2017-07-05 19:33:05 +08:00

358 lines
14 KiB

* CREATE call
Create JSR LookFile ;Check for duplicate / get free entry
BCS TestFnF ;Error code in A-reg may be 'file not found'
LDA #dupPathname ;Tell 'em a file of that name already exists
CrErr1 SEC ;Indicate error encountered
RTS ;Return error in A-reg
TestFnF CMP #fileNotFound ;'file not found' is what we want
BNE CrErr1 ;Pass back other error
LDY #c_fileKind ;Test for "tree" or directory file
LDA (parm),Y ;No other kinds are legal
CMP #tree+1 ;Is it seed, sapling, or tree?
BCC :1 ;Branch if it is
CMP #directoryFile
BNE CrTypErr ;Report type error if not directory.
:1 LDA DevNum ;Before proceeding, make sure destination
JSR TestWrProtZ ; device is not write protected...
LDA noFree ;Is there space in directory to add this file?
BEQ XtnDir ;Branch if not
JMP CreateZ ;Otherwise, go create file
CrTypErr LDA #badStoreType
SEC ;Indicate error
XtnDir LDA ownersBlock ;Before extending directory,
ORA ownersBlock+1 ; make sure it is a sub-directory!!!
BNE :11
LDA #volDirFull ;Otherwise report directory full error.
:11 LDA blockNum ;Preserve disk addr of current (last)
LDA blockNum+1 ; directory link, before allocating
PHA ; an extend block
JSR Alloc1Blk ;Allocate a block for extending directory
STX blockNum+1 ;Restore block addr of directory stuff in gbuf
STX blockNum
BCS CrRtn ;Branch if unable to allocate
STA genBuf+2 ;Save low block address in current directory
STY genBuf+3 ; & hi addr too
JSR WrtGBuf ;Go update dir. block with new link
BCS CrRtn ;(report any errors.)
LDX #$01
SwapBloks LDA blockNum,X ;Now prepare new directory block
STA genBuf,X ;Use current block as back link
LDA genBuf+2,X
STA blockNum,X ; & save new block as next to be written
BPL SwapBloks
INX ;Now X=0
TXA ; and A=0 too
ClrDir STA genBuf+2,X
STA genBuf+$100,X
BNE ClrDir
JSR WrtGBuf ;Write prepared directory extension
BCS CrRtn ;Report errors
LDA ownersBlock
LDX ownersBlock+1
JSR RdBlkAX ;Read in 'parent' directory block
LDX ownersEnt ;Prepare to calculate entry address
LDA #genBuf/256
STA dirBufPtr+1
LDA #$04 ;Skip 4-byte blk link ptrs
DEX ;Has entry addr been computed?
BEQ :21 ;Branch if yes
ADC ownersLen ;Bump to next entry adr
INC dirBufPtr+1 ;Entry must be in second 256 of block
BCS OCalc ;Branch always
:21 STA dirBufPtr
LDY #d_usage ;Index to block count
:loop LDA (dirBufPtr),Y
ADC dIncTbl-d_usage,Y;Add 1 to block count and
STA (dirBufPtr),Y
TYA ; $200 to the directory's end of file
EOR #d_eof+3 ;Done with usage/eof update?
BNE :loop ;Branch if not
JSR WrtGBuf ;Go update parent
BCS :2
JMP Create
:2 RTS
CreateZ EQU * ;Build new file
* Zero general purpose buffer ($DC00-$DDFF)
ZeroGBuf LDX #$00
ClrGBuf STZ genBuf,X ;Zero out genBuf
STZ genBuf+$100,X
BNE ClrGBuf ;loop until zipped!
LDY #c_time+1 ;Move user specified date/time
:loop1 LDA (parm),Y ; to directory entry
STA d_file+d_creDate-c_date,y
TXA ;If all four bytes of date/time are zero
ORA (parm),Y ; then use built in date/time
DEY ;Have all four bytes been moved and tested?
CPY #c_fileKind
BNE :loop1 ;Branch if not
TXA ;Does user want default time?
BNE :1 ;Branch if not
LDX #$03
:loop2 LDA DateLo,X ;Move current default date/time
STA d_file+d_creDate,X
BPL :loop2
:1 LDA (parm),Y ;(y is indexing fileKind)
CMP #tree+1
LDA #seedling*16 ;Assume tree type
BCC :2
LDA #directoryFile*16;Its dir since file kind has already been verified
:2 LDX namPtr ;Get index to 'local' name of pathname
ORA pathBuf,X ;Combine file kind with name length
STA d_file+d_stor ;(sos calls this 'storage type')
AND #$0F ;Strip back to name length
TAY ; & use as count-down for move
ADC namPtr ;Calculate end of name
CrName LDA pathBuf,X ;Now move local name as filename
STA d_file+d_stor,Y
DEY ;All characters transfered?
BNE CrName ;Branch if not
LDY #c_attr ;Index to 'access' parameter
LDA (parm),Y
STA d_file+d_attr
INY ;Also move 'file identification'
LDA (parm),Y
STA d_file+d_fileID
:loop1 INY ; & finally, the auxillary
LDA (parm),Y ; identifcation bytes
STA d_file+d_auxID-c_auxID,Y
CPY #c_auxID+1
BNE :loop1
LDA XDOSver ;Save current xdos version number
STA d_file+d_sosVer
LDA compat ; & backward compatiblity number
STA d_file+d_comp
LDA #$01 ;Usage is always 1 block
STA d_file+d_usage
LDA d_head ;Place back pointer to header block
STA d_file+d_dHdr
LDA d_head+1
STA d_file+d_dHdr+1
LDA d_file+d_stor ;Get storage type again
AND #$E0 ;Is it a directory?
BEQ CrAlocBlk ;Branch if seed file
LDX #30 ;Move header to data block
:loop2 LDA d_file+d_stor,X
STA genBuf+4,X
BPL :loop2
EOR #$30 ;($Dn->$En) last byte is fileKind/namlen
STA genBuf+4 ;Make it a directory header mark
LDX #$07 ;Now overwrite password area
:loop3 LDA Pass,X ; and other header info
STA genBuf+4+hPassEnable,X
STA genBuf+4+hVer,X
BPL :loop3
LDX #$02 ; & include info about 'parent directory
STX d_file+d_eof+1
:loop4 LDA d_entBlk,X
STA genBuf+4+hOwnerBlk,X
BPL :loop4
LDA h_entLen ;Lastly the length of parent's dir entries
STA genBuf+4+hOwnerLen
CrAlocBlk JSR Alloc1Blk ;Get address of file's data block
BCS CrErr3 ;Branch if error encountered
STA d_file+d_first
STY d_file+d_first+1
STA blockNum
STY blockNum+1
JSR WrtGBuf ;Go write data block of file
BCS CrErr3
INC h_fileCnt ;Add 1 to total # of files in this directory
BNE :1
INC h_fileCnt+1
:1 JSR ReviseDir ;Go revise directories with new file
BCS CrErr3
JMP UpdateBitMap ;Lastly, update volume bitmap
* Point dirBufPtr ($48/$49) at directory entry
EntCalc LDA #genBuf/256 ;Set high address of directory
STA dirBufPtr+1 ; entry index pointer
LDA #$04 ;Calculate address of entry based
LDX d_entNum ; on the entry number
:loop1 CLC
:loop2 DEX ;addr=genBuf+((entnum-1)*entlen)
BEQ :exitLoop
ADC h_entLen
BCC :loop2
INC dirBufPtr+1 ;Bump hi address
BCS :loop1 ;Branch always
:exitLoop STA dirBufPtr ;Save newly calculated low address
CrErr3 EQU *
DError2 RTS ;Return errors
* Update directory(s)
ReviseDir LDA DateLo ;If no clock,
BEQ ReviseDirZ ; then don't touch mod time/date
LDX #$03
:loop LDA DateLo,X ;Move last modification date/time
STA d_file+d_modDate,X; to entry being updated
BPL :loop
ReviseDirZ LDA d_file+d_attr ;Mark entry as backupable
ORA bkBitFlg ; bit 5 = backup needed bit
STA d_file+d_attr
LDA d_dev ;Get device number of directory
STA DevNum ; to be revised
LDA d_entBlk ; & address of directory block
LDX d_entBlk+1
JSR RdBlkAX ;Read block into general purpose buffer
BCS DError2
JSR EntCalc ;Fix up pointer to entry location within gbuf
LDY h_entLen ;Now move 'd_' stuff to directory
:loop1 LDA d_file+d_stor,Y
STA (dirBufPtr),Y
BPL :loop1
LDA d_head ;Is the entry block the same as the
CMP blockNum ; entry's header block?
BNE SavEntDir ;No, save entry block
LDA d_head+1 ;Maybe, test high addresses
CMP blockNum+1
BEQ UpHead ;Branch if they are the same block
SavEntDir JSR WrtGBuf ;Write updated directory block
BCS DError2 ;Return any error
LDA d_head ;Get address of header block
LDX d_head+1
JSR RdBlkAX ;Read in header block for modification
BCS DError2
UpHead LDY #$01 ;Update current # of files in this directory
:loop2 LDA h_fileCnt,Y
STA genBuf+hFileCnt+4,Y;(current entry count)
BPL :loop2
LDA h_attr ;Also update header's attributes
STA genBuf+hAttr+4
JSR WrtGBuf ;Go write updated header
BCS DError1
Ripple LDA genBuf+4 ;Test for 'root' directory
AND #$F0 ;If it is root, then dir revision is complete
EOR #$F0 ;(leaves carry clear)
BEQ DirRevDone ;Branch if ripple done
LDA genBuf+hOwnerEnt+4;Get entry number &
STA d_entNum
LDA genBuf+hOwnerEnt+5; the length of entries in that dir
STA h_entLen
LDA genBuf+hOwnerBlk+4;Get addr of parent entry's dir block
LDX genBuf+hOwnerBlk+5
JSR RdBlkAX ;Read that sucker in
BCS DError1
JSR EntCalc ;Get indirect ptr to parent entry in genBuf
LDA DateLo ;Don't touch mod
BEQ RUpdate ; if no clock...
LDX #$03 ;Now update the modification date
LDY #d_modDate+3 ; & time for this entry too
RipTime LDA DateLo,X
STA (dirBufPtr),Y
BPL RipTime ;Move all for bytes...
* Write updated entry back to disk. (Assumes blockNum undisturbed)
RUpdate JSR WrtGBuf
BCS DError1 ;Give up on any error
LDY #d_dHdr ;Now compare current block number to
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ; this entry's header block
CMP blockNum ;Are low addresses the same?
STA blockNum ;(save it in case it's not)
BNE :1 ;Branch if entry does not reside in same block as header
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ;Check high address just to be sure
CMP blockNum+1
BEQ Ripple ;They are the same, continue ripple to root directory
:1 LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ;They aren't the same,
STA blockNum+1 ; read in this directory's header
BCC Ripple ;Continue if read was good
DError1 RTS
TestErr LDA #unknownVol ;Not tree or dir - not a recognized type!
* Is this a ProDOS vol?
TestSOS LDA genBuf ;Test SOS stamp
ORA genBuf+1
BNE TestErr
LDA genBuf+4 ;Test for header
AND #$E0
CMP #$E0
BNE TestErr ;Branch if not SOS header (no error number)
DirRevDone CLC ;Indicate no error