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synced 2025-03-13 14:31:13 +00:00
266 lines
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Executable File
266 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Bobbi June 2020
# Alternative server for ADTPro's VEDRIVE.SYSTEM
# Virtual Ethernet Drive for Apple II / ProDOS
# See https://www.adtpro.com/protocolv1.html
pd25 = False # Default to old-style date/time --prodos25 to use new format
file1 = "/home/pi/virtual-1.po" # Disk image drive 1 --disk1 to override
file2 = "/home/pi/virtual-2.po" # Disk image drive 2 --disk2 to override
import socket
import time
import os
import getopt
import sys
IP = "::"
PORT = 6502
BLKSZ = 512
# vt100 colour codes for pretty printing
BLK = '\033[90m'
RED = '\033[91m'
GRN = '\033[92m'
YEL = '\033[93m'
BLU = '\033[94m'
MAG = '\033[95m'
CYN = '\033[96m'
WHT = '\033[97m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
# Globals
systemd = False # True if running under Systemd
packet = 1 # Sent packet counter
prevblk = -1 # Last block read/written
prevdrv = -1 # Last drive read/written
prevop = -1 # Last operation (read or write)
prevcs = -1 # Previous checksum
col = 0 # Used to control logging printout
# Get date/time bytes
def getDateTimeBytes():
global pd25
t = time.localtime()
dt = []
if pd25:
# ProDOS 2.5+
word1 = 2048 * t.tm_mday + 64 * t.tm_hour + t.tm_min
word2 = 4096 * (t.tm_mon + 1) + t.tm_year
# Legacy ProDOS <2.5
word1 = t.tm_mday + 32 * t.tm_mon + 512 * (t.tm_year - 2000)
word2 = t.tm_min + 256 * t.tm_hour
dt.append(word1 & 0xff)
dt.append((word1 & 0xff00) >> 8)
dt.append(word2 & 0xff)
dt.append((word2 & 0xff00) >> 8)
return dt
# Append byte b to list l, return updated checksum
def appendbyte(l, b, csin):
return csin ^ b
# Pretty print info about each request
def printinfo(drv, blknum, isWrite, isError, cs):
global systemd, prevblk, prevdrv, prevop, prevcs, col
if drv != prevdrv:
print('\n{}Drive {}{}'.format(BLU, drv, ENDC))
col = 0
e = '+' if ((blknum == prevblk) and (drv == prevdrv) and (isWrite == prevop) and (cs == prevcs)) else ' '
e = 'X' if isError else e
if systemd:
c = 'W' if isWrite else 'R'
print(' {0}{1}{2:05d}{3}'.format(e, c, blknum, ENDC), end='', flush=True)
c = RED if isWrite else GRN
print('{0} {1}{2:05d}{3}'.format(c, e, blknum, ENDC), end='', flush=True)
col += 1
if col == 8:
col = 0
prevblk = blknum
prevdrv = drv
prevop = isWrite
prevcs = cs
# Read block with date/time update
def read3(sock, addr, d):
global packet
if d[1] == 0x03:
file = file1
drv = 1
file = file2
drv = 2
blknum = d[2] + 256 * d[3]
err = False
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
b = blknum * BLKSZ
block = f.read(BLKSZ)
err = True
dt = getDateTimeBytes()
l = []
appendbyte(l, packet & 0xff, 0) # Packet number
packet += 1
cs = appendbyte(l, 0xc5, 0) # "E"
cs = appendbyte(l, d[1], cs) # 0x03 or 0x05
cs = appendbyte(l, d[2], cs) # Block num LSB
cs = appendbyte(l, d[3], cs) # Block num MSB
cs = appendbyte(l, dt[0], cs) # Time of day LSB
cs = appendbyte(l, dt[1], cs) # Time of day MSB
cs = appendbyte(l, dt[2], cs) # Date LSB
cs = appendbyte(l, dt[3], cs) # Date MSB
appendbyte(l, cs, cs) # Checksum for header
# Signal read errors by responding with incorrect checksum
if err:
cs += 1
cs = 0
for i in range (0, BLKSZ):
cs = appendbyte(l, block[i], cs)
appendbyte(l, cs, cs) # Checksum for datablock
printinfo(drv, blknum, False, err, cs)
b = sock.sendto(bytearray(l), addr)
#print('Sent {} bytes to {}'.format(b, addr))
# Write block
def write(sock, addr, d):
global packet
if d[1] == 0x02:
file = file1
drv = 1
file = file2
drv = 2
cs = 0
for i in range (0, BLKSZ):
cs ^= d[i+5]
blknum = d[2] + 256 * d[3]
err = False
if cs == d[517]:
with open(file, 'r+b') as f:
b = blknum * BLKSZ
for i in range (0, BLKSZ):
err = True # Write error
err == True # Bad checksum
# Signal write errors by responding with bad data checksum.
# Use sender's checksum + 1, so there is never an inadvertent match.
if err:
cs = d[517] + 1
l = []
appendbyte(l, packet & 0xff, 0) # Packet number
packet += 1
appendbyte(l, 0xc5, 0) # "E"
appendbyte(l, d[1], 0) # 0x02 or 0x04
appendbyte(l, d[2], 0) # Block num LSB
appendbyte(l, d[3], 0) # Block num MSB
appendbyte(l, cs, 0) # Checksum of datablock
printinfo(drv, blknum, True, err, cs)
b = sock.sendto(bytearray(l), addr)
#print('Sent {} bytes to {}'.format(b, addr))
def usage():
print('usage: veserver [OPTION]...')
print(' -h, --help Show this help');
print(' -p, --prodos25 Use ProDOS 2.5 date/time format');
print(' -1 FNAME, --disk1=FNAME Specify filename for disk 1 image');
print(' -2 FNAME, --disk2=FNAME Specify filename for disk 2 image');
# Entry point
# Check whether we are running under Systemd or not
if 'INVOCATION_ID' in os.environ:
systemd = True
short_opts = "hp1:2:"
long_opts = ["help", "prodos25", "disk1=", "disk2="]
args, vals = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
except getopt.error as e:
print (str(e))
for a, v in args:
if a in ('-h', '--help'):
elif a in ('-p', '--prodos25'):
pd25 = True
elif a in ('-1', '--disk1'):
file1 = v
elif a in ('-2', '--disk2'):
file2 = v
print("VEServer v1.0")
if pd25:
print("ProDOS 2.5+ Clock Driver")
print("Legacy ProDOS Clock Driver")
print("Disk 1: {}".format(file1))
print("Disk 2: {}".format(file2))
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s:
s.bind((IP, PORT))
print("veserver - listening on UDP port {}".format(PORT))
while True:
data, address = s.recvfrom(1024)
#print('Received {} bytes from {}'.format(len(data), address))
if (data[0] == 0xc5):
if (data[1] == 0x03) or (data[1] == 0x05):
read3(s, address, data)
elif (data[1] == 0x02) or (data[1] == 0x04):
write(s, address, data)