* AUXMEM.CHARIO.S * (c) Bobbi 2021,2022 GPLv3 * * AppleMOS Character I/O * KERNEL/CHARIO.S ***************** * Character read and write * * 14-Aug-2021 Flashing cursor and INKEY sync'd to frame rate * with VBLK. Ensured cursor turned on straight away. * 15-Aug-2021 Cursor keys move copy cursor, copy reads char. * Copy cursor not visible yet. * 16-Aug-2021 Copy cursor and Edit cursor visible. * 17-Aug-2021 OSBYTE 4 for cursors, OSBYTE 221-228 for topbit * keys. * 21-Aug-2021 FIXED: If screen scrolls, copy cursor ends on * wrong line. * FIXED: KBDREAD has several paths that don't * test ESCHAR. * FIXED: INKEY doesn't restore cursor on timeout. * The three separate cursors can be set seperately. * 02-Sep-2021 INKEY-256 tests Apple IIe vs IIc. * 05-Sep-2021 KBDINIT returns startup value to pass to VDUINT. * 09-Sep-2021 Moved keyboard OSBYTEs to here. * 12-Sep-2021 COPY calls new VDU entry point. * 15-Sep-2021 INKEY(0) tests once and returns immediately. * 30-Nov-2021 With *FX4,<>0 TAB returns $09, allows eg VIEW to work. * 15-Oct-2022 Replace calling KBDCHKESC with ESCPOLL, does translations, etc. * Fixed bug with cursor keys after *FX4,2. OSRDCH enables IRQs. * 23-Oct-2022 Escape: BYTE7E needed to ESCPOLL, INKEYESC unbalanced stack. * 03-Nov-2022 Escape: Fixed INKEY loop failing if entering with previous Escape, * combined with EscAck clearing keyboard. * 06-Dec-2022 Moved *KEY into here. * 12-Dec-2022 Test code to write *KEY data to mainmem. * Hardware locations KBDDATA EQU $C000 ; Read Keyboard data KBDACK EQU $C010 ; Acknowledge keyboard data KBDAPPLFT EQU $C061 ; Left Apple key KBDAPPRGT EQU $C062 ; Right Apple key IOVBLNK EQU $C019 ; VBLNK pulse FLASHER EQU BYTEVARBASE+176 ; VSync counter for flashing cursor FXEXEC EQU BYTEVARBASE+198 FXSPOOL EQU BYTEVARBASE+199 FXTABCHAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+219 FXESCCHAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+220 FXKEYBASE EQU BYTEVARBASE+221 FXESCON EQU BYTEVARBASE+229 FXESCEFFECT EQU BYTEVARBASE+230 FX200VAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+200 FXSOFTLEN EQU BYTEVARBASE+216 FXSOFTOK EQU BYTEVARBASE+244 SOFTKEYOFF EQU $03FF ; *TEMP* FX254VAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+254 FX2VAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+$B1 FX3VAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+$EC FX4VAR EQU BYTEVARBASE+$ED * OSWRCH handler **************** * Send a character to current output * All registers preserved * WRCHHND PHA PHX PHY PHA * TO DO Check any output redirections * TO DO Check any printer output JSR OUTCHAR ; Send to VDU driver * BCC WRCHHND3 ; VDU driver says skip printer * PLA ; Get character back * PHA * JSR PRNCHAR ; Send to printer * WRCHHND3 * Check FX3VAR * Bxx WRCHHND4 ; Spool disabled LDY FXSPOOL ; See if *SPOOL is in effect BEQ WRCHHND4 ; No, skip sending to spool file PLA PHA JSR OSBPUT ; Write character to spool file WRCHHND4 PLA ; Drop stacked character PLY ; Restore everything PLX PLA RTS * Character Input ***************** * Default keyboard OSBYTE variables *DEFBYTELOW EQU 219 ; First default OSBYTE value *DEFBYTE DB $09,$1B ; Default key codes * DB $01,$D0,$E0,$F0 ; Default key expansion * DB $01,$80,$90,$00 ; Default key expansion *DEFBYTEEND * TEMP as no *KEY * Default keyboard OSBYTE variables DEFBYTELOW EQU 219 ; First default OSBYTE value DEFBYTE DB $09,$1B ; Default key codes DB $C0,$D0,$E0,$F0 ; Default key expansion DB $80,$90,$A0,$B0 ; Default key expansion DEFBYTEEND KBDINIT LDX #DEFBYTEEND-DEFBYTE-1 :KBDINITLP LDA DEFBYTE,X ; Initialise KBD OSBYTE variables STA BYTEVARBASE+DEFBYTELOW,X DEX BPL :KBDINITLP JSR SOFTKEYCHK ; Clear soft keys LDX #$C0 STX FX254VAR ; b7-b4=default KBD map, b3-b0=default MODE BIT SETV ; Set V JSR KBDTEST ; Test if key being pressed BCS :KBDINITOK ; Return default MODE=0 STA KBDACK ; Ack. keypress TAX ; Use keypress as default MODE :KBDINITOK TXA RTS * OSRDCH/INKEY handler ********************** * Read a character from current input * All registers preserved except A, Carry * Flashes a soft cursor while waiting for input * *NB* OSRDCH returns with IRQs enabled, INKEY returns with IRQs preserved * RDCHHND LDA #$80 ; flag=wait forever PHY TAY BRA INKEYGO ; Wait forever for input * XY<$8000 - wait for a keypress INKEY PHY ; Dummy PHY to balance RDCH INKEYGO CLI ; Enable IRQs PHX ; Save registers PHY BIT VDUSTATUS ; Enable editing cursor BVC INKEYGO2 ; No editing cursor JSR GETCHRC ; Get character under cursor STA COPYCHAR ; Save char under edit cursor LDA CURSORED JSR PUTCHRC ; Display edit cursor JSR COPYSWAP1 ; Swap to copy cursor INKEYGO2 JSR GETCHRC ; Get character under cursor STA OLDCHAR BRA INKEY1 ; Turn cursor on INKEYLP CLC LDA #$01 ; Slow flash, every 32 frames BIT VDUSTATUS BVC INKEY0 ASL A ; Fast flash, every 16 frames INKEY0 ADC FLASHER STA FLASHER AND #15 BNE INKEY3 ; Not time to toggle yet LDA OLDCHAR ; Prepare to remove cursor BIT FLASHER BMI INKEY2 ; Remove cursor INKEY1 LDA CURSOR ; Add cursor BIT VDUSTATUS BVC INKEY2 LDA CURSORCP INKEY2 JSR PUTCHRC ; Toggle cursor INKEY3 LDA #$27 ; Prepare to return CHR$27 if Escape state CLC BIT ESCFLAG ; Check Escape state BMI INKEYESC ; Escape pending, return it with A=27 INKEY4 JSR KEYREAD ; Test for input, all can be trashed PLY BCC INKEYOK ; Char returned, return it BMI INKEY6 ; Loop forever, skip countdown PLX BNE INKEY5 TYA BEQ INKEYOUT ; XY=0, timed out DEY ; 16-bit decrement INKEY5 DEX PHX INKEY6 PHY * * VBLK pulses at 50Hz/60Hz, toggles at 100Hz/120Hz LDX IOVBLNK ; Get initial VBLK state INKEY8 BIT KBDDATA BMI INKEY4 ; Key pressed TXA EOR IOVBLNK BPL INKEY8 ; Wait for VBLK change BMI INKEYLP ; Loop back to key test INKEYOUT LDA #$FF ; Prepare to stack $FF INKEYESC PLY ; Drop stacked Y INKEYOK PHA ; Save key or timeout PHP ; Save CC=key, CS=timeout LDA OLDCHAR ; Prepare for main cursor BIT VDUSTATUS BVC INKEYOFF2 ; No editing cursor JSR PUTCHRC ; Remove cursor JSR COPYSWAP1 ; Swap cursor back LDA COPYCHAR ; Remove main cursor INKEYOFF2 JSR PUTCHRC ; Remove cursor PLP BCS INKEYOK3 ; Timeout LDA ESCFLAG ; Keypress, test for Escape ASL A ; Cy=Escape flag PLA ; Get char back PLX ; Restore X,Y for key pressed INKEYOK3 PLY ; Or pop TimeOut RTS * RDCH Character read: CC, A=char, X=restored, Y=restored * RDCH Escape: CS, A=char, X=restored, Y=restored * INKEY Character read: CC, A=char, X=???, Y<$80 * INKEY Escape: CS, A=char, X=???, Y<$80 * INKEY Timeout: CS, A=???, X=???, Y=$FF BYTE81 TYA BMI NEGINKEY ; XY<0, scan for keypress JSR INKEY ; XY>=0, wait for keypress * Character read: CC, A=char, X=???, Y<$80 * Escape: CS, A=char, X=???, Y<$80 * Timeout: CS, A=???, X=???, Y=$FF TAX ; X=character returned TYA BMI BYTE81DONE ; Y=$FF, timeout LDY #$00 BCC BYTE81DONE ; CC, not Escape LDY #$1B ; Y=27 BYTE81DONE RTS * Returns: Y=$FF, X=???, CS - timeout * Y=$1B, X=???, CS - escape * Y=$00, X=char, CC - keypress NEGINKEY CPX #$01 LDX #$00 ; Unimplemented BCS NEGINKEY0 JSR NEGCALL ; Read machine ID from mainmem LDX #$2C TAY BEQ NEGINKEY0 ; $00 = Apple IIc -> INKEY-256 = $2C LDX #$2E AND #$0F BEQ NEGINKEY0 ; $x0 = Apple IIe -> INKEY-256 = $2E LDX #$2A ; else = Apple IIgs -> INKEY-256 = $2A NEGINKEY0 LDY #$00 NEGINKEY1 CLC RTS NEGCALL >>> XF2MAIN,MACHRD ; Try to read Machine ID * KERNEL/KEYBOARD.S ******************* * SOFT KEY PROCESSING * =================== * *KEY * --------------------------- STARKEY LDA FXSOFTLEN BNE ERRKEYUSED ; Key being expanded JSR SCANDEC CMP #$10 BCC STARKEY1 ERRBADKEY BRK DB $FB ASC 'Bad key' ERRKEYUSED BRK DB $FA ASC 'Key in use' BRK * * A slightly fiddly procedure, as we need to check the new * definition is valid before we insert it, we can't bomb * out halfway through inserting a string, and we mustn't * have mainmem paged in while parsing the string as the * string might be "underneath" the memory we've paged in, * we don't know how long the new definition is and if * it will fit into memory until after we've parsed it, so * we either have to store it to a temp area or parse it * twice. * * All this, and we need a structure that is reasonably coded, * but with the priority to be easy for KEYREAD to extract * from (as called more often), even if at expense of storing * being more complex. * * Optimisations: * BBC doesn't care if the new definition is valid, it removes * the current definition before parsing, so a parse error * results in the definition being cleared. * eg *KEY 1 HELLO, *KEY 1 "X gives Bad string and key 1="" * * BBC uses (simplified): * SOFTBUF+key+0 -> start of definition * SOFTBUF+key+1 -> after last byte of definition * SOFTBUF+16 -> free space after end of last definition * definitions stored in order of creation * * Master uses: * SOFTBUF+key -> lo.start of definition * SOFTBUF+key+17 -> hi.start of definition * SOFTBUF+key+1 -> lo.after last byte definition * SOFTBUF+key+18 -> hi.after last byte definition * SOFTBUF+16/33 -> free space after last byte last definition * definitions stored in key order * * Initial development layout: * 00..0F -> length of string 0..15 * 10... -> strings in key order * (len0+len1+...len15) => start of free space * STARKEY1 TAX ; X=key number JSR SKIPCOMMA * * Test code * Just parse the string and write it to mainmem SEC JSR GSINIT ; Initialise '*KEY-type string' LDX #0 ; Parse string and check it's valid STARKEYLP1 JSR GSREAD BCS STARKEYEND JSR WRHOLES ; Store the byte INX BRA STARKEYLP1 STARKEYEND RTS * Write a byte to mainmem screen avoiding holes WRHOLES BIT SETV BRA RDWRHOLE * Read a byte from mainmem screen avoiding holes RDHOLES CLV RDWRHOLE PHP ; Save IRQ state SEI ; Disable IRQs PHP ; Save V=rd/wr PHA ; Save byte to write TXA ; C=? A=abcdefgh AND #$BF ; C=? A=a0cdefgh STA OSINTWS+0 TXA ; C=? A=abcdefgh ASL A ; C=a A=bcdefgh0 ASL A ; C=b A=cdefgh00 LDA #$02 ; C=b A=00000010 ROL A ; C=0 A=0000010b STA OSINTWS+1 ; (OSINTWS)=>$400+x or $500+x PLA ; Get byte to write back PLP ; Get rd/wr back BVC RDHOLE2 STA WRMAINRAM ; &0200-&BFFF writes to main memory STA (OSINTWS) STA WRCARDRAM ; &0200-&BFFF writes to aux memory PLP ; Restore IRQs RTS RDHOLE2 STA RDMAINRAM ; &0200-&BFFF reads from main memory LDA (OSINTWS) STA RDCARDRAM ; &0200-&BFFF reads from aux memory PLP ; Restore IRQs RTS * OSBYTE &12 - Clear soft keys * ---------------------------- SOFTKEYCHK LDA FXSOFTOK BEQ BYTE12OK ; Soft keys ok, exit BYTE12 LDX #120 ; 120 bytes in each half page STX FXSOFTOK ; Soft keys being updated PHP SEI ; Prevent IRQs while writing LDA #0 STA WRMAINRAM ; Write to main mem BYTE12LP STA $0400-1,X ; Could be more efficient STA $0480-1,X ; If use 16xlen, only need to STA $0500-1,X ; zero first 16 bytes STA $0580-1,X ; Gives 4*120=480 bytes * STA $0600-1,X * STA $0680-1,X * STA $0700-1,X * STA $0780-1,X DEX BNE BYTE12LP STA WRCARDRAM ; Restore writing to aux PLP ; And restore IRQs STX FXSOFTOK ; Soft keys updated BYTE12OK RTS * KEYREAD ************************ * Test for and read from input, * expanding keyboard special keys * * On exit, CS=no keypress * CC=keypress * A =keycode, X,Y=corrupted KEYREAD LDY FXEXEC ; See if EXEC file is open BEQ KEYREAD1 ; No, skip past JSR OSBGET ; Read character from file BCC KEYREADOK ; Not EOF, return it LDA #$00 ; EOF, close EXEC file STA FXEXEC ; Clear EXEC handle JSR OSFIND ; And close it KEYREAD1 * * TO DO: expand current soft key * LDA FXSOFTLEN * BEQ KEYREAD2 * LDX SOFTKEYOFF * page in main memory * LDA SOFTKEYS,X * page out main memory * INC SOFTKEYOFF * DEC FXSOFTLEN * CLC * RTS * KEYREAD2 * JSR KBDREAD ; Fetch character from KBD "buffer" BCS KEYREADOK ; Nothing pending TAY ; Y=unmodified character BPL KEYREADOK ; Not top-bit key AND #$CF ; Drop Shift/Ctrl bits CMP #$C9 BCC KEYSOFTY ; Not cursor key LDX FX4VAR BEQ KEYCURSOR ; *FX4,0 - editing keys CPY #$C9 CLV BEQ KEYCOPYTAB ; TAB key DEX BNE KEYSOFTHI ; Not *FX4,1 - soft key SBC #$44 ; Return $88-$8B KEYREADOK1 CLC KEYREADOK RTS * Process soft key KEYSOFTHI LDX FX254VAR CPX #$C0 BCC KEYSOFTY TYA AND #$BF TAY KEYSOFTY TYA ; Get key including Shift/Ctrl LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A ; A=key DIV 16 EOR #$04 ; Offset into KEYBASE TAX LDA FXKEYBASE-8,X * TO DO: *BEQ KEYNONE ; $00=ignored *DEC A *BEQ expandfunction CMP #2 ; *TEMP* BCC KEYNONE ; *TEMP* TYA AND #$0F CLC ADC FXKEYBASE-8,X CLC RTS * Process cursor keys KEYCURSOR CMP #$C9 BEQ KEYCOPY PHA LDA OLDCHAR JSR PUTCHRC ; Remove cursor PLA JSR COPYMOVE ; Move copy cursor JSR GETCHRC ; Save char under cursor STA OLDCHAR KEYNONE SEC RTS KEYCOPY BIT VDUSTATUS KEYCOPYTAB LDA FXTABCHAR ; Prepare TAB if no copy cursor BVC KEYREADOK1 ; No copy cursor, return TAB LDA OLDCHAR ; Get the char under cursor PHA JSR OUTCHARCP ; Output it to restore and move cursor JSR GETCHRC ; Save char under cursor STA OLDCHAR PLA BNE KEYREADOK1 ; Ok character SEC JMP BEEP ; Beep and return CS=No char * KBDREAD ************************ * Test for and fetch key from keyboard * * On exit, CS=no keypress * CC=keypress * A =keycode, X=corrupted * Apple+Letter -> Ctrl+Letter * Apple+Digits -> 80+x, 90+x, A0+x * TAB -> $C9 * Cursors -> $CC-$CF * KBDREAD CLV ; VC=return keypress KBDTEST LDA KBDDATA ; VS here to test for keypress EOR #$80 ; Toggle bit 7 CMP #$80 BCS KBDDONE ; No key pressed BVS KBDDONE ; VS=test for keypress STA KBDACK ; Ack. keypress KBDREAD2 BIT KBDAPPLFT BMI KBDLALT ; Left Apple pressed BIT KBDAPPRGT BMI KBDRALT ; Right Apple pressed CMP #$09 BEQ KBDTAB ; TAB is dual action TAB/COPY CMP #$08 BCC KBDCHKESC ; <$08 not cursor key CMP #$0C BCC KBDCURSR ; $08-$0B are cursor keys CMP #$15 BNE KBDCHKESC ; $15 is cursor key * KBDCUR15 LDA #$0D ; Convert RGT to $09 KBDTAB SBC #$04 ; Convert TAB to &C9 KBDCURSR CLC ADC #$C4 ; Cursor keys $C0+x BRA KBDCHKESC KBDRALT ; Right Apple key pressed KBDLALT CMP #$40 ; Left Apple key pressed BCS KBDCTRL CMP #$30 BCC KBDCHKESC ; <'0' CMP #$3A BCS KBDCHKESC ; >'9' KBDFUNC AND #$0F ; Convert Apple-Num to function key ORA #$80 KBDFUNC2 BIT KBDAPPRGT BPL KBDCHKESC ; Left+Digit -> $8x ORA #$90 ; Right+Digit -> $9x BIT KBDAPPLFT BPL KBDCHKESC EOR #$30 ; Left+Right+Digit -> $Ax BRA KBDCHKESC KBDCTRL AND #$1F ; Apple-Letter -> Ctrl-Letter * * Test for Escape character KBDCHKESC TAX ; X=keycode EOR FXESCCHAR ; Current ESCAPE char? ORA FXESCON ; Is ESCAPE an ASCII char? BNE KBDNOESC ; Not ESCAPE or ESCAPE=ASCII LDA FX200VAR ; Is ESCAPE ignored? LSR A ; Check bit 0 BCS KBDDONE ; ESCAPE completely ignored SEC ROR ESCFLAG ; Set Escape flag KBDNOESC TXA ; A=keycode CLC ; CLC=Ok KBDDONE RTS * Poll the keyboard to update Escape state * On exit, MI=Escape state pending * CC=key pressed, CS=no key pressed * A=character * X,Y=preserved * ESCPOLL BIT SETV ; Set V JSR KBDTEST ; VS - test keyboard BCS ESCPOLL9 ; No keypress pending PHX ; KBDREAD corrupts A,X JSR KBDREAD2 ; Read key and check for Escape, returns CC PLX ESCPOLL9 BIT ESCFLAG ; Return with Escape state RTS * Process pending Escape state BYTE7E STA KBDACK ; Flush keyboard LDX #$00 ; $7E = ack detection of ESC BIT ESCFLAG BPL BYTE7DOK ; No Escape pending LDA FXESCEFFECT ; Process Escape effects BEQ BYTE7E2 CLI ; Allow IRQs while flushing STX FXLINES ; Clear scroll counter STX FXSOFTLEN ; Cancel soft key expansion JSR CMDEXEC0 ; Close any EXEC file * JSR BUFFLUSHALL ; Flush all buffers (this should do FXSOFTLEN) BYTE7E2 LDX #$FF ; X=$FF, Escape was pending BYTE7C CLC ; &7C = clear escape condition BYTE7D ROR ESCFLAG ; $7D = set escape condition BYTE7DOK RTS BYTE76 LDX #$00 ; Update LEDs and return X=SHIFT RTS ; Not possible with Apple