4543 lines
138 KiB

Name : LINK.S
End of file : 91,112
This file was generated using the DiskBrowser utility with minimal editing.
It is meant for viewing purposes only.
; Initial code disassembled with the ORCA.DisAsm
; Source files for the Linker is of type REL
; The Linker can produce BIN, REL or SYS object files
; Init the Linker
AsmLinker EQU *
ldx #0
stx AsmLinker
php ;Save status reg
sta Z9C ; here
sei ;No interrupts
lda #0
ZeroLoop sta Stack,x ;Zero stack area
bne ZeroLoop
txs ;=$FF
lda Z9C
pha ;Restore status reg
lda #$00
sta MINIVERS ;minimum interpreter version
lda #$10
sta IVERSION ;interpreter version
lda #%00000011 ;Pages 6-7
sta BitMap ; are reserved
; Setup memory management
lda #%10101000
and #%00000111
tax ;(X)=0
ldy #0
tya ;(A)=0
NeverLoop ora BitsT,y ;Loop never executed?
bpl NeverLoop
eor #$FF ;(A)=%01111111
ldx #$15
and BitMap,x ;Mark page $A8
sta BitMap,x ; as free
lda #$00
ZeroLup sta BitMap,x ;Pages $08-$A7
dex ; are free
bne ZeroLup
; Init various flags & variables
lda #$80 ;Set the following
sta MapFileF ; flags to ON
sta SortLMF
sta XRefF
sta ERefF
lda #$00 ;Set the following
sta PageF ;flags to OFF
sta OptDF
sta OptionsF
sta FTypeF
sta NumSortF
sta Origin ;Zero this
sta Origin+1
lda #1
sta LineCnt
sta PageCnt
; Try to open a default command (TXT)
; file named "EDASM.AUTOLINK"
ldy AutoLnkS
CpyLoop lda AutoLnkS,y
sta PathNameB,y
bpl CpyLoop
DB $C8
beq DoPhase0
cmp #$46 ;fileNotFound
bne NoGood
beq FNF
OtherErr jsr PrtError ;(A)=err code, don't come back
FNF ldy #$00 ;Print Banner & prompt
jsr DspMsg ; for command filename
lda #'?'+$80
sta Prompt
jsr GetLine ;Use monitor's input rtn to get filename
stx PathNameB ;Save len byte
lda InBuf ;Did user choose to abort
cmp #CTRLC+$80 ; the linking process?
bne CpyLoop2
jmp Abort ;Yes
CpyLoop2 lda InBuf,x ;Copy the filename
and #$7F ; typed in & ensure all
sta PathNameB+1,x ; its chars are std ASCII
bpl CpyLoop2
DB $C8
beq DoPhase0
cmp #$40 ;badPathSyntax
beq OtherErr
cmp #$44 ;pathNotFound
beq OtherErr
cmp #$45 ;volNotFound
beq OtherErr
cmp #$46 ;fileNotFound
beq OtherErr
NoGood jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
; Phase 0: Setup environment for the Linker
; Each record in the Command File is a CR-terminated text line (msb off)
; Each text line is either
; a command to the Linker or
; the pathname of a source file of type REL
; Directives/Commands to the Linker must be preceded by
; at least 1 space while pathnames have no leading space(s)
DoPhase0 EQU *
lda OpCmdFP+c.outRef;Copy this to the fields
sta SMCmdFP+c.refNum; of other ProDOS parameter
sta NLCmdFP+c.refNum; blocks b4 we start to read
sta RdCmdFP+c.refNum; the CMD file line by line
; Ensure that all future READ operations on the Command
; File is terminated by a CR or an EOF
DB $C9
bne NoGood
lda #BINtype ;Default OBJECT filetype
sta TrgtFTyp
ldy #$03 ;Display "Phase0: Commands..."
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
; This loop only processes directives & ignores the pathnames
Phs0Loop jsr PollKbd
jsr Read1Cmd ;Is 1st char is a CR/SPACE?
bne NotCmd ;No, it's a PN of a src (REL) file
jsr DspLineB ;Show cmd
cmp #CR
bne Phs01 ;1st char not CR => SPACE
jmp CmdFileErr ;CR => null cmd line
Phs01 jsr SkipSpcs
jsr ChkDrtv ;Is it a directive?
bcs Phs0Loop ;Not valid, ignore
pha ;Index into JMP table
jsr WhiteSpc
jsr AdvCP ;Ensure cp is @ 1st char of directive
jsr HndlDrtv ;Process directive
jmp Phs0Loop
; If 1st char is not CR/SPACE, then it is a pathname of a src file
NotCmd bit MapFileF ;Output a LinkMAP? (default ON)
bpl EndPhs0 ;No
jsr OpLnkMap ;Open LinkMap file for output
EndPhs0 jmp DoPhase1
; JMP via an RTS to parse the operand
; field of a directive
HndlDrtv tax
lda L36F0,x ;Directive JMP table
lda L36EA,x
; BIN command/directive
; Input
; FTypeF=0 OBJECT file type not set
; Output
; FTypeF=1
; TrgtFTyp=BIN
; NB. Only one BIN/REL/SYS directive
; may be declared
CmdBin lda FTypeF ;Has the OBJ type been set?
beq CmdBin1 ;No
jmp DupCmdErr
CmdBin1 lda #$01
sta FTypeF ;Flag it's set
lda #BINtype
sta TrgtFTyp
jsr GetOutFN ;Get Link OBJ/MAP filenames
; REL command/directive
; Input
; FTypeF=0
; Output
; FTypeF=$80
; TrgtFTyp=REL
CmdRel lda FTypeF
beq CmdRel1
jmp DupCmdErr
CmdRel1 lda #$80
sta FTypeF
lda #RELtype
sta TrgtFTyp
jsr GetOutFN
; SYS command/directive
; Input
; FTypeF=0
; Output
; FTypeF=$02
; TrgtFTyp=SYS
CmdSys lda FTypeF
beq CmdSys1
jmp DupCmdErr
CmdSys1 lda #$02
sta FTypeF
lda #SYStype
sta TrgtFTyp
jsr GetOutFN
; ORG command/directive
; Input
; Output
; Origin=Value of Expression
; Only 1 ORG may be declared and it must be b4 the src pathnames
CmdOrg lda Origin ;Already set?
ora Origin+1
beq CmdOrg1
jmp DupCmdErr ;Yes, duplicate cmd
CmdOrg1 jsr SkipSpcs
jsr ChrGot
beq BadOrg ;sp/cr
jsr EvalExpr
lda Value16 ;Chk it's valid
sta Origin
lda Value16+1
beq BadOrg ; < $0100
sta Origin+1
ora Origin
beq BadOrg ; $0000
BadOrg jmp CmdSynErr ;syntax err
; ALN Command/Directive
; Align Origin @ start of next mempage
; Output
; Origin=$xx00
; This directive is usually used after a pathname
; and may be used repeatedly
CmdAln lda Origin ;ORG must be set first either by a
ora Origin+1 ; directive or via src filename
bne CmdAln1
jmp CmdOrderErr ;Wrong cmd order
CmdAln1 lda Origin ;Align @ the beginning
beq doRTS
inc Origin+1 ; of the next mempage
lda #$00
sta Origin
doRTS rts
; OPT command/directive. Only allowed to be used once
; Default
; OPT +M,+E,+S,+X,-N,-D,-P
; Input
; OptionsF
; Output
; OptionsF=1 - If Directive not declared
; One/Some/All of the following flags may be set
; M)apFileF - Output LinkMAP file (default ON)
; E)RefF - Add ENTRY records (default ON)
; S)ortLMF - Sort LoadMap table (default ON)
; X)RefF - Cross-referenced (default ON)
; N)umSortF - Sort LoadMap numerically (default OFF)
; O)ptDF - not used (default OFF)
; P)ageF - Pagination (default OFF)
CmdOptn EQU *
lda OptionsF ;First time directive is declared?
beq CmdOptn1 ;Yes
jmp DupCmdErr ;Duplicate cmd
CmdOptn1 inc OptionsF ;Flag we have encountered this cmd
jsr SkipSpcs
GetOptFlg jsr ChrGot ;chrgot
beq doRTS1 ;cr/space
cmp #'+' ;ON switch flag?
bne IsOptnOff ;No
lda #$80 ;ON
sta Switch
bne WhchOptn ;always
IsOptnOff cmp #'-'
bne BadOptn
lda #$00 ;OFF
sta Switch
WhchOptn jsr ChrGet ;Get char after switch flag
beq BadOptn ;It's a cr/space
ldx #0
OptnLoop cmp OptionsT,x
beq GotOptn ;Got a hit
cpx #7
bcc OptnLoop ;Next
BadOptn jmp OptnErr ;Invalid option/option syntax
GotOptn lda Switch
sta OptFlagT,x ;$A2-$A8
NxtOptn jsr ChrGet ;Get char
beq doRTS1 ;cr/space
cmp #',' ;delimiter
bne NxtOptn
iny ;Skip comma
jmp GetOptFlg ;Loop back for another option
doRTS1 rts
; Parse for the pathnames of the OBJ file and
; LinkMap txt file. Full and partial pathname
; are accepted. If there is no operand field
; following the BIN/REL/SYS directive/cmd then
; the default filenames are used.
; Output
; LinkObjS buf
GetOutFN jsr SkipSpcs
CpyLoop3 jsr ChrGot
beq GotWS ;cr/space
jsr ChkChar ;Is char valid?
bne IsCR ;No
sta LinkObjS,y
bne CpyLoop3
IsCR cmp #CR ;Is it a CR?
GotWS php ;Save compare status
cpy #0 ;Is there an operand?
beq Chk4CR ;No
sty LinkObjS ;Len byte
Chk4CR plp
beq doRTS2 ;Yes, it's a CR, so done
cmp #',' ;Check for the delimiter
bne FNF2 ;Not found
ldx #0
iny ;Skip the comma
ChkLoop jsr ChrGot
beq GotCR ;cr/space
jsr ChkChar ;Is char valid?
bne FNF2 ;No, err
sta LinkMapS,x
bne ChkLoop
GotCR cpx #0 ;If no user-defined LinkMap
beq doRTS2 ; file use default
stx LinkMapS ;Len byte
doRTS2 rts
FNF2 lda #$40 ;fileNotFound
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
; Check if a char is valid
; Valid chars are: / . 0-9 A-Z
; Input
; (A)=ascii char
; Output
; Z=1 if char is valid
ChkChar cmp #'/'
beq doRTS3
cmp #'.'
beq doRTS3
jsr IsDecChar ;Is it a decimal digit?
bcc CharOK ;Yes
cmp #'A'
bcc doRTS3
cmp #'Z'+1
bcc CharOK
cmp #'A'
CharOK sta Prompt
cmp Prompt ;Ensure Z=1
doRTS3 rts
; Set PathName buf to OBJECT file
MovObjFN EQU *
ldy LinkObjS ;len byte
MovLoop lda LinkObjS,y
sta PathNameB,y
bpl MovLoop
REP 50
; Set PathName buf to LinkMap text file
MovMapFN EQU *
ldy LinkMapS ;Get its len byte
MovLoop2 lda LinkMapS,y
sta PathNameB,y
bpl MovLoop2
REP 50
; Open for LinkMap text file for writing
; Input
; Output
OpLnkMap EQU *
jsr MovMapFN ;Set PN to LinkMap's
DB $C1
DW DestryP
DB $C0
DW CrLnkMapP
bne GotErr
DB $C8
DW Open2P
beq FileOpn
GotErr jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
FileOpn lda Open2P+c.outRef
sta WrMapFP+c.refNum
lda #0
sta WrMapFIdx ;# of bytes to write
sta WrMapFIdx+1 ;HOB=Always 0
; Using info fr the ESD (if any) of the src files,
; build 3 arrays called ENTRY, EXTRN & SymbolicName
; tables.
; EntRecP - Point to an element of the ENTRY table of 24-byte records
; XtnRecP - Point to an element of the EXTRN table of 8-byte records
; SymP - Point to an element of the SymbolicName table of 16-byte records
; ModNbr - src file # assigned during processing
; CurrORG - starting PC of current src file
DoPhase1 ldy #$04 ;Building ENTRY/EXTERN tables
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
ldy #$04
jsr StorMsgY ;Store same msg to LinkMap
lda #>EntTbl
sta EntRecP ;ENTRY table @ $4700
lda #<EntTbl
sta EntRecP+1
lda #>XtnTbl ;XTRN table @ $7100
sta XtnRecP
lda #<XtnTbl
sta XtnRecP+1
lda #>SymTbl ;SymbolicName table @ $9200
sta SymP
lda #<SymTbl
sta SymP+1
lda #0
sta ModNbr ;module #
lda Origin
sta CurrORG
lda Origin+1
sta CurrORG+1
jmp Phs11
; Process a src file. The only directive allowed
; is ALN which instructs the Linker to adjust
; the PC to the start of next mem page
Phs1Loop EQU *
jsr PollKbd
jsr Read1Cmd
bne Phs11 ;Not a cr/space => we've a PN
cmp #CR
beq GoPhase2 ;Empty line -> no more cmds
jsr IsALN ;Is it Align directive?
bcc GotAln ;Yes -> align mem
jmp DoBreak ;Abort!
GotAln beq AlignMem ;ALN option
jmp CmdOrderErr ;No, invalid cmd order
AlignMem lda CurrORG ;Already @ a mempage bdry?
beq Phs1Loop ;Yes
inc CurrORG+1 ;Next mempage
lda #$00
sta CurrORG
beq Phs1Loop ;always
GoPhase2 jmp DoPhase2
; The name of a src file is already in CmdLine buffer
; Open the src file and setup some variables
; using the info fr the opened src file.
