles to the general case.
ldx in_y0
ldy in_y1
cpx in_y1 ;y0 < y1?
blt :usey0 ;yes, go from y0 to y1
txa ;swap X/A
ldx in_y1
:usey0 stx ]ypos
sty _pvytest+1
ldx in_x0l ;xc lo
lda in_x0h ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gotit ;always
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
* Byte offset is in Y, mod-7 value is in A.
:gotit tax
lda andmask,x
sta _pvand+1 ;this doesn't change
lda colorline,y
sta _pvcolor+1 ;nor does this
ldx ]ypos ;top line
* There's a trick where, when (linenum & 0x07) is
* nonzero, you just add 4 to hbasl+1 instead of
* re-doing the lookup. However, TXA+AND+BEQ
* followed by LDA+CLC+ADC+STA is 16 cycles, the same
* as our self-modified lookup, so it's not a win.
* (And if we used a second ylookhi and self-modded
* the table address, we could shave off another 2.)
* Main pure-vertical loop
lda ylooklo,x ;4
sta ]hbasl ;3
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or7 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3 (= 16)
_pvcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdpv eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
_pvand and #$00 ;2 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 (= 20)
inx ;2
_pvytest cpx #$00 ;2 done?
bne pverloop ;3 = 7
* 43 cycles/pixel
* Set the line mode according to in_arg
* A slightly silly feature to get xdraw lines
* without really working for it.
lda in_arg
beq :standard
* configure for xdraw
lda #$24 ;BIT dp
sta _lmb
sta _lmdh
sta _lmdv
sta _lmdw
sta _lmdpv
* configure for standard drawing
:standard lda #$f0 ;BEQ
sta _lmb
lda #$51 ;EOR (dp),y
sta _lmdh
sta _lmdv
sta _lmdw
sta _lmdpv

FDRAW.S Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
* *
* Fast Apple II Graphics *
* By Andy McFadden *
* Version 0.3, Aug 2015 *
* *
* Main source file *
* *
* Developed with Merlin-16 *
* *
* Set to 1 to build FDRAW.FAST, set to zero to
* build FDRAW.SMALL.
USE_FAST equ 1
* Set to 1 to turn on beeps/clicks for debugging.
NOISE_ON equ 0
lst off
** org $6000
* Macros.
spkr equ $c030
bell equ $ff3a
* If enabled, click the speaker (changes flags only).
bit spkr
* If enabled, beep the speaker (scrambles regs).
BEEP mac
jsr bell
* If enabled, insert a BRK.
brk $99
* In "fast" mode, we align tables on page boundaries so we
* don't take a 1-cycle hit when the indexing crosses a page.
* In "small" mode, we skip the alignment.
ds \
* Hi-res screen constants.
NUM_ROWS = 192
NUM_COLS = 280
* Variable storage. We assign generic names to
* zero-page scratch locations, then assign variables
* with real names to these.
* 06-09 are unused (except by SWEET-16)
* 1a-1d are Applesoft hi-res scratch
* cc-cf are only used by INTBASIC
* eb-ef and ff appear totally unused by ROM routines
zptr0 equ $1a ;2b
zloc0 equ $06
zloc1 equ $07
zloc2 equ $08
zloc3 equ $09
zloc4 equ $1c
zloc5 equ $1d
zloc6 equ $cc
zloc7 equ $cd
zloc8 equ $ce
zloc9 equ $cf
zloc10 equ $eb
zloc11 equ $ec
zloc12 equ $ed
zloc13 equ $ee
* Entry points for external programs.
jmp Init ;initialize data tables
dfb 0,3 ;version number
* Parameters passed from external programs.
in_arg ds 1 ;generic argument
in_x0l ds 1 ;X coordinate 0, low part
in_x0h ds 1 ;X coordinate 0, high part
in_y0 ds 1 ;Y coordinate 0
in_x1l ds 1
in_x1h ds 1
in_y1 ds 1
in_rad ds 1 ;radius for circles
ds 3 ;pad to 16 bytes
jmp SetColor
jmp SetPage
jmp Clear
jmp DrawPoint
jmp DrawLine
jmp DrawRect
jmp FillRect
jmp DrawCircle
jmp FillCircle
jmp SetLineMode
jmp noimpl ;reserved2
jmp FillRaster
* Raster fill values. Top, bottom, and pointers to tables
* for the benefit of external callers.
