* AUXMEM.AUDIO.S * (c) Bobbi 2022 GPLv3 * * Applecorn audio code * * Sound buffers in aux LC for now * Not sure where to move them to SNDBUF0 DS 16 SNDBUF1 DS 16 SNDBUF2 DS 16 SNDBUF3 DS 16 * Get address of sound buffer * On entry: X is buffer number * On exit: OSIRQWS points to start of buffer * Called with interrupts disabled GETBUFADDR LDA :BUFADDRL,X STA OSINTWS+0 LDA :BUFADDRH,X STA OSINTWS+1 RTS :BUFADDRL DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB SNDBUF0 DB >SNDBUF1 DB >SNDBUF2 DB >SNDBUF3 DB $00 * Insert value into buffer (INSV) * On entry: A is value, X is buffer number. * On exit: A, X, Y preserved. C clear on success. INSHND PHP ; Save flags, turn off interrupts SEI PHY PHA LDY ENDINDICES,X ; Get input pointer INY ; Next byte CPY #16 BNE :NOTEND ; See if it's the end LDY #0 ; If so, wraparound :NOTEND TYA CMP STARTINDICES,X ; See if buffer is full BEQ :FULL LDY ENDINDICES,X ; Current position STA ENDINDICES,X ; Write updated input pointer JSR GETBUFADDR ; Buffer address into OSINTWS PLA ; Get value back STA (OSINTWS),Y ; Write to buffer PLY PLP ; Restore flags CLC ; Exit with carry clear RTS :FULL PLA ; Restore A PLY PLP ; Restore flags SEC ; Exit with carry set RTS * OSBYTE &07 - Make a sound * On entry: (OSCTRL),Y points to eight byte parameter block (2 bytes each for * channel, amplitude, pitch, duration) WORD07 LDA (OSCTRL),Y ; Get channel number 0-3 ORA #$04 ; Convert to buffer number 4-7 TAX ; Into X INY ; Point to channel num MSB INY ; Point to amplitude LSB LDA (OSCTRL),Y JSR INSHND ; Insert into queue X INY ; Point to amplitude MSB INY ; Point to pitch LSB LDA (OSCTRL),Y JSR INSHND ; Insert into queue X INY ; Point to pitch MSB INY ; Point to duration LSB JSR INSHND ; Insert into queue X RTS * OSBYTE &08 - Envelope * On entry: (OSCTRL),Y points to 14 byte parameter block WORD08 * TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS!!! RTS * Called from Ensoniq interrupt handler - process audio queue * ENSQIRQ * TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS!!! RTS * Initialize Ensoniq ENSQSNDCTL EQU $C03C ENSQSNDDAT EQU $C03D ENSQADDRL EQU $C03E ENSQADDRH EQU $C03F ENSQINIT LDA ENSQSNDCTL ; Get settings ORA #$60 ; DOC RAM, autoincrement on STA ENSQSNDCTL ; Set it LDA #$00 STA ENSQADDRL ; DOC RAM addr $0000 STA ENSQADDRH ; DOC RAM addr $0000 LDA #120 ; High value of square wave LDX #$00 :L1 STA ENSQSNDDAT ; 128 cycles of high value INX CPX #128 BNE :L1 LDA #80 ; Low value of square wave :L2 STA ENSQSNDDAT ; 128 cycles of low value INX CPX #0 BNE :L2 LDX #$E1 ; DOC Osc Enable register $E1 LDY #8 ; Four oscillators enabled JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$00 ; Amplitude LDA #$80 ; Frequency LDY #$03 :L3 JSR ENSQOSCIL ; Initialize channel Y DEY BPL :L3 RTS * Configure Ensoniq oscillator * On entry: Y - oscillator number 0-3 , A - frequency, X - amplitude * Preserves all registers * TODO: ALWAYS USES OSCILLATOR CHANNEL 0 FOR NOW ENSQOSCIL PHA PHY PHX LDX #$00 ; DOC register $00 (Freq Lo) TAY ; Frequency value LS byte JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$20 ; DOC register $20 (Freq Hi) LDY #$00 ; Frequency value MS byte JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$40 ; DOC register $40 (Volume) PLY ; Frequency value orig in X PHY JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$80 ; DOC register $80 (Wavetable) LDY #$00 ; Wavetable pointer $00 JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$A0 ; DOC register $A0 (Control) LDY #$00 ; Free run, no IRQ, start JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDX #$C0 ; DOC register $C0 (WT size) LDY #$00 ; For 256 byte wavetable JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLX PLY PLA RTS * Wait for Ensoniq to be ready ENSQWAIT LDA ENSQSNDDAT AND #$80 BNE ENSQWAIT RTS * Write to DOC registers * On entry: Value in Y, register in X * Preserves all registers ENSQWRTDOC PHA JSR ENSQWAIT ; Wait for DOC to be ready LDA ENSQSNDCTL AND #$90 ; DOC register, no autoincr ORA #$0F ; Master volume maximum STA ENSQSNDCTL STX ENSQADDRL ; Select DOC register STZ ENSQADDRH STY ENSQSNDDAT ; Write data PLA RTS