24 lines
1.2 KiB

End of file : 884
This file was generated using the DiskBrowser utility with minimal editing.
It is meant for viewing purposes only.
* EXTERN labels used by Assembler
* The 1024-byte buffers are used by ProDOS8 for I/O
X0800 EQU $0800
X6E00 EQU $6E00 ;1024-byte buf for MACRO defn file if List to File
MacExpBuf EQU $7200 ;$7200-$727F Use to expand macro lines
MacStrBuf EQU $7280 ;$7280-$72FF Use to store string parms passed
OLDataB EQU $7300 ;Online data buf
LstDBuf EQU $7300 ;256-bytes circular data buf for LST file
X7400 EQU $7400 ;1024-bytes buf for LST/MACRO file
ObjDataB EQU $BD00 ;128-byte data buf for obj code
AsmParmB EQU $BD80 ;128-byte buf use to pass by editor to pass parm to asmbler
XA100 EQU $A100 ;1024-bytes buf for OBJ file
XA500 EQU $A500 ;1024-bytes buf for SRC file
*XA900 EQU $A900 ;1024-bytes buf for INCLUDE file
HeaderT EQU $BC00 ;Table of ptrs to 1st node of singly linked lists