rast_top ds 1
rast_bottom ds 1
da rastx0l
da rastx0h
da rastx1l
da rastx1h
noimpl rts
* Global variables.
g_inited dfb 0 ;initialized?
g_color dfb 0 ;hi-res color (0-7)
g_page dfb $20 ;hi-res page ($20 or $40)
* Initialize.
lda #$00
sta in_arg
jsr SetColor ;set color to zero
jsr SetLineMode ;set normal lines
lda #$20
sta in_arg
sta g_inited
jmp SetPage ;set hi-res page 1
* Set the color.
lda in_arg
cmp g_color ;same as the old color?
beq :done
and #$07 ;safety first
sta g_color
* Update the "colorline" table, which provides a quick color
* lookup for odd/even bytes. We could also have one table
* per color and self-mod the "LDA addr,y" instructions to
* point to the current one, but that uses a bunch of memory
* and is kind of ugly. Takes 16 + (12 * 40) = 496 cycles.
tax ;2
lda xormask,x ;4
sta :_xormsk+1 ;4
lda oddcolor,x ;4
ldy #BYTES_PER_ROW-1 ;2
]loop sta colorline,y ;5
:_xormsk eor #$00 ;2
dey ;2
bpl ]loop ;3
:done rts
* Set the page.
lda g_inited ;let's just check this
beq noinit ; (not called too often)
lda in_arg
cmp #$20
beq :good
cmp #$40
beq :good
jmp bell
sta g_page
do 0 ;*****
cmp ylookhi
beq :tabok
* Check to see if the values currently in the Y-lookup table
* match our current page setting. If they don't, we need to
* adjust the code that does lookups.
* This approach modifies the table itself, paying a large
* cost now so we don't have to pay it on every lookup.
* However, this costs 2+(16*192)=3074 cycles, while an
* "ORA imm" only adds two to each lookup, so we'd have
* to do a lot of drawing to make this worthwhile.
* (Note: assumes ylookhi is based at $2000 not $0000)
ldy #NUM_ROWS ;2
]loop lda ylookhi-1,y ;4
eor #$60 ;2 $20 <--> $40
sta ylookhi-1,y ;5
dey ;2
bne ]loop ;3
else ;*****
* This approach uses self-modifying code to update the
* relevant instructions. It's a bit messy to have it
* here, but it saves us from having to do it on
* every call.
* We could also have a second y-lookup table and
* use this to update the pointers. That would let
* us drop the "ORA imm" entirely, without the cost
* of the rewrite above, but eating up another 192 bytes.
sta _pg_or1+1 ;rastfill
sta _pg_or2+1 ;circle hplot
sta _pg_or3+1 ;circle hplot
sta _pg_or4+1 ;drawline
sta _pg_or5+1 ;drawline
sta _pg_or6+1 ;drawline
sta _pg_or7+1 ;drawline
fin ;*****
:tabok rts
noinit ldy #$00
]loop lda :initmsg,y
beq :done
jsr $fded ;cout
bne ]loop
:done rts
:initmsg asc "FDRAW NOT INITIALIZED",87,87,00
* Clear the screen to the current color.
do USE_FAST ;*****
* This performs a "visually linear" clear, erasing the screen
* from left to right and top to bottom. To reduce the amount
* of code required we erase in thirds (top/middle/bottom).
* Compare to a "venetian blind" clear, which is what you get
* if you erase memory linearly.
* The docs discuss different approaches. This version
* requires ((2 + 5*64 + 11) * 40 + 14) * 3 = 40002 cycles.
* If we didn't divide it into thirds to keep the top-down
* look, we'd need (5*64 + 9) * 120 = 39480 cycles, so
* we're spending 522 cycles to avoid the venetian look.
lda :clrloop+2
cmp g_page
beq :pageok
* We're on the wrong hi-res page. Flip to the other one.
* 4 + (20*64) = 1284 cycles to do the flip (+ a few more
* because we're probably crossing a page boundary).
ldy #NUM_ROWS ;2
]loop lda :clrloop-3+2,y ;4
eor #$60 ;2
sta :clrloop-3+2,y ;5
dey ;2
dey ;2
dey ;2
bne ]loop ;3
:pageok ldx g_color ;grab the current color
lda xormask,x
sta :_xormsk+1
lda evencolor,x
ldy #0
jsr :clearthird
jsr :clearthird
* fall through into :clearthird for final pass
ldx #BYTES_PER_ROW-1 ;2
:clrloop sta $2000,y ;5 (* 64)
sta $2400,y ;this could probably be
sta $2800,y ; done with LUP math
sta $2c00,y
sta $3000,y
sta $3400,y
sta $3800,y
sta $3c00,y
sta $2080,y
sta $2480,y
sta $2880,y
sta $2c80,y
sta $3080,y
sta $3480,y
sta $3880,y
sta $3c80,y
sta $2100,y
sta $2500,y
sta $2900,y
sta $2d00,y
sta $3100,y
sta $3500,y
sta $3900,y
sta $3d00,y
sta $2180,y
sta $2580,y
sta $2980,y
sta $2d80,y
sta $3180,y
sta $3580,y
sta $3980,y
sta $3d80,y
sta $2200,y
sta $2600,y
sta $2a00,y
sta $2e00,y
sta $3200,y
sta $3600,y
sta $3a00,y
sta $3e00,y
sta $2280,y
sta $2680,y
sta $2a80,y
sta $2e80,y
sta $3280,y
sta $3680,y
sta $3a80,y
sta $3e80,y
sta $2300,y
sta $2700,y
sta $2b00,y
sta $2f00,y
sta $3300,y
sta $3700,y
sta $3b00,y
sta $3f00,y
sta $2380,y
sta $2780,y
sta $2b80,y
sta $2f80,y
sta $3380,y
sta $3780,y
sta $3b80,y
sta $3f80,y
:_xormsk eor #$00 ;2 flip odd/even bits
iny ;2
dex ;2
bmi :done ;2
jmp :clrloop ;3
:done rts
else ;***** not USE_FAST
* This version was suggested by Marcus Heuser on
* comp.sys.apple2.programmer. It does a "venetian blind"
* clear, and takes (5 * 32 + 7) * 248 = 41416 cycles.
* It overwrites half of the screen holes.
lda :clrloop+5
cmp g_page
beq :pageok
* We're on the wrong hi-res page. Flip to the other one.
* 12 + (20*31) = 632 cycles to do the flip. We have to
* single out the first entry because it's $1f not $20.
lda :clrloop+2 ;4
eor #$20 ;2 $1f <-> $3f
sta :clrloop+2 ;4
ldy #31*3 ;2
]loop lda :clrloop+2,y ;4
eor #$60 ;2 $20 <-> $40
sta :clrloop+2,y ;5
dey ;2
dey ;2
dey ;2
bne ]loop ;3
:pageok ldx g_color
lda xormask,x
sta :_xormsk+1
lda oddcolor,x
ldy #248 ;120 + 8 + 120
]addr = $1fff
lup 32 ;begin a loop in assembler
sta ]addr,y ;5
]addr = ]addr+$100 ;sta 20ff,21ff,...
:_xormsk eor #$00 ;2
dey ;2
bne :clrloop ;3
fin ;***** not USE_FAST
* Draw rectangle outline.
* We could just issue 4 line draw calls here, maybe
* adjusting the vertical lines by 1 pixel up/down to
* avoid overdraw. But if the user wanted 4 lines,
* they could just draw 4 lines. Instead, we're going
* to draw a double line on each edge to ensure that
* the outline rectangle always has the correct color.
* Rather than draw two vertical lines, we draw a
* two-pixel-wide filled rectangle on each side.
* We don't want to double-up if the rect is only one
* pixel wide, so we have to check for that.
* If the rect is one pixel high, it's just a line.
* If it's two pixels high, we don't need to draw
* the left/right edges, just the top/bottom lines.
* If it's more than two tall, we don't need to draw
* the left/right edges on the top and bottom lines,
* so we save a few cycles by skipping those.
lda in_y1 ;copy top/bottom to local
sta rast_bottom
dec rast_bottom ;move up one
sbc in_y0
beq :isline ;1 pixel high, just draw line
cmp #1
beq :twolines ;2 pixels high, lines only
ldy in_y0
iny ;start down a line
sty rast_top
lda in_x0h ;check to see if left/right
cmp in_x1h ; coords are the same; if
bne :notline ; so, going +1/-1 at edge
lda in_x0l ; will overdraw.
cmp in_x1l
bne :notlin1
:isline jmp DrawLine ;just treat like line
* Set up left edge. Top line is in Y.
