'----------------------' ' Eightball Unit Tests ' '----------------------' word status=0 '------------------ ' Word variables '------------------ pr.msg "Word vars:"; pr.nl word w1=10 word w2=100 word w3=50 status=(w1==10)&&(w2==100)&&(w3==50) call expect(status) w2=w2+10 status=(w1==10)&&(w2==110)&&(w3==50) call expect(status) w2=w1+10 status=(w1==10)&&(w2==20)&&(w3==50) call expect(status) '------------------ ' Byte variables '------------------ pr.msg "Byte vars:"; pr.nl byte b1=10; byte b2=100; word b3=50; call expect((b1==10)&&(b2==100)&&(b3==50)) b2=b2+10 call expect((b1==10)&&(b2==110)&&(b3==50)) b2=b1+10 call expect((b1==10)&&(b2==20)&&(b3==50)) '------------------ ' Word arrays '------------------ pr.msg "Word arrays:"; pr.nl word wpre=0 word warr[10]=12 word wpost=0 pr.msg "Size of word (4 for interpeter, 2 for 6502 & VM): " pr.dec (&warr[2]-&warr[1]) pr.nl call expect((wpre==0)&&(warr[0]==12)&&(warr[1]==12)&&(warr[2]==12)&&(warr[9]==12)&&(wpost==0)) warr[1]=123 call expect((wpre==0)&&(warr[0]==12)&&(warr[1]==123)&&(warr[2]==12)&&(warr[9]==12)&&(wpost==0)) '------------------ ' Byte arrays '------------------ pr.msg "Byte arrays:"; pr.nl byte bpre=0 byte barr[10]=12 byte bpost=0 call expect((&barr[2]-&barr[1])==1) call expect((&barr[4]-&barr[1])==3) call expect((bpre==0)&&(barr[0]==12)&&(barr[1]==12)&&(warr[2]==12)&&(barr[9]==12)&&(bpost==0)) barr[1]=123 call expect((bpre==0)&&(barr[0]==12)&&(barr[1]==123)&&(warr[2]==12)&&(barr[9]==12)&&(bpost==0)) '------------------ ' For loop '------------------ pr.msg "For loop:"; pr.nl word sum=0 word iw=0 for iw=1:3 sum=sum+iw endfor call expect(sum==6) sum=0 byte ib=0 for ib=1:3 sum=sum+ib endfor call expect(sum==6) '------------------ ' While loop '------------------ pr.msg "While loop:"; pr.nl sum=0 iw=0 while iw<4 sum=sum+iw iw=iw+1 endwhile call expect(sum==6) sum=0 ib=0 while ib<4 sum=sum+ib ib=ib+1 endwhile call expect(sum==6) '------------------ ' If/Endif '------------------ pr.msg "If/Endif:"; pr.nl iw=123 ib=0 if iw==123 ib=1 endif call expect(ib==1) iw=124 ib=0 if iw==123 ib=1 endif call expect(ib==0) '------------------ ' If/Else/Endif '------------------ pr.msg "If/Else/Endif:"; pr.nl iw=123 ib=99 if iw==123 ib=1 else ib=0 endif call expect(ib==1) iw=124 ib=99 if iw==123 ib=1 else ib=0 endif call expect(ib==0) '------------------ ' Pointers/Addresses '------------------ pr.msg "Pointers/Addresses:"; pr.nl word ptr=&iw *ptr=9999 call expect(iw==9999) ptr=&ib ^ptr=73 call expect(ib==73) call expect(&warr[0]==&warr) '------------------ ' Call subroutine '------------------ pr.msg "Call sub:"; pr.nl call gv1() call expect(iw==987) call gb1() call expect(ib==$ae) call gwa1() call expect(warr[3]==1234) call gba1() call expect(barr[7]==$34) call c1() call expect(iw==555) pr.msg " Recursive:"; pr.nl call recurse1(5, &iw) call expect(iw==120) '------------------ ' Subroutine params '------------------ pr.msg "Sub params:"; pr.nl