2017-07-05 19:33:05 +08:00

399 lines
16 KiB

* Close Call
Close LDY #c_refNum ;Close all?
LDA (parm),Y
BNE Close1 ;No, just one of 'em
STA clsFlshErr ;Clear global close error
LDA #$00 ;Begin at the beginning
ClsAll STA fcbPtr ;Save current low byte of pointer
TAY ;Fetch the level at which
LDA fcb+fcbLevel,Y ; file was opened
CMP Level ;Test against current global level
BCC NxtClose ;Don't close if files level is < global level
LDA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Is this reference file open?
BEQ NxtClose ;No, try next
JSR FlushZ ;Clean it out...
BCS ClosErr ;Return flush errors
JSR CloseZ ;Update FCB & VCB
LDY #c_refNum
LDA (parm),Y
BEQ NxtClose ;No err if close all
BCS ClosErr
NxtClose LDA fcbPtr
ADC #fcbSize
BCC ClsAll ;Branch if within same page
LDA clsFlshErr ;On final close of close all report logged errors
BEQ ClosEnd ;Branch if errors
RTS ;Carry already set (see BCC)
Close1 JSR Flush1 ;Flush file first (including updating bit map)
BCS ClosErr ;Report errors immediately!!
CloseZ LDY fcbPtr
LDA fcb+fcbFileBuf,Y;Release file buffer
JSR ReleaseBuf
BCS ClosErr
LDA #$00
LDY fcbPtr
STA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Free file control block too
LDA fcb+fcbDevNum,Y
STA DevNum
JSR ScanVCB ;Go look for associated VCB
LDX vcbPtr ;Get vcbptr
DEC vcb+vcbOpenCnt,X;Indicate one less file open
BNE ClosEnd ;Branch if that wasn't the last...
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X
AND #$7F ;Strip 'files open' bit
STA vcb+vcbStatus,X
ClosEnd CLC
ClosErr BCS FlushErr ;Don't report close all err now
Flush LDY #c_refNum ;Flush all?
LDA (parm),Y
BNE Flush1 ;No, just one of 'em
STA clsFlshErr ;Clear global flush error
LDA #$00 ;Begin at the beginning
:loop STA fcbPtr ;Save current low byte of pointer
TAY ;Index to reference number
LDA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Is this reference file open?
BEQ :1 ;No, try next
JSR FlushZ ;Clean it out..
BCS FlushErr ;Return any errors
:1 LDA fcbPtr ;Bump pointer to next file control block
ADC #fcbSize
BCC :loop ;Branch if within same page
FlushEnd CLC
LDA clsFlshErr ;On last flush of a flush(0)
BEQ :Ret ;Branch if no logged errors
SEC ;Report error now
:Ret RTS
FlushZ JSR FndFCBuf ;Must set up assoc vcb & buffer locations first
BCC Flush2a ;Branch if no error encountered
FlushErr JMP GlbErr ;Check for close or flush all
Flush1 STZ clsFlshErr ;Clear gbl flush error for normal refnum flush
JSR FindFCB ;set up pointer to fcb user references
BCS FlushErr ;return any errors
Flush2a EQU * ;Test to see if file is modified
LDA fcb+fcbAttr,Y ;First test write enabled
AND #writeEnable
BEQ FlushEnd ;Branch if 'read only'
LDA fcb+fcbDirty,Y ;See if eof has been modified
BMI :11 ;Branch if it has
JSR GetFCBStat ;now test for data modified
AND #useMod+eofMod+dataMod; was written to while it's been open?
BEQ FlushEnd ;Branch if file not modified
:11 JSR GetFCBStat ;Now test for data modified
AND #dataMod ;Does current data buffer need
BEQ :12 ; to be written? Branch if not
JSR WrFCBData ;If so, go write it stupid!
BCS FlushErr
:12 JSR GetFCBStat ;Check to see if the index block
AND #idxMod ; (tree files only) needs to be written
BEQ :13 ;Branch if not...
BCS FlushErr ;Return any errors
:13 LDA #fcbEntNum ;Now prepare to update directory
ORA fcbPtr ;(This should preserved Carry-bit)
OwnerMov LDA fcb,Y ;Note: this code depends on the
STA d_dev-1,X ; defined order of the file control
DEY ; block and the temporary directory
DEX ; area in 'workspc'! *************
BNE OwnerMov
STA DevNum
LDA d_head ;Read the directory header for this file
LDX d_head+1
JSR RdBlkAX ;Read it into the general purpose buffer
BCS FlushErr ;Branch if error
JSR MoveHeadZ ;Move header info
LDA d_entBlk ;Get address of directory block
LDY d_entBlk+1 ; that contains the file entry
CMP d_head ;Test to see if it's the same block that
BNE FlsHdrBlk ; the header is in. Branch if not
CPY d_head+1
BEQ Flush5 ;Branch if header block = entry block
FlsHdrBlk STA blockNum
STY blockNum+1
JSR RdGBuf ;Get block with file entry in general buffer
Flush5 JSR EntCalc ;Set up pointer to entry
JSR MovEntry ;Move entry to temp entry buffer in 'workspc'
LDY fcbPtr ;Update 'blocks used' count
LDA fcb+fcbBlksUsed,Y
STA d_file+d_usage
LDA fcb+fcbBlksUsed+1,Y
STA d_file+d_usage+1;hi byte too...
LDX #$00 ;and move in end of file mark
EOFupdate LDA fcb+fcbEOF,Y ; whether we need to or not
STA d_file+d_eof,X
INX ;Move all three bytes
CPX #$03
BEQ :21
LDA fcb+fcbFirst,Y ;Also move in the address of
STA d_file+d_first-1,X; the file's first block since
INY ; it might have changed since the file
BNE EOFupdate ; first opened. Branch always taken
:21 LDA fcb+fcbStorTyp-2,Y;the last thing to update
ASL ; is storage type (y=fcbPtr+2)
ASL ;(shift it into the hi nibble)
STA scrtch
LDA d_file+d_stor ;Get old type byte (it might be the same)
AND #$0F ;Strip off old type
ORA scrtch ;Add in the new type,
STA d_file+d_stor ; & put it away
JSR ReviseDir ;Go update directory!
BCS GlbErr
LDY fcbPtr ;Mark
LDA fcb+fcbDirty,Y ; FCB/directory
AND #$FF-fcbMod ; as not
STA fcb+fcbDirty,Y ; dirty
LDA d_dev ;See if bitmap should be written
CMP bmaDev ;Is it in same as current file?
BNE :22 ;Yes, put it on the disk if necessary
JSR UpdateBitMap ;Go put it away
BCS GlbErr
:22 CLC
GlbErr LDY #c_refNum ;Report error immediately
PHA ; only if not a close all or flush all
LDA (parm),Y
BNE :31 ;Not an 'all' so report now
STA clsFlshErr ;Save for later
:31 PLA
* Get status of FCB
GetFCBStat LDY fcbPtr ;Index to fcb
LDA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ;Return status byte
RTS ;That is all...
SetErr LDA #invalidAccess
SetEOF JSR GfcbStorTyp ;Only know how to move eof of tree, sapling, or seed
CMP #tree+1
BCS SetErr
ASL ;=$10,$20,$30
STA storType ;May be used later for trimming the tree...
LDA fcb+fcbAttr,Y ;Now check to insure write is enabled
AND #writeEnable ;Can we set new eof?
BEQ SetErr ;Nope, access error
JSR TestWrProt ;Find out if mod is posible (H/W write protect)
BCS SetErr
LDY fcbPtr ;Save old EOF
LDX #$02 ; so it can be seen
SetSave LDA fcb+fcbEOF,Y ; whether blocks need
STA oldEOF,X ; to be released
DEY ; upon
DEX ; contraction
BPL SetSave ;All three bytes of the eof
LDY #c_eof+2
LDX #$02
NewEOFPos LDA (parm),Y ;Position mark to new EOF
STA tPosll,X
LDX #$02 ;Point to third byte
PurgeTest LDA oldEOF,X ;See if EOF moved backwards
CMP tPosll,X ; so blocks can
BCC EOFset ; be released (branch if not)
BNE Purge ;Branch if blocks to be released
BPL PurgeTest ;All three bytes
EOFset LDY #c_eof+2
LDX fcbPtr ;Place new end of file into FCB
:loop LDA (parm),Y
STA fcb+fcbEOF,X
CPY #c_eof ;All three bytes moved?
BCS :loop ;Branch if not...
JMP FCBUsed ;Mark fcb as dirty... all done
Purge JSR Flush1 ;Make sure file is current
LDX dataPtr+1 ;Restore pointer to index block
INX ;(zero page conflict with dirPtr)
STX tIndex+1
LDX dataPtr
STX tIndex
LDY fcbPtr ;Find out if eof < mark
LDX #$02
NewEOFtest LDA fcb+fcbMark,Y
CMP tPosll,X ;Compare until not equal or carry clear
BCC SetEOF1 ;branch if eof>mark (mark is b4 new EOF)
BNE SetEOF0 ;branch if eof<mark
BPL NewEOFtest ;Loop on all three bytes
SetEOF0 LDY fcbPtr
LDX #$00
FakeEOF LDA tPosll,X ;Fake position, correct position
STA fcb+fcbMark,Y
INY ; will be made below...
INX ;Move all three bytes
CPX #$03
SetEOF1 JSR TakeFreeCnt ;Force proper free blk cnt before releasing blocks
LDA tPosll ;Now prepare for purge of excess blocks...
STA dSeed ;All blocks and bytes beyond new
LDA tPoslh ; EOF must be zeroed!
STA dSap
AND #$01
STA dSeed+1 ;(=0/1)
LDA tPosHi
STA dTree
ROR dSap ;Pass position in terms of block & bytes
LDA dSeed ;Now adjust for boundaries of $200
ORA dSeed+1 ;(block boundaries)
BNE SetEOF3 ;Branch if no adjustment necessary
LDA dSap ;Get correct block positions
SEC ; for sap & tree levels
SBC #$01
STA dSap ;Deallocate for last (phantom) block
LDA #$02 ; & don't modify last data block
BCS SetEOF2 ;branch if tree level unaffected
DEC dTree ;But if it is affected, make sure new eof # 0
BPL SetEOF2 ;Branch if new eof not zero
LDA #$00 ;Otherwise, just make a null seed out of it
STA dTree
STA dSap
SetEOF2 STA dSeed+1 ;(On fall thru, =0 else = 2)
SetEOF3 LDY fcbPtr ;Also must pass file's first block addr
LDA fcb+fcbFirst,Y ; which is its keyblk
STA firstBlkL
LDA fcb+fcbFirst+1,Y
STA firstBlkH
STZ deBlock ;Lastly, number of blocks to be
STZ deBlock+1 ; freed should be initialized
JSR DeTree ;Go defoliate...
PHP ;Save any error status until
PHA ; FCB is cleaned up!
LDY fcbPtr
LDX #$00
AdjFCB LDA firstBlkL,X
STA fcb+fcbFirst,Y ;Move in posible new first file block addr
LDA fcb+fcbBlksUsed,Y;Adjust usage count also
SBC deBlock,X
STA fcb+fcbBlksUsed,Y
AND #$01 ;Test for both bytes adjusted
BNE AdjFCB ; without disturbing carry
LDA storType ;get possibly modified storage type
LDY fcbPtr ;save it in fcb
STA fcb+fcbStorTyp,Y
JSR ClrStats ;Make it look as though position has
JSR DvcbRev ; nothing allocated, update total blocks in VCB
LDY fcbPtr ;Now correct position stuff
LDX #$02
CorrectPos LDA fcb+fcbMark,Y ;Tell RdPosn to go to correct
STA tPosll,X
EOR #$80 ; position from incorrect place
STA fcb+fcbMark,Y
BPL CorrectPos
JSR RdPosn ;Go do it!!!
BCC Purge1 ;Branch if no error
TAX ;Otherwise report latest error
TXA ;Restore latest error code to stack
PHA ;Save new error
Purge1 EQU * ;Mark file as in need of a flush and
JSR EOFset ; update FCB with new end of file
JSR Flush1 ;Now go do flush
BCC :1 ;Branch if no error
TAX ;Save latest error
PLA ;Clean previous error off stack
TXA ;Restore latest error code to stack
SEC ;Set the carry to show error condition
PHP ;Restore error status to stack
PHA ; & the error code
:1 PLA ;Report any errors that may have cropped up
GetEOF LDX fcbPtr ;Index to end of file mark
LDY #c_eof ; & index to user's call parameters
OutEOF LDA fcb+fcbEOF,X
STA (parm),Y
CPY #c_eof+3
BNE OutEOF ;Loop until all three bytes are moved
CLC ;No errors