; CmdLineB - Pathname of src file
; EntRecP - ptr to a rec of ENTRY table
; XtnRecP - ptr to a rec of EXTRN table
; SymP - ptr to a rec of SymbolicName table
; Origin - ORG of 1st src file (if not) set by an ORG directive
; CurrORG - Starting PC assigned to curr src file
; SMSrcFP+c.mark - file posn of source file
; SrcP - pointer into a chunk of source file
; Z80 - End of chunk of RLD data read
; Z82 - Start of RLD data read
Phs11 jsr DspLineB
jsr OpenSrc ;Open src file and get info
bcc Phs12
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
Phs12 lda Origin ;Was it set?
ora Origin+1
bne OrgSet ;Yes
lda SrcORG ;Use the ORG as recorded
sta Origin ; in the 1st src file
sta CurrORG ; as our origin & use it as
lda SrcORG+1 ; the starting PC as well
sta Origin+1 ;NB. Once set, it will remain unchanged
sta CurrORG+1 ; throughout linking process
OrgSet lda #2
adc SrcCodeLen ;Len of code image
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark ;Set file posn to src file's
lda #0 ; relocation dictionary (RLD)
adc SrcCodeLen+1
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark+1; which is just after the code image
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef
sta SMSrcFP+c.refNum
bne GotErr2
jsr L3348 ;Read max chunk of RLD/ESD
bcc FinalData ;=> The entire RLD/ESD was read
cmp #$10 ;Did we encounter an EOF?
beq MoreData ;No, more data chunks
GotErr2 jsr ErrHndlr ;(A)=$4C, so let EI take care of it
; A fixed chunk (of 5K) had been read so there may be more
; data to be read. There seems to be no provision dealing
; with files in which the END of RLD is not within
; the first 5K of RLD/ESD data i.e. the RLD is very big.
; The code below doesn't seem to be able to handle this
; situation. Is there a bug here?
; The code below will never be executed if sizeof RLD+ESD < 5K
MoreData jsr GetEndRLD ;Scan for end of RLD
lda SrcP+1 ;Is SrcP still at the BO
cmp #<SrcDBuf ; the srcfile data buffer?
bne L2353 ;No
lda SrcP ;(Should SrcP be compared to $2000?)
cmp #>SrcDBuf ; which is EO SrcDBuf+1
bne L2353
BigESD jmp RldEsdErr ;Src file's ESD too large
; This code is only executed if the size of the RLD is less
; than the size of the SrcDBuf located @ $0C00 (which is 5K)
; SrcP is pointing @ EO RLD
; The code below is definitely buggy.
L2353 lda #>SrcDBuf ;Start addr
adc RWFileP+c.transCnt;Actual # of bytes read
sta Z80 ;Point @ EO data chunk + 1
lda #<SrcDBuf
adc RWFileP+c.transCnt+1; (or EO file data buf + 1=$2000)
sta Z80+1 ;END addr
lda #>SrcDBuf
sta Z82 ;DEST addr
lda #<SrcDBuf
sta Z82+1
; Calc the size of ESD data in FileData buf
lda Z80
sbc SrcP ;Pointing @ EO RLD
sta RWFileP+c.transCnt;=len of ESD already in buf + 1 (EO RLD marker)
lda Z80+1 ;(should SrcP be incr 1 more?)
sbc SrcP+1
sta RWFileP+c.transCnt;Bug! Should be sta RWFileP+c.transCnt+1
; Move ESD block forward in filedata buf (incl EO RLD marker)
jsr MovData
lda #>SrcDBuf ;Prepare to append more ESD data
adc RWFileP+c.transCnt; fr src file by reading 'em
sta RWFileP+c.dataBuf; into this starting location
lda #<SrcDBuf
adc RWFileP+c.transCnt;Bug! Should be adc RWFileP+c.transCnt+1
sta RWFileP+c.dataBuf+1
; Calculate # of bytes to be read in
; order to fill the rest of FileData
; buf with more ESD records
lda #>FileDBSiz
sbc RWFileP+c.transCnt
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt;=$1400-(# of bytes of
lda #<FileDBSiz
sbc RWFileP+c.transCnt+1; data currently in mem)
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt+1
jsr ReadCode ;Attempt to read another chunk
bcc FinalData ;Last chunk so that's ok
cmp #$10 ;More to go?
beq BigESD ;Yes, ESD too large
bne GotErr2 ;Always-error
; Last chunk of RLD/ESD data had been read
; The code below seems ok
FinalData jsr GetEndRLD ;Point to end of RLD
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef;Close src file
jsr ClsFile
inc SrcP ;Skip the EO RLD marker which
bne Bump1 ; is a $00 to point @ appended ESD
inc SrcP+1
Bump1 ldy ModNbr ;Current file module #
lda XtnRecP ;Ptr to 1st EXTRN record
sta SrcModTLo,y ;for this module
lda XtnRecP+1
sta SrcModTHi,y
; Add records to the SymbolicName, ENTRY/EXTRN
; tables using information from ESD
ScanESD jsr PollKbd
ldy #15 ;FOR Y= 15 to 1
lda #SPACE
BlnkLoop sta (EntRecP),y
sta (SymP),y
bne BlnkLoop
; Y=0 on fall thru
; NB: All chars of SymbolicName record will have their msb off
; The SymbolicName record is a p-string (may be a
; truncation of the original symbolic name in ESD)
MakeRecs lda (SrcP),y ;Get 1st char of symbolicname
bne MkRecs1
jmp DoneESD ;EO ESD => Done processing this file
MkRecs1 php ;save msb
and #$7F
sta (EntRecP),y ;Copy char to both ENTRY and
sta (SymP),y ; SymbolicName records
plp ;Is msb off?
bpl CkSymTyp ;Yes, last char of symbolic name
cpy #15 ;max len of linker symbol
bcc MakeRecs ;Next char
; Only first 15 chars are copied. We skip the rest of chars.
; However, we still need to locate the eo the symbolicname
; in order to get @ the symbol-type flag etc.
SkipLoop lda (SrcP),y ;Get symbolicname's char
tax ;Is this the last char?
bmi SkipLoop ;No
CkSymTyp tya
ldy #0
sta (EntRecP),y ;Set the len byte
sta (SymP),y
lda (SrcP),y
sta ESDRec ;Symbol-type flag
lda (SrcP),y ;If EXTRN, this is the symbol #
sta ESDRec+1 ; referred to by an RLD entry
lda (SrcP),y ;Hibyte of addr if
sta ESDRec+2 ; symbol-type is ENTRY
lda ESDRec ;Chk symbol-type
and #%00001000 ;Is it EXTRN symbol-type?
bne DoEntry ;No, it's ENTRY symbol-type
ldx #XtnRecP
bit Z9E ;Include code fr this file?
bpl DoXtrn ;Yes
jmp NxtEntryZ ;No recs will be added to the 3 tables
; Process an EXTRN symbol-type rec in ESD of a src file
DoXtrn lda #0 ;Zero the curr ENTRY slot
ldy #24
ZeroLup2 sta (EntRecP),y ; which was partially
dey ; filled with the symbolicname
bpl ZeroLup2
; Create a EXTRN record in table @ $7100
; Each record is 8 bytes
; Initial Layout of each record is as follows:
; offset Description
; 0 DW ptr to a record in SymbolicName table ($9200)
; ptr to another EXTRN rec if the SymbolicName
; matched with that in one of the ENTRY recs
; 2 DW Ptr to an ENTRY record; NIL initially
; 4 DB file # of src file (also called module #)
; 5 DB FlagByte
; 6 DB symbol # referred to by an RLD record
; 7 DB 0
ldy #0
lda SymP
sta (XtnRecP),y ;Ptr to the corr record of
lda SymP+1 ; symbolicname table @ $9200
sta (XtnRecP),y
iny ;=2
lda #$00
sta (XtnRecP),y ;Set to NIL
sta (XtnRecP),y
iny ;=4
lda ModNbr ;file # of the src module
sta (XtnRecP),y
lda ESDRec ;symbol-type flag byte
ora #%11000000 ;Set undefined, unref'd bits
iny ;=5
sta (XtnRecP),y
iny ;=6
lda ESDRec+1
sta (XtnRecP),y ;Symbol # referred to by an RLD record
iny ;=7
lda #$00
sta (XtnRecP),y ;hibyte=0 - Not used
jsr ScanEntTbl ;Is this symbol already in ENTRY table?
bne ChkSymTbl ;No
jsr L2668 ;Yes, add this EXTRN rec to singly-link list
jmp DoneXtrn ;Add this EXTRN rec to its table
ChkSymTbl jsr L2629 ;Is symbol already in SymbolicName table?
bne AddSymName ;No => add the SymbolicName rec to its table
ldy #0
lda Z88 ;Set this link to point
sta (XtnRecP),y ; to SymbolicName record
lda Z88+1 ; already in table
sta (XtnRecP),y
jmp DoneXtrn ;=> Don't add new SymbolicName rec to its table
; We are adding a new SymbolicName rec to the its table
; This is done by incrementing SymP by the appropiate
; # of bytes i.e. SymP++ (in C Syntax)
AddSymName jsr IncrSymP ;Adv to next empty slot of SymbolicName table
lda SymP+1 ;Is SymbolicName table full?
cmp #<XA8E0 ;(Linker's HiMem)
bcc DoneXtrn
bne SymTblFull
lda SymP
cmp #>XA8E0
bcc DoneXtrn
SymTblFull jmp TableFull ;Yes
; Do a XtnP++ to point @ the next empty slot in EXTRN table
DoneXtrn jsr IncrXtnP
jmp NxtEntryZ ;Prepare to process next rec in appended ESD
; Process an ENTRY symbol-type record in ESD of src file
; The 1st field is already done
; Layout of 24-byte records in ENTRY table @ $4700
; offset
; 0 STR up to 16 chars including len byte
; 16 DB file # of src file (start fr 0)
; 17 DB symbol-type
; 18 DW relocated addr
; 20 DW 0 (Ptr to EXTRN record) - first/head
; 22 DW 0 (Ptr to EXTRN record) - last/tail
DoEntry bit Z9E ;Include code fr this file?
bmi DoEntry1 ;No
lda ESDRec+2 ;Hibyte of addr as recorded in src file
cmp SrcORG+1 ;Origin as recorded in src file
bcc DoEntry1
lda L3806+1 ;addr+1 of last byte of code image
sbc ESDRec+2 ;Hibyte of addr
bmi DoEntry1 ;Is addr to be relocated btwn
bne CalcAddr
lda ESDRec+1 ; addrs of 1st & last byte of image?
cmp L3806
bcs DoEntry1 ;Out of range
; Calc relocated addr of the instruction
; First do an equivalent to a subtraction
; to obtain the inst' offset wrt
; the src file's origin
CalcAddr lda ESDRec+1
adc NegSrcOrg ;2's complement of
sta ESDRec+1
lda ESDRec+2
adc NegSrcOrg+1 ; src file's Origin
sta ESDRec+2 ;Got the offset
lda ESDRec+1 ;Calc the relocated addr
adc CurrORG
sta ESDRec+1
lda ESDRec+2
adc CurrORG+1
sta ESDRec+2
DoEntry1 ldy #16
lda ModNbr ;src file #
sta (EntRecP),y
lda ESDRec ;symbol type
ora #%01000000 ;Set not-referenced bit
sta (EntRecP),y
lda ESDRec+1 ;Relocated addr lo
sta (EntRecP),y
lda ESDRec+2 ;Relocated addr hi
sta (EntRecP),y
lda #0 ;FOR Y=20 TO 24
ZeroLup1 iny
cpy #24
sta (EntRecP),y ;Set both links to NIL
bcc ZeroLup1
ldy #0
tya ;Zero len byte so that search will
sta (EntRecP),y ;not include this ENTRY rec
jsr ScanEntTbl ;Is this symbol already in ENTRY table?
php ;Save for later
lda (SymP),y ;Get a copy of len byte
sta (EntRecP),y ; & restore it
bne NxtEntry ;Not in ENTRY table
jsr StorDupSym ;Record duplicate symbol
; Do a EntP++ to point @ the next empty slot in ENTRY table
NxtEntry jsr IncrEntP
NxtEntryZ jsr NxtESDRec ;Point @ next rec in appended ESD
lda $01,x ;(X)=$8A,$8C => (A)=$60,$00 (hi-byte of table?)
cmp GoShowMsgZ,x ;Locations $360D+$8A=$3697 or $3699
beq TableFull ;A bug here & in the table
jmp ScanESD ;Scan next ESD record
TableFull ldy #$0A ;symtbl full
jsr GoShowMsg
; We have finishing processing the ESD of the curr file
; Do some housekeeping b4 processing the next file
; NB. If a src PN is preceded by an asterik,
; its SymbolicNames will be referenced but no
; object code will be incorporated into the
; final OBJ file.
bit Z9E ;Was src PN preceded by a ;?
bmi NxtSrc ;Yes => its code will not be incorporated in OBJ file
lda SrcCodeLen
adc CurrORG ;Starting PC for
sta CurrORG ; the next src file
lda SrcCodeLen+1
adc CurrORG+1
sta CurrORG+1
NxtSrc inc ModNbr
lda ModNbr
cmp #50 ;max # of src files
bcs TooMany
jmp Phs1Loop ;Process next src file
TooMany ldy #$0B ;Too many src files
jsr GoShowMsg
; Get the end of RLD
; Each record in the Relocation Dictionary is 4 bytes long
; Input
; SrcP - ptr to beginning of RLD chunk
; Output
; (Y)=0
; SrcP - End of RLD if found
; Z=1
; X - not used
; Possible bug here. The code should check that SrcP
; should not exceed upper limit of SrcDBuf ($2000)
; unless it's assumed that RLD is always < 5K. For
; this case, since each RLD record is 4 bytes, the max #
; of RLD records in a src file = (5x1024)/4 -1 = 1279
; This rtn should be re-written to handle files with huge RLDs
; When the EO RLD is not found, it should check that
; SrcP == (SrcDBuf+FileDBSiz) by returning a flag to the caller
RLDEntSiz EQU 4 ;size of an RLD entry
ldy #0
ScanLoop lda (SrcP),y ;Get RLD-flag byte
and #$01 ;Is it EO RLD?
beq doRTS4 ;Yes
lda #RLDEntSiz ;Point @ next RLD record
adc SrcP
sta SrcP
lda #0
adc SrcP+1
sta SrcP+1
jmp ScanLoop ;Continue scanning
doRTS4 rts
; Phase 2 of the Linking process
; This rtn will attempt to resolve EXTRN's by checking
; if its symbolic name is in the ENTRY table
; NB. After phase 1, some recs in EXTRN table are
; already in a singly-linked list. Their SymbolicName
; fields would have been changed to point to another
; EXTRN rec or is set to NIL if they happen to be
; the last node of the list.
