Takashi Toyoshima dd372c8a2d Ready to implement a 6502 interpreter
All investigation for implementation and testing were done.
Now, 6502.S can be verified on qemu-arm, and run even on LPC1114.
All I have to do is just implement the 6502 interpreter.
2014-12-05 02:43:58 +09:00

116 lines
1.8 KiB

.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m0
.align 2
.extern basic_rom
.section .rodata
.ascii "*** dump *** PC=$\000"
.ascii " A=$\000"
.ascii " X=$\000"
.ascii " Y=$\000"
.ascii " SP=$\000"
.ascii " NV-B_DIZC=\000"
.global cpu6502_dump
.type cpu6502_dump, %function
push {r4-r7, lr}
mov r4, r0
mov r5, r1
mov r6, r2
mov r7, r3
ldr r0, =#dump0
bl uart_putstr
mov r0, r4
bl uart_puthex16
ldr r0, =#dump1
bl uart_putstr
mov r0, r5
bl uart_puthex
ldr r0, =#dump2
bl uart_putstr
mov r0, r6
bl uart_puthex
ldr r0, =#dump3
bl uart_putstr
mov r0, r7
bl uart_puthex
ldr r0, =#dump4
bl uart_putstr
ldr r0, [sp, #20]
bl uart_puthex
ldr r0, =#dump5
bl uart_putstr
ldr r4, [sp, #24]
mov r0, r4
lsrs r0, #7
bl uart_putx
mov r0, r4
movs r5, #1
lsrs r0, #6
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
movs r0, #'-'
bl uart_putc
mov r0, r4
lsrs r0, #4
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
movs r0, #'_'
bl uart_putc
mov r0, r4
lsrs r0, #3
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
mov r0, r4
lsrs r0, #2
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
mov r0, r4
lsrs r0, #1
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
mov r0, r4
ands r0, r5
bl uart_putx
movs r0, #'\n'
bl uart_putc
pop {r4-r7, pc}
.global cpu6502_load
.type cpu6502_load, %function
movs r1, r0
lsrs r0, #8
movs r2, #0xd0
cmps r0, r2
bhs 1f
// TODO: Load from RAM
movs r0, #0
mov pc, lr
// Load from ROM (0xd000-0xffff)
lsls r2, #8
subs r1, r1, r2
ldr r0, =#basic_rom
adds r0, r0, r1
ldrb r0, [r0]
mov pc, lr
.global cpu6502_store
.type cpu6502_store, %function
mov pc, lr