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Minor bug fixes in logon.seg.s

Newer XDOS external with bug fixes
2023-01-09 11:13:29 -08:00

176 lines
2.5 KiB

* Promethus Versacard Driver
* Revised Date: 08/02/87
lst off
dsk rel/versa
versa ent
org $0d00
get_time equ $82
mli equ $bf00
date equ $bf90
slot hex 40
mode db 0
jmp getdate
jmp gettime
jmp setdate
* get the date in prodos gbbs format
getdate jsr mli ; mli call
db get_time
hex 0000 ; no pramater table
ldx date
lda date+1
setdate rts
* get the current time
gettime jsr rdtime
bit mode
bpl gtime1
jsr convert
gtime1 ldx #<timestr ; point to string
lda #>timestr
* figure the current time
rdtime jsr rdclock
lda timestr
pha ; fix hour (remove) am/pm info)
and #%00110011
sta timestr
lsr ; move am/pm bit into carry
bcc gettim2 ; it is am (default)
lda #'P' ; change to pm
sta timestr+9
gettim2 lsr ; move 12/24 hour bit into carry
bcc gettim3 ; in 12 hour mode, all is well
lda #' ' ; in 24 hour mode kill am/pm
sta timestr+9
sta timestr+10
gettim3 rts
* read the date from clock
rdclock ldx #0
ldy slot ; get slot offset
rdclk2 lda clkparm,x ; get function
beq rdclk4
bmi rdclk3 ; just ascii data
and #%00111111 ; kill high status info
sta $c082,y ; point to data
lda $c083,y ; load in data
and #%00001111 ; get rid of extra
ora #'0' ; make into numeric digit
rdclk3 and #$7f ; kill high (from ascii)
sta timestr,x
jmp rdclk2 ; go until out of data
rdclk4 rts
* convert time to 12hr format
convert lda timestr ;convert to 12 hour
ldx timestr+1
and #$0f
and #$0f
bmi conv2
adc #10
bmi conv2
adc #10
conv2 cmp #12
bne conv2a
lda #24
conv2a tay
bne conv3
lda #12
conv3 ldx #'A'
cmp #13
bcc conv4
sbc #12
ldx #'P'
conv4 ldy #'0'
conv5 cmp #10
bcc conv6
sbc #10
bne conv5
conv6 ora #'0'
sta timestr+1
sty timestr
stx timestr+9
ldx #'M'
stx timestr+10
* convert a 2 byte decimal number to binary
decbin8 and #$7f
sbc #'0'
sta decbyte ; save 10's digit
txa ; move 1's into A
and #$7f
sbc #'0'
ldy #10
dec8a clc
adc decbyte ; add the 10's digit, 10 times
bne dec8a
rts ; return with result
decbyte hex 00
* variables
timestr asc '00:00:00 AM',00
clkparm hex 1514
asc ":"
hex 1312
asc ":"
hex 1110
asc " AM"
hex 00