; The msb of their flagbyte would be 0 (symbol is defined)
DoPhase2 EQU *
lda #0
ldy #0
sta (EntRecP),y ;Zero the len byte of ENTRY record
ldy #5 ; and flag byte of EXTRN record
sta (XtnRecP),y ;These recs are empty slots
ldy #$05 ;Resolving REF/EXTRN...
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
ldy #$05
jsr StorMsgY ;Store same msg
lda #>XtnTbl
sta XtnRecP ;Point to start
lda #<XtnTbl
sta XtnRecP+1 ; of EXTRN table
lda #0
sta XtnNbr ;EXTRN cnt (or EXTRN #)
; Phase2 main loop
Phs2Loop jsr PollKbd
ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get flag byte
beq DonePhs2 ;Done w/all recs in EXTRN table
and #%10000000 ;Is symbol undefined?
beq L25AD ;No, skip this EXTRN rec
ldy #0
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get ptr to its symbolicname
sta SymP
lda (XtnRecP),y
sta SymP+1
jsr ScanEntTbl ;Is symbol already in ENTRY table?
bne L2598 ;No
jsr L2668 ;Add to singly-linked nodes of EXTRN recs
jmp L25AD ;Prepare to process next record
; The EXTRN symbol was not found in ENTRY table
L2598 ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get flag byte fr EXTRN record
ora #%00000010 ;No such label
sta (XtnRecP),y
bit FTypeF ;Is OBJECT file of type REL?
bpl L25AA ;No
jsr L25C6 ;Modify SymbolicName & update EXTRN recs
jmp L25AD
L25AA jsr L2856 ;Report undefined symbol
L25AD jsr IncrXtnP ;Next EXTRN record
jmp Phs2Loop ;Loop back
; We have finished scanning through all EXTRN recs
DonePhs2 bit FTypeF ;Is OBJECT file of type REL?
bpl GoPhase3 ;No
; Write a tempESD file for unreferenced ENTRY
; & unresolved EXTRN recs
jsr L26DE ;Open tempESD file for writing
jsr L2763 ;Use info fr unresolved EXTRNs &
jsr L2719 ; unreferenced ENTRYs to write file
jsr L27AC ;Mark EO ESD and close tempESD file
GoPhase3 jmp DoPhase3
REP 50
; An EXTRN Symbol cannot be found in ENTRY table
; Modify its EXTRN rec & related SymbolicName rec
; Input
; XtnRecP - Ptr to a record of EXTRN table
; XtnNbr - EXTRN count
; Output
; SymP - Ptr to a record of SymbolicName table
; (Y)=0
; The structure of SymbolicName table will be modified.
; Only 2 bytes are used viz.
; offset 0 - len byte -> EXTRN #
; offset 1 - 1st char whose msb is off -> msb on
L25C6 EQU *
ldy #0
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get ptr to the SymbolicName rec
sta SymP
lda (XtnRecP),y
sta SymP+1
ldy #1 ;Skip its len byte
lda (SymP),y ;Is msb of 1st char off?
bpl L25DD ;Yes
lda (SymP),y ;No, get EXTRN #
jmp L25EA
L25DD inc XtnNbr ;EXTRN #
bne L25E4
jmp ExtrnErr ;>255 EXTRN's in REL output ESD
L25E4 ora #$80 ;Set 1st char's msb to 1
sta (SymP),y
lda XtnNbr ;EXTRN #
L25EA ldy #7
sta (XtnRecP),y
ldy #0
sta (SymP),y ;Overwrite len byte w/EXTRN #
REP 50
; Check if a SymbolicName is present in
; one of the recs of ENTRY table ($4700)
; Input
; SymP - ptr to a SymbolicName rec
; Output
; Z=1 - Yes
; Z88 - Ptr to the ENTRY record
; (Y)=0
; Uses a brute force method to search for the key
; The search is conducted record by record until
; no more records are left to be processed
ScanEntTbl EQU *
lda #>EntTbl ;Start search fr BO ENTRY table
sta Z88
lda #<EntTbl
sta Z88+1
ScanEntLup ldy #0
lda (SymP),y ;Get len byte of symbolicname
cmp (Z88),y
bne NoHit ;Definitely no match
cmp #15+1
bcc DoCmp
lda #15 ;At most 15 chars to be compared
DoCmp tax
CmpLoop iny
lda (SymP),y ;Compare symbolic name
cmp (Z88),y
bne NoHit ;No match
bne CmpLoop
ldy #0 ;Z=1 ==> hit
NoHit lda #24 ;Pointer size = 24 bytes
ldx #Z88 ;Ptr to be adjusted
jsr IncRecPZ ;Adv to next ENTRY record (Z88++)
ldy #0
lda (Z88),y ;Get symbol's len byte fr ENTRY rec
bne ScanEntLup ;No EOT, so try again
ldy #0
lda #1 ;Z=0 ==> Not found
; Search if EXTRN symbol's name is in SymbolicName table ($9200)
; Input
; Output
; On return
; (Y)=0
; Z=1 match
; (Z88) - ptr to symbolicname record
L2629 EQU *
lda #>SymTbl ;SymbolicName table
sta Z88
lda #<SymTbl
sta Z88+1
jmp L2657
L2634 ldy #0
lda (SymP),y ;Get len byte
cmp (Z88),y
bne L2650
cmp #16
bcc L2642
lda #15
L2642 tax
L2643 iny
lda (SymP),y
cmp (Z88),y
bne L2650 ;No match
bne L2643
ldy #0 ;Z=1
L2650 lda #16 ;Pointer size
ldx #Z88
jsr IncRecPZ ;Adv to next SymbolicName record
L2657 lda Z88 ;Is EOT?
cmp SymP ;NB. This rec has yet to be "added"
bne L2634
lda Z88+1 ; to the SymbolicName table
cmp SymP+1
bne L2634 ;No, keep searching
ldy #0
lda #1 ;Z=0
; Modify the ENTRY and EXTRN records by setting up
; the necessary links.
; If more than one EXTRN records refer to the ENTRY
; rec, then we setup a singly-linked list to link
; all the EXTRN recs. The field "first" will
; point to the first EXTRN rec & the field "last"
; point to the last EXTRN rec in the singly-linked list
; Input
; (XtnRecP) - Ptr to a EXTRN record
; (Z88) - Ptr to an ENTRY record
; Output
; Prepare to add a new node (in the form of an EXTRN rec)
; to the singly-linked list. The link to a SymbolicName
; rec in the EXTRN rec is now called "next" (variant rec
; in Pascal, union in C)
L2668 EQU *
ldy #0
lda #$00
sta (XtnRecP),y ;Set "next" link to NIL
sta (XtnRecP),y
iny ;2
lda Z88 ;Ptr to ENTRY record whose symbolicname
sta (XtnRecP),y ; matches that of the XtnRecP
iny ;3
lda Z88+1
sta (XtnRecP),y
ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get symbol-type flag byte
and #$7F ;Now symbol is defined
sta (XtnRecP),y
and #%00000001 ;Has the meaning of bit0 changed?
ldy #17
eor (Z88),y ;Symbol-type flag byte of ENTRY rec
and #%00000001
beq L2690 ;Yes
jsr L287B ;size mismatch
L2690 ldy #17
lda (Z88),y
and #%01000000 ;unreferenced?
beq L26B2 ;No => already referenced
eor (Z88),y ;Clear unreferenced bit
sta (Z88),y ; but retain the other bits
; The ENTRY rec is referenced the 1st time
; so create a singly-linked list by
; setting the first and last link to point
; to the same EXTRN rec
ldy #20 ;first link
lda XtnRecP
sta (Z88),y ;Ptr to EXTRN record
lda XtnRecP+1
sta (Z88),y ;Store in ENTRY rec
iny ;last link
lda XtnRecP ;Ptr to same EXTRN record
sta (Z88),y
iny ;23
lda XtnRecP+1
sta (Z88),y
; The ENTRY symbol has been referenced more than once
; We add the new node to the end of the singly-linked list
L26B2 ldy #22
lda (Z88),y ;Get ptr to "last" EXTRN record
sta Z82 ;Save it for later (prev)
lda XtnRecP
sta (Z88),y ;Set the "last" link to point
iny ;23
lda (Z88),y ; to this EXTRN record
sta Z82+1
lda XtnRecP+1 ; which now the last node
sta (Z88),y ;in the singly-linked list
ldy #0
lda XtnRecP ;(Z82) - previously the "last" EXTRN record
sta (Z82),y ;Replace its "next" link (which was NIL)
lda XtnRecP+1 ; with ptr to this EXTRN record
sta (Z82),y
REP 50
; Copy to pathame buf
L26D1 ldy TempESD ;len byte
L26D4 lda TempESD,y
sta PathNameB,y
bpl L26D4
; Open a temporary binary ESD file for output
; This rtn will be called if there are unresolved
; EXTRN symbols
; Output
; (Z86) - ptr to tmpESD data buffer
; Write1P+c.refNum - EXTRN # used to write tempESD file
jsr L26D1 ;Set PN to "EDASM.TEMPESD"
DB $C1
DW DestryP
lda #0
sta CreateP+c.auxId ;auxtype
sta CreateP+c.auxId+1
lda #BINtype
sta CreateP+c.fileId
DB $C0
DW CreateP
beq L26FF
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
DB $C8
DW Open3P
beq L270A
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L270A lda Open3P+c.outRef
sta Write1P+c.refNum;write RN for tempESD file
L2710 lda #>X9100 ;Reset to BO data buf
sta Z86 ; b4 next ESD rec is created
lda #<X9100
sta Z86+1
REP 50
; Scan through the ENTRY table for recs whose
; SymboliName remained unreferenced. Output info
; to tempESD file
; Input
; Output
L2719 EQU *
lda #>EntTbl
sta Z8E ;Point @ BO ENTRY table
lda #<EntTbl
sta Z8E+1 ;=> re-cycled zp loc
L2721 jsr PollKbd
ldy #17
lda (Z8E),y ;Get ENTRY record's flag byte
bit ERefF ;Include ENTRY records in tempESD file?
bmi L2733 ;Yes
and #$40 ;Is its SymbolicName still unreferenced?
bne L2733 ;Yes
jmp L2755
L2733 jsr L27DE ;Copy symbolicname to tmpESD area
tya ;Save len of symbolicname name
ldy #17
lda (Z8E),y ;Get ENTRY record's flag byte again
and #%00111111 ;Clear undefined/unreferenced bits
sta ESDRec
lda (Z8E),y
sta ESDRec+1 ;Relocated addr
lda (Z8E),y
sta ESDRec+2
tay ;Restore Y
jsr L2818 ;Add ENTRY data to tempESD data buf
jsr L27C1 ;Write out to tempESD file
L2755 lda #24 ;Pointer size
ldx #Z8E
jsr IncRecPZ ;Next ENTRY record
ldy #0
lda (Z8E),y ;Is EOT?
bne L2721 ;No
REP 50
; Scan through the EXTRN table for recs whose
; SymboliName remained undefined. Output info
; to tempESD file
; Input
; Output
L2763 EQU *
lda #>XtnTbl
sta XtnRecP
lda #<XtnTbl
sta XtnRecP+1
L276B jsr PollKbd
ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y ;flag byte
beq L27AB
and #$80 ;Undefined?
beq L27A5 ;No
ldy #0
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Ptr to symbolicname
sta SymP
lda (XtnRecP),y
sta SymP+1
ldy #1 ;Unnecessary instruction
lda (SymP),y ;Get its 1st char
bpl L27A5
and #$7F
sta (SymP),y ;reset its msb
lda #SPACE
L278F iny
cmp (SymP),y ;Look for 1st trailing blank
beq L2799 ;Got it
cpy #15
bcc L278F
iny ;No trailing blanks
L2799 dey
tya ;len of symbolicname
ldy #0
sta (SymP),y ;Overwrite the EXTRN # with len byte
jsr L27FC ;Create a ESD rec (variable in size)
jsr L27C1 ;Write ESD data to file
L27A5 jsr IncrXtnP ;Next EXTRN record
jmp L276B
L27AB rts
; Input
; (Z86) - ptr to tmpESD buffer
; Output
lda #$00 ;Marks eo ESD
sta (Z86),y
inc Z86
bne L27B7
inc Z86+1
L27B7 jsr L27C1 ;Flush the tempESD file
lda Write1P+c.refNum;Close tempESD file
jsr ClsFile
; Write out data to tempESD binary file
; Input
; (Z86)-ptr to record in tempESD table
; Output
L27C1 EQU *
lda Z86
sbc #>X9100 ;Start of buffer
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt;writelen
lda Z86+1
sbc #<X9100
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt+1
DW Write1P
beq L27DB
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L27DB jmp L2710
REP 50
; Copy symbolicname to tmpESD data buffer
; Input
; (SymP) - ptr to symbolicname record
; (Z86) - ptr to tempESD buffer ($9100)
; Output
; (Y) - len of symbolicname
ldy #0
lda (SymP),y ;Get len byte of symbolicname
cmp #16
bcc L27E8
; Transfer a p-string to the temp ESD data buf
; The chars of the resulting string will
; have msbs on except the last one
lda #15
L27E8 tax ;Make into a counter
L27E9 iny
lda (SymP),y ;Get char
ora #$80 ;Set msb on
sta (Z86),y
bne L27E9
and #$7F
sta (Z86),y ;msb of last char is off
iny ;len of symbolicname
REP 50
; Make a ESD record for output (of unresolved EXTRNS)
; Input
; XtnRecP - ptr to record in EXTRN table
; Z86 - ptr to record in tempESD table
; Output
jsr L27DE ;Copy symbolicname
tya ;len of symbolicname
ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y
and #%00111101
sta ESDRec ;flag byte
ldy #7
lda (XtnRecP),y ;EXTRN #
sta ESDRec+1
lda #0
sta ESDRec+2 ;Not used
; Common code for appending an ESD rec using
; info fr a rec of EXTRN/ENTRY table
; (Y) = len of symbolicname
L2818 EQU *
lda ESDRec
sta (Z86),y
lda ESDRec+1
sta (Z86),y
lda ESDRec+2
sta (Z86),y
tya ;total size of ESD rec
ldx #Z86
jsr IncRecPZ ;Adv the ptr
REP 50
; Input
; Output
; Store duplicate ENTRY symbol associated messages
StorDupSym jsr StorERR
ldy #$12 ;dup ENTRY symbol
jsr StorMsg
jsr StorName
ldy #$13 ;of module #
jsr StorMsg
jsr StorRFNbr
ldy #$14 ;in module #
jsr StorMsg
ldy #16
lda (EntRecP),y ;REL file #
ldy #0 ;zero ten's digit
jsr L3079 ;Store 2-byte ASC char in LinkMap
jsr StorCR
REP 50
; Input
; Output
; Store undefined EXTERN symbol associated messages
L2856 jsr StorERR
ldy #$15 ;undef EXTRN symbol
jsr StorMsg
lda SymP ;ptr to symbolicname
sta Z88
lda SymP+1
sta Z88+1
jsr StorName ;Store symbolic name
ldy #$14 ;in mod #
jsr StorMsg
ldy #4
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get src file #
ldy #0 ;Zero ten's digit
jsr L3079 ;Convert to 2-byte ASCII char
jsr StorCR
REP 50
; Input
; Output
L287B jsr StorERR
ldy #$1D ;mismatch REF-DEF size
jsr StorMsg
jsr StorName
ldy #$14 ;in mode #
jsr StorMsg
ldy #4
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get REL file #
ldy #0 ;Zero ten's digit
jsr L3079 ;Convert
jsr StorCR
REP 50
; Store "ERR:" to LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
StorERR lda #'E'
jsr StorChar
lda #'R'
jsr StorChar
jsr StorChar
lda #':'
jmp StorChar
REP 50
; Store to LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
StorMsgY bit MapFileF ;Store in file LinkMAP
bpl L28CD ;No, ret
jsr StorMsg
jmp StorCR
REP 50
; ($28B4) Write Message to LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
; (Y)-index into message sub-tables
StorMsg lda MsgTLo,y
sta MsgP
lda MsgTHi,y
sta MsgP+1
ldy #0
L28C0 lda (MsgP),y
cmp #'\' ;eol
beq L28CD
jsr StorChar
jmp L28C0 ;next char
L28CD rts
; Phase 3 of the Linking process
; Relocate the object code. The RLD of each src file
; is used to relocate the code from each file. Code
; fr src files whose names are preceded by an ; in
; the cmd file are not included in the OBJECT file.
; Mem reserved for the SymbolicName table is re-used
; as a data buf. 256 bytes of the code image of
; a src file are read into this area first b4
; being move forward into previous mem page
; for patching.
; Input
; Output
; ModNbr - # of src files
; CurrORG - Starting PC for curr src file
; (Z96)
; (LwrBound)
; (UprBound,9C)
DoPhase3 EQU *
ldy #$06 ;Relocating objcode...
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
ldy #$06
jsr StorMsgY
lda #0
sta ModNbr
sta Z96 ;EO REL-type OBJECT file
sta Z96+1
lda Origin
sta CurrORG ;Starting PC
lda Origin+1
sta CurrORG+1
jsr MovObjFN ;Set to "EDASM.LINKOBJ"
DB $C1
DW DestryP
lda Origin
sta CreateP+c.auxId
lda Origin+1
sta CreateP+c.auxId+1;auxtype
lda TrgtFTyp ;filetype of OBJECT file
sta CreateP+c.fileId
DB $C0
DW CreateP
bne L2919
jsr PRODOS8 ;OPEN the OBJECT file
DB $C8
DW Open3P
beq L291C
L2919 jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L291C lda Open3P+c.outRef ;OBJECT file
sta Write1P+c.refNum;RN to write OBJECT file
bit FTypeF ;What is the OBJECT file type?
bpl L294A ;=>BIN/SYS
lda #$00 ;REL OBJECT file
sta X9100
sta X9100+1
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt+1;Write 2 zeroes for
lda #$02 ; the code image len
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt
DW Write1P
beq L2941
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2941 lda WrMapFP+c.refNum
jsr ClsFile
jsr OpTmpRLD ;Open a tempRLD file 4 writing
L294A jsr L343B ;Set file posn to BO cmd file
; Skip all directives at the BO cmd file
; to get at the src pathnames
L294D jsr Read1Cmd ;Get a src filename
bne Phs3Loop ;Not cr/space => pathname
cmp #CR
bne L294D ;A leading space, skip to the directive
jmp CmdOrderErr ;Invalid cmd order
; Mainloop for phase 3
Phs3Loop jsr DspLineB ;Show PN of the curr src
jsr OpenSrc ;Open it 4 reading
bit Z9E ;Is src PN preceded by ;?
bpl L296C ;No
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef;Close it
jsr ClsFile
jmp L2B55 ;Skip reading fr it
L296C lda #2
adc SrcCodeLen ;Set file posn to BO
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark
lda #0
adc SrcCodeLen+1
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark+1; Relocation Dictionary
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef
sta SMSrcFP+c.refNum
sta RdCodeImgP+c.refNum
beq L2991
L298E jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2991 jsr L3348 ;Have we read entire RLD?
bcc L2999 ;Yes
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2999 lda #2 ;Set file posn to BO
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark ; code image of src file
lda #0
sta SMSrcFP+c.mark+1
bne L298E
lda #0
sta LwrBound
sta LwrBound+1
sta UprBound
sta UprBound+2
jsr Rd1PgImg ;Read the first $100 bytes of code image
; Loop to process all recs in the RLD of curr src file
L29B8 jsr PollKbd
ldy #0
lda (SrcP),y ;Get flag byte fr RLD record
sta RLDFlags
bne L29C7
jmp L2B13 ;EO RLD => done w/this src file
; The code below doesn't check for overflow
; What happens if field offset is a #
; > $6EFF?
L29C7 ldy #1
lda (SrcP),y
sta Z80 ;Field offset in code image
adc #>X9100
sta Z86
lda (SrcP),y
sta Z80+1
adc #<X9100
sta Z86+1 ;$9100-$FFFF?
; Check if the field offset is within the "window"
; bounds LwrBound and UprBound. Since no effort is made
; to check the lower bound, it is assumed that the
; field offset is past this when (Z80) < UprBound
; It is also assumed that all records (in the RLD) have been
; arranged with field offsets in ascending order
L29DB lda Z80 ;Is field offset < upper bounds?
cmp UprBound
lda Z80+1
sbc UprBound+2
bcc L29EB ;Yes, within the "window"
jsr L2AA0 ;No, read another page of code
jmp L29DB ; and check again
; The ptr Z86 could be calculated by
; (Z86)=(Z80) - (LwrBound) + $9100
L29EB sec
lda Z86
sbc LwrBound
sta Z86 ;Z86 -= LwrBound
lda Z86+1 ;If there is no overflow above,
sbc LwrBound+1
sta Z86+1 ; then $9100 =< (Z86) =< $91FF
bit FTypeF ;REL OBJECT file?
bpl L2A0E ;No => BIN/SYS
ldy #2
lda Z80 ;Field offset
adc Z96 ;Len of Code Image of
lda Z80+1 ; REL OBJECT file excluding
adc Z96+1 ; that of curr src file
sta (SrcP),y ;Patch field offset of RLD record
dey ;Y=1
sta (SrcP),y
L2A0E bit RLDFlags ;Is size of relocatable field 2?
bmi L2A54 ;Yes
ldy #0 ;Get original addr (lo/hi)
lda (Z86),y ; byte fr the code image
bit RLDFlags ;Is it hi-8 of addr?
bvs L2A31 ;Yes
; (A) has the lo-8 of the addr (fr a > byte operator)
; Since only the lobyte is used to patch the code
; any value for the hibyte can be used. So let's
; use 0 as RelAdrHi
sta RelAdr
lda #$00
sta RelAdr+1
jsr L30D9 ;Calc/get relocated addr
ldy #0
lda RelAdr ;Use the lo 8-bit to
sta (Z86),y ; patch the code image
jmp L2A96 ;Skip code below
; (A) has the hi-8 of the addr (fr a < byte operator)
; For this case, we need both the low & high bytes
; of the original addr if relocation rec is not
; flagged as EXTRN symbol-type
L2A31 sta RelAdr+1 ;hi-byte
ldy #3
lda (SrcP),y ;lo 8-bits/EXTRN symbol #
sta RelAdr
lda RLDFlags ;Get RLD flag byte
and #$10 ;EXTRN symbol-type?
beq L2A47 ;No
lda #$00
sta RelAdr ;Overwrite EXTRN symbol #
; On fall thru, the relocated addr will not be
; calculated but obtained fr an ENTRY rec if
; it is available.
L2A47 jsr L30D9 ;Calc/get the relocated addr
ldy #0
lda RelAdr+1
sta (Z86),y ;Patch code image
jmp L2A96 ;Skip code below
; Size of relocatable field is 2
; Get relocated addr fr the RLD rec
L2A54 ldy #0
lda RLDFlags ;Get RLD rec's flag byte
and #$20 ;Normal/Reversed order?
bne L2A7B
lda (Z86),y ;Little Endian (reversed order)
sta RelAdr
lda (Z86),y
sta RelAdr+1
jsr L30D9 ;Calc/get relocated addr
ldy #0
lda RelAdr
sta (Z86),y ;Patch the code
lda RelAdr+1
sta (Z86),y
jmp L2A96 ;=>next RLD
; Handle a Big Endian
L2A7B lda (Z86),y
sta RelAdr+1 ;hiaddr
lda (Z86),y
sta RelAdr ;loaddr
jsr L30D9 ;Calc/get relocated addr
ldy #0
lda RelAdr+1
sta (Z86),y ;Patch the code
lda RelAdr
sta (Z86),y
L2A96 lda #4 ;Pointer size
ldx #SrcP
jsr IncRecPZ ;Adv SrcP to next RLD rec
jmp L29B8 ; loop back to process it
REP 50
; Flush object code if neccessary. Move buffered
; code forward into "window" so that another page
; of code image can be read into the $9200 data buffer
; The variables LwrBound & UprBound gives a "window"
; into the code image.
; Normally (UprBound - LwrBound) = $100 except when
; the last (partial) page of code is read. In this
; case (UprBound - LwrBound) < $100
; Input
; LwrBound -
; UprBound -
; Output
; UprBound -
lda UprBound ;Do we need to flush OBJECT code b4
ora UprBound+2 ; b4 we "move" our window forward?
beq L2AA9 ;No, we are still @ BO of src file
jsr L2AD8 ;Yes
L2AA9 ldy #0 ;Move buffered Code Image
L2AAB lda X9200,y ; forward into our "window"
sta X9100,y ; @ $9100-$91FF so we can
bne L2AAB
jsr Rd1PgImg ; load another page @ $9200
lda UprBound
sta LwrBound
lda UprBound+2
sta LwrBound+1
inc UprBound+2 ; Incr by 1 page
lda UprBound
cmp SrcCodeLen ;Has the entire code
lda UprBound+2
cmp SrcCodeLen+1 ; image been read?
bcc L2AD7 ;No
lda SrcCodeLen
sta UprBound ;This may no longer be
lda SrcCodeLen+1
sta UprBound+2 ; 1 mempage > LwrBound
L2AD7 rts
REP 50
; Write object code @ $9100
; Input
; Output
lda UprBound
sbc LwrBound
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt;# of bytes to write
lda UprBound+2
sbc LwrBound+1
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt+1; usually $100 bytes
DW Write1P
beq L2AD7
L2AEF jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
; Read $100 bytes of data into buf starting @ $9200
; fr src file. The symbolicname table @ $9200 is
; re-used as a Read data buf
; Output
; Z=1
; (A) = $4C if EOF or
; = $00 read succeeded
Rd1PgImg EQU *
lda #0
sta RdCodeImgP+c.reqCnt
lda #1
sta RdCodeImgP+c.reqCnt+1
lda #>X9200 ;Read Data Buf
sta RdCodeImgP+c.dataBuf
lda #<X9200
sta RdCodeImgP+c.dataBuf+1
DW RdCodeImgP
beq L2AD7 ;If no errs, just ret
cmp #$4C ;EOF?
bne L2AEF ;No -> err handler
; Skip rest of code image
L2B13 EQU *
lda UprBound
cmp SrcCodeLen
bne L2B21
lda UprBound+2
cmp SrcCodeLen+1
beq L2B27 ;Done w/this src file
L2B21 jsr L2AA0 ;Keep flushing objcode N reading code image
jmp L2B13 ; until we are done
L2B27 jsr L2AD8 ;Append rest of OBJECT code
lda RdCodeImgP+c.refNum
jsr ClsFile
jsr Add2TmpRLD ;Append patched RLD @ SrcDBuf
ldx ModNbr
lda CurrORG ;Starting posn counter
sta OrgAdrLo,x ; for this src file
lda CurrORG+1
sta OrgAdrHi,x
jsr L2BA2 ;adj pc?
lda CurrORG+1
sta EndAdrHi,x
lda CurrORG
sta EndAdrLo,x
bne L2B52
dec EndAdrHi,x ;End posn counter
L2B52 dec EndAdrLo,x ; for this src file
L2B55 inc ModNbr ;Next src module
L2B58 jsr Read1Cmd ;Is it a pathname?
bne L2B9C ;Yes, prepare to loop back
cmp #CR
beq DonePhs3 ;Empty line => Finish all cmds
jsr IsALN ;Is it Align directive?
bcc L2B69 ;Possible
jmp DoBreak ;Don't comeback
L2B69 beq L2B6E ;Align option
jmp CmdOrderErr ;cmd order err
L2B6E lda CurrORG ;Already aligned @ start of mempage?
beq L2B58 ;Yes, read another cmd line
ldx #0
L2B75 sta X9100,x
bne L2B75
lda #0
sbc CurrORG
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt;# of zero bytes to fill
sta SrcCodeLen ; Re-used
lda #0
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt+1
sta SrcCodeLen+1 ;Used by $2BA2
DW Write1P
bne L2B9F
jsr L2BA2 ;Adj PC
jmp L2B58 ;Read next cmd line
L2B9C jmp Phs3Loop ;Loop back to process new src file
L2B9F jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
REP 50
; Adjust file posn
; Input
; Output
; (Z96) - curr val of code image len
L2BA2 lda SrcCodeLen
adc CurrORG
sta CurrORG ;CurrORG += SrcCodeLen
lda SrcCodeLen+1
adc CurrORG+1
sta CurrORG+1
bit FTypeF ;REL OBJECT file?
bpl L2BC4 ;No -> exit
lda SrcCodeLen
adc Z96
sta Z96 ;Z96 += SrcCodeLen
lda SrcCodeLen+1
adc Z96+1
sta Z96+1
L2BC4 rts
; Prepare to exit Phase 3
DonePhs3 bit FTypeF ;REL OBJECT file?
bpl L2BD8 ;No
ldy #0
sty SrcDBuf
sty Write2P+c.reqCnt+1
iny ;=1
sty Write2P+c.reqCnt;# of bytes to write=1
jsr L31C1 ;Marks EO RLD file
L2BD8 bit FTypeF ;Is REL OBJECT file?
bmi DoPhase4 ;Yes
jmp L2C8E
; Phase 4 of the Linking process done only if
; the OBJECT file is of type REL
; Contents of TempRLD and TempESD files are appended
; to the relocatable OBJECT file
; Input
; Output
DoPhase4 ldy #$07
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
lda Write2P+c.refNum;RN of tempRLD file
sta SMarkP+c.refNum
DW SMarkP ;Set file posn to BO tempRLD file
beq L2BF8
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2BF8 jsr L2C5A ;Append tempRLD to REL OBJECT file
lda Write2P+c.refNum
jsr ClsFile ;Now close tempRLD file
jsr PollKbd
jsr L26D1 ;Set PN to TempESD
DB $C8
DW Open2P
beq L2C12
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2C12 lda Open2P+c.outRef
sta Write2P+c.refNum
jsr L2C5A ;Append TempESD to REL OBJECT file
lda Write2P+c.refNum
jsr ClsFile ;Now close tempESD
lda Open3P+c.outRef
sta SMarkP+c.refNum ;Posn to BO REL OBJECT file
beq L2C32
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2C32 lda Z96 ;Write the CodeImage Len
sta X9100
lda Z96+1 ; of REL OBJECT file
sta X9100+1
lda #0
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt+1
lda #2
sta Write1P+c.reqCnt;2 bytes only
DW Write1P
beq L2C51
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2C51 jsr PollKbd
jsr L31CD ;Open LinkMap file for appending
jmp L2C8E
REP 50
; ($2C5A) Read entire contents of tempRLD/tempESD
; and append it to the OBJECT file (which is of
; type REL)
; Input
; Output
L2C5A lda Write2P+c.refNum;RN of tempRLD/tempESD file
sta RWFileP+c.refNum
jsr L334E ;Read data chunk fr file
php ;Save for later
bcc L2C6D
cmp #$10
beq L2C6D ;Not EOF
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2C6D lda Open3P+c.outRef ;OBJECT file's RN
sta RWFileP+c.refNum;Write same data chunk
lda RWFileP+c.transCnt
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt
lda RWFileP+c.transCnt+1
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt+1;to the OBJECT file
beq L2C8A
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2C8A plp ;Has last chunk been read?
bcs L2C5A ;No, do another chunk
lda Open3P+c.outRef ;Finally, close OBJECT file
jsr ClsFile
bit FTypeF ;Was it relocatable OBJECT file?
bpl L2C9D ;No
ldy #$07 ;Phase 4...
jsr StorMsgY
L2C9D bit MapFileF ;Output to LinkMap?
bmi L2CA4 ;Yes
jmp L2E10
L2CA4 bit SortLMF ;Sort LoadMap table?
bmi DoPhase5 ;Yes
jmp L2E10
; Phase 5 of the Linking process
; Sort Relocated Adr table
; First create a LoadMap table of 4-byte records
; The LoadMap table starts @ $9100
; Layout of each record is:
; DW ptr to an ENTRY table rec
; DW relocated addr stored in the ENTRY table rec
; Output:
; (EntRecP) - ptr to a rec in ENTRY table
; (Z86) - ptr to a rec in LoadMap table
; (Z80) - ptr to EO LoadMap table
DoPhase5 ldy #$08
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
ldy #$08
jsr StorMsgY
lda #>EntTbl ;ENTRY table is still in mem
sta EntRecP ;Set up a ptr to its beginning
lda #<EntTbl
sta EntRecP+1
lda #>X9100 ;4-byte records in LoadMap table
sta Z86
lda #<X9100
sta Z86+1
lda #0 ;Total # of records in
sta NumRecs ; ENTRY table to be sorted
sta NumRecs+1
; The code below builds the unsorted LoadMap table
L2CCE jsr PollKbd
ldy #0
lda (EntRecP),y ;EO ENTRY table?
beq L2D03 ;Yes
lda EntRecP
sta (Z86),y ;Points to record in ENTRY table
lda EntRecP+1
sta (Z86),y
ldy #18
lda (EntRecP),y ;Get relocated addr associated with
lda (EntRecP),y ; the SymbolicName of the ENTRY rec
ldy #3
sta (Z86),y ; and store in LoadMap record
sta (Z86),y
lda #4 ;Pointer size
ldx #Z86
jsr IncRecPZ ;Adv to next LoadMap rec
jsr IncrEntP ;Adv to next ENTRY record
inc NumRecs ;rec count
bne L2D00
inc NumRecs+1
L2D00 jmp L2CCE ;Continue to build LoadMap table
; Initial LoadMap table has been build
L2D03 ldy #0
tya ;(A)=0
sta (Z86),y ;Mark EO LoadMap table
sta (Z86),y ;with a NIL ptr
lda Z86
sta Z80 ;(Z80)=EO LoadMap table
lda Z86+1
sta Z80+1
jsr SortLM ;Sort it
jmp L2E10
REP 50
; Sort the Load (addr) Map
; Shell-Metzner Sort
; Input
; Output
SortLM EQU *
lda NumRecs ;Jump=# of elements N
sta Jump
lda NumRecs+1
sta Jump+1
; While Jump <> 0
WhileLoop lsr Jump+1 ;Jump=Jump div 2
ror Jump
lda Jump
ora Jump+1
bne L2D2C
L2D2C sec
lda NumRecs
sbc Jump
sta EndIdx
lda NumRecs+1
sbc Jump+1
sta EndIdx+1
ldx #0
stx StrtIdx+1
stx StrtIdx
ForLoop jsr PollKbd
; FOR JJJ := 1 to NumRecs-Jump
lda StrtIdx
sta JJJ
lda StrtIdx+1
sta JJJ+1
RptLoop clc
lda JJJ
adc Jump
sta III ;I=J+Jump
lda JJJ+1
adc Jump+1
sta III+1
ldx #3
L2D5A lda JJJ,x
sta J.TH,x
bpl L2D5A
; Mulby4 and add to X9100-4
; Calc indices to the elements to be compared
; (J.TH) - Ptr to j-th element
; (I.TH) - Ptr to i-th element
ldx #2
L2D63 asl J.TH,x ;x4
rol J.TH+1,x
asl J.TH,x
rol J.TH+1,x
lda #>X9100-4
adc J.TH,x
sta J.TH,x
lda #<X9100-4
adc J.TH+1,x
sta J.TH+1,x
beq L2D63
bit NumSortF
bpl L2D98
; Sort load addresses numerically in ascending order
ldy #3
lda (J.TH),y ;Get load addr (Hibyte)
cmp (I.TH),y
beq L2D8D
bcs L2D94 ;Greater than
L2D8A jmp NextJ ;Less than
L2D8D dey
lda (I.TH),y ;Get load addr (lobyte)
cmp (J.TH),y
bcs L2D8A ;Less than
L2D94 ldy #3
bne L2DD3 ;Always -> Swap the records
; Sort SymbolicName alphabetically
; IF ENTRY[J].name > ENTRY[I].name then SWAP(Ary[J], Ary[I])
; The 1st field of an ENTRY rec is a 16-byte p-string
L2D98 ldy #0
lda (J.TH),y ;Get ptr to j-th
tax ; ENTRY rec
lda (J.TH),y
sta EntRPJ+1
stx EntRPJ
lda (I.TH),y
dey ;=0
lda (I.TH),y ;Get ptr to i-th
sta EntRPI ; ENTRY rec
stx EntRPI+1
lda (EntRPJ),y ;Get len byte of symbolic name
cmp (EntRPI),y
beq L2DB8
bcc L2DB8
lda (EntRPI),y ;The len of this symbolic name is shorter
L2DB8 tax ;# of chars to compare
iny ;=1
L2DBA lda (EntRPJ),y ;Get char fr symbolic name
cmp (EntRPI),y
bne L2DCF ;Not match
cpy #16 ;At most 15 chars will be compared
bcs NextJ ;All chars matched
bne L2DBA
lda #SPACE
cmp (EntRPJ),y
beq NextJ
sec ;Flag we have to do a swap
L2DCF bcc NextJ ;C=0 -> 1st symbolic name < 2nd
; Swap the records in LoadMap
; Too costly to swap those in ENTRY table
ldy #3
L2DD3 lda (J.TH),y ;Swap the ptrs as
lda (I.TH),y
sta (J.TH),y ; well as the corr addrs
sta (I.TH),y
bpl L2DD3
lda JJJ ;J > Jump
sbc Jump
sta JJJ
lda JJJ+1
sbc Jump+1 ;J := J - Jump
sta JJJ+1 ;Is J > Jump?
bmi NextJ ;No, less than
ora JJJ
beq NextJ ;No, J=Jump
jmp RptLoop
; UNTIL JJJ =< Jump
NextJ inc StrtIdx
bne L2DFC
inc StrtIdx+1
L2DFC lda StrtIdx+1 ;Finis w/FOR loop
cmp EndIdx+1
bcc L2E0D
beq L2E07
L2E04 jmp WhileLoop ;No
L2E07 lda EndIdx
cmp StrtIdx
bcc L2E04
L2E0D jmp ForLoop
L2E10 bit MapFileF ;Write LinkMap?
bmi DoPhase6 ;Yes
jmp OK2Exit
; Phase 6 of the Linking process
; Makes use of LoadMap table to store info
; into the LinkMap txtfile
DoPhase6 ldy #$09
jsr DspMsg
jsr DspCR
ldy #$09
jsr StorMsg
jsr StorCR
jsr L343B ;Reset to BO cmd line file
jsr StorCR
jsr StorCR
lda #0
sta ModNbr
sta L380F ;counter
sta PageF ;Don't output to printer
L2E3A jsr PollKbd
jsr Read1Cmd
bne L2E4F ;If non-blank & not cr, it's a PN
cmp #CR ;Is 1st char a CR?
bne L2E49 ;No, a leading space, ignore it
jmp L2ED3 ;No more directives
L2E49 jsr StorCmd ;Just store cmd in LinkMap file
jmp L2E3A ;Get another command
; Got the Pathname of a src file
L2E4F jsr StorCR
jsr StorCR
ldy #$18 ;MOD ORG etc
jsr StorMsg
ldy #$19 ;# ADR ADR etc
jsr StorMsg
jsr StorCR
jmp L2E76 ;-> proceed to start storing info
; Loop to get the PN of another src file
L2E65 jsr PollKbd
jsr Read1Cmd
bne L2E76 ;Not cr/space
cmp #CR
beq L2ED3 ;No more commands => done
jsr L2F43 ;Set module's Addr Range
beq L2E88 ;always
; Start writing info into LinkMap file
L2E76 jsr StorSpc
lda ModNbr
jsr StorByte
jsr StorSpc
jsr StorSpc
ldx L380F ;Get src file index
L2E88 lda OrgAdrHi,x ;Start Addr
jsr StorByte
lda OrgAdrLo,x ; of this src module
jsr StorByte
lda #'-'
jsr StorChar
lda EndAdrHi,x ;Its End Addr
jsr StorByte
lda EndAdrLo,x
jsr StorByte
jsr StorSpc
jsr StorSpc
ldy #0
L2EAD jsr ChrGot ;Store PN
cmp #CR
beq L2EBA
jsr StorChar
bne L2EAD
L2EBA jsr StorCR
cpx L380F
bne L2ED0
lda ModNbr
adc #1
sta ModNbr
inc L380F
L2ED0 jmp L2E65 ;Loop back for next module
L2ED3 bit XRefF ;Did user ask for xferencing?
bpl ExitPhs6 ;No
lda #$80
sta PageF
jsr L2FE4 ;Store header details etc...
bit SortLMF ;Did we sort the LoadMap table?
bpl L2F09 ;No
; Use Sorted LoadMap table
lda #>X9100
sta Z86
lda #<X9100 ;Points to BO LoadMap table
sta Z86+1
L2EEA jsr PollKbd
ldy #0
lda (Z86),y ;Get ptr to ENTRY record
sta Z88
lda (Z86),y
sta Z88+1 ; and store it here
ora Z88 ;EO ENTRY table?
beq ExitPhs6 ;Yes
jsr L2F74 ;Write details of ENTRY rec into LinkMap
lda #4 ;Pointer size
ldx #Z86 ; Z86++
jsr IncRecPZ ;Next LoadMap record
jmp L2EEA
; Use ENTRY table instead of LoadMap table
L2F09 lda #>EntTbl ;Points to BO of ENTRY table
sta Z88
lda #<EntTbl
sta Z88+1
L2F11 jsr PollKbd
ldy #0
lda (Z88),y ;EOT?
beq ExitPhs6 ;Yes
jsr L2F74 ;Store details of ENTRY rec into LinkMap
ldx #Z88
lda #24 ;Pointer size
jsr IncRecPZ ;Next ENTRY record
jmp L2F11 ;Continue until EO ENTRY Table
REP 50
; Prepare to exit Linker
; Input
; Output
ExitPhs6 EQU *
lda #FF
jsr StorChar
jsr StorCR
lda WrMapFP+c.refNum;Close LinkMap txt file
sta CloseP+c.refNum
DW CloseP
beq OK2Exit
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
OK2Exit jmp DoExit ;Do an orderly exit
REP 50
; Get ORG and END addrs of the module
; Z=0, (X)=0
L2F43 EQU *
ldy #$05 ;Write 5 blanks to LinkMap
jsr StorSpcsY
ldx L380F ;Get src file index (1-49)
dex ;Index previous src module
ldy EndAdrHi,x
lda EndAdrLo,x
bne L2F57
L2F57 stx OrgAdrLo
sty OrgAdrHi
ldx L380F
ldy OrgAdrHi,x
lda OrgAdrLo,x
bne L2F6A
L2F6A dex
stx EndAdrLo
sty EndAdrHi
ldx #$00
REP 50
; Store info from ENTRY record
; Input
; Output
L2F74 EQU *
jsr L300B ;Store space/?
jsr StorAdr ;Relocated addr
jsr StorRFNbr ;File #
jsr StorSpc
jsr StorName ;Symbolicname
jsr StorSpc
jsr L3029 ;list of references
jsr StorCR
REP 50
; Store a byte as a couple of ASC Hex digits
; Input
; (A)=byte
StorByte EQU *
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
jsr StorHex
and #$0F
jsr StorHex
REP 50
; Store char into LinkMap buf. If char is CR,
; the text line will be written out to file
; Input
; WrMapFIdx - Write Map file buf index
; Output
; A,X preserved
; Y may not be used
StorChar and #$7F
sta Z9C ;Save A,X regs
stx Z9C+1
ldx WrMapFIdx
sta MapFDB,x ;store in buf
inc WrMapFIdx ;incr # of chars/buf index
cmp #CR
bne L2FBD
; Flush it
beq L2FBA
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L2FBA sta WrMapFIdx ;Zero write buf index
L2FBD ldx Z9C+1
lda Z9C
REP 50
; Convert a 8-bit binary value into its
; ASCII representation of 1's and 0's
; Input
; Output
ldx #8
L2FC4 asl a ;Get bit into Carry
lda #$00
rol a ;Catch the bit
adc #'0' ;'0' or '1'
jsr StorChar
bne L2FC4 ;Next bit
REP 50
; ($2FD3) Store a CR to LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
StorCR lda #CR
jsr StorChar
inc LineCnt
lda LineCnt
cmp #60
bne L2FE3
jsr L2FE4 ;Write subtitle
L2FE3 rts
REP 50
; Store subtitle into LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
L2FE4 lda #FF ;Output a formfeed char
jsr StorChar
lda #3
sta LineCnt
lda #1
adc PageCnt
sta PageCnt
bit PageF
bpl L3004
ldy #$1A ;Write 'ADR M# SYMBOL...' string
jsr StorMsg ; to LinkMap txt file
lda PageCnt
jsr StorByte
L3004 jsr StorCR
jsr StorCR
REP 50
; Input
; Output
L300B EQU *
ldy #17
lda (Z88),y ;Get flag byte
and #%01000000 ;Was symbol referenced?
beq StorSpc ;Yes, use a space
lda #'?'
bne L3019 ;Use a Qn mark
REP 50
; Store a space into LinkMap txt file buffer
StorSpc EQU *
lda #SPACE
L3019 jsr StorChar
REP 50
; Input
; (A)=$00-$0F
; Output
StorHex EQU *
ora #'0'
cmp #'9'+1
bcc L3025
adc #$06
L3025 jsr StorChar
REP 50
; Store list of references to the relocated addr
; $40 set -> not referenced by any module
; Input
; Output
L3029 EQU *
ldy #17
lda (Z88),y ;Get flag byte
and #%01000000
beq L3037
ldy #$16 ;unreferenced
jsr StorMsg
L3037 lda Z88 ;Ptr to ENTRY record
sta XtnRecP
lda Z88+1
sta XtnRecP+1
ldy #20
L3041 lda (XtnRecP),y ;Ptr to linked list
lda (XtnRecP),y ; of EXTRN records
sta XtnRecP+1
sta XtnRecP
ora XtnRecP+1
beq L3072 ;NIL => end of linked list
ldy #4
lda (XtnRecP),y ;(A)=# to be converted
ldy #0 ;ten's digit
jsr L3079
jsr StorSpc
lda WrMapFIdx ;# of bytes in Map file's data buf
ldy #0
cmp #77 ; must not exceed this number
bcc L3041 ;Next node
jsr StorCR
ldy #26 ;# of spaces
jsr StorSpcsY
ldy #0
jmp L3041 ;Next Node in linked list
L3072 rts
REP 50
; Store REL file # as a 2-byte ASC char in LinkMap file
; Input
; Output
StorRFNbr ldy #16
lda (Z88),y ;REL file #
ldy #0
L3079 cmp #10
bcc L3084
sbc #10
iny ;ten's digit
jmp L3079
L3084 pha ;unit's digit
ora #'0'
jsr StorChar
ora #'0'
jsr StorChar
REP 50
; Store ENTRY record's name
; Input
; (Z88) - ptr to ENTRY record
; Output
StorName EQU *
ldy #0
lda (Z88),y ;len byte
cmp #16
bcc L309C
lda #15 ;At most 15
L309C tax
L309D iny
lda (Z88),y ;symbolname
jsr StorChar
bne L309D
sty SymLen ;# of chars stored so far
lda #16
sbc SymLen
tay ;# of spaces to store
; Enter here with (Y)=# of space to store
StorSpcsY EQU *
lda #SPACE
jsr StorChar
bne StorSpcsY
REP 50
; Store Relocated address in LinkMap file
; Input
; (Z88)-ptr to ENTRY record
; Output
StorAdr EQU *
ldy #19
lda (Z88),y ;Relocated Addr
jsr StorByte
lda (Z88),y ;of this ENTRY record
jsr StorByte
jsr StorSpc
REP 50
; Store cmd line incl terminating CR
; Input
; (cp)
; Output
StorCmd EQU *
ldy #0
L30CC lda (cp),y
and #$7F
jsr StorChar
cmp #CR
bne L30CC
REP 50
; If an RLD entry of src file flag its an
; (a) ENTRY symbol, calc relocated addr
; (b) EXTRN symbol, get relocated addr
; fr its associated ENTRY rec &
; we must modify the
; RLD & EXTRN recs
; Input
; RLDFlags
; Output
; RelAdr - value of relocated addr
L30D9 EQU *
lda RLDFlags
and #$10 ;Is EXTERN symbol?
bne L3105 ;Yes
lda RelAdr ;This is equiv to a subtraction
adc NegSrcOrg ;2's complement of
sta RelAdr
lda RelAdr+1
adc NegSrcOrg+1 ; origin in src file
sta RelAdr+1
lda RelAdr
adc CurrORG
sta RelAdr
lda RelAdr+1
adc CurrORG+1
sta RelAdr+1
; EXTRN symbol
L3105 ldy ModNbr ;Get ptr to the
lda SrcModTLo,y ; first EXTRN rec
sta XtnRecP ; of curr src file
lda SrcModTHi,y
sta XtnRecP+1
; Search thru the EXTRN recs for the EXTRN symbol #
; NB. A hit is guaranteed during the search
; through the sub-array of EXTRN recs
lda #0
sta RelAdr
sta RelAdr+1
ldy #3 ;Get the EXTRN symbol #
lda (SrcP),y ; fr RLD record of src file
L311E ldy #6
cmp (XtnRecP),y
beq L312A ;Matched
jsr IncrXtnP
jmp L311E ;Try next EXTRN rec
L312A ldy #5
lda (XtnRecP),y ;symbol type
and #%10111111 ;Clear unreferenced bit
sta (XtnRecP),y
and #$80 ;Is the symbolicname still undefined?
bne L316D ;Yes
ldy #2
lda (XtnRecP),y ;Get ptr to associated
sta Z82 ; ENTRY record
lda (XtnRecP),y
sta Z82+1
ldy #18
lda (Z82),y ;Get relocated addr fr ENTRY record
sta RelAdr ;lo
lda (Z82),y
sta RelAdr+1 ;hi
bit FTypeF ;Is it OBJECT file relocatable?
bpl L3179 ;No, just ret
; The OBJECT file is of type REL
; We need to patch the curr RLD rec
ldy #0 ;Get flag byte fr
lda (SrcP),y ; RLD rec of src file
and #%11101111 ;Mark symbol is no
sta (SrcP),y ; longer EXTRN-type since
ldy #3 ; symbolicname is defined
and #%11000000
cmp #$40 ;lo 8 bits?
bne L3166 ;=>hi 8 bits
lda RelAdr ; Use lo 8-bits to patch
DB $2C
L3166 lda #0 ;Use 0 to patch
sta (SrcP),y ; the RLD record
jmp L3179 ;Done
; The symbolicname had not been defined
L316D bit FTypeF
bpl L3179
; If the target OBJECT file is REL then
; patch the RLD entry of the src file
; Once again we assume the RLD is < 5K
; since the patched RLD was written out only
; when processing of the src file is complete
ldy #7 ;Get the EXTRN # that
lda (XtnRecP),y ; was assigned by the Linker
ldy #3 ; & replace that in the RLD rec which
sta (SrcP),y ; was assigned by the Assembler
L3179 rts
REP 50
; Setup to open and write a TempRLD binary file
; Input
; Output
; Write2P+c.refNum - RN to write tempRLD file
ldy TempRLD
L317D lda TempRLD,y
sta PathNameB,y
bpl L317D
DB $C1
DW DestryP
lda #BINtype
sta CreateP+c.fileId
DB $C0
DW CreateP
beq L319C
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
DB $C8
DW Open2P
beq L31A7
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L31A7 lda Open2P+c.outRef
sta Write2P+c.refNum;write RN of tempRLD file
REP 50
; Append patched RLD of curr src file to the tempRLD file
; Input
; Output
Add2TmpRLD EQU *
bit FTypeF ;Is OBJECT file of type REL?
bpl L31CC ;No
lda SrcP
sbc #>SrcDBuf
sta Write2P+c.reqCnt;writelen
lda SrcP+1
sbc #<SrcDBuf
sta Write2P+c.reqCnt+1
; Write to tempRLD file
L31C1 EQU *
DW Write2P
beq L31CC
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L31CC rts
REP 50
; Open the LinkMap file and set the
; file posn to its EOF
; Input
; Output
jsr MovMapFN ;Set PN to LinkMap
DB $C8
DW Open2P
beq L31DB
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L31DB lda Open2P+c.outRef
sta WrMapFP+c.refNum
sta GeofP+c.refNum
DB $D1
DW GeofP
beq L31EF
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
DW GeofP ;Set to EO LinkMap file
beq L31FA
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L31FA rts
REP 50
; Check if cmd line is Align Command/Directive
; Input
; Output
; Z=1 & C=0 - yes
jsr DspLineB
jsr SkipSpcs
jsr ChkDrtv ;Check directive
bcs L3209 ;Unknown cmd
cmp #5 ;ALN directive
L3209 rts
; ($320A) Load EDASM's Editor
LoadED EQU *
jsr PfxEdAsm ;Set prefix to EdAsm's dir
bcc LoadED2
lda #$FE
jsr PrtError
ldy #0
ldx EdAsmDir
PrtLoop lda EdAsmDir+1,y
jsr DspChar
bne PrtLoop
jsr DspCR
lda #$FD ;Output thru Interpreter's
jsr PrtError
KeyLoop lda KBD
bpl KeyLoop
bit KBDSTROBE ;Clear it
cmp #CR+$80
bne KeyLoop
jsr DspCR
jmp LoadED ;Try again
LoadED2 lda #>LoadAdrEd
sta EdLoadAdr
lda #<LoadAdrEd
sta EdLoadAdr+1
lda #>$2000
sta EdRdLen
lda #<$2000
sta EdRdLen+1
DB $C8
DW OpenEdP
beq Opened1
jsr FatalErr
Opened1 lda EdRefNbr
sta RdEdRefNbr
beq Loaded1
jsr FatalErr
Loaded1 lda RdEdRefNbr
sta CloseP+c.refNum
DW CloseP
beq Closed1
jmp FatalErr
Closed1 jsr S2CurrPfx
bcs FatalErr
; Setup memory map for Editor/Command Interpreter
lda #%11111111 ;$FF
sta BitMap+20
lda #%00011111 ;$1F
sta BitMap+19
lda #%01111111 ;$7F
sta BitMap+22
lda #%10000001 ;$81
sta BitMap+23
; TxtBgn=$0801
lda #CR
dec TxtBgn ;Put a CR @ $0800
ldy #$00
sta (TxtBgn),y
inc TxtBgn ; and @ $0801
sta (TxtBgn),y
FatalErr EQU *
sta $FE ;Save err code
stx $FF ;Save stack ptr
ldx #$80
lda RDROM2 ;Read ROM; no write
jsr SETKBD ;reset input to keyboard
jsr SETVID ;reset output to screen
jsr HOME ;home cursor and clear screen
jsr PRERR ;print "ERR"
jmp MON ;std monitor entry w/beep
; Set prefix to EDASM's dir
PfxEdAsm EQU *
DB $C6
DW EdAsmPfxP
; Set prefix to current prefix
S2CurrPfx EQU *
DB $C6
DW SCurrPfx
; EDASM Editor's parameter blocks
DB $00
OpenEdP DB $03
DW EditorS
DW XA900 ;1024-byte buffer
EdRefNbr DB $CB
RdEdP DB $04
RdEdRefNbr DB $D0
EdLoadAdr DW $A0A0
EdRdLen DW $A0D3 ;Caller must set this
DW $CBA0 ;actual len read
EdAsmPfxP DB $01
DW EdAsmDir
SCurrPfx DB $01
DW CurrPfxB
; Move a block of src code fr one mem location to
; another mem location (not including byte @
; location (Z80)
; Input
; SrcP - Start addr of data
; Z80 - End addr of data
; Z82 - Destination addr
; Output
; (Z82)
; (SrcP)
; (Y)=0
MovData EQU *
ldy #0
MovLoop3 lda (SrcP),y
sta (Z82),y
inc Z82
bne Bump2
inc Z82+1
Bump2 lda SrcP ;Copy until
cmp Z80
lda SrcP+1
sbc Z80+1 ; (Z80)=(SrcP)
inc SrcP
bne Bump3
inc SrcP+1
Bump3 bcc MovLoop3
; This rtns adjust the ptrs to the next
; element of their respective arrays
IncrXtnP EQU *
pha ;Save
lda #8 ;rec size
ldx #XtnRecP ;EXTRN table
jmp IncRecP
IncrEntP EQU *
lda #24
ldx #EntRecP ;ENTRY table
jmp IncRecP
IncrSymP EQU *
pha ;Save
lda #16
ldx #SymP ;SymbolicName table
; (A)=# to add to pointer stored in 2 consecutive mem locations
; (X)=offset into zero page
IncRecP EQU *
adc $00,x
sta $00,x
lda #0
adc $01,x
sta $01,x
pla ;Restore
REP 50
; Input
; (A)=# to add to pointer stored in 2 consecutive mem locations
; (X)=offset into zero page
; Output
; Same logic as above except (X) can be an index into
; ANY zeropage location
IncRecPZ pha
jmp IncRecP
REP 50
; Advance SrcP to next ESD record
; Input
; Output
; X - unchanged
ldy #0
BumpLoop lda (SrcP),y ;symbolicname
bpl GotLastCh ;Got last char
jmp BumpLoop
GotLastCh iny
adc SrcP ;SrcP now pointing @ next ESD
sta SrcP
lda #0
adc SrcP+1 ; record in the curr src file
sta SrcP+1
; There are 3 entry points in this part of the code
; Input
; OpSrcFP+c.outRef - file ref # of src (REL) file
; Output
; C=0 - Last chunk of data had been read
; C=1 & (A)=$10 - Not EOF
; C=1 & (A)=$4C - EOF
; (SrcP) points to BO SrcDBuf
L3348 EQU *
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef
sta RWFileP+c.refNum
; Use this entry point to attempt to read a fixed chunk
; of data (equal to the size of the data buffer) fr a
; ANY file into the beginning of the Data Buffer ($0C00)
; (SrcP) points to BO of this data buf (SrcDBuf)
L334E EQU *
lda #>SrcDBuf
sta RWFileP+c.dataBuf
lda #<SrcDBuf
sta RWFileP+c.dataBuf+1
lda #>FileDBSiz ;# of bytes to be read=5K
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt
lda #<FileDBSiz
sta RWFileP+c.reqCnt+1
; Use this entry point to read a chunk of data fr ANY file.
; Caller must set the # of bytes to read (reqCnt) in
; RWFile parm block.
; (SrcP) is set to point to BO SrcDBuf ($0C00)
ReadCode EQU *
lda #>SrcDBuf
sta SrcP
lda #<SrcDBuf
sta SrcP+1
bne ReadErrs ;If EOF, (A)=$4C and C=1
; After a successful read, at most NumRead = ReqLen
; For this case, there may be more data to be read
lda RWFileP+c.transCnt+1;If actual # of bytes read
cmp RWFileP+c.reqCnt+1; = requested len then
bne L3382 ; it may not be EOF since
lda RWFileP+c.transCnt
cmp RWFileP+c.reqCnt
beq L3384 ; there may be more data to be read
L3382 clc ;Not =, ==> last chunk of data read
rts ; since NumRead < ReqLen
L3384 lda #$10 ;= but not EOF, so use $10 to flag it
ReadErrs sec
; Print Message
; The terminating char of each message in
; this table is a backslash
; Input
; Output
; (Y)=index into Message Table whose addresses
; are split into 2 sub-tables
DspMsg EQU *
lda MsgTLo,y
sta MsgP
lda MsgTHi,y
sta MsgP+1
ldy #0
DspLoop lda (MsgP),y
cmp #'\' ;terminator
beq DspMsgX
jsr CharOut
jmp DspLoop
DspMsgX rts
; Setup the filename using a cmd line
; Input
; Output
GetSrcPN EQU *
ldy #-1
MovLoop4 iny
lda (cp),y
and #$7F
sta PathNameB+1,y
cmp #CR ;CR
bne MovLoop4
sty PathNameB ;len byte
; Open a src file by getting its filename from
; the command file
; Get len of its code image and compute the
; addr past its last byte.
; Input
; Output
; C=1 - err
; (A)=err code
; (Z9E)=$80 - src file will be read but EXTRN records will
; not be created fr its ESD. Its code will not be included into
; the OBJECT file. ENTRY and SymbolicName records are created.
; This may be used to facilitate overlays rather than
; hand-patching JSR/JMP etc addresses
; Todo: Check it
; NB: SymbolicName records are created fr info in the
; appended ESD of all src files.
OpenSrc EQU *
ldy #0
sty Z9E
lda (cp),y
cmp #'*'
bne L33C8
inc cp ;Skip to next char
bne L33C4
inc cp+1
L33C4 lda #$80 ;Flag code from src file
sta Z9E ; will NOT be included in OBJ file
L33C8 jsr GetSrcPN ;First get the src file's name
DB $C8
bne L341F
DB $C4
bne L341F
lda #$11 ;Check filetype
ldy SrcType
cpy #RELtype
bne L341F ;filetype mismatch
lda OpSrcFP+c.outRef;Prepare to read 1st 2 bytes of this
sta RCodeLenP+c.refNum; file which is len of code image
DW RCodeLenP
bne L341F
lda SrcCodeLen
adc SrcORG ;Value of last ORG in this src file
sta L3806 ; Addr+1 of last byte of code image
lda SrcCodeLen+1
adc SrcORG+1
sta L3806+1
lda SrcORG ;Perform 2's complement of the
eor #$FF
sta NegSrcOrg ; the Last ORG adr of src file
lda SrcORG+1
eor #$FF
sta NegSrcOrg+1
inc NegSrcOrg
bne L341D
inc NegSrcOrg+1
L341D clc
L341F sec
REP 50
; ($3421) Read in a line of text from command file
; See description below
Read1Cmd EQU *
beq L3446
cmp #$4C ;Is it EOF?
beq L3430 ;Yes
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L3430 jsr L343B ;Reset file posn to BO src file
lda #CR ;Store CR @ BO buffer to
sta CmdLineB ; denote an empty (blank) line
jmp L3446 ;Set cp to point @ cmd line buf
REP 50
; ($343B) Reset file position to BO of command file
; Output
; cp - ptr to 1st char of Cmd Line
; (A) - 1st char
; Z=1 - 1st char is CR/SPACE
; Z=0 - Otherwise
L343B EQU *
beq L3446
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L3446 EQU *
lda #>CmdLineB
sta cp
lda #<CmdLineB
sta cp+1
ldy #0
lda (cp),y ;Get 1st char of cmd line
cmp #SPACE
beq L3458
cmp #CR ;Z=1
L3458 rts
; ($3459)
; Input
; (A)=file ref #
; Output
ClsFile EQU *
sta CloseP+c.refNum
DW CloseP
beq L3467
jsr ErrHndlr ;Don't come back
L3467 rts
REP 50
; Display contents of Command Line Buffer
; Input
; cp - ptr to the cmdline buf
; (A) & (P) are preserved
DspLineB EQU *
php ;Save Status reg
pha ;Save char
lda #SPACE
jsr CharOut
jsr CharOut
jsr CharOut
jsr CharOut
jsr CharOut
ldy #0
DspLoop2 lda (cp),y
and #$7F
jsr CharOut
cmp #CR ;If not terminating cr,
bne DspLoop2 ; get next char
; Parse directive field
; Input
; cp - pointing @ 1st char of cmdline's
; directive field
; Output
; C=0, (A)-index into JMP table
; C=1 - Unknown command
ChkDrtv EQU *
ldx #-1
NxtDrtv ldy #0
CmpLoop2 inx
lda DirectvT,x
beq CmdError ;EOT
lda (cp),y
cmp DirectvT,x
beq Bump5 ;Got a match
cpy #3 ;Did we have a 3-char match?
bne SkipEntry ;No, try next entry
cmp #CR ;EO cmd line?
beq GotEntry ;Yes
Bump5 iny ;Bump index to next char
cpy #4
bcc CmpLoop2
beq GotEntry ;All chars match including trailing space
SkipEntry cpy #3
beq NxtDrtv ;Loop back to check another entry
bne SkipEntry ;Skip rest of entry
CmdError ldy #$1B ;Unknown cmd
jsr DspMsg
GotEntry txa ;Compute index
lsr a
lsr a
; Start fr beginning of Cmd Line, skip blanks
; Output
; Z=1 - CR/SPACE
SkipSpcs EQU *
ldy #0
SkipLoop2 lda (cp),y
cmp #SPACE
bne AdvCP
bne SkipLoop2
; In case we can't find a non-blank, fall
; thru to start searching fr the 2nd char
; Output
; (Y) - indexing the 1st non-blank
; (A) - non-blank char
WhiteSpc EQU *
ldy #0
EatLoop iny
lda (cp),y
cmp #SPACE
beq L34D8
cmp #CR
bne EatLoop
L34D8 rts ;Z=1 if CR/SPACE
; Advance cmd line buffer pointer (cp)
; Input
; (Y) - # of chars to advance
; Output
; (Y) = 0
adc cp
sta cp
bcc Bump4
inc cp+1
Bump4 ldy #0
REP 50
; These rtns transfer control
; the monitor's I/O handlers
GetLine bit RDROM2 ;Read ROM; no write
jmp GETLN ;Input line w/prompt
DspCR bit RDROM2 ;Read ROM; no write
jmp CROUT ;Issue a carriage return
DspChar bit RDROM2 ;Read ROM; no write
jmp COUT ;As set by user
; Input
; (A)=char to display
; Preserved
; (A)
CharOut EQU *
pha ;Save char
cmp #'a'
bcc CharOut1
cmp #'z'+1
bcs CharOut1
and #$DF ;to uppercase
CharOut1 ora #$80 ;msb on
jsr DspChar ;Calls actual output rtn
cmp #CR
bne CharOut2
jsr PollKbd
CharOut2 pla
REP 50
; ($3513) Evaluate operand field
; No fancy stuff
EvalExpr EQU *
ldy #0
sty Value16 ;Zero the value
sty Value16+1
dey ;=-1
jsr ChrGet ;Incr Y b4 getting char fr buf
cmp #'$'
bne Dec2Int ;Decimal str
; Convert str representing a hexdec
; value into an integer
Hex2Int jsr ChrGet
beq L3532 ;cr/space
jsr IsHexChar ;Is char hexdec?
bcs SynErr1 ;No
jsr ShiftHex ;Accomodate the incoming digit
bcc Hex2Int ;Process next char
bcs SynErr1
L3532 rts
; Not referenced
pla ;what's this?
SynErr1 jsr CmdSynErr ;Syntax err
REP 50
; ($3537) Convert string representing a
; decimal value to an integer
; Input
; Output
Dec2Int EQU *
CnvLoop2 jsr ChrGet
beq L3532 ;If cr/space, ret
jsr IsDecChar ;Is it numeric?
bcs SynErr1 ;No, err
jsr ShiftDec ;Accomodate the incoming digit
bcc CnvLoop2 ;Get next char
bcs SynErr1
ShiftDec jsr Mul2
bcs OvrFlow3 ;Overflow
lda Value16+1
lda Value16
jsr Mul2
bcs OvrFlow1 ;Overflow
jsr Mul2
bcs OvrFlow1 ;Overflow
adc Value16
sta Value16
adc Value16+1
sta Value16+1
bcs OvrFlow3 ;Overflow
jsr ChrGot
sbc #'0'
adc Value16
sta Value16
bcc OvrFlow3
inc Value16+1
beq OvrFlow2 ;Overflow
OvrFlow1 pla
OvrFlow2 sec
OvrFlow3 rts
Mul2 asl Value16
rol Value16+1
; Shift in the hex value into running value
; Input
; (A) = '0'-'9' or $3A-$3F
; Output
; (Value) = running hex value
ShiftHex EQU *
sbc #'0' ;$00-$0F
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
ldx #4
RotLoop asl a
rol Value16
rol Value16+1
bne RotLoop
; ($3595) This rtn has 2 entry points
; Input
; cp = ptr into cmd line buffer
; Output
; Z=1 - char is space or cr
; (A) - char (converted to uppercase)
ChrGet EQU *
iny ;Bump index first
ChrGot EQU *
lda (cp),y
and #$7F ;Strip msb of char
cmp #'a'
bcc AsIs ;Don't convert to ucase
and #$DF ;ucase
AsIs cmp #SPACE
beq L35A6
cmp #CR
L35A6 rts
; Is char btwn '0'-'9'
; Input
; Output
; C=0 yes
IsDecChar EQU *
cmp #'9'+1
bcs NotHex
cmp #'0'
bcc NotHex
NotHex sec
; Check for hexdec char '0'-'9' and 'A'-'F'
; If char is 'A'-'F', convert to a value
; btwn $3A-$3F and return with C=0
; Input
; Output
IsHexChar EQU *
cmp #'A'
bcc IsDecChar ;chk for numeric char
cmp #'F'
bcs NotHex
sbc #$06 ;$3A-$3F
; Check for a keypress
; Ctrl-C - Abort of linking process
; spacebar - Pause
PollKbd EQU *
lda KBD
bpl L35E1
bit KBDSTROBE ;turn off keypressed flag
cmp #CTRLC+$80
bne IsSpcBar
ldy #$1C ;abort
jsr DspMsg
ldy #$1C
jsr StorMsg
jmp DoBreak
IsSpcBar cmp #SPACE+$80 ;Is space bar depressed?
bne L35E1
WaitZ lda KBD ;Yes
bpl WaitZ ;Wait for any keypress
L35E1 rts
; Output thru EdAsm Interpreter Print Error rtn
; Don't return to the caller
; Input
; (A) - error code
ErrHndlr jsr PrtError
jmp DoBreak
DupCmdErr ldy #$10
jmp GoShowMsg
OptnErr ldy #$0F
jmp GoShowMsg
CmdFileErr ldy #$0E
jmp GoShowMsg
CmdOrderErr ldy #$02
jmp GoShowMsg
UnknownCmdErr ldy #$1B
jmp GoShowMsg
RldEsdErr ldy #$11
jmp GoShowMsg
ExtrnErr ldy #$17 ;>255 EXTRN's
jmp GoShowMsg
CmdSynErr ldy #$01
GoShowMsgZ jmp GoShowMsg
GoShowMsg jsr DspMsg
; All errors above will come here
; Close all files. Check for a ctrl-B
; If so, exit to monitor else re-load EdAsm.ED
; & transfer control to the editor
; ($3613)
; Input
; Output
DoBreak EQU *
lda CMDADR ;last MLI call return address
lda CMDADR+1
lda #$01
sta ClsAllP
lda #$00
sta ClsAllP+c.refNum
DW ClsAllP
sta CMDADR+1
sta CMDADR ;last MLI call return address
bit KBDSTROBE ;turn off keypressed flag
bit RDROM2 ;Read ROM; no write
jsr RDKEY ;Input char with cursor
cmp #CTRLB+$80
bne Abort
stx StackP
ldx #$80
lda ROMIN2 ;read ROM/write LCbank2 (RR)
lda ROMIN2
jmp MON ;std monitor entry w/beep
Abort jsr SetupED ;Proceed to load & xfer control to EdAsm.Ed
jmp USRADR ;ctl-Y vector
; Put everything back in order
; Input
; Output
; Currently EI's ctrl-Y vector points @ $B198
; If exec mode is on, the entry is modified to
; $B1AB
DoExit EQU *
lda OpCmdFP+c.outRef
jsr ClsFile ;Close the command file
jsr SetupED
bit ExecMode ;Was cmd file EXEC fr Editor?
bmi L3665 ;Yes (Qn: how to do this since we have to enter MON)
jmp USRADR ;Exit via ctl-Y vector
L3665 clc
lda USRADR+1 ;ctl-Y vector
adc #$13 ;$B1AB-$B198
sta L367F+1 ;Self-modifying code
lda USRADR+2
adc #$00
sta L367F+2
bit ROMIN2 ;read ROM/write LCbank2 (RR)
bit ROMIN2
ldx #$F8
L367F jmp USRADR ;ctl-Y vector
REP 50
; Input
; Output
; Load EDASM's Editor
SetupED EQU *
jsr LoadED ;Load EDASM.ED
lda #%01111111 ;$7F
sta BitMap+22 ;P8 memory bitmap
lda #%10000001 ;$81
sta BitMap+23 ;P8 memory bitmap
lda TxtBgn ;No file in mem
sta TxtEnd
lda TxtBgn+1
sta TxtEnd+1
REP 50
; Phase 1 use 2 bytes of this table. However, the
; locations accessed should be $3698 and $369A
; & not $3697 and $3699. The bytes should be
; addr hi of the EXTRN & ENTRY tables
L3698 DB $71 ;ENTRY table must be < $7100
DB $00
DB $91 ;EXTRN table must be < $9100
BitsT DB $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01
; Default filenames of workfiles
DB $00
DB $00
DB $00
DirectvT EQU *
DB $00 ;Marks end of table
; JMP table
L36EA DB >CmdBin-1 ;Lo
DB >CmdRel-1
DB >CmdSys-1
DB >CmdOrg-1
DB >CmdOptn-1
DB >CmdAln-1
L36F0 DB <CmdBin-1 ;Hi
DB <CmdRel-1
DB <CmdSys-1
DB <CmdOrg-1
DB <CmdOptn-1
DB <CmdAln-1
DB $00
LinkObjS STR 'EDASM.LINKOBJ' ;65-byte buffer for pathname
DS $33,0 ;51
LinkMapS STR 'EDASM.LINKMAP' ;65-byte buffer for pathname
DS $33,0 ;51
CmdLineB DS 128,SPACE ;Command Line Buffers
Origin DW $A0B0 ;Set by cmd/AuxType of 1st src file
SrcCodeLen DW $A0A0 ;len of code image of src file
NegSrcOrg DW $A0CC ;2's complement of src ORiGin
L3806 DW $A0BE ;Addr+1 of code image
RelAdr DW $A0FF ;Relocated Adr
; 3-byte work area for ESD records
; The layout of this work area
; offset Meaning
; 0 DB symbol flag's byte
; 1 DW offset fr BO code image
; 1 DB symbol number referred to by RLD record
; 2 DB 0
DB $A0
RLDFlags DB $A0 ;RLD flag-byte
ModNbr DB $A0 ;source file count/Module Number
L380F DB $A0 ;Counter
TrgtFTyp DB $00 ;OBJECT filetype
; Table of ptrs to BO 1st EXTRN rec of each src file
SrcModTLo DS 50,0
SrcModTHi DS 50,0
; Posn counter of beginning of code image (ORG ADRS)
; within the OBJECT file for src file module #s 0-49
OrgAdrLo DS 50,0
OrgAdrHi DS 50,0
; Posn counter of end of code image (END ADRS) within
; the OBJECT file for src file module #s 0-49
EndAdrLo DS 50,0
EndAdrHi DS 50,0
; ($393D) General purpose pathname work area
; Set this b4 opening a disk file
PathNameB DS 64,0 ;Should be 65!
MapFDB DS 90,SPACE ;data buf for LinkMap
SymLen DB $A0 ;temp store for len of symbolicname
; Use to open source file(s)
OpSrcFP DB $03
DW PathNameB
DW SrcIOAdr ;1024-byte buf for ProDOS
DB $00
; ProDOS parameter blocks for Command File which
; is a TXT file. Each text line is terminated by a CR
OpCmdFP DB $03 ;OPEN
DW PathNameB ;PathName
DW XA900 ;1024-byte buf
DB $00
RdCmdFP DB $04 ;READ
DB $00
DW CmdLineB
DW 128 ;At most 128 chars/line
DW 0 ;# actual read (not referenced)
DB $00
DB $7F ;AND mask=ignore msb i.e. both $0D/$8D are accepted
DB CR ;newline char
; ($39F0) Use to set file posn to beginning of Command File
DB $00
DS 3,0 ;This doesn't get changed
; Used to destroy
; 1) old LinkMap
; 2) old tempESD
; 3) old OBJECT file (if any)
; 4) old tempRLD
; PathNameB must be filled w/the filename
DestryP DB $01
DW PathNameB
CloseP DB $01 ;Use by anybody
DB $00
ClsAllP DB $01
DB $00
; Not used
L39FC DB $04 ;whats this?
DB $00
DB $00
DB $00
DB $00
DB $00
DB $00
; Used to get File Info of a source (REL) file
DW PathNameB
DB 0
SrcType DB 0
SrcORG DW 0 ;auxtype
DB 0
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0
; Used to set the file position of a src file
DB $00
DS 3,0 ;Caller must set this
; Used to read the first 2 bytes of src file
; which is the length of its code image
RCodeLenP DB $04
DB $00
DW SrcCodeLen ;SrcCodeLen (2-byte data buf)
DW $0002 ;# of bytes to be read
DW $A080 ;actual # read (unused)
; ($3A22) For reading SRC, tempRLD, tempESD
; For appending to OBJECT file
RWFileP DB $04
DB $00
DW SrcDBuf ;data buf
DW 0 ;Set this b4 calling PRODOS
DW 0 ;actual # of bytes read
; Use to open a 1) tempESD 2) OBJECT file
Open3P DB $03 ;OPEN
DW PathNameB
DW X3F00 ;1024-byte buf for PRODOS
DB 0
; Use to write 1) TempESD 2) OBJECT files
Write1P DB $04 ;WRITE
DB 0
DW X9100 ;Data Buf
DW $A0A0 ;write len
DW $B1A0 ;Actually written
; Read one page of code img of current src file
RdCodeImgP DB $04 ;READ
DB 0
DW X9100 ;Data Buf
DW $0000
DW $A0D5
; Use to create BIN/REL/SYS OBJECT files
; Also use to create TempESD/TempRLD binary files
; The filetype & auxtype must be set first
CreateP DB 7 ;CREATE
DW PathNameB
DB $E3 ;full access
DB $00 ;filetype
DW $0000 ;auxtype
DB $01 ;seedling
DW 0
DW 0
; Used to open 1) LinkMap text file
; 2) tempRLD 3) tempESD BIN file
Open2P DB $03
DW PathNameB
DW X4300 ;1024-byte buf
DB $00
; Use to create LinkMap text file
CrLnkMapP DB 7
DW PathNameB
DB $E3
DB TXTtype
DW 0
DB $01 ;storage type
DW 0
DW 0
; Use to write the LinkMap text file
; WrMapFIdx doubles as # of bytes to write
; besides being used as an index to store the
; chars into the Map File's Data Buf (MapFDB)
DB $00
DW MapFDB ;data buf addr
WrMapFIdx DW $A0C3 ;at most 128 bytes (hi-byte=0)
DW $A080
; Use to
; 1) get eof of LinkMap file, then
; 2) set to file posn to its EOF
DB $00
DS 3,0
; Use to write 1) TempRLD 2) TempESD files
Write2P DB $04 ;WRITE
DB $00
DW SrcDBuf ;source data buffer
DW 0 ;# of bytes to write
DW $A0A0
; Use to move file posn to beginning
; 1) of the tempRLD file
; 2) OBJECT file
DB $00
DS 3,0 ;Not changed
; Message pointers sub-tables
DB >L3B02
DB >L3C63
DB >L3C83
DB >L3B55
DB >L3D06
DB >L3D22
DB >L3D58
DB >L3D75
MsgTHi DB <L3ADE ;0
DB <L3B02 ;1
DB <L3B1F ;2
DB <L3BB7 ;3
DB <L3BDD ;4
DB <L3BFF ;5
DB <L3C1E ;6
DB <L3C3F ;7
DB <L3C63 ;8
DB <L3C83 ;9
DB <L3CA0 ;10
DB <L3CB7 ;11
DB <L3CCF ;12
DB <L3CEB ;13
DB <L3B55 ;14
DB <L3B7B ;15
DB <L3BA0 ;16
DB <L3D06 ;17
DB <L3D22 ;18
DB <L3D3F ;19
DB <L3D4B ;20
DB <L3D58 ;21
DB <L3D8D ;22
DB <L3D9A ;23
DB <L3DBE ;24
DB <L3DD6 ;25
DB <L3DEE ;26
DB <L3B3A ;27
DB <L3AB4 ;28
DB <L3D75 ;29
; Messages starts here
ASC '\'
L3ADE ASC 'ProDOS Linker 1.0'
ASC 'Command Filename'
ASC '\' ;end of msg
L3B02 ASC 'ERR: Syntax error in command'
ASC '\'
L3B1F ASC 'ERR: Invalid Command order'
ASC '\'
L3B3A ASC 'ERR: Unknown command found'
ASC '\'
L3B55 ASC 'ERR: Empty or incomplete command'
ASC ' file'
ASC '\'
L3B7B ASC 'ERR: Invalid option or option syntax'
ASC '\'
L3BA0 ASC 'ERR: Duplicate command'
ASC '\'
L3BB7 ASC 'Phase 0 : Commands & Options Selected'
ASC '\'
L3BDD ASC 'Phase 1 : Building DEF/REF tables'
ASC '\'
L3BFF ASC 'Phase 2 : Resolving REF-EXTRNs'
ASC '\'
L3C1E ASC 'Phase 3 : Relocating Object code'
ASC '\'
L3C3F ASC 'Phase 4 : Generating Object RLD-ESD'
ASC '\'
L3C63 ASC 'Phase 5 : Sorting loadmap index'
ASC '\'
L3C83 ASC 'Phase 6 : Generating loadmap'
ASC '\'
L3CA0 ASC 'ERR: Symbol table full'
ASC '\'
L3CB7 ASC 'ERR: Too many REL files'
ASC '\'
L3CCF ASC 'ERR: File is not a REL file'
ASC '\'
L3CEB ASC 'ERR: REL file is too large'
ASC '\'
L3D06 ASC 'ERR: REL file ESD too large'
ASC '\'
L3D22 ASC 'Duplicate DEF-ENTRY symbol, '
ASC '\'
L3D3F ASC 'of module #'
ASC '\'
L3D4B ASC ' in module #'
ASC '\'
L3D58 ASC 'Undefined REF-EXTRN symbol, '
ASC '\'
L3D75 ASC 'REF-DEF SIZE mismatch, '
ASC '\'
ASC '\'
L3D9A ASC |ERR: >255 EXTRN's in REL output ESD|
ASC '\'
ASC '\'
ASC '\'
ASC '\'
ASC '14-MAR-84'
ASC '23:42 '
FileDBSiz EQU AsmLinker-SrcDBuf;20 mempages=5K