* MAINMEM.LDR.S * (c) Bobbi 2021 GPLv3 * * Applecorn loader code. Runs in main memory. * Loads Acorn ROM file (16KB) from disk and writes it * to aux memory starting at $08000. Copies Applecorn MOS * to aux memory starting at AUXMOS1 and jumps to it. * (Note that the MOS code will copy itself to $D000.) START JSR ROMMENU STZ :BLOCKS LDX #$00 :S1 JSR CROUT JSR SETPRFX JSR DISCONN LDA #$20 ; PAGE2 shadow on ROM3 GS TRB $C035 JSR OPENFILE ; Open ROM file BCC :S2 LDX #$00 :L2 LDA CANTOPEN,X BEQ :ER1 JSR COUT1 INX BRA :L2 BRA :S2 :ER1 JSR CROUT JSR BELL RTS :S2 LDA OPENPL+5 ; File reference number STA READPL+1 :L3 LDA #'.'+$80 ; Read file block by block JSR COUT1 JSR RDFILE BCS :S3 ; EOF (0 bytes left) or some error LDA # A1L,A1H STA A1L LDA #>BLKBUF STA A1H LDA # A2L,A2H STA A2L LDA #>BLKBUFEND STA A2H LDA # A4L, A4H STA A4L LDA #>AUXADDR LDX :BLOCKS :L4 CPX #$00 BEQ :S25 INC INC DEX BRA :L4 :S25 STA A4H SEC ; Copy Main -> Aux JSR AUXMOVE INC :BLOCKS BRA :L3 :S3 LDA OPENPL+5 ; File reference number STA CLSPL+1 JSR CLSFILE LDA #MOSSHIM STA A1H LDA #MOSSHIM+$2000 STA A2H LDA #AUXMOS1 STA A4H SEC ; Copy MOS from Main->Aux JSR AUXMOVE LDA #RESET STA RSTV LDA #>RESET STA RSTV+1 EOR #$A5 ; Checksum STA RSTV+2 LDA #GSBRK STA $3F0+1 JSR GFXINIT ; Initialize FDraw graphics TSX ; Save SP at $0100 in aux STA $C005 ; Write to aux STX $0100 STA $C004 ; Write to main >>> XF2AUX,AUXMOS1 :BLOCKS DB 0 ; Counter for blocks read CANTOPEN ASC "Unable to open ROM file" DB $00