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synced 2025-03-13 14:31:13 +00:00
2568 lines
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2568 lines
66 KiB
* SORTDIR - for Apple II (ProDOS)
* Bobbi January-June 2020
* TODO: Find out why free(usedlist) at end -> crash. Memory corruption?
* TODO: EOF validation / fix:
* 1) Check this in readir() taking account of sparse files
* 2) When trimming a directory, need to update EOF for parent entry
* TODO: Print indication when a file is sparse - blocks in inverse video?
* TODO: Get both ProDOS-8 and GNO versions to build from this source
* Revision History
* v0.50 Initial alpha release on GitHub. Ported from GNO/ME version.
* v0.51 Made buf[] and buf2[] dynamic.
* v0.52 Support for aux memory.
* v0.53 Auto-sizing of filelist[] to fit available memory.
* v0.54 Make command line argument handling a compile time option.
* v0.55 Can use *all* of largest heap block for filelist[].
* v0.56 Minor improvements to conditional compilation.
* v0.57 Fixed bugs in aux memory allocation, memory zeroing bug.
* v0.58 Fixed more bugs. Now working properly using aux memory.
* v0.59 Moved creation of filelist[] into buildsorttable(). More bugfix.
* v0.60 Modified fileent to be a union. Build it for each subsort. Saves RAM.
* v0.61 Squeezed fileent to be a few bytes smaller. Fixed folder sort.
* v0.62 Modified buildsorttable() to update existing filelist[].
* v0.63 Made code work properly with #undef CHECK.
* v0.64 Fixed overflow in file count (entries). Added check to auxalloc().
* v0.65 Fixed length passed to AUXMOVE in copyaux().
* v0.66 Modified to build sorted blocks on the fly rather than in aux memory.
* v0.67 Fixed bug in v0.66 where garbage was written to end of directory.
* v0.68 Cleaned up error msgs.
* v0.69 Fixed support for drive number >2. (cc65 needs to be fixed too!)
* v0.70 Changed sort options to support mtime & ctime. Improved UI a bit.
* v0.71 Added support for allocating aux LC memory.
* v0.72 Initial support for freelist and usedlist in aux mem. (Slow!)
* v0.73 Speedup to checkfreeandused();
* v0.74 Eliminate no-op sort.
* v0.75 Fix bug - crash when too many files to sort.
* v0.76 Fix bug - checkfreeandused() not traversing all freelist.
* v0.77 Implemented zeroblock() for ProDOS-8.
* v0.78 Improved error handling when too many files to sort.
* v0.79 Trim unused directory blocks after sorting. Write freelist to disk.
* v0.80 Reinstated no-op sort (useful for compacting dir without reordering).
* v0.81 Do not trim volume directory to <4 blocks.
* v0.82 Minor fix to TRIMDIR conditional compilation.
* v0.83 Print additional info on each file.
* v0.84 Minor fixup for builds without CHECK and FREELIST defined.
* v0.85 Only write free list if it has been changed.
* v0.86 Show 'invisible' access bit.
* v0.87 Change the fix options so '-' is ask, 'y'/'n' are always/never.
* v0.88 Show ProDOS 2.5 dates in inverse video (saves two columns!)
* v0.89 Commented out free(usedlist) which was crashing for some reason.
//#pragma debug 9
//#pragma lint -1
//#pragma stacksize 16384
//#pragma memorymodel 0
//#pragma optimize -1 /* Disable stack repair code */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <orca.h>
//#include <gsos.h>
//#include <prodos.h>
#include <apple2enh.h>
#include <dio.h>
#include <conio.h> // For revers() and clrscr()
#define CHECK /* Perform additional integrity checking */
#define SORT /* Enable sorting code */
#define FREELIST /* Checking of free list */
#define AUXMEM /* Auxiliary memory support on //e and up */
#undef CMDLINE /* Command line option parsing */
#undef TRIMDIR /* Enable trimming of directory blocks */
#define NLEVELS 4 /* Number of nested sorts permitted */
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
#define NMLEN 15 /* Length of filename */
* ProDOS directory header
* See ProDOS-8 Tech Ref pp. 152
struct pd_dirhdr {
uchar typ_len;
char name[NMLEN];
char reserved[8];
uchar ctime[4];
uchar vers;
uchar minvers;
uchar access;
uchar entlen;
uchar entperblk;
uchar filecnt[2];
uchar parptr[2]; /* Bitmap pointer in volume dir */
uchar parentry; /* Total blocks LSB in volume dir */
uchar parentlen; /* Total blocks MSB in volume dir */
* ProDOS file entry
* See ProDOS-8 Tech Ref pp. 155
struct pd_dirent {
uchar typ_len;
char name[NMLEN];
uchar type;
uchar keyptr[2];
uchar blksused[2];
uchar eof[3];
uchar ctime[4];
uchar vers;
uchar minvers;
uchar access;
uchar auxtype[2];
uchar mtime[4];
uchar hdrptr[2];
#define BLKSZ 512 /* 512 byte blocks */
#define PTRSZ 4 /* 4 bytes of pointers at beginning of each blk */
#define ENTSZ 0x27 /* Normal ProDOS directory entry size */
#define ENTPERBLK 0x0d /* Normal ProDOS dirents per block */
#define FLSZ 8192 /* Bytes required for 64K block free-list */
/* Exit codes */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_BAD_ARG 1
#define EXIT_ALLOC_ERR 2
#define EXIT_FATAL_ERR 3
* Linked list of directory blocks read from disk
* Directory block is stored in data[]
struct block {
#ifdef AUXMEM
char *data; /* Contents of block (pointer to auxmem) */
char data[BLKSZ]; /* Contents of block */
uint blocknum; /* Block number on disk */
struct block *next;
* Entry for array of filenames used by qsort()
struct fileent {
uchar blockidx; /* Index of dir block (1,2,3 ...) */
uchar entrynum; /* Entry within the block */
union {
char name[NMLEN-2]; /* Name converted to upper/lower case */
char datetime[12+1];/* Date/time as a yyyymmddhhmm string */
uchar type; /* ProDOS file type */
uint blocks; /* Size in blocks */
ulong eof; /* EOF position in bytes */
/* NOTE: Because name is unique we do not need the order field to make
* the sort stable, so we can let the name buffer overflow by 2 bytes
uint order; /* Hack to make qsort() stable */
* Entry for list of directory keyblocks to check
struct dirblk {
uint blocknum;
struct dirblk *next;
* Represents a date and time
struct datetime {
uint year;
uchar month;
uchar day;
uchar hour;
uchar minute;
uchar ispd25format;
uchar nodatetime;
* Globals
#ifdef AUXMEM
#define STARTAUX1 0x0800 // 46K main aux block
#define ENDAUX1 0xbfff
#define STARTAUX2 0xd000 // 12K block in aux LC
#define ENDAUX2 0xffff
static char *auxp = (char*)STARTAUX1; /* For allocating aux main */
static char *auxp2 = (char*)STARTAUX2; /* For allocating aux LC */
static char *auxlockp = (char*)STARTAUX1; /* Aux mem protection */
static uint totblks; /* Total # blocks on volume */
static uchar *freelist; /* Free-list bitmap */
static uchar *usedlist; /* Bit map of used blocks */
static uchar flloaded = 0; /* 1 if free-list has been loaded */
static uchar flchanged = 0; /* 1 if free-list has been changed */
static uint flsize; /* Size of free-list in blocks */
static uint flblk; /* Block num for start of freelist */
static char currdir[NMLEN+1]; /* Name of current directory */
static struct block *blocks = NULL; /* List of directory disk blocks */
static struct dirblk *dirs = NULL; /* List of key blocks of subdirs */
static uint numfiles; /* Number of files in current dir */
static uint maxfiles; /* Size of filelist[] */
static uchar entsz; /* Bytes per file entry */
static uchar entperblk; /* Number of entries per block */
static uint errcount = 0; /* Error counter */
static dhandle_t dio_hdl; /* cc64 direct I/O handle */
static uchar dowholedisk = 0; /* -D whole-disk option */
static uchar dorecurse = 0; /* -r recurse option */
static uchar dowrite = 0; /* -w write option */
static uchar doverbose = 0; /* -v verbose option */
static uchar dodebug = 0; /* -V very verbose option */
static uchar dozero = 0; /* -z zero free blocks option */
static char sortopts[NLEVELS+1] = ""; /* -s:abc list of sort options */
static char caseopts[2] = ""; /* -c:x case conversion option */
static char fixopts[2] = ""; /* -f:x fix mode option */
static char dateopts[2] = ""; /* -d:x date conversion option */
// Allocated dynamically in main()
static char *buf; /* General purpose scratch buffer */
static char *buf2; /* General purpose scratch buffer */
static char *dirblkbuf; /* Used for reading directory blocks */
static struct fileent *filelist; /* Used for qsort() */
/* Error messages */
static const char err_nomem[] = "No memory!";
static const char err_noaux[] = "No aux mem!";
static const char err_rdblk1[] = "Can't read blk %u";
static const char err_rdblk2[] = "Can't read blk %u ($%2x)";
static const char err_wtblk1[] = "Can't write blk %u";
static const char err_wtblk2[] = "Can't write blk %u ($%2x)";
#ifdef CHECK
static const char err_stype2[] = "Bad storage type $%2x for %s";
static const char err_odir1[] = "Can't open dir %s";