warr[0]=100 call pw1(warr[0]) call expect(iw==200) barr[2]=10 call pb1(barr[2]) call expect(iw==20) warr[0]=10 warr[1]=20 call pw2(warr[0],warr[1]) call expect(iw==200) barr[0]=10 barr[1]=20 call pb2(barr[0],barr[1]) call expect(iw==200) warr[0]=500 warr[1]=750 call add(warr[0],warr[1],&iw) call expect(iw==1250) warr[0]=500 warr[1]=750 call add(warr[0],warr[1],&warr[2]) call expect(warr[2]==1250) word a1=&iw call ppw1(2345, a1) call expect(iw==2345) call ppw1(2345, &iw) call expect(iw==2345) word a2=&ib call ppb1(110, a2) call expect(ib==110) '------------------ ' Invoke func '------------------ pr.msg "Invoke func:"; pr.nl call expect(sqr(10)==100) pr.msg " Recursive:"; pr.nl iw=recurse2(4) call expect(iw==24) ' TODO: This is failing in the compiler where it returns 1 ' But it is okay in interpreter where it returns 24 as it should. iw=recurse3(4) call expect(iw==24) '------------------ ' Locals '------------------ pr.msg "Locals:"; pr.nl iw=123 call lw1() call expect(iw==123*2) iw=123 call lb1() call expect(iw==123*2) iw=123 call lw2() call expect(iw==123*4) iw=123 call lb2() call expect(iw==123*4) call lpw1() call expect(iw==1) call lpb1() call expect(iw==1) call gp1() call expect(iw==1) '------------------ '------------------ end ' ' Test subroutines ' sub gv1() iw = 987; ' Set global word return 0 endsub sub gb1() ib = $ae; ' Set global byte return 0 endsub sub gwa1() warr[3] = 1234; ' Set global word array member return 0 endsub sub gba1() barr[7] = $34; ' Set global byte array member return 0 endsub sub pw1(word xx) iw = xx * 2 return 0 endsub sub pb1(byte xx) iw = xx * 2 return 0 endsub sub pw2(word xx, word yy) iw = xx * yy return 0 endsub sub pb2(byte xx, byte yy) iw = xx * yy return 0 endsub sub add(word a, word b, word sumaddr) *sumaddr=a+b return 0 endsub sub ppw1(word val, word addr) *addr=val return 0 endsub sub ppb1(byte val, word addr) ^addr=val return 0 endsub sub c1() call c2() return 0 endsub sub c2() call c3() return 0 endsub sub c3() iw = 555 return 0 endsub sub sqr(word x) return x*x endsub sub recurse1(word x, word addr) if x==0 *addr=1 else call recurse1(x-1,addr) *addr=*addr*x endif endsub sub recurse2(word x) if x==0 return 1; else return recurse2(x-1)*x endif endsub ' Why does this not work, even though ' recurse2() works fine?? sub recurse3(word x) if x==0 return 1; else return x*recurse2(x-1) endif endsub sub lw1() word loc=2 iw=iw*loc return 0 endsub sub lb1() byte loc=2 iw=iw*loc return 0 endsub sub lw2() word loc=0 loc=4 iw=iw*loc return 0 endsub sub lb2() byte loc=0 loc=4 iw=iw*loc return 0 endsub sub lpw1() iw=0 word xx=0 word addr=&xx *addr=1234 if xx==1234 iw=1 endif return 0 endsub sub lpb1() iw=0 byte xx=0 word addr=&xx ^addr=123 if xx==123 iw=1 endif return 0 endsub sub gp1() iw=0 word addr=&iw *addr=5436 if iw==5436 iw=1 endif return 0 endsub ' ' Utility subroutines ' sub expect(byte b) if b pr.msg " Pass " else pr.msg " FAIL " endif pr.nl return 0 endsub