:notline lda in_x0l
:notlin1 sta rastx0l,y
adc #1
sta rastx1l,y
lda in_x0h
ora #$80 ;"repeat" flag
sta rastx0h,y
and #$7f
adc #0
sta rastx1h,y
jsr FillRaster
ldy rast_top
lda in_x1l ;now set up right edge
sta rastx1l,y
sbc #1
sta rastx0l,y
lda in_x1h
sta rastx1h,y
sbc #0
ora #$80 ;"repeat" flag
sta rastx0h,y
jsr FillRaster
* Now the top/bottom lines.
ldy in_y0
jsr :drawline
ldy in_y1
sty rast_top
sty rast_bottom
lda in_x0l ;copy left/right to the
sta rastx0l,y ; table entry for the
lda in_x0h ; appropriate line
sta rastx0h,y
lda in_x1l
sta rastx1l,y
lda in_x1h
sta rastx1h,y
jmp FillRaster
* Draw filled rectangle.
* Just fill out the raster table and call the fill routine.
* We require y0=top, y1=bottom, x0=left, x1=right.
ldy in_y0
sty rast_top
lda in_y1
sta rast_bottom
lda in_x0l
sta rastx0l,y
lda in_x0h
ora #$80 ;"repeat" flag
sta rastx0h,y
lda in_x1l
sta rastx1l,y
lda in_x1h
sta rastx1h,y
jmp FillRaster
* Fill an area defined by the raster tables.
* Render rasterized output. The left and right edges
* are stored in the rastx0/rastx1 tables, and the top
* and bottom-most pixels are in rast_top/rast_bottom.
* This can be used to render an arbitrary convex
* polygon after it has been rasterized.
* If the high bit of the high byte of X0 is set, we
* go into "repeat" mode, where we just repeat the
* previous line. This saves about 40 cycles of
* overhead per line when drawing rectangles, plus
* what we would have to spend to populate multiple
* lines of the raster table. It only increases the
* general per-line cost by 3 cycles.
* We could use the "repeat" flag to use this code to
* draw vertical lines, though that's mostly of value
* to an external caller who knows ahead of time that
* the line is vertical. The DrawLine code is pretty
* good with vertical lines, and adding additional
* setup time to every vertical-dominant line to
* decide if it should call here seems like a
* losing proposition.
]hbasl equ zptr0
]hbash equ zptr0+1
]lftbyte equ zloc0
]lftbit equ zloc1
]rgtbyte equ zloc2
]rgtbit equ zloc3
]line equ zloc4
]andmask equ zloc5
]cur_line equ zloc6
]repting equ zloc7
ldx g_color ;configure color XOR byte
lda xormask,x
do USE_FAST ;*****
cmp rast_unroll+3 ;already configured?
beq :goodmask
jsr fixrastxor
sta _xorcolor+1
fin ;*****
lda #$00
sta ]repting
ldy rast_top
* Main rasterization loop. Y holds the line number.
sty ]cur_line ;3
ldx ylooklo,y ;4
stx ]hbasl ;3
lda ylookhi,y ;4
_pg_or1 ora #$20 ;2 will be $20 or $40
sta ]hbash ;3 = 19 cycles
do USE_FAST-1 ;***** i.e. not USE_FAST
stx _wrhires+1
sta _wrhires+2
fin ;*****
* divide left edge by 7
ldx rastx0l,y ;4 line num in Y
lda rastx0h,y ;4
bpl :noflag ;2
sta rastx0h+1,y ;4 propagate
lda ]repting ;3 first time through?
beq :firstre ;2 yup, finish calculations
lda ]rgtbyte ;3 need this in A
bpl :repeat ;3 always
:firstre lda rastx0h,y ;reload
sta ]repting ;any nonzero will do
and #$7f ;strip repeat flag
:noflag beq :lotabl
lda mod7hi,x
sta ]lftbit
lda div7hi,x
sta ]lftbyte
bpl :gotlft ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl lda mod7lo,x
sta ]lftbit
lda div7lo,x
sta ]lftbyte
* divide right edge by 7
ldx rastx1l,y ;4 line num in Y
lda rastx1h,y ;4
beq :lotabr ;3
lda mod7hi,x
sta ]rgtbit
lda div7hi,x
sta ]rgtbyte
bpl :gotrgt ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabr lda mod7lo,x ;4
sta ]rgtbit ;3
lda div7lo,x ;4
sta ]rgtbyte ;3 = 25 for X1 < 256
cmp ]lftbyte ;3
bne :not1byte ;3
* The left and right edges are in the same byte. We
* need to set up the mask differently, so we deal with
* it as a special case.
ldy ]lftbit
lda leftmask,y ;create the AND mask
ldx ]rgtbit
and rightmask,x ;strip out bits on right
sta ]andmask
ldy ]lftbyte
lda colorline,y ;get color bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;combine w/screen
and ]andmask ;remove not-ours
eor (]hbasl),y ;combine again
sta (]hbasl),y
jmp rastlinedone
* This is the more general case. We special-case the
* left and right edges, then byte-stomp the middle.
* On entry, ]rgtbyte is in A
sec ;2 compute number of full
sbc ]lftbyte ;3 and partial bytes to
tax ;2 draw
inx ;2
ldy ]rgtbit ;3
cpy #6 ;2
beq :rgtnospcl ;3
lda rightmask,y ;handle partial-byte right
sta ]andmask
ldy ]rgtbyte
lda colorline,y
eor (]hbasl),y
and ]andmask
eor (]hbasl),y
sta (]hbasl),y
dex ;adjust count
ldy ]lftbit ;3 check left for partial
beq :lftnospcl ;3
lda leftmask,y ;handle partial-byte left
sta ]andmask
ldy ]lftbyte
lda colorline,y
eor (]hbasl),y
and ]andmask
eor (]hbasl),y
sta (]hbasl),y
dex ;adjust count
beq rastlinedone ;bail if all done
iny ;advance start position
bne :liny ;always
ldy ]lftbyte ;3
do USE_FAST ;***** "fast" loop
* Instead of looping, jump into an unrolled loop.
* Cost is 10 cycles per byte with an extra 14 cycles
* of overhead, so we start to win at 4 bytes.
lda rastunidx,x ;4
sta :_rastun+1 ;4
lda colorline,y ;4 get odd/even color val
:_rastun jmp rast_unroll ;3
else ;***** "slow" loop
* Inner loop of the renderer. This runs 0-40x.
* Cost is 14 cycles/byte.
lda colorline,y ;get appropriate odd/even val
_wrhires sta $2000,y ;5 replaced with line addr
_xorcolor eor #$00 ;2 replaced with $00/$7f
iny ;2
dex ;2
bne _wrhires ;3
fin ;*****
ldy ]cur_line ;3 more lines to go?
cpy rast_bottom ;4
bge :done ;2
iny ;2
jmp rastloop ;3 must have line in Y
:done rts
do USE_FAST ;*****
* Update the EOR statements in the unrolled rastfill code.
* Doing this with a loop takes ~600 cycles, doing it with
* unrolled stores takes 160. We only do this when we
* need to, so changing the color from green to blue won't
* cause this to run.
* Call with the XOR value in A.
]offset = 0
sta rast_unroll+3+]offset
]offset = ]offset+5
fin ;*****
* include the line functions
* include the circle functions
lst on
CODE_END equ * ;end of code section
lst off
* include the data tables
lst on
DAT_END equ * ;end of data / BSS
lst off
* Save the appropriate object file.
** do USE_FAST
** else
** fin

FDRAW.TABLES.S Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
* *
* Fast Apple II Graphics *
* By Andy McFadden *
* Version 0.3, Aug 2015 *
* *
* Pre-computed data and *
* large internal buffers. *
* (Included by FDRAW.S) *
* *
* Developed with Merlin-16 *
* *
* Expected layout with alignment:
* P1 ylooklo, misc tables
* P2 ylookhi, colorline
* P3 rastx0l
* P4 rastx0h
* P5 rastx1l
* P6 rastx1h, div7hi, mod7hi
* P7 div7lo
* P8 mod7lo
* P9 rast_unroll, rastunidx
* Tables should be just under $900 bytes.
* Hi-res Y lookup, low part (192 bytes).
ylooklo HEX 0000000000000000
HEX 8080808080808080
HEX 0000000000000000
HEX 8080808080808080
HEX 0000000000000000
HEX 8080808080808080
HEX 0000000000000000
HEX 8080808080808080
HEX 2828282828282828
HEX a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8
HEX 2828282828282828
HEX a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8
HEX 2828282828282828
HEX a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8
HEX 2828282828282828
HEX a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8
HEX 5050505050505050
HEX d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0
HEX 5050505050505050
HEX d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0
HEX 5050505050505050
HEX d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0
HEX 5050505050505050
HEX d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0
* Color masks for odd/even bytes, colors 0-7.
evencolor dfb $00,$2a,$55,$7f,$80,$aa,$d5,$ff
oddcolor dfb $00,$55,$2a,$7f,$80,$d5,$aa,$ff
* XOR mask for colors 0-7 - non-BW flip on odd/even.
xormask dfb $00,$7f,$7f,$00,$00,$7f,$7f,$00
* AND mask for the 7 pixel positions, high bit set
* for the color shift.
andmask dfb $81,$82,$84,$88,$90,$a0,$c0
* These are pixel AND masks, used with the modulo 7
* result. Entry #2 in leftmask means we're touching
* the rightmost 5 pixels, and entry #2 in rightmask
* means we're touching the 3 leftmost pixels.
* The high bit is always set, because we want to
* keep the color's high bit.
leftmask dfb $ff,$fe,$fc,$f8,$f0,$e0,$c0
rightmask dfb $81,$83,$87,$8f,$9f,$bf,$ff
* Hi-res Y lookup, high part (192 bytes).
* OR with $20 or $40.
ylookhi HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0004080c1014181c
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 0105090d1115191d
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 02060a0e12161a1e
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
HEX 03070b0f13171b1f
* Masks for current color (even/odd), e.g. 55 2a 55 2a ...
* Updated whenever the color changes.
colorline ds 40
rastx0l ds NUM_ROWS
rastx0h ds NUM_ROWS
ds 1 ;repeat mode can overstep
rastx1l ds NUM_ROWS
rastx1h ds NUM_ROWS
* Lookup tables for dividing 0-279 by 7. The "hi"
* parts are 24 bytes each, so they fit inside
* the previous 192-byte entry. The "lo" parts
* each fill a page.
div7hi HEX 2424242525252525
HEX 2525262626262626
HEX 2627272727272727
mod7hi HEX 0405060001020304
HEX 0506000102030405
HEX 0600010203040506
div7lo HEX 0000000000000001
HEX 0101010101010202
HEX 0202020202030303
HEX 0303030304040404
HEX 0404040505050505
HEX 0505060606060606
HEX 0607070707070707
HEX 0808080808080809
HEX 0909090909090a0a
HEX 0a0a0a0a0a0b0b0b
HEX 0b0b0b0b0c0c0c0c
HEX 0c0c0c0d0d0d0d0d
HEX 0d0d0e0e0e0e0e0e
HEX 0e0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
HEX 1010101010101011
HEX 1111111111111212
HEX 1212121212131313
HEX 1313131314141414
HEX 1414141515151515
HEX 1515161616161616
HEX 1617171717171717
HEX 1818181818181819
HEX 1919191919191a1a
HEX 1a1a1a1a1a1b1b1b
HEX 1b1b1b1b1c1c1c1c
HEX 1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1d
HEX 1d1d1e1e1e1e1e1e
HEX 1e1f1f1f1f1f1f1f
HEX 2020202020202021
HEX 2121212121212222
HEX 2222222222232323
HEX 2323232324242424
mod7lo HEX 0001020304050600
HEX 0102030405060001
HEX 0203040506000102
HEX 0304050600010203
HEX 0405060001020304
HEX 0506000102030405
HEX 0600010203040506
HEX 0001020304050600
HEX 0102030405060001
HEX 0203040506000102
HEX 0304050600010203
HEX 0405060001020304
HEX 0506000102030405
HEX 0600010203040506
HEX 0001020304050600
HEX 0102030405060001
HEX 0203040506000102
HEX 0304050600010203
HEX 0405060001020304
HEX 0506000102030405
HEX 0600010203040506
HEX 0001020304050600
HEX 0102030405060001
HEX 0203040506000102
HEX 0304050600010203
HEX 0405060001020304
HEX 0506000102030405
HEX 0600010203040506
HEX 0001020304050600
HEX 0102030405060001
HEX 0203040506000102
HEX 0304050600010203
* RastFill unrolled loop. At each step we store the current
* color value, XOR it to flip the bits if needed, and advance.
* The caller needs to set the appropriate initial value based
* on whether the address is odd or even.
* We can use a 3-cycle "EOR dp" or a 2-cycle "EOR imm". The
* former is one cycle slower, the latter requires us to
* self-mod 40 instructions when the color changes.
* This must be page-aligned so that we can take the value
* from the rastunidx table and self-mod a JMP without having
* to do a 16-bit add. We have just enough room for the
* unrolled loop (40*5+3) and x5 table (41) = 244 bytes, fits
* on a single page.
do USE_FAST ;*****
ds \
]hbasl equ zptr0 ;must match FillRaster
rast_unroll equ *
lst off
sta (]hbasl),y ;6
eor #$00 ;2
iny ;2 10 cycles, 5 bytes
jmp rastlinedone
* Index into rast_unroll. If we need to output N bytes,
* we want to jump to (rast_unroll + (40 - N) * 5) (where
* 5 is the number of bytes per iteration).
]offset = BYTES_PER_ROW*5
lup BYTES_PER_ROW+1 ;0-40
dfb ]offset
]offset = ]offset-5
fin ;*****
* Code used to generate tables above. If you want to
* decrease load size, use these functions to generate
* the data into empty memory, then discard the code.
* (Maybe use a negative DS and overlap with rastx0l?)
DO 0 ;*****
]hbasl equ zptr1
]hbash equ zptr1+1
* Initialize Y-lookup table. We just call the bascalc
* function.
ldy #NUM_ROWS-1
]loop tya
jsr bascalc
lda hbasl
sta ylooklo,y
lda hbash
ora #$20 ;remove for $0000 base
sta ylookhi,y
bne ]loop
* Hi-res base address calculation. This is based on the
* HPOSN routine at $F411.
* Call with the line in A. The results are placed into
* zptr1. X and Y are not disturbed.
* The value is in the $0000-1fff range, so you must OR
* the desired hi-res page in.
and #$c0
sta ]hbasl
ora ]hbasl
sta ]hbasl
sta ]hbash
rol ]hbash
rol ]hbash
ror ]hbasl
lda ]hbash
and #$1f
sta ]hbash
* Create divide-by-7 tables.
]val equ zloc0
ldy #0
sty ]val
ldx #0
]loop lda ]val
sta div7lo,y
sta mod7lo,y
beq :lodone
cpx #7
bne ]loop
inc ]val
ldx #0
beq ]loop ;always
:lodone ;safe to ignore ]va update
]loop lda ]val
sta div7hi,y
sta mod7hi,y
cpy #280-256
beq :hidone
cpx #7
bne ]loop
inc ]val
ldx #0
beq ]loop ;always
:hidone rts
FIN ;*****

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
* Assembled with the Merlin 8 v2.58 assembler on Apple II. * Assembled with the Merlin 8 v2.58 assembler on Apple II.
XC ; 65c02 XC ; 65c02
ORG $2000 ; Load addr of loader in main memory ORG $4000 ; Load addr of loader in main memory
; Clear of first HGR frame buffer
* Monitor routines * Monitor routines
@ -47,12 +48,12 @@ IOBUF3 EQU $1800
* 512 byte buffer sufficient for one disk block * 512 byte buffer sufficient for one disk block
BLKBUF EQU $6000 ; Can't use $400 as ProDOS uses BLKBUF EQU $9000 ; Can't use $400 as ProDOS uses
BLKBUFEND EQU $6200 ; 'hidden' bytes within screen BLKBUFEND EQU $9200 ; 'hidden' bytes within screen
* 512 byte buffer for file copy (*COPY) * 512 byte buffer for file copy (*COPY)
COPYBUF EQU $6200 ; File copy needs separate buffer COPYBUF EQU $9200 ; File copy needs separate buffer
* Address in aux memory where ROM will be loaded * Address in aux memory where ROM will be loaded
@ -176,6 +177,10 @@ MAINZP MAC

View File

@ -102,6 +102,16 @@ START JSR ROMMENU
STA $3F0+1 STA $3F0+1
* LDA $C057 ; Enable hi-res
* LDA $C054 ; Enable page 1
* LDA $C050 ; Enable graphics
JSR Entry+0 ; Initialize FDRAW library
LDA #$20
STA Entry+5
JSR Entry+19 ; FDRAW: Set page $2000
JSR Entry+22 ; FDRAW: clear HGR screen
* LDA $C051 ; Enable text again
TSX ; Save SP at $0100 in aux TSX ; Save SP at $0100 in aux
STA $C005 ; Write to aux STA $C005 ; Write to aux
STX $0100 STX $0100