static const char err_rddir1[] = "Can't read dir %s";
static const char err_rdpar[] = "Can't read parent dir";
#ifdef CHECK
static const char err_sdname[] = "Bad subdir name";
static const char err_entsz2[] = "Bad entry size %u, should be %u";
static const char err_entblk2[] = "Bad entries/blk %u, should be %u";
static const char err_parblk3[] = "Bad parent %s %u, should be %u";
static const char err_hdrblk2[] = "Bad hdr blk %u, should be %u";
static const char err_access[] = "Bad access";
static const char err_forksz3[] = "%s fork size %u is wrong, should be %u";
static const char err_used2[] = "Blks used %u is wrong, should be %u";
static const char err_many[] = "Too many files to sort";
static const char err_count2[] = "Filecount %u wrong, should be %u";
static const char err_nosort[] = "Not sorting due to errors";
static const char err_rdfl[] = "Can't read free list";
static const char err_blfree1[] = "In use blk %u is marked free";
static const char err_blfree2[] = "%s blk %u marked free";
static const char err_blused1[] = "Unused blk %u not marked free";
static const char err_blused2[] = "%s blk %u used elsewhere";
static const char err_updsdir1[] = "Can't update subdir entry (%s)";
static const char err_invopt[] = "Invalid %s option";
#ifdef CMDLINE
static const char err_usage[] = "Usage error";
static const char err_80col[] = "Need 80 cols";
static const char err_128K[] = "Need 128K";
/* Prototypes */
#ifdef AUXMEM
void copyaux(char *src, char *dst, uint len, uchar dir);
char *auxalloc(uint bytes);
char *auxalloc2(uint bytes);
void lockaux(void);
void freeallaux(void);
void hline(void);
void hlinechar(char c);
void confirm(void);
void err(enum errtype severity, const char *fmt, ...);
void flushall(void);
int readdiskblock(uchar device, uint blocknum, char *buf);
int writediskblock(uchar device, uint blocknum, char *buf);
void fixcase(char *in, char *out, uchar minvers, uchar vers, uchar len);
void lowercase(char *p, uchar len, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers);
void uppercase(char *p, uchar len, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers);
void initialcase(uchar mode, char *p, uchar len, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers);
void firstblk(char *dirname, uchar *device, uint *block);
void readdatetime(uchar time[4], struct datetime *dt);
void writedatetime(struct datetime *dt, uchar time[4]);
void printdatetime(struct datetime *dt);
uint askfix(void);
int readfreelist(uchar device);
int isfree(uint blk);
int isused(uint blk);
void markused(uint blk);
void trimdirblock(uint blk);
void checkblock(uint blk, char *msg);
#ifdef CHECK
int seedlingblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt);
int saplingblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt);
int treeblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt);
int forkblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt);
int subdirblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, struct pd_dirent *ent,
uint blocknum, uint blkentries, uint *blkcnt);
void enqueuesubdir(uint blocknum, uint subdiridx);
int readdir(uint device, uint blocknum);
#ifdef SORT
uchar buildsorttable(char s, uchar callidx);
int cmp_name_asc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_name_desc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_name_asc_ci(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_name_desc_ci(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_datetime_asc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_datetime_desc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_type_asc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_type_desc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_dir_beg(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_dir_end(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_blocks_asc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_blocks_desc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_eof_asc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_eof_desc(const void *a, const void *b);
int cmp_noop(const void *a, const void *b);
void sortlist(char s);
void printlist(void);
uint blockidxtoblocknum(uint idx);
void copydirblkptrs(uint blkidx);
void copydirent(uint srcblk, uint srcent, uint dstblk, uint dstent, uint device);
uchar sortblock(uint device, uint dstblk);
uchar writedir(uchar device);
uchar writefreelist(uchar device);
void freeblocks(void);
void subtitle(char *s);
void interactive(void);
void processdir(uint device, uint blocknum);
void checkfreeandused(uchar device);
void zeroblock(uchar device, uint blocknum);
void zerofreeblocks(uchar device, uint freeblks);
#ifdef CMDLINE
void usage(void);
void parseargs(void);
#ifdef AUXMEM
/* Aux memory copy routine */
#define FROMAUX 0
#define TOAUX 1
void copyaux(char *src, char *dst, uint len, uchar dir) {
char **a1 = (char**)0x3c;
char **a2 = (char**)0x3e;
char **a4 = (char**)0x42;
*a1 = src;
*a2 = src + len - 1; // AUXMOVE moves length+1 bytes!!
*a4 = dst;
if (dir == TOAUX) {
__asm__("sec"); // Copy main->aux
__asm__("jsr $c311"); // AUXMOVE
} else {
__asm__("clc"); // Copy aux->main
__asm__("jsr $c311"); // AUXMOVE
/* Extremely simple aux memory allocator */
char *auxalloc(uint bytes) {
char *p = auxp;
auxp += bytes;
if (auxp > (char*)ENDAUX1)
return auxalloc2(bytes);
return p;
/* Extremely simple aux memory allocator */
char *auxalloc2(uint bytes) {
char *p = auxp2;
auxp2 += bytes;
if (auxp2 < p) // ie: wrap around $ffff
err(FATAL, err_noaux);
return p;
/* Lock aux memory below address provided
* Must be in main bank
void lockaux(void) {
auxlockp = auxp;
/* Free all aux memory above lock address */
void freeallaux() {
auxp = (char*)auxlockp;
auxp2 = (char*)STARTAUX2;
/* Horizontal line */
void hline(void) {
void hlinechar(char c) {
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
void confirm() {
puts("[Press any key to restart system]");
/* LANGUAGE CARD BANK 2 0xd400-x0dfff 3KB */
#pragma code-name (push, "LC")
* Display error message
void err(enum errtype severity, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list v;
uint rv = 0;
rebootafterexit(); // Necessary if we were called from BASIC
if (severity == FINISHED) {
if (errcount == 0)
printf("DONE - no errors found.\n");
printf("DONE - %u errors\n", errcount);
switch (severity) {
case FATAL:
fputs(((rv > 0) ? " ** " : " "), stdout);
va_start(v, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, v);
if (rv > 0) {
printf("\nStopping after %u errors\n", errcount);
* Disable GSOS block cache and flush any unwritten changes
void flushall(void) {
// short ff[2];
// ResetCacheGS(0); /* Disable block caching */
// ff[0] = 1;
// ff[1] = 0;
// FlushGS(ff);
* Read block from disk using ProDOS call
* buf must point to buffer with at least 512 bytes
int readdiskblock(uchar device, uint blocknum, char *buf) {
int rc;
#ifdef CHECK
if (flloaded)
if (isfree(blocknum))
err(NONFATAL, err_blfree1, blocknum);
// BlockRec br;
// br.blockDevNum = device;
// br.blockDataBuffer = buf;
// br.blockNum = blocknum;
// READ_BLOCK(&br);
// int rc = toolerror();
// if (rc) {
// err(FATAL, "Blk read failed, err=%x", rc);
// return -1;
// }
rc = dio_read(dio_hdl, blocknum, buf);
if (rc)
err(FATAL, err_rdblk2, blocknum, rc);
return 0;
* Write block from disk using ProDOS call
* buf must point to buffer with at least 512 bytes
int writediskblock(uchar device, uint blocknum, char *buf) {
int rc;
if ((strcmp(currdir, "LIB") == 0) ||
(strcmp(currdir, "LIBRARIES") == 0)) {
printf("Not writing lib dir %s\n", currdir);
return 0;
// DIORecGS dr;
// dr.pCount = 6;
// dr.devNum = device;
// dr.buffer = buf;
// dr.requestCount = BLKSZ;
// dr.startingBlock = blocknum;
// dr.blockSize = BLKSZ;
// DWriteGS(&dr);
// if (dr.transferCount != BLKSZ) {
// err(FATAL, "Blk write failed");
// return -1;
// }
rc = dio_write(dio_hdl, blocknum, buf);
if (rc)
err(FATAL, err_wtblk2, blocknum, rc);
return 0;
* Uses the vers and minvers fields of the directory entry
* as a bitmap representing which characters are upper and which are
* lowercase
void fixcase(char *in, char *out, uchar minvers, uchar vers, uchar len) {
uint i;
uchar idx = 0;
if (!(vers & 0x80)) {
for (idx = 0; idx < NMLEN; ++idx)
out[idx] = in[idx];
out[len] = '\0';
vers <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
out[idx] = ((vers & 0x80) ? tolower(in[idx]) : in[idx]);
vers <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
out[idx] = ((minvers & 0x80) ? tolower(in[idx]) : in[idx]);
minvers <<= 1;
out[len] = '\0';
* Convert filename pointed to by p into lower case (which is recorded
* as a bitmap in the vers and minvers fields.
