* AUXMEM.HOSTFS.S * (c) Bobbi 2021 GPL v3 * * AppleMOS Host File System * 29-Aug-2021 Generalised CHKERROR routone, checks for and * translates ProDOS errors into Acorn errors * Set &E0=&FF for testing to report ProDOS errors * 30-Aug-2021 FSC commands moved to here * Command line set by *RUN, and read by OSARGS FSXREG EQU $B0 FSYREG EQU $B1 FSAREG EQU $B2 FSCTRL EQU FSXREG FSPTR1 EQU $B4 FSPTR2 EQU $B6 FSCMDLINE EQU $CE * OSFIND - open/close a file for byte access FINDHND PHX PHY PHA CMP #$00 ; A=$00 = close BEQ :CLOSE PHA JSR PARSNAME ; Copy filename->MOSFILE PLA ; Recover options >>> XF2MAIN,OFILE :CLOSE >>> WRTMAIN STY MOSFILE ; Write file number >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,CFILE OSFINDRET >>> ENTAUX PLY ; Value of A on entry CPY #$00 ; Was it close? BNE :S1 TYA ; Preserve A for close :S1 PLY PLX RTS * OSGBPB - Get/Put a block of bytes to/from an open file GBPBHND LDA #OSGBPBM JMP PRSTR OSGBPBM ASC 'OSGBPB.' DB $00 * OSBPUT - write one byte to an open file BPUTHND PHX PHY PHA ; Stash char to write >>> WRTMAIN STY MOSFILE ; File reference number >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,FILEPUT OSBPUTRET >>> ENTAUX CLC ; Means no error PLA PLY PLX RTS * OSBGET - read one byte from an open file BGETHND PHX PHY >>> WRTMAIN STY MOSFILE ; File ref number >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,FILEGET OSBGETRET >>> ENTAUX CLC ; Means no error CPY #$00 ; Check error status BEQ :NOERR SEC ; Set carry for error BRA :EXIT :NOERR CLC :EXIT PLY PLX RTS * OSARGS - adjust file arguments * On entry, A=action * Y<>0 A=FF Flush channel Y * A=00 Read PTR#Y * A=01 Write PTR#Y * A=02 Read EXT#Y * A=03 Write EXT#Y * Y=0 A=FF Flush all channels * A=00 Return filing system number in A * A=01 Read command line address * X=>4 byte ZP control block * Y=file handle * On exit, A=0 - implemented (except ARGS 0,0) * A - preserved=unimplemented * X,Y - preserved * control block updated for 'read' calls * control block preserved otherwise * ARGSHND PHX PHY PHA CPY #$00 BNE :HASFILE CMP #$00 ; Y=0,A=0 => current file sys BNE :S1 PLA LDA #105 ; 105=AppleFS filing system PLY PLX RTS :S1 CMP #$01 ; Y=0,A=1 => addr of CLI BNE :S2 LDA FSCMDLINE+0 STA $00,X LDA FSCMDLINE+1 STA $01,X LDA #$FF STA $02,X STA $03,X JMP OSARGSDONE ; Implemented :S2 CMP #$FF ; Y=0,A=FF => flush all files BNE :IEXIT >>> WRTMAIN STZ MOSFILE ; Zero means flush all >>> WRTAUX JMP :FLUSH :IEXIT JMP :EXIT ; Exit preserved :HASFILE >>> WRTMAIN STY MOSFILE ; File ref num STX MOSFILE+1 ; Pointer to ZP control block >>> WRTAUX CMP #$00 ; Y!=0,A=0 => read seq ptr BNE :S3 >>> WRTMAIN STZ MOSFILE+2 ; 0 means get pos >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,TELL :S3 CMP #$01 ; Y!=0,A=1 => write seq ptr BNE :S4 >>> WRTMAIN LDA $00,X STA MOSFILE+2 LDA $01,X STA MOSFILE+3 LDA $02,X STA MOSFILE+4 >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,SEEK :S4 CMP #$02 ; Y!=0,A=2 => read file len BNE :S5 >>> WRTMAIN STA MOSFILE+2 ; Non-zero means get len >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,TELL :S5 CMP #$FF ; Y!=0,A=FF => flush file BNE :EXIT :FLUSH >>> XF2MAIN,FLUSH :EXIT PLA ; Unimplemented PLY PLX RTS OSARGSRET >>> ENTAUX OSARGSDONE PLA LDA #0 ; Implemented PLY PLX RTS * OSFILE - perform actions on entire files * On entry, A=action * XY=>control block * On exit, A=preserved if unimplemented * A=0 object not found (not load/save) * A=1 file found * A=2 directory found * XY preserved * control block updated FILEHND PHX PHY PHA STX CBPTR ; LSB of parameter block STX ZP1 STY CBPTR+1 ; MSB of parameter block STY ZP1+1 LDA (ZP1) ; Filename ptr->XY TAX LDY #$01 LDA (ZP1),Y TAY JSR PARSNAME ; Copy filename->MOSFILE LDA #FILEBLK STA ZP2+1 LDY #$00 ; Copy to FILEBLK in main mem :L1 LDA (ZP1),Y >>> WRTMAIN STA (ZP2),Y >>> WRTAUX INY CPY #$12 BNE :L1 PLA ; Get action back PHA BEQ :SAVE ; A=00 -> SAVE CMP #$FF BEQ :LOAD ; A=FF -> LOAD CMP #$06 BEQ :DELETE ; A=06 -> DELETE BCC :JMPINFO ; A=01-05 -> INFO CMP #$08 BEQ :MKDIR ; A=08 -> MKDIR PLA ; Not implemented, return unchanged PLY PLX RTS :JMPINFO JMP :INFO :SAVE >>> XF2MAIN,SAVEFILE :LOAD >>> XF2MAIN,LOADFILE :DELETE >>> XF2MAIN,DELFILE :MKDIR >>> XF2MAIN,MAKEDIR :INFO >>> XF2MAIN,INFOFILE * On return here, A<$20 return to caller, A>$1F ProDOS error OSFILERET >>> ENTAUX PHA LDA CBPTR ; Copy OSFILE CB to :CBPTR addr STA ZP1 LDA CBPTR+1 STA ZP1+1 LDY #$02 :L3 LDA AUXBLK,Y ; Mainmem left it in AUXBLK STA (ZP1),Y INY CPY #18 ; 18 bytes in control block BNE :L3 PLA PLY ; Original action JSR CHKERROR ; Check if error returned PLY ; No error, return to caller PLX RTS ERRNOTFND BRK DB $D6 ; $D6 = Object not found ASC 'File not found' BRK ERREXISTS BRK DB $C4 ; Can't create a dir if a file is ASC 'File exists' ; already there BRK CBPTR DW $0000 OSFILEM ASC 'OSFILE($' DB $00 OSFILEM2 ASC ')' DB $00 OSFSCM ASC 'OSFSC.' DB $00 * FSC Command Table ******************* * These are commands specific to the filing system that can't be * called via OSFILE, OSFSC, etc. * FSCCOMMAND ASC 'CHDIR' DB $C0 DW FSCCHDIR-1 ; Change directory, XY=>params ASC 'CD' DB $C0 DW FSCCHDIR-1 ; Change directory, XY=>params ASC 'DIR' DB $C0 DW FSCCHDIR-1 ; Change directory, XY=>params * TO DO, CHDIR should be $80 for LPTR=>params ASC 'DRIVE' DB $80 DW FSCDRIVE-1 ; Select drive, LPTR=>params ASC 'FREE' DB $80 DW FSCFREE-1 ; FREE , LPTR=>params ASC 'ACCESS' DB $80 DW FSCACCESS-1 ; ACCESS , LPTR=>params ASC 'TITLE' DB $80 DW FSCTITLE-1 ; TITLE () , LPTR=>params ASC 'DESTROY' DB $80 DW FSCDESTROY-1 ; DESTROY <objlist>, LPTR=>params * DB $FF ; Terminator * OSFSC - miscellanous file system calls ***************************************** * On entry, A=action, XY=>command line * or A=action, X=param1, Y=param2 * On exit, A=preserved if unimplemented * A=modified if implemented * X,Y=any return values * FSCHND CMP #$00 BEQ FSOPT ; A=0 - *OPT CMP #$01 BEQ CHKEOF ; A=1 - Read EOF CMP #$02 BEQ FSCRUN ; A=2 - */filename CMP #$03 BEQ FSC03 ; A=3 - *command CMP #$04 BEQ FSCRUN ; A=4 - *RUN CMP #$05 BEQ JMPCAT ; A=5 - *CAT CMP #$09 BEQ JMPCAT ; A=9 - *EX CMP #$0A BEQ JMPCAT ; A=10 - *INFO CMP #$0C BEQ FSCREN ; A=12 - *RENAME * Performs OSFSC *OPT function FSOPT RTS ; No FS options for now FSCDRIVE JMP DRIVE FSCFREE JMP FREE FSCACCESS JMP ACCESS FSCDESTROY JMP DESTROY FSCTITLE FSCUKN PHA LDA #<OSFSCM LDY #>OSFSCM JSR PRSTR PLA FSCNULL RTS JMPCAT JMP FSCCAT FSC03 JSR XYtoLPTR LDX #<FSCCOMMAND LDY #>FSCCOMMAND JSR CLILOOKUP BEQ FSCNULL JSR LPTRtoXY * FSCRUN STX OSFILECB ; Pointer to filename STY OSFILECB+1 JSR XYtoLPTR FSCRUNLP LDA (OSLPTR),Y ; Look for command line INY CMP #'!' BCS FSCRUNLP DEY JSR SKIPSPC JSR LPTRtoXY STX FSCMDLINE+0 ; Set CMDLINE=>command line STY FSCMDLINE+1 ; Collected by OSARGS 1,0 LDA #$FF ; OSFILE load flag STA OSFILECB+6 ; Use file's address LDX #<OSFILECB ; Pointer to control block LDY #>OSFILECB JSR OSFILE JSR :CALL LDA #$00 ; A=0 on return RTS :CALL LDA #$01 ; A=1 - entering code SEC ; Not from RESET JMP (OSFILECB+6) ; Jump to EXEC addr FSCREN JMP RENAME FSCCHDIR JMP CHDIR * Performs OSFSC Read EOF function * File ref number is in X CHKEOF >>> WRTMAIN STX MOSFILE ; File reference number >>> WRTAUX >>> XF2MAIN,FILEEOF CHKEOFRET >>> ENTAUX TAX ; Return code -> X RTS * Perform CAT * A=5 *CAT, A=9 *EX, A=10 *INFO FSCCAT PHA JSR PARSNAME ; Copy filename->MOSFILE PLA ASL A ASL A ASL A ; 0101xxxx=*CAT ASL A ; 1001xxxx=*EX STA FSAREG ; 1010xxxx=*INFO >>> XF2MAIN,CATALOG STARCATRET >>> ENTAUX PHA JSR FORCENL PLA JSR CHKERROR ; See if error occurred CATDONE LDA #0 ; 0=OK RTS * Print one block of a catalog. Called by CATALOG * Block is in AUXBLK PRONEBLK >>> ENTAUX LDA AUXBLK+4 ; Get storage type AND #$E0 ; Mask 3 MSBs CMP #$E0 BNE :NOTKEY ; Not a key block LDA #<:DIRM LDY #>:DIRM JSR PRSTR SEC :NOTKEY LDA #$00 :L1 PHA PHP JSR PRONEENT PLP BCC :L1X JSR OSNEWL :L1X PLA INC CMP #13 ; Number of dirents in block CLC BNE :L1 >>> XF2MAIN,CATALOGRET :DIRM ASC 'Directory: ' DB $00 * Print a single directory entry * On entry: A = dirent index in AUXBLK PRONEENT PHP TAX LDA #<AUXBLK+4 ; Skip pointers STA ZP3 LDA #>AUXBLK+4 STA ZP3+1 :L1 CPX #$00 BEQ :S1 CLC LDA #$27 ; Size of dirent ADC ZP3 STA ZP3 LDA #$00 ADC ZP3+1 STA ZP3+1 DEX BRA :L1 :S1 LDY #$00 LDA (ZP3),Y BEQ :EXIT1 ; Inactive entry AND #$0F ; Len of filename TAX LDY #$01 :L2 CPX #$00 BEQ :S2 LDA (ZP3),Y JSR OSWRCH DEX INY BRA :L2 :S2 PLP BCS :EXIT LDA #$20 BIT FSAREG BPL :S2LP INY INY INY INY :S2LP JSR OSWRCH INY CPY #$15 BNE :S2LP BIT FSAREG BPL :EXIT LDY #$21 LDX #3 LDA #0 JSR PRADDR0 LDA #'+' JSR OSWRCH LDY #$17 JSR PRADDR JSR PRSPACE LDY #$00 LDA (ZP3),Y AND #$F0 CMP #$D0 BNE :NOTDIR LDA #'D' JSR OSWRCH JSR PRLOCK JMP OSNEWL :NOTDIR JSR PRLOCK LDA (ZP3),Y LSR A PHP AND #1 BEQ :NOWR LDA #'W' JSR OSWRCH :NOWR PLP BCC :NOWR LDA #'R' JSR OSWRCH :NORD * JSR PRSPACE * LDY #$22 * LDX #2 * JSR PRADDRLP JMP OSNEWL :EXIT1 PLP :EXIT RTS PRLOCK LDY #$1E LDA (ZP3),Y CMP #$40 BCS PRADDROK LDA #'L' JMP OSWRCH PRADDR LDX #3 PRADDRLP LDA (ZP3),Y PRADDR0 JSR OUTHEX DEY DEX BNE PRADDRLP PRADDROK RTS PRSPACE LDA #' ' JMP OSWRCH * Perform FSCV $0C RENAME function * Parameter string in XY RENAME JSR PARSNAME ; Copy Arg1->MOSFILE CMP #$00 ; Length of arg1 BEQ :SYNTAX JSR PARSLPTR2 ; Copy Arg2->MOSFILE2 CMP #$00 ; Length of arg2 BEQ :SYNTAX >>> XF2MAIN,RENFILE :SYNTAX BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: RENAME <objspec> <objspec>' BRK RENRET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR LDA #$00 RTS * Perform *COPY function * Parameter string in XY COPY JSR PARSNAME ; Copy Arg1->MOSFILE CMP #$00 ; Length of arg1 BEQ :SYNTAX JSR PARSLPTR2 ; Copy Arg2->MOSFILE2 CMP #$00 ; Length of arg2 BEQ :SYNTAX >>> XF2MAIN,COPYFILE :SYNTAX BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: COPY <listspec> <*objspec*>' BRK COPYRET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR LDA #$00 RTS * Handle *DIR (directory change) command * On entry, XY points to command line CHDIR JSR PARSNAME ; Copy filename->MOSFILE CMP #$00 ; Filename length BNE :HASPARM BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: DIR <*objspec*>' BRK :HASPARM >>> XF2MAIN,SETPFX * Handle *DRIVE command, which is similar * On entry, (OSLPTR),Y points to command line DRIVE LDA (OSLPTR),Y ; First char CMP #$3A ; Colon BNE :ERR JSR PARSLPTR ; Copy arg->MOSFILE CMP #$03 ; Check 3 char arg BEQ :HASPARM :ERR BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: DRIVE <dry> (eg: DRIVE :61)' BRK :HASPARM >>> XF2MAIN,SETPFX CHDIRRET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR CMP #$00 BEQ :EXIT BRK DB $CE ; Bad directory ASC 'Bad dir' BRK :EXIT RTS * Handle *FREE command FREE LDA (OSLPTR),Y ; First char CMP #$3A ; Colon BNE :ERR JSR PARSLPTR ; Copy arg->MOSFILE CMP #$03 ; Check 3 char arg BEQ :HASPARM :ERR BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: FREE <dry> (eg: DRIVE :61)' BRK :HASPARM >>> XF2MAIN,DRVINFO FREERET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR CMP #$00 BEQ :NOERR BRK DB $CE ; Bad directory ASC 'Bad dir' BRK :NOERR SEC LDA AUXBLK+2 ; LSB of total blks SBC AUXBLK ; LSB of blocks used TAX LDA AUXBLK+3 ; MSB of total blks SBC AUXBLK+1 ; MSB of blocks used TAY JSR PRDECXY ; Print in decimal LDX #<:FREEM LDY #>:FREEM JSR OUTSTR JSR FORCENL LDX AUXBLK+0 ; Blocks used LDY AUXBLK+1 JSR PRDECXY ; Print in decimal LDX #<:USEDM LDY #>:USEDM JSR OUTSTR JSR FORCENL RTS :FREEM ASC ' 512-byte Blocks Free' DB $00 :USEDM ASC ' 512-byte Blocks Used' DB $00 ACCESS JSR PARSLPTR ; Copy filename->MOSFILE CMP #$00 ; Filename length BEQ :SYNTAX JSR PARSLPTR2 ; Copy Arg2->MOSFILE2 >>> XF2MAIN,SETPERM :SYNTAX BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: ACCESS <listspec> <L|R|W>' BRK ACCRET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR LDA #$00 RTS DESTROY JSR PARSLPTR ; Copy filename->MOSFILE CMP #$00 ; Filename length BEQ :SYNTAX >>> XF2MAIN,MULTIDEL :SYNTAX BRK DB $DC ASC 'Syntax: DESTROY <listspec>' BRK DESTRET >>> ENTAUX JSR CHKERROR LDA #$00 RTS * Parse filename pointed to by XY * Write filename to MOSFILE in main memory * Returns length in A PARSNAME JSR XYtoLPTR PARSLPTR CLC ; Means parsing a filename JSR GSINIT ; Init gen string handling PHP SEI ; Disable IRQs LDX #$00 ; Length :L1 JSR GSREAD ; Handle next char BCS :DONE STA $C004 ; Write to main mem STA MOSFILE+1,X STA $C005 ; Write to aux mem INX BNE :L1 :DONE STA $C004 ; Write to main mem STX MOSFILE ; Length byte (Pascal) STA $C005 ; Back to aux PLP ; IRQs back as they were TXA ; Return len in A RTS * Parse filename pointed to by (OSLPTR),Y * Write filename to MOSFILE2 in main memory * Returns length in A PARSNAME2 JSR XYtoLPTR PARSLPTR2 CLC ; Means parsing a filename JSR GSINIT ; Init gen string handling PHP SEI ; Disable IRQs LDX #$00 ; Length :L1 JSR GSREAD ; Handle next char BCS :DONE STA $C004 ; Write to main mem STA MOSFILE2+1,X STA $C005 ; Write to aux mem INX BNE :L1 :DONE STA $C004 ; Write to main mem STX MOSFILE2 ; Length byte (Pascal) STA $C005 ; Back to aux PLP ; IRQs back as they were TXA ; Return len in A RTS * Move this somewhere CHKERROR CMP #$20 BCS MKERROR RTS *ERREXISTS LDA #$47 ; File exists *ERRNOTFND LDA #$46 ; File not found MKERROR BIT $E0 BPL MKERROR1 ; *TEST* PHA LDX #15 MKERRLP LDA ERRMSG,X STA $100,X DEX BPL MKERRLP PLA PHA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A JSR ERRHEX STA $109 PLA JSR ERRHEX STA $10A JMP $100 ERRHEX AND #15 CMP #10 BCC ERRHEX1 ADC #6 ERRHEX1 ADC #48 RTS ERRMSG BRK DB $FF ASC 'TEST: $00' BRK MKERROR1 CMP #$40 BCS MKERROR2 ADC #$31 MKERROR2 SEC SBC #$40 CMP #$20 BCC MKERROR3 LDA #$18 ; I/O error MKERROR3 ASL A TAX LDA MKERROR4+1,X PHA LDA MKERROR4+0,X PHA PHP RTI MKERROR4 DW ERROR40,ERROR41,ERROR42,ERROR43,ERROR44,ERROR45,ERROR46,ERROR47 DW ERROR48,ERROR49,ERROR4A,ERROR4B,ERROR4C,ERROR4D,ERROR4E,ERROR4F DW ERROR50,ERROR51,ERROR52,ERROR53,ERROR54,ERROR55,ERROR56,ERROR57 DW ERROR27,ERROR28,ERROR5A,ERROR5B,ERROR2B,ERROR5D,ERROR5E,ERROR2E * $40 - Invalid pathname syntax. Bad filename * $41 - Duplicate filename. (additional) Directory exists * $42 - File Control Block table full. Too many open * $43 - Invalid reference number. Channel not open * $44 - Path not found. File not found * $45 - Volume directory not found. Disk not found * $46 - File not found. File not found * $47 - Duplicate filename. (see also $41) File exists * $48 - Overrun error. Disk full * $49 - Volume directory full. Directory full * $4A - Incompatible file format. Disk not recognised * $4B - Unsupported storage_type. Disk not recognised * $4C - End of file has been encountered. End of file * $4D - Position out of range. Past end of file * $4E - Access error. (see also $4F) RD/WR: Insufficient access * $4F - Access error. (additional) REN/DEL: Locked * $50 - File is open. Can't - file open * $51 - Directory count error. Broken directory * $52 - Not a ProDOS disk. Disk not recognised * $53 - Invalid parameter. Invalid parameter * $54 - (Dir not empty when deleting) Dir not empty * $55 - Volume Control Block table full. * $56 - Bad buffer address. * $57 - Duplicate volume. * ($58) $27 - I/O error (disk not formatted) * ($59) $28 - No device connected (drive not present) Disk not present * $5A ($29) - Bit map disk address is impossible. Sector not found * $5B $2A - * ($5C) $2B - Disk write protected. Disk write protected * $5D ($2C) - (EOF during load or save) Data lost * $5E ($2D) - (Couldn't open to save) Can't save * ($5F) $2E - Disk switched Disk changed * $2F - Device is offline (drive empty) * * AcornOS ProDOS ERROR40 DW $CC00 ASC 'Bad filename' ; $40 - Invalid pathname syntax ERROR41 DW $C400 ASC 'Directory exists' ; $41 - Duplicate filename (split from $47) ERROR42 DW $C000 ASC 'Too many open' ; $42 - File Control Block table full ERROR43 DW $DE00 ASC 'Channel not open' ; $43 - Invalid reference number ERROR44 ; $44 - Path not found ERROR46 DW $D600 ASC 'File not found' ; $46 - File not found ERROR45 DW $D600 ASC 'Disk not found' ; $45 - Volume directory not found ERROR47 DW $C400 ASC 'File exists' ; $47 - Duplicate filename (see also $41) ERROR48 DW $C600 ASC 'Disk full' ; $48 - Overrun error ERROR49 DW $B300 ASC 'Directory full' ; $49 - Volume directory full ERROR4A ; $4A - Incompatible file format ERROR4B ; $4B - Unsupported storage_type ERROR52 DW $C800 ASC 'Disk not recognised' ; $52 - Not a ProDOS disk ERROR4C DW $DF00 ASC 'End of file' ; $4C - End of file has been encountered ERROR4D DW $C100 ASC 'Not open for update' ; $4D - Position out of range ERROR4E DW $BD00 ASC 'Insufficient access' ; $4E - Access error (see also $4F) ERROR4F DW $C300 ASC 'Locked' ; $4F - Access error (split from $4E) ERROR50 DW $C200 ASC 'Can' DB $27 ASC 't - file open' ; $50 - File is open ERROR51 DW $A800 ASC 'Broken directory' ; $51 - Directory count error ERROR53 DW $DC00 ASC 'Invalid parameter' ; $53 - Invalid parameter ERROR54 DW $D400 ASC 'Directory not empty' ; $54 - Directory not empty ERROR55 DW $FF00 ASC 'ProDOS: VCB full' ; $55 - Volume Control Block table full ERROR56 DW $FF00 ASC 'ProDOS: Bad addr' ; $56 - Bad buffer address ERROR57 DW $FF00 ASC 'ProDOS: Dup volm' ; $57 - Duplicate volume ERROR5B ; spare ERROR27 DW $FF00 ASC 'I/O error' ; $27 - I/O error ERROR28 DW $D200 ASC 'Disk not present' ; $28 - No device detected/connected ERROR5A DW $FF00 ASC 'Sector not found' ; $5A - Bit map disk address is impossible ERROR2B DW $C900 ASC 'Disk write protected' ; $2B - Disk write protected ERROR5D DW $CA00 ASC 'Data lost' ; $5D - EOF during LOAD or SAVE ERROR5E DW $C000 ASC 'Can' DB $27 ASC 't save' ; $5E - Couldn't open for save ERROR2E DW $C800 ASC 'Disk changed' ; $2E - Disk switched DB $00