210 lines
10 KiB

End of file : 7,281
This file was generated using the DiskBrowser utility with minimal editing.
It is meant for viewing purposes only.
* Symbol names ending with
* B - buffer
* F - flag
* P - pointer
* S - string (can be p,c or otherwise)
* T - table
* This would allow us to give more meaningful abbrv
* to symbol names
* Indices to access file control tables (FCT)
ObjFile EQU 0
ChnFile EQU 2
InclFile EQU 4
MacFile EQU 6
LstFile EQU 8
* There are flags which describes the
* characteristics of a symbol - ref pg 231
undefined equ $80
unrefd equ $40
relative equ $20
external equ $10
entry equ $08
macro equ $04
nosuchlabel equ $02
fwdrefd equ $01
* zero page usage
* NB. The contents of $60-$F1 are saved & will be
* restored by the Assembler on exit.
* Some of these locations are re-cycled i.e. they have a
* different meaning when use in another part of the code
Z60 EQU $60
BCDNbr EQU $60 ;src file line #s in BCD
StrtSymT EQU $63 ;start of symtable
EndSymT EQU $65 ;curr end of symtable
PassNbr EQU $67 ;pass 1=0, pass 2=1 pass 3=2
ListingF EQU $68 ;$80-LST ON
SubTtlF EQU $69 ;=$00,$40=SBTL, $FF=SBTL str
LineCnt EQU $6A ;# of printed lines
PageNbr EQU $6B
FileNbr EQU $6D
LogPL EQU $6E ;logical page len
PhyPL EQU $6F ;physical page len
SavIndX EQU $70 ;Temp location to save (X)
ByteCnt EQU $70 ;# of generated bytes so far
PrtCol EQU $71 ;Printing col
EIStack EQU $72 ;EdAsm Interpreter's stack ptr
CancelF EQU $73
NbrErrs EQU $74 ;# of errors
PrSlot EQU $76
AbortF EQU $77
SavIndY EQU $78 ;Temp location to save (Y)
SrcP EQU $79 ;Set to point to somewhere within src line
UnsortedP EQU $79 ;Ptr to a record of the unsorted aux work array
Src2P EQU $7B ;Copy of src ptr used during code listing
PC EQU $7D ;position/program counter
SortedP EQU $7D ;Ptr to a record of the sorted aux array
ObjPC EQU $7F ;PC for OBJ code store in mem
SymFBP EQU $7F ;Ptr to a symbol's flag byte field (use during pass1)
CodeLen EQU $7F ;curr len of code image of REL files (stored @ BOF)
AuxAryE EQU $7F ;Ptr to last end of sorted array
FileLen EQU $81 ;curr len of BIN/REL file
CurrORG EQU $83 ;curr origin addr
SymP EQU $85 ;Ptr to symbol
MnemP EQU $85 ;Ptr to mnenmonic table entry
Delimitr EQU $85 ;Double as delimiter
DTEndCol EQU $85 ;end index of DateTime str
StrType EQU $86 ;0=DCI -1=ASC
DTCurIdx EQU $86 ;curr index into DateTime str
MemTop EQU $87
TotLines EQU $89 ;3 bytes
VidSlot EQU $8C
SaveA EQU $8D
SaveY EQU $8E
SaveX EQU $8F
DskListF EQU $90 ;$00,$40,$80-list to txt file
LstDBIdx EQU $91 ;LST Data buf index, double as # of chars to write
WinLeft EQU $92 ;left & right edges
WinRight EQU $93 ;of 40-col window
X6502F EQU $94
HighMem EQU $95 ;HiMem of generated obj code
ExprAccF EQU $97 ;expression's accumulated flag bits
ColCnt EQU $97 ;curr print col
SortF EQU $98
NxtToken EQU $98 ;Flag to indicate nature of next char
LstCodeF EQU $99 ;Bits to control listing of machine code
SymRefCh EQU $99 ;Preceding char printed b4 symbol's addr
GMC EQU $9A ;$9A-$9D Generated Machine Code buf
IsFwdRef EQU $9A ;Forward ref bit was set
NumCols EQU $9B ;=2,4,6 # of print cols
SymIdx EQU $9C ;Save index into symbol record
ERfield EQU $9D ;Expr Result field
SymAddr EQU $9D ;Addr associated w/symbolicname
ValExpr EQU $9F ;value of expression
RLDEntP EQU $9F ;Ptr to RLD entry
WrkP EQU $A1 ;Work ptr to symbol table entry
JJJ EQU $9F ;Running vars used
III EQU $A1 ; during sorting
Length EQU $A3 ;len of inst => 1-1 byte, 2-2 bytes etc
ModWrdL EQU $A4 ;Permitted modes of a 65C02
ModWrdH EQU $A5 ; mnemonic/SW16 pseudo opcode
StrtIdx EQU $A3 ;Starting index of FOR loop
EndIdx EQU $A5 ;Ending Index of FOR loop
LenTIdx EQU $A6 ;Index into inst len table
Filler EQU $A7 ;byte used to fill reserved storage
SavLstF EQU $A7 ;Used to save List flags temporarily
GMCIdx EQU $A7 ;Used to index GMC buf during code generation
RadixCh EQU $A7 ;Char used to check radix during str2bin conversion
Jump EQU $A7 ;Gap btwn 2 elements
SavFByt EQU $A7 ;Save symbol's flag byte temporarily
BitsDig EQU $A8 ;# of bits/digit-use into bin/octal/hex conversion
LabelF EQU $A9 ;Instruction has a label field
RecCnt EQU $A9 ;Use to count the # of recs in aux array
NumRecs EQU $A9 ;Renamed above label
SubTIdx EQU $AA ;offset into a sub-table of opcode table
ErrorF EQU $AC ;curr line is flagged as incorrect
ErrTIdx EQU $AC ;Used to index ErrInfo Table
msbF EQU $AD
J.TH EQU $AB ;offset/ptr to the j-th/i-th
I.TH EQU $AD ; elements of the aux array
EndianF EQU $AE ;little/big endian flag
Accum EQU $AF ;Main accumulator ($AF-$B0)
NewPC EQU $AF ;Used temporarily by DS directive
Ret816F EQU $B1 ;-1=16-bits,0-low 8-bits,1-high 8-bits
RepChar EQU $B2 ;char used by REP directive
SymNbr EQU $B3 ;# of idfers declared as EXTRN/ENTRY (DEF/RE)
SymLen EQU $B3 ;len of symbolic name
SavSTS EQU $B3 ;Save start of symbol table
GblAbsF EQU $B4 ;Global Abs addr flag $00-ZDEF/ZREF; $01-DEF/REF
DummyF EQU $B5 ;dummy section flag
SavObjPC EQU $B8
CodeImgLen EQU $B8
CondAsmF EQU $BA ;Conditional Assembly Flag $00,$40,$80
TabTIdx EQU $BB ;Index into Editor's tab table
SymFByte EQU $BC ;Symbol's curr flag byte
RelCodeF EQU $BD
DskSrcF EQU $BE ;-1=Disk src file, 0-mem src file
GenF EQU $BF ;N=1-suppress code gen,V=1-disk,V=0-mem
ObjDBIdx EQU $C0 ;Gen obj code buf index, double as # of bytes to write
IDskSrcF EQU $C1 ;msb=on - stmts fr INCLUDE file
MacroF EQU $C2 ;0=not using macros,$40,$06,$04,$80-macro file opened
MParmCnt EQU $C3
MacArg EQU $C4 ;macro argument 0-9
ZC5 EQU $C5 ;not used
FCTIndex EQU $C6 ;0,2,4,6,8 - Index of File Control tables (FCT)
PathP EQU $C7 ;Pathname ptr
SrcPathP EQU $C9 ;Curr src filename ptr
RelExprF EQU $CB ;If non-zero, rel addr expr/sub-expr
SavSTE EQU $CC ;temp save for hibyte of EO symbol table
SavSEF EQU $CC ;prev subexpr's RelExprF
NewF EQU $CD ;$80-new file is being assembled
Msg2P EQU $CE ;message ptr
Lower8 EQU $CE ;Low 8 bits of 16-bit val
ParmBIdx EQU $CE ;Index into parm string passed by EI
OnOffSW EQU $CE ;$80=ON,$00=FF
SrcP3 EQU $CE ;Ptr to partial src line-1
SymNodeP EQU $CE ;Use in printing of symbol table
TotCnt EQU $CF ;total # of bytes generated
RLDEnd EQU $D0 ;Points to end of Rel dict table (build downwards)
ZD2 EQU $D2 ;Not used
SavGenF EQU $D4 ;Save GenF when DSECT is declared
SBufP EQU $D5 ;ptr to SBuf/IBuf data buf
MsgP EQU $D5 ;Message ptr
HashIdx EQU $D7
PrvSymP EQU $D8 ;Ptr to previous symbol's node
NxtSymP EQU $DA ;Ptr to next symbol's node
NumCycles EQU $DD ;instruction's # of cycles
NbrWarns EQU $DE ;2 bytes used
* These flags are for the LST directive
* $00-OFF, non-zero=ON
LstFlags EQU $E0
LstCyc EQU $E0 ;cycle times (OFF)
LstUnAsm EQU $E1 ;unassembled source (ON)
LstExpMac EQU $E2 ;expansion of macro lines (ON)
LstWarns EQU $E3 ;warnings (ON)
LstGCode EQU $E4 ;generate obj code (OFF)
LstASym EQU $E5 ;Alphabetic symbol (ON)
LstVSym EQU $E6 ;Value-ordered Symbol (OFF)
Lst6Cols EQU $E7 ;6-col symbol dump (OFF)
ZE8 EQU $E8 ;Was init but not used
RndF EQU $EC ;$80-use random data, $00-use filler byte
ErrNbr4 EQU $EB ;Err # x 4=index
DecimalS EQU $ED ;'0000' 4-byte ASCII str ($ED-$F0)
MacPNLen EQU $F1 ;Len byte of Maclib prefix/Macro file PathName