void lowercase(char *p, uchar len, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers) {
uint i;
uchar idx = 0;
*vers = 0x01;
*minvers = 0x00;
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
*vers <<= 1;
if ((idx < len) && isalpha(p[idx++]))
*vers |= 0x01;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
*minvers <<= 1;
if ((idx < len) && isalpha(p[idx++]))
*minvers |= 0x01;
* Convert filename pointed to by p into upper case (which is recorded
* as a bitmap in the vers and minvers fields.
void uppercase(char*, uchar, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers) {
*vers = 0x00;
*minvers = 0x00;
* Convert filename pointed to by p into to have first letter capitalized
* (which is recorded as a bitmap in the vers and minvers fields.
* If mode = 0 then just uppercase the initial char ("Read.me")
* otherwise camel-case the name ("Read.Me")
void initialcase(uchar mode, char *p, uchar len, uchar *minvers, uchar *vers) {
uint i;
uchar idx = 0;
uchar capsflag = 1;
*vers = 0x01;
*minvers = 0x00;
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
*vers <<= 1;
if ((idx < len) && isalpha(p[idx++]))
if (!capsflag)
*vers |= 0x01;
if ((mode == 1) && !isalpha(p[idx-1]))
capsflag = 1;
capsflag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
*minvers <<= 1;
if ((idx < len) && isalpha(p[idx++]))
if (!capsflag)
*minvers |= 0x01;
if ((mode == 1) && !isalpha(p[idx-1]))
capsflag = 1;
capsflag = 0;
//segment "extra";
* Read the first block of a directory and deduce the device ID and block
* number of the first block of the directory.
void firstblk(char *dirname, uchar *device, uint *block) {
struct pd_dirhdr *hdr;
struct pd_dirent *ent;
int fp;
uint len;
uint parentblk, parententry, parententlen;
uchar slot, drive;
uchar *lastdev = (uchar*)0xbf30; /* Last device accessed by ProDOS */
fp = open(dirname, O_RDONLY);
if (!fp) {
err(FATAL, err_odir1, dirname);
goto ret;
len = read(fp, buf, BLKSZ);
if (len != BLKSZ) {
err(FATAL, err_rddir1, dirname);
goto ret;
// struct stat st;
// if (stat(dirname, &st) == -1)
// err(FATAL, "Can't stat %s", dirname);
// if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
// err(FATAL, "%s is not a directory", dirname);
// *device = st.st_dev;
* lastdev is in the following format:
* ProDOS 2.5+ DSSS00DD (supports drives 1-8 for each slot)
* ProDOS 2.x DSSS0000 (supports drives 1-2 for each slot)
*device = *lastdev;
slot = (*lastdev & 0x70) >> 4;
drive = ((*lastdev & 0x80) >> 7) + ((*lastdev & 0x03) << 1) + 1;
printf("[Slot %u, Drive %u]\n", slot, drive);
*device = slot + (drive - 1) * 8;
dio_hdl = dio_open(*device);
hdr = (struct pd_dirhdr*)(buf + PTRSZ);
/* Detect & handle volume directory */
if ((hdr->typ_len & 0xf0) == 0xf0) {
*block = 2;
goto ret;
#ifdef CHECK
if ((hdr->typ_len & 0xf0) != 0xe0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_stype2, hdr->typ_len & 0xf0, "dir");
goto ret;
/* Handle subdirectory */
parentblk = hdr->parptr[0] + 256U * hdr->parptr[1];
parententry = hdr->parentry;
parententlen = hdr->parentlen;
/* Read parent directory block */
if (readdiskblock(*device, parentblk, buf) == -1)
err(FATAL, err_rdpar);
ent = (struct pd_dirent *)(buf + PTRSZ + (parententry-1) * parententlen);
*block = ent->keyptr[0] + 256U * ent->keyptr[1];
if (fp)
#pragma code-name (pop)
* Parse mtime or ctime fields and populate the fields of the datetime struct
* Supports the legacy ProDOS date/time format as used by ProDOS 1.0->2.4.0
* and also the new format introduced with ProDOS 2.5.
void readdatetime(uchar time[4], struct datetime *dt) {
uint d = time[0] + 256U * time[1];
uint t = time[2] + 256U * time[3];
if ((d == 0) && (t == 0)) {
dt->nodatetime = 1;
dt->nodatetime = 0;
if (!(t & 0xe000)) {
/* ProDOS 1.0 to 2.4.2 date format */
dt->year = (d & 0xfe00) >> 9;
dt->month = (d & 0x01e0) >> 5;
dt->day = d & 0x001f;
dt->hour = (t & 0x1f00) >> 8;
dt->minute = t & 0x003f;
dt->ispd25format = 0;
if (dt->year < 40) /* See ProDOS-8 Tech Note 48 */
dt->year += 2000;
dt->year += 1900;
} else {
/* ProDOS 2.5.0+ */
dt->year = t & 0x0fff;
dt->month = ((t & 0xf000) >> 12) - 1;
dt->day = (d & 0xf800) >> 11;
dt->hour = (d & 0x07c0) >> 6;
dt->minute = d & 0x003f;
dt->ispd25format = 1;
* Write the date and time stored in struct datetime in ProDOS on disk format,
* storing the bytes in array time[]. Supports both legacy format
* (ProDOS 1.0-2.4.2) and the new date and time format introduced
* with ProDOS 2.5
void writedatetime(struct datetime *dt, uchar time[4]) {
uint d, t;
if (dt->nodatetime == 1) {
time[0] = time[1] = time[2] = time[3] = 0;
if (dt->ispd25format == 0) {
/* ProDOS 1.0 to 2.4.2 date format */
uint year = dt->year;
if (year > 2039) /* 2039 is last year */
year = 2039;
if (year < 1940) /* 1940 is first year */
year = 1940;
if (year >= 2000)
year -= 2000;
if (year >= 1900)
year -= 1900;
d = (year << 9) | (dt->month << 5) | dt->day;
t = (dt->hour << 8) | dt->minute;
} else {
/* ProDOS 2.5.0+ */
t = ((dt->month + 1) << 12) | dt->year;
d = (dt->day << 11) | (dt->hour << 6) | dt->minute;
time[0] = d & 0xff;
time[1] = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
time[2] = t & 0xff;
time[3] = (t >> 8) & 0xff;
* Print date/time value for directory listing
void printdatetime(struct datetime *dt) {
if (dt->nodatetime)
fputs("-------- --:--", stderr);
else {
if (dt->ispd25format)
printf("%02d%02d%02d %02d:%02d",
dt->year, dt->month, dt->day, dt->hour, dt->minute);
* Determine whether or not to perform a fix
* Return 0 not to perform fix, 1 to perform fix
uint askfix(void) {
if (strlen(fixopts) == 0)
return 0;
fputs(": Fix (y/n)? ", stdout);
switch (fixopts[0]) {
case '-':
if (tolower(getchar()) == 'y')
return 1;
return 0;
case 'y':
fputs("y", stdout);
return 1;
fputs("n", stdout);
return 0;
* Read the free list
int readfreelist(uchar device) {
uint i, f;
char *p;
#ifdef AUXMEM
bzero(buf, BLKSZ);
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
copyaux(buf, freelist + i * BLKSZ, BLKSZ, TOAUX);
copyaux(buf, usedlist + i * BLKSZ, BLKSZ, TOAUX);
bzero(freelist, FLSZ);
bzero(usedlist, FLSZ);
markused(0); /* Boot block */
markused(1); /* SOS boot block */
if (readdiskblock(device, 2, buf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, 2);
return -1;
flblk = f = buf[0x27] + 256U * buf[0x28];
totblks = buf[0x29] + 256U * buf[0x2a];
if (doverbose)
printf("Volume has %u blocks\n", totblks);
flsize = totblks / 4096U;
if ((totblks % 4096) > 0)
p = (char*)freelist;
for (i = 0; i < flsize; ++i) {
#ifdef AUXMEM
if (readdiskblock(device, f++, buf) == -1) {
if (readdiskblock(device, f++, p) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdfl);
return -1;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(buf, p, BLKSZ, TOAUX);
p += BLKSZ;
flloaded = 1;
return 0;
* Determine if block blk is free or not
int isfree(uint blk) {
uchar temp;
uint idx = blk / 8;
uint bit = blk % 8;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(freelist + idx, &temp, 1, FROMAUX);
return (temp << bit) & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
return (freelist[idx] << bit) & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
* Determine if block blk is used or not
int isused(uint blk) {
uchar temp;
uint idx = blk / 8;
uint bit = blk % 8;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(usedlist + idx, &temp, 1, FROMAUX);
return (temp << bit) & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
return (usedlist[idx] << bit) & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
* Mark a block as used
void markused(uint blk) {
uchar temp;
uint idx = blk / 8;
uint bit = blk % 8;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(usedlist + idx, &temp, 1, FROMAUX);
temp |= (0x80 >> bit);
copyaux(&temp, usedlist + idx, 1, TOAUX);
usedlist[idx] |= (0x80 >> bit);
* Mark a block as not used and add it to freelist
void trimdirblock(uint blk) {
uchar temp;
uint idx = blk / 8;
uint bit = blk % 8;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(usedlist + idx, &temp, 1, FROMAUX);
temp &= ~(0x80 >> bit);
copyaux(&temp, usedlist + idx, 1, TOAUX);
copyaux(freelist + idx, &temp, 1, FROMAUX);
temp |= (0x80 >> bit);
copyaux(&temp, freelist + idx, 1, TOAUX);
usedlist[idx] &= ~(0x80 >> bit);
freelist[idx] |= (0x80 >> bit);
flchanged = 1;
* Perform all the operations to check a block which is used by
* a directory or file. Complains if the block is on the free-list
* and also if we have encountered this block in a previous file or dir.
void checkblock(uint blk, char *msg) {
if (isfree(blk))
err(WARN, err_blfree2, msg, blk);
if (isused(blk))
err(WARN, err_blused2, msg, blk);
#ifdef CHECK
* Count the blocks in a seedling file
int seedlingblocks(uchar, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt) {
checkblock(keyblk, "Data");
int seedlingblocks(uchar, uint, uint *blkcnt) {
*blkcnt = 1;
return 0;
* Count the blocks in a sapling file
int saplingblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt) {
uint i, p;
checkblock(keyblk, "Data");
if (readdiskblock(device, keyblk, buf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, keyblk);
return -1;
*blkcnt = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
p = buf[i] + 256U * buf[i+256];
if (p) {
checkblock(p, "Data");
return 0;
* Count the blocks in a tree file
int treeblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt) {
uint i, p, b;
checkblock(keyblk, "Tree index");
if (readdiskblock(device, keyblk, buf2) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, keyblk);
return -1;
*blkcnt = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
p = buf2[i] + 256U * buf2[i+256];
if (p) {
if (saplingblocks(device, p, &b) == 0)
*blkcnt += b;
return -1;
return 0;
* Count the blocks in a GSOS fork file
* See http://1000bit.it/support/manual/apple/technotes/pdos/tn.pdos.25.html
int forkblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, uint *blkcnt) {
uint count, d_blks, r_blks, d_keyblk, r_keyblk;
uchar d_type, r_type;
checkblock(keyblk, "Fork key");
if (readdiskblock(device, keyblk, buf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, keyblk);
return -1;
*blkcnt = 1;
d_type = buf[0x00];
d_keyblk = buf[0x01] + 256U * buf[0x02];
d_blks = buf[0x03] + 256U * buf[0x04];
r_type = buf[0x100];
r_keyblk = buf[0x101] + 256U * buf[0x102];
r_blks = buf[0x103] + 256U * buf[0x104];
/* Data fork */
switch (d_type) {
case 0x1:
/* Seedling */
seedlingblocks(device, d_keyblk, &count);
case 0x2:
/* Sapling */
saplingblocks(device, d_keyblk, &count);
case 0x3:
/* Tree */
treeblocks(device, d_keyblk, &count);
err(NONFATAL, err_stype2, d_type, "data fork");
count = 0;
if (d_blks != count) {
if (count != 0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_forksz3, "Data", d_blks, count);
// TODO: Need to rethink the fix mode here ... it was buggy anyhow
// if (askfix() == 1) {
// buf[0x03] = count & 0xff;
// buf[0x04] = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
// }
*blkcnt += count;
/* Resource fork */
switch (r_type) {
case 0x1:
/* Seedling */
seedlingblocks(device, r_keyblk, &count);
case 0x2:
/* Sapling */
saplingblocks(device, r_keyblk, &count);
case 0x3:
/* Tree */
treeblocks(device, r_keyblk, &count);
err(NONFATAL, err_stype2, r_type, "res fork");
count = 0;
if (r_blks != count) {
if (count != 0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_forksz3, "Res", r_blks, count);
if (askfix() == 1) {
// TODO: Need to rethink the fix mode here ... it was buggy anyhow
// buf[0x103] = count & 0xff;
// buf[0x104] = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
*blkcnt += count;
return 0;
* Count the blocks in a subdirectory
int subdirblocks(uchar device, uint keyblk, struct pd_dirent *ent,
uint blocknum, uint blkentries, uint *blkcnt) {
struct pd_dirhdr *hdr;
uchar parentry, parentlen;
uint parblk;
char *dirname;
if (!dorecurse)
checkblock(keyblk, "Directory");
if (readdiskblock(device, keyblk, buf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, keyblk);
return -1;
*blkcnt = 1;
hdr = (struct pd_dirhdr*)(buf + PTRSZ);
parentry = hdr->parentry;
parentlen = hdr->parentlen;
parblk = hdr->parptr[0] + 256U * hdr->parptr[1];
if (parblk != blocknum) {
err(NONFATAL, err_parblk3, "blk", parblk, blocknum);
if (askfix() == 1) {
hdr->parptr[0] = blocknum & 0xff;
hdr->parptr[1] = (blocknum >> 8) & 0xff;
if (parentry != blkentries) {
err(NONFATAL, err_parblk3, "entry", parentry, blkentries);
if (askfix() == 1) {
hdr->parentry = blkentries;
if (parentlen != ENTSZ) {
err(NONFATAL, err_parblk3, "entry size", parentlen, ENTSZ);
if (askfix() == 1) {
hdr->parentlen = ENTSZ;
dirname = buf + 0x05;
if (strncmp(dirname, ent->name, NMLEN)) {
err(NONFATAL, err_sdname);
blocknum = buf[0x02] + 256U * buf[0x03];
while (blocknum) {
if (!dorecurse)
checkblock(blocknum, "Directory");
if (readdiskblock(device, blocknum, buf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, blocknum);
return -1;
blocknum = buf[0x02] + 256U * buf[0x03];
return 0;
* Record the keyblock of a subdirectory to be processed subsequently
* blocknum is the block number of the subdirectory keyblock
* subdiridx is a sequential counter of the subdirs in the current directory
void enqueuesubdir(uint blocknum, uint subdiridx) {
static struct dirblk *prev;
struct dirblk *p = (struct dirblk*)malloc(sizeof(struct dirblk));
if (!p)
err(FATALALLOC, err_nomem);
p->blocknum = blocknum;
if (subdiridx == 0) { /* First subdir is inserted at head of list */
p->next = dirs;
dirs = p;
} else { /* Subsequent subdirs follow the previous */
p->next = prev->next;
prev->next = p;
prev = p;
* Read a directory, store the raw directory blocks in a linked list.
* device is the device number containing the directory
* blocknum is the block number of the first block of the directory
int readdir(uint device, uint blocknum) {
static char namebuf[NMLEN+1];
struct pd_dirhdr *hdr;
struct block *curblk;
struct datetime dt;
ulong eof;
uint filecount, idx, subdirs, blks, keyblk, hdrblk, entries, auxtype;
#ifdef CHECK
uint count;
uchar blkentries, i;
uint errsbefore = errcount;
uint blkcnt = 1;
uint hdrblknum = blocknum;
numfiles = 0;
blocks = (struct block*)malloc(sizeof(struct block));
if (!blocks)
err(FATALALLOC, err_nomem);
curblk = blocks;
curblk->next = NULL;
curblk->blocknum = blocknum;
#ifdef AUXMEM
curblk->data = auxalloc(BLKSZ);
checkblock(blocknum, "Directory");
if (readdiskblock(device, blocknum, dirblkbuf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, blocknum);
goto done;
hdr = (struct pd_dirhdr*)(dirblkbuf + PTRSZ);
entsz = hdr->entlen;
entperblk = hdr->entperblk;
filecount = hdr->filecnt[0] + 256U * hdr->filecnt[1];
fixcase(hdr->name, currdir,
hdr->vers, hdr->minvers, hdr->typ_len & 0x0f);
printf("Directory %s (%u", currdir, filecount);
printf(" %s)\n", filecount == 1 ? "entry" : "entries");
fputs(" Name Blk EOF Typ Aux Perm Modified Created OK", stdout);
#ifdef CHECK
if (entsz != ENTSZ) {
err(NONFATAL, err_entsz2, entsz, ENTSZ);
goto done;
if (entperblk != ENTPERBLK) {
err(NONFATAL, err_entblk2, entperblk, ENTPERBLK);
goto done;
idx = entsz + PTRSZ; /* Skip header */
blkentries = 2;
entries = 0;
subdirs = 0;
while (1) {
uint errsbeforeent = errcount;
struct pd_dirent *ent = (struct pd_dirent*)(dirblkbuf + idx);
if (ent->typ_len != 0) {
if (strlen(caseopts) > 0) {
switch (caseopts[0]) {
case 'u':
ent->typ_len & 0x0f,
case 'l':
ent->typ_len & 0x0f,
case 'i':
ent->typ_len & 0x0f,
case 'c':
ent->typ_len & 0x0f,
err(FATALBADARG, err_invopt, "case");
if (strlen(dateopts) > 0) {
struct datetime ctime, mtime;
readdatetime(ent->ctime, &ctime);
readdatetime(ent->mtime, &mtime);
switch (dateopts[0]) {
case 'n':
ctime.ispd25format = 1;
mtime.ispd25format = 1;
case 'o':
ctime.ispd25format = 0;
mtime.ispd25format = 0;
err(FATALBADARG, err_invopt, "date");
writedatetime(&ctime, ent->ctime);
writedatetime(&mtime, ent->mtime);
fixcase(ent->name, namebuf,
ent->vers, ent->minvers, ent->typ_len & 0x0f);
switch (ent->typ_len & 0xf0) {
case 0x10:
fputs("s ", stdout);
case 0x20:
fputs("S ", stdout);
case 0x30:
fputs("T ", stdout);
case 0x40:
fputs("P ", stdout);
case 0x50:
fputs("F ", stdout);
case 0xd0:
fputs("D ", stdout);
fputs("? ", stdout);
fputs(namebuf, stdout);
for (i = 0; i < 16 - strlen(namebuf); ++i)
putchar(' ');
blks = ent->blksused[0] + 256U * ent->blksused[1];
eof = ent->eof[0] + 256L * ent->eof[1] + 65536L * ent->eof[2];
auxtype = ent->auxtype[0] + 256L * ent->auxtype[1];
printf("%4d %8ld %02x %04x %c%c%c%c%c%c",
blks, eof, ent->type,auxtype,
(ent->access & 0x80) ? 'D' : '-',
(ent->access & 0x40) ? 'R' : '-',
(ent->access & 0x20) ? 'B' : '-',
(ent->access & 0x04) ? 'I' : '-',
(ent->access & 0x02) ? 'w' : '-',
(ent->access & 0x01) ? 'r' : '-');
readdatetime(ent->ctime, &dt);
putchar(' ');
readdatetime(ent->mtime, &dt);
putchar(' ');
putchar(' ');
keyblk = ent->keyptr[0] + 256U * ent->keyptr[1];
hdrblk = ent->hdrptr[0] + 256U * ent->hdrptr[1];
#ifdef CHECK
if (ent->access & 0x18) {
err(NONFATAL, err_access);
if (askfix() == 1)
ent->access &= 0xe7;
if (hdrblk != hdrblknum) {
err(NONFATAL, err_hdrblk2, hdrblk, hdrblknum);
if (askfix() == 1) {
ent->hdrptr[0] = hdrblknum & 0xff;
ent->hdrptr[1] = (hdrblknum >> 8)&0xff;
switch (ent->typ_len & 0xf0) {
case 0xd0:
/* Subdirectory */
enqueuesubdir(keyblk, subdirs++);
#ifdef CHECK
subdirblocks(device, keyblk, ent,
blocknum, blkentries, &count);
#ifdef CHECK
case 0x10:
/* Seedling */
seedlingblocks(device, keyblk, &count);
case 0x20:
/* Sapling */
saplingblocks(device, keyblk, &count);
case 0x30:
/* Tree */
treeblocks(device, keyblk, &count);
case 0x40:
/* Pascal area */
puts(" Pascal area!!");
// TODO: Check name is PASCAL.AREA type 0xef
count = 0;
case 0x50:
/* File with resource fork */
forkblocks(device, keyblk, &count);
err(NONFATAL, err_stype2, ent->typ_len & 0xf0, "entry");
count = 0;
#ifdef CHECK
if (blks != count) {
if (count != 0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_used2, blks, count);
if (askfix() == 1) {
ent->blksused[0] = count & 0xff;
ent->blksused[1] = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
if (errcount == errsbeforeent) {
#ifdef CHECK
puts(" *");
} else
if (blkentries == entperblk) {
blocknum = dirblkbuf[0x02] + 256U * dirblkbuf[0x03];
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(dirblkbuf, curblk->data, BLKSZ, TOAUX);
memcpy(curblk->data, dirblkbuf, BLKSZ);
if (blocknum == 0) {
curblk->next = (struct block*)malloc(sizeof(struct block));
if (!curblk->next)
err(FATALALLOC, err_nomem);
curblk = curblk->next;
curblk->next = NULL;
curblk->blocknum = blocknum;
#ifdef AUXMEM
curblk->data = auxalloc(BLKSZ);
checkblock(blocknum, "Directory");
if (readdiskblock(device, blocknum, dirblkbuf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_rdblk1, blocknum);
goto done;
blkentries = 1;
idx = PTRSZ;
} else {
idx += entsz;
if (filecount != entries) {
err(NONFATAL, err_count2, filecount, entries);
if (askfix() == 1) {
hdr->filecnt[0] = entries & 0xff;
hdr->filecnt[1] = (entries >> 8) & 0xff;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(dirblkbuf, curblk->data, BLKSZ, TOAUX);
memcpy(curblk->data, dirblkbuf, BLKSZ);
return errcount - errsbefore;
#ifdef SORT
* Build filelist[], the table used by the sorting algorithm.
* s - character representing the sorting mode
* callidx - if 0, the routine populates the table, otherwise it updates
* and existing table
* Returns 1 on error, 0 if OK.
uchar buildsorttable(char s, uchar callidx) {
static char namebuf[NMLEN+1];
uint off;
uchar entry, i;
struct datetime dt;
struct pd_dirent *ent;
uint idx = 0;
struct block *b = blocks;
uchar firstent = 2; /* Skip first entry of first block */
uchar blkidx = 1;
while (b) {
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(b->data, dirblkbuf, BLKSZ, FROMAUX);
memcpy(dirblkbuf, b->data, BLKSZ);
for (entry = firstent; entry <= ENTPERBLK; ++entry) {
off = PTRSZ + (entry - 1) * entsz;
ent = (struct pd_dirent*)(dirblkbuf + off);
if (ent->typ_len != 0) {
if (callidx == 0) {
/* Build filelist[] on first call for each dir */
filelist[idx].blockidx = blkidx;
filelist[idx].entrynum = entry;
} else {
/* On subsequent calls Find existing entry in list and update it */
for (idx = 0; idx < numfiles; ++idx)
if ((filelist[idx].blockidx == blkidx) &&
(filelist[idx].entrynum == entry))
switch (tolower(s)) {
case 'n':
case 'i':
fixcase(ent->name, namebuf,
ent->vers, ent->minvers, ent->typ_len & 0x0f);
bzero(filelist[idx].name, NMLEN);
for (i = 0; i < (ent->typ_len & 0x0f); ++i)
filelist[idx].name[i] = namebuf[i];
case 'd':
case 't':
filelist[idx].type = ent->type;
case 'b':
filelist[idx].blocks =
ent->blksused[0] + 256U * ent->blksused[1];
case 'e':
filelist[idx].eof =
ent->eof[0] + 256L * ent->eof[1] + 65536L * ent->eof[2];
case 'c':
readdatetime(ent->ctime, &dt);
case 'm':
readdatetime(ent->mtime, &dt);
sprintf(filelist[idx].datetime, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute);
if (++idx == maxfiles) {
err(NONFATAL, err_many);
return 1;
b = b->next;
firstent = 1;
if (callidx == 0)
numfiles = idx;
return 0;
* Compare - filename sort in ascending order
int cmp_name_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncmp(((struct fileent*)a)->name,
((struct fileent*)b)->name, NMLEN);
* Compare - filename sort in descending order
int cmp_name_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncmp(((struct fileent*)b)->name,
((struct fileent*)a)->name, NMLEN);
* Compare - filename sort in ascending order - case insensitive
int cmp_name_asc_ci(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncasecmp(((struct fileent*)a)->name,
((struct fileent*)b)->name, NMLEN);
* Compare - filename sort in descending order - case insensitive
int cmp_name_desc_ci(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncasecmp(((struct fileent*)b)->name,
((struct fileent*)a)->name, NMLEN);
* Compare - date/time sort in ascending order
int cmp_datetime_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncmp(((struct fileent*)a)->datetime,
((struct fileent*)b)->datetime, 16);
* Compare - date/time sort in descending order
int cmp_datetime_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strncmp(((struct fileent*)b)->datetime,
((struct fileent*)a)->datetime, 16);
* Compare - type sort in ascending order
* Uses the order field to make qsort() stable
int cmp_type_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
int rc = aa->type - bb->type;
return rc != 0 ? rc : aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - type sort in descending order
* Uses the order field to make qsort() stable
int cmp_type_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
int rc = bb->type - aa->type;
return rc != 0 ? rc : aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - sort with directories at the beginning
* Uses the order field to make qsort() stable
int cmp_dir_beg(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
if ((aa->type == 0x0f) && (bb->type != 0x0f))
return -1;
if ((bb->type == 0x0f) && (aa->type != 0x0f))
return 1;
return aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - sort with directories at the end
* Uses the order field to make qsort() stable
int cmp_dir_end(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
if ((aa->type == 0x0f) && (bb->type != 0x0f))
return 1;
if ((bb->type == 0x0f) && (aa->type != 0x0f))
return -1;
return aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - sort in increasing order of blocks used
int cmp_blocks_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
int rc = aa->blocks - bb->blocks;
return rc != 0 ? rc : aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - sort in decreasing order of blocks used
int cmp_blocks_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
int rc = bb->blocks - aa->blocks;
return rc != 0 ? rc : aa->order - bb->order;
* Compare - sort in increasing order of EOF position
int cmp_eof_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
long diff = aa->eof - bb->eof;
if (diff == 0)
return aa->order - bb->order;
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
return -1;
* Compare - sort in decreasing order of EOF position
int cmp_eof_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
long diff = bb->eof - aa->eof;
if (diff == 0)
return aa->order - bb->order;
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
return -1;
* Compare - no-op compare which leaves order unchanged
int cmp_noop(const void *a, const void *b) {
struct fileent *aa = (struct fileent*)a;
struct fileent *bb = (struct fileent*)b;
return aa->order - bb->order;
* Sort filelist[]
* s defines the field to sort on
void sortlist(char s) {
uint i;
char ss = tolower(s);
* We only populate the order field when NOT sorting by name.
* This lets us save two bytes by overflowing the name field into the
* order field.
if ((ss != 'n') && (ss != 'i')) {
for (i = 0; i < numfiles; ++i) {
filelist[i].order = i;
switch (s) {
case 'n':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_name_asc);
case 'N':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_name_desc);
case 'i':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_name_asc_ci);
case 'I':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_name_desc_ci);
case 'c':
case 'm':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_datetime_asc);
case 'C':
case 'M':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_datetime_desc);
case 't':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_type_asc);
case 'T':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_type_desc);
case 'd':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_dir_beg);
case 'D':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_dir_end);
case 'b':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_blocks_asc);
case 'B':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_blocks_desc);
case 'e':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_eof_asc);
case 'E':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_eof_desc);
case '.':
qsort(filelist, numfiles, sizeof(struct fileent), cmp_noop);
err(FATALBADARG, err_invopt, "sort");
* Convert block index to block number
* Block index is 1-based (1,2,3 ...)
uint blockidxtoblocknum(uint idx) {
uint i;
struct block *p = blocks;
for (i = 1; i < idx; ++i)
p = p->next;
return p->blocknum;
* Copy the 4 bytes of pointers from the directory block with index idx
* to the start of dirblkbuf[]; zeroes the rest of dirblkbuf[].
void copydirblkptrs(uint idx) {
uint i;
struct block *p = blocks;
for (i = 1; i < idx; ++i)
p = p->next;
bzero(dirblkbuf, BLKSZ);
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(p->data, dirblkbuf, PTRSZ, FROMAUX);
memcpy(dirblkbuf, p->data, PTRSZ);
* Copy a file entry from one srcblk, srcent to dstblk, dstent
* All indices are 1-based.
* dstblk is written to dirblkbuf[]
void copydirent(uint srcblk, uint srcent, uint dstblk, uint dstent, uint device) {
struct block *source = blocks;
struct pd_dirent *ent;
struct pd_dirhdr *hdr;
char *srcptr, *dstptr;
uint parentblk;
if (dodebug) {
printf(" from dirblk %03u entry %02u", srcblk, srcent);
printf(" to dirblk %03u entry %02u\n", dstblk, dstent);
while (--srcblk > 0)
source = source->next;
srcptr = source->data + PTRSZ + (srcent-1) * entsz;
dstptr = dirblkbuf + PTRSZ + (dstent-1) * entsz;
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(srcptr, dstptr, entsz, FROMAUX);
memcpy(dstptr, srcptr, entsz);
/* For directories, update the parent dir entry number */
ent = (struct pd_dirent*)dstptr;
if ((ent->typ_len & 0xf0) == 0xd0) {
uint block = ent->keyptr[0] + 256U * ent->keyptr[1];
if (readdiskblock(device, block, buf) == -1)
err(NONFATAL, err_updsdir1, "read");
hdr = (struct pd_dirhdr*)(buf + PTRSZ);
parentblk = blockidxtoblocknum(dstblk);
hdr->parptr[0] = parentblk & 0xff;
hdr->parptr[1] = (parentblk >> 8) & 0xff;
hdr->parentry = dstent;
if (dowrite) {
if (writediskblock(device, block, buf) == -1)
err(NONFATAL, err_updsdir1, "write");
* Build sorted directory block dstblk (1,2,3...) using the sorted list in
* filelist[]. Note that the block and entry numbers are 1-based indices.
* Returns 1 if last block of directory, 0 otherwise.
uchar sortblock(uint device, uint dstblk) {
uint i, firstlistent, lastlistent;
uchar destentry, rc = 0;
if (dstblk == 1) {
copydirent(1, 1, 1, 1, device); /* Copy directory header */
destentry = 2; /* Skip header on first block */
firstlistent = 0;
lastlistent = entperblk - 2;
} else {
destentry = 1;
firstlistent = (dstblk - 1) * entperblk - 1;
lastlistent = firstlistent + entperblk - 1;
if (lastlistent > numfiles - 1) {
lastlistent = numfiles - 1;
#ifdef TRIMDIR
// TODO: Fix EOF for directory
#ifdef AUXMEM
dirblkbuf[2] = dirblkbuf[3] = 0; /* Set next ptr to NULL */
p->data[2] = p->data[3] = 0; /* Set next ptr to NULL */
rc = 1;
rc = 0;
for (i = firstlistent; i <= lastlistent; ++i) {
copydirent(filelist[i].blockidx, filelist[i].entrynum,
dstblk, destentry++, device);
return rc;
* Build each sorted directory block in turn, then write them
* out to disk.
uchar writedir(uchar device) {
uint dstblk = 1;
uchar finished = 0;
struct block *b = blocks;
while (b) {
if (!finished) {
finished = sortblock(device, dstblk++);
if (writediskblock(device, b->blocknum, dirblkbuf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_wtblk1, b->blocknum);
return 1;
} else {
/* Standard volume directory is blocks 2-5 (4 blocks)
* We will not trim volume directory to less than 4 blocks
if (b->blocknum > 5) {
puts("Trimming dir blk");
b = b->next;
return 0;
* Write the freelist back to disk.
uchar writefreelist(uchar device) {
uchar b;
puts("Writing freelist ...");
for (b = 0; b < flsize; ++b) {
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(freelist + b * BLKSZ, dirblkbuf, BLKSZ, FROMAUX);
memcpy(dirblkbuf, freelist + b * BLKSZ, BLKSZ);
if (writediskblock(device, flblk, dirblkbuf) == -1) {
err(NONFATAL, err_wtblk1, flblk);
return 1;
return 0;
* Walk through the linked list freeing memory
void freeblocks(void) {
struct block *i = blocks, *j;
while (i) {
j = i->next;
i = j;
blocks = NULL;
void subtitle(char *s) {
uchar i;
fputs(s, stdout);
for (i = strlen(s); i < 79; ++i)
putchar(' ');
void interactive(void) {
char w, l, d, f, wrt;
char z;
uchar level;
doverbose = 1;
hlinechar(' ');
fputs("S O R T D I R v0.89 alpha Use ^ to return to previous question", stdout);
hlinechar(' ');
fputs("Enter start path>", stdout);
putchar(' ');
scanf("%s", buf);
getchar(); // Eat the carriage return
dowholedisk = dorecurse = 0;
subtitle("What to process");
do {
fputs("| [-] Directory | [t] Tree | [v] Volume | |", stdout);
w = getchar();
} while (strchr("-tv^", w) == NULL);
if (w == '^')
goto q1;
switch (w) {
case 't':
dorecurse = 1;
case 'v':
dorecurse = 1;
dowholedisk = 1;
subtitle("Multi-level directory sort");
// 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
fputs("| Lower case option ascending order, upper case option descending order |", stdout);
fputs("| [nN] Name | [iI] Name (case-insens) | [tT] Type | [dD] Directories |", stdout);
fputs("| [cC] Creation | [mM] Modification | [bB] Blocks | [eE] EOF Position |", stdout);
fputs("| [-] Done | [.] Just compact dir | | |", stdout);
for (level = 0; level < NLEVELS; ++level) {
do {
printf("\nLevel %d > ", level+1);
sortopts[level] = getchar();
} while (strchr("-.nNiItTdDcCmMbBeE^", sortopts[level]) == NULL);
if (sortopts[level] == '-') {
sortopts[level] = '\0';
if (sortopts[level] == '^')
goto q2;
sortopts[NLEVELS] = '\0';
subtitle("Filename case conversion");
do {
// 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
fputs("| [-] No change | | | |", stdout);
fputs("| [l] Lowercase | [u] Uppercase | [i] Initial | [c] Camelcase |", stdout);
l = getchar();
} while (strchr("-luic^", l) == NULL);
if (l == '^')
goto q3;
if (l != '-')
caseopts[0] = l;
subtitle("Date format conversion");
do {
fputs("| [-] No change | [n] 'New' ProDOS 2.5+ | [o] 'Old' legacy format |",stdout);
d = getchar();
} while (strchr("-no^", d) == NULL);
if (d == '^')
goto q4;
if (d != '-')
dateopts[0] = d;
subtitle("Attempt to fix errors?");
do {
fputs("| [-] Always ask | [y] Always fix | [n] Never fix |", stderr);
f = getchar();
} while (strchr("-yn^", f) == NULL);
if (f == '^')
goto q5;
fixopts[0] = ((f == '-') ? 'n' : f);
if (w == 'v') {
subtitle("Zero free space?");
do {
fputs("| [-] No | [z] Zero free blocks | |", stderr);
z = getchar();
} while (strchr("-z^", z) == NULL);
if (z == '^')
goto q6;
if (z == 'z')
dozero = 1;
subtitle("Confirm write to disk");
do {
fputs("| [-] No | [w] Write to disk | |", stderr);
wrt = getchar();
} while (strchr("-w^", wrt) == NULL);
if (wrt == '^')
goto q6;
if (wrt == 'w')
dowrite = 1;
* Performs all actions for a single directory
* blocknum is the keyblock of the directory to process
void processdir(uint device, uint blocknum) {
uchar i, errs;
if (readdir(device, blocknum) != 0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_nosort);
goto done;
#ifdef SORT
if (strlen(sortopts) > 0) {
if (doverbose)
fputs("Sorting: ", stdout);
for (i = 0; i < strlen(sortopts); ++i) {
if (doverbose)
printf("[%c] ", sortopts[i]);
if (buildsorttable(sortopts[i], i) != 0) {
err(NONFATAL, err_nosort);
goto done;
if (doverbose)
if (dowrite) {
puts("Writing dir ...");
errs = writedir(device);
} else {
fputs("Not writing dir", stdout);
#ifdef AUXMEM
* Iterate through freelist[] and usedlist[] and see if all is well.
* If we have visited all files and directories on the volume, every
* block should either be marked free or marked used.
void checkfreeandused(uchar device) {
uchar fl, ul, bit;
uint byte, blk = 0, blkcnt = 0;
printf("Total blks %u", totblks);
for (byte = 0; byte < flsize * BLKSZ; ++byte) {
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(freelist + byte, &fl, 1, FROMAUX);
copyaux(usedlist + byte, &ul, 1, FROMAUX);
fl = freelist[byte];
ul = usedlist[byte];
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) {
if (blk >= totblks)
if ((fl << bit) & 0x80) {
/* Free */
if ((ul << bit) & 0x80) {
/* ... and used */
err(NONFATAL, err_blfree1, blk);
if (askfix() == 1) {
fl &= ~(0x80 >> bit);
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(&fl, freelist + byte, 1, TOAUX);
freelist[byte] = fl;
flchanged = 1;
} else {
/* Not free */
if (!((ul << bit) & 0x80)) {
/* ... and not used */
err(NONFATAL, err_blused1, blk);
if (askfix() == 1) {
fl |= (0x80 >> bit);
#ifdef AUXMEM
copyaux(&fl, freelist + byte, 1, TOAUX);
freelist[byte] = fl;
flchanged = 1;
printf("\nFree blks %u\n", totblks - blkcnt);
if (dozero)
zerofreeblocks(device, totblks - blkcnt);
* Zero block blocknum
void zeroblock(uchar device, uint blocknum) {
bzero(buf, BLKSZ);
if (writediskblock(device, blocknum, buf) == -1)
err(FATAL, err_wtblk1, blocknum);
// DIORecGS dr;
// dr.pCount = 6;
// dr.devNum = device;
// dr.buffer = buf;
// dr.requestCount = BLKSZ;
// dr.startingBlock = blocknum;
// dr.blockSize = BLKSZ;
// DWriteGS(&dr);
// if (dr.transferCount != BLKSZ)
// err(FATAL, "Block write failed");
* Zero all free blocks on the volume
void zerofreeblocks(uchar device, uint freeblks) {
uint i, step = freeblks / 60, ctr = 0;
puts("Zeroing free blocks ...");
for (i = 0; i < totblks; ++i)
if (isfree(i)) {
zeroblock(device, i);
if (ctr == step) {
ctr = 0;
puts("\nDone zeroing!");
#ifdef CMDLINE
void usage(void) {
printf("usage: sortdir [-s xxx] [-n x] [-rDwvVh] path\n\n");
printf(" Options: -s xxx Directory sort options\n");
printf(" -n x Filename upper/lower case options\n");
printf(" -d x Date format conversion options\n");
printf(" -f x Fix mode\n");
printf(" -r Recursive descent\n");
printf(" -D Whole-disk mode (implies -r)\n");
printf(" -w Enable writing to disk\n");
printf(" -z Zero free space\n");
printf(" -v Verbose output\n");
printf(" -V Verbose debugging output\n");
printf(" -h This help\n");
printf("-nx: Upper/lower case filenames, where x is:\n");
printf(" l convert filenames to lower case eg: read.me\n");
printf(" u convert filenames to upper case eg: READ.ME\n");
printf(" i convert filenames to initial upper case eg: Read.me\n");
printf(" c convert filenames to camel case eg: Read.Me\n");
printf("-dx: Date/time on-disk format conversion, where x is:\n");
printf(" n convert to new (ProDOS 2.5+) format\n");
printf(" o convert to old (ProDOS 1.0-2.4.2, GSOS) format\n");
printf("-sxxx: Dir sort, where xxx is a list of fields to sort\n");
printf("on. The sort options are processed left-to-right.\n");
printf(" n sort by filename ascending\n");
printf(" N sort by filename descending\n");
printf(" i sort by filename ascending - case insensitive\n");
printf(" I sort by filename descending - case insensitive\n");
printf(" c sort by create date/time ascending\n");
printf(" C sort by create date/time descending\n");
printf(" m sort by modify date/time ascending\n");
printf(" M sort by modify date/time descending\n");
printf(" t sort by type ascending\n");
printf(" T sort by type descending\n");
printf(" d sort directories to top\n");
printf(" D sort directories to bottom\n");
printf(" b sort by blocks used ascending\n");
printf(" B sort by blocks used descending\n");
printf(" e sort by EOF position ascending\n");
printf(" E sort by EOF position descending\n");
printf("-fx: Fix mode, where x is:\n");
printf(" - prompt for each fix\n");
printf(" n never fix\n");
printf(" y always fix (be careful!)\n");
printf("e.g.: sortdir -w -s nf .\n");
printf("Will sort the current directory first by name (ascending),\n");
printf("then sort directories to the top, and will write the\n");
printf("sorted directory to disk.\n");
err(FATAL, err_usage);
#define MAXNUMARGS 10
int argc;
char *argv[MAXNUMARGS];
void parseargs() {
char *p;
char i = 0, s = 0, prev = ' ';
argc = 1;
for (p = (char*)0x200; p <= (char*)0x27f; ++p) {
*p &= 0x7f;
if ((*p == 0) || (*p == 0x0d)) {
argv[argc - 1] = buf + s;
if (*p == ' ') {
if (prev != ' ') {
buf[i++] = '\0';
argv[argc - 1] = buf + s;
s = i;
} else {
buf[i++] = *p;
prev = *p;
//int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int main() {
#ifdef CMDLINE
int opt;
uchar dev;
uint blk;
uchar *pp;
pp = (uchar*)0xbf98;
if (!(*pp & 0x02))
err(FATAL, err_80col);
#ifdef AUXMEM
if ((*pp & 0x30) != 0x30)
err(FATAL, err_128K);
// Clear system bit map
for (pp = (uchar*)0xbf58; pp <= (uchar*)0xbf6f; ++pp)
*pp = 0;
_heapadd((void*)0x0800, 0x1800);
//printf("\nHeap: %u %u\n", _heapmemavail(), _heapmaxavail());
#ifdef AUXMEM
freelist = (uchar*)auxalloc(FLSZ);
freelist = (uchar*)malloc(FLSZ);
if (!freelist)
err(FATALALLOC, err_nomem);
#ifdef AUXMEM
usedlist = (uchar*)auxalloc(FLSZ);
usedlist = (uchar*)malloc(FLSZ);
if (!usedlist)
err(FATALALLOC, err_nomem);
#ifdef AUXMEM
lockaux(); // Protect free list and used list
buf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * BLKSZ);
buf2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * BLKSZ);
dirblkbuf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * BLKSZ);
//printf("\nHeap: %u %u\n", _heapmemavail(), _heapmaxavail());
maxfiles = _heapmaxavail() / sizeof(struct fileent);
printf("[%u]\n", maxfiles);
filelist = (struct fileent*)malloc(sizeof(struct fileent) * maxfiles);
#ifdef CMDLINE
#ifdef CMDLINE
if (argc == 1)
else {
if (argc < 2)
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "DrwvVzs:n:f:d:h")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'D':
dowholedisk = 1;
dorecurse = 1;
case 'r':
dorecurse = 1;
case 'w':
dowrite = 1;
case 'v':
doverbose = 1;
case 'V':
dodebug = 1;
case 'z':
dozero = 1;
dowholedisk = 1;
dorecurse = 1;
case 's':
strncpy(sortopts, optarg, NLEVELS);
case 'n':
strncpy(caseopts, optarg, 1);
case 'f':
strncpy(fixopts, optarg, 1);
case 'd':
strncpy(dateopts, optarg, 1);
case 'h':
if (optind != argc - 1)
#ifdef CMDLINE
firstblk(((argc == 1) ? buf : argv[optind]), &dev, &blk);
firstblk(buf, &dev, &blk);
if (dowholedisk)
processdir(dev, 2);
processdir(dev, blk);
if (dorecurse) {
while (dirs) {
struct dirblk *d = dirs;
blk = dirs->blocknum;
dirs = d->next;
processdir(dev, blk);
if (dowholedisk) {
if (dowrite && flchanged)
// free(usedlist); /// TODO This is crashing ATM
err(FINISHED, "");
return 0; // Just to shut up warning