2017-07-05 19:33:05 +08:00

824 lines
31 KiB

TTL 'ProDOS Kernel Loader'
* Disassembled with The Flaming Bird Disassembler *
* (c) Phoenix corp. 1992,93 - All rights reserved *
ORG $2000
MX %11
* There are 3 boot entry points here
NormalBoot JMP ProStart ;Normal boot entry point...
JMP NetBootP8 ;Network booted into P8
JMP NetBootGSOS ;Network-booted into GS/OS
* Messages
apple2Msg ASC "Apple II"
p8VerMsg ASC "ProDOS 8 V2.0.3 06-May-93"
blanks ASC " "
cpyRhtMsg ASC "Copyright Apple Computer, Inc., 1983-93"
rsvdMsg ASC "All Rights Reserved."
endGreetMsg EQU *
grtLnZ EQU blanks-p8VerMsg/2
grtLnZZ EQU cpyRhtMsg-blanks/2
grtLnZZZ EQU endGreetMsg-rsvdMsg/2
NetBootGSOS INC SetupRTS ;Setup and
NetBootP8 INC SetupRTS ; RTS entry point...
ProStart LDA unitNum ;Get boot device number
STA bUnit ;Save it for later 'prefix'
JSR Greet ;Put up greeting message
LDA #$99 ;Check we have a 65C02
ADC #$01 ; by using chip's decimal mode
BMI m48K ;Error
LDA #$01
LDX #<tablIntrp ;Move interpreter loader to $800
LDY #>tablIntrp
JSR Reloc
BCS m48K ;Branch if error
LDY #$00
LDA #$FF ;Make sure there is
STA $BFFF ; at least 48K
BNE m48K ;Branch if not
STA $BFFF ;Try again. Once may have been lucky!
BNE m48K
LDA RDROM2 ;Enable Motherboard ROM
JSR WhichROM ;Get preliminary system configuration
BCS m48K ;Branch if apple /// emulation
LDA apple ;Test for 48K configuration
AND #$20 ; by testing for 64K plus
BNE m64K ;Branch if >48k
m48K JMP ReqEnh2 ;Must have at least 64K
m64K LDX #<tabl64 ;Now move/relocate whatever we got
LDY #>tabl64
JSR Reloc
LDA kVersion ;Get current revision number
STA XDOSver ; & save it for directory use
NoGood0 BCC :1
JMP NoGood
:1 LDA RDROM2 ;Enable Motherboard ROM
LDX VERSION ;Look for //e family
CPX #$06
LDA #%11100000 ;phylum check on high 2 bits
BIT $FBC0 ;Another approved location
PHP ;Save the results from the bit
LDA apple
AND #%00110111 ;Mask off bits 7,6 and 3
PLP ;Get results back
BVC Set3 ;//c or //x
BMI Set7 ;Branch if //e
Set3 PHP ;Save the results from the bit again
ORA #%00001000 ;Set bit 3 on
BPL Mach2 ;Branch if //c
ORA #%01000000
BPL SaveMach ;Always...
Mach2 INC cFlag-LIcode+LoadIntrp;Make it easy to see if we're on //c later
BVS SaveMach
Set7 ORA #%10000000 ;Set bit 7 on
SaveMach STA apple
LDA RDROM2 ;Enable ROM for Cortland ID routine
SEC ;Carry will determine if cortland or not
JSR IDroutine ;RTS in all a //'s prior to Cortland
BCS ItsAIIe ;Branch if really a //e
INC cortLand ;Set loader's cortland flag!
STZ $04FB ;Screenhole
JSR SetVid
* If SetupRTS is zero, zero out OS_BOOT for AppleTalk.
* (SetupRTS reflects whether we're ProDOS 8 regular or
* running with the GSOS.)
STAL OS_BOOT ;Flag system was booted w/P8
JSR GSPatches ;Patch GS/OS vectors
ItsP8 EQU *
ItsAIIe LDA bUnit ;Place boot devnum in globals
STA bbUnit
STA DevNum
JSR DevSrch ;Finish setting up globals
LDA bbUnit
STA DevNum
LDX #<TClkStuff ; & set up clock
LDY #>TClkStuff
JSR Reloc
NoGood1 BCS NoGood0 ;Give up any time we got problems
* Dispatcher 1 must go in bank 2 of language card
* in a 64K or larger system.
LDA #<CallDisp
STA jSpare+1 ;Put dispatcher relocator address
LDA #>CallDisp ; into jspare vector
STA jSpare+2
LDA LCBANK2 ;Switch in bank 2
LDX #<DispGS ;Relocate GS dispatcher
LDY #>DispGS
CMP #$02 ;GS/OS boot?
BEQ RelocDisp ;Yes
LDX #<DispBB ;Install Better Bye
LDY #>DispBB
BIT #$00
BNE RelocDisp ;Never!
AND #%1100_0010 ;IIe/III emul/IIc
CMP #%1000_0010 ;IIe/IIc & 80-col card?
BEQ RelocDisp ;Go install BB dispatcher
LDX #<Disp64 ;Install old 40-col dispatcher
LDY #>Disp64
INC No80Col
RelocDisp JSR Reloc
LDA #$EE ;Nonsense byte to distinguish bank 2
STA $D000
JSR LC1In ;Switch bank 1 back in
BCS NoGood1
* Test for 128K so /RAM disk can be installed
AND #$30
EOR #$30
************ see rev note #45 *************
LDX #$FF ;X used to init Aux SP to $FF
PHP ;Save interrupt status
PLA ; in A-reg
SEI ;No interrupts for safety's sake
STA SETALTZP ;Swap in Aux LC & zp & stack
STX $0101 ;Init Aux SP to $FF
STA SETSTDZP ;Back to main LC, zp, and stack
PHA ;Restore
PLP ; interrupt status
STA SETINTC3ROM ;Make sure internal slot 3 ROM is in
JSR RAM_1 ;Go install /RAM
* Now check for interrupt vector. If vector <$D000 then we
* have new ROMs and should re-point vector in language card to
* ROM vector and set a flag byte. If vector is >$D000, reset
* flag byte and do nothing.
NoRAMdsk LDA ROMIN2 ;Switch in ROM
LDY IrqVect
LDX IrqVect+1 ;Get hi byte of irq vector
* The jsr LC1In was moved here from after the BCS Chk4Card so the
* sta IrqFlag is written to the proper bank.
*--------------------- see rev note #29 ------------------------
CPX #$D0 ;Is it >$D000 (old ROMs)
LDA #$00 ;Anticipate not
BCS Chk4Card ; but branch if they are old ROMs
STA SETALTZP ;Swap Aux LC, zpg and stack
LDA #$FF ;Set Aux stack pointer at $FF
STA $0101 ; while we're here
STX IrqVect+1
STY IrqVect ;Save ROM vector in Aux lang. card
STA SETSTDZP ;Swap in main lc, zpg and stack
STX IrqVect+1
STY IrqVect ;Save ROM vector in main lang. card
LDA #$01 ;Set IrqFlag to show new ROMs
Chk4Card STA IrqFlag
STZ cortFlag ;Assume we're not on a cortland
LDA cortLand ;Are we running on a cortland?
BEQ NoCort ;If not branch, and muck w/slot 3!
INC cortFlag ;Make it a one if we're on cortland
BRA DoCard
* Check for a ROM in slot 3. Switch in internal
* $C300 firmware if no ROM seen
NoCort STA SETINTC3ROM ;Start with internal firmware switched in
LDA SltByt ;Get slots ROM pattern
AND #%00001000 ;Mask off all but slot 3
BNE IsROMin3 ;Branch if there is rom in slot three
BRA NoSlot3ROM ;Continue with boot....
* We've seen a ROM in slot 3. Is it an external, identifiable
* 80-col card with interrupt routines? If so, enable it.
* If not, switch in the internal $C300 firmware.
IsROMin3 STA SETSLOTC3ROM ;Switch in slot 3 ROM
LDA $C305 ;1st generic terminal card ID byte
CMP #$38
BNE HitSwtch ;Branch if not a terminal card
LDA $C307 ;2nd generic terminal card ID byte
CMP #$18
BNE HitSwtch ;Branch if not a terminal card
LDA $C30B ;3rd generic terminal card ID byte
CMP #$01
BNE HitSwtch ;Branch if not a terminal card
LDA $C30C ;Is it an Apple 80-col card compatible?
AND #$F0 ;Mask off lo nibble
CMP #$80 ; and check for $8n
BNE HitSwtch ;Branch if not an 80-col card
LDA MachID ;Get the machine ID
AND #%11001000
CMP #$C0 ;Is it a //+?
BEQ DoCard ;Branch if it is
LDA $C3FA ;Check for interrupt handler routine
CMP #$2C ; in the magic $C3FA spot
BEQ DoCard ;Branch if interrupt handler is there!
HitSwtch STA SETINTC3ROM ;Switch in internal $C300 ROM
* Verify that the card in the aux slot is actually there.
STA SET80COL ;80-store on
STA $0400
ASL $0400
CMP $0400
BNE Maybee ;Branch if not there
LSR $0400
CMP $0400
Maybee STA TXTPAGE1 ;Main memory
STA CLR80COL ;80-store off
BEQ DoCard ;Branch if card is there
LDA MachID ;Get machine id byte
AND #%11111101 ;Mask off 80-col bit
BNE DoCard1
* OK, the card's good. Leave it enabled and update the MachID
DoCard LDA MachID
ORA #%00000010
DoCard1 STA MachID
NoSlot3ROM LDA cortLand ;Are we running on a cortland?
BEQ NotCortLand ;Branch if not
LDA #$4C ;Enable clock routine by
STA DateTime ; putting a JMP in front of clock vector
LDX #<cortClock ;Now set up for relocating
LDY #>cortClock ; the cortland clock driver
JSR Reloc ; and relocate it
LDA #$01 ;Denote clock present in MachID byte!
TSB MachID ; bit 0 set to 1
NotCortLand LDA SetupRTS ;Get value of setup entry point flag...
BEQ NoRTS ;Branch if normal boot...
LDA RDROM2 ;Make sure the ROM is in for consistency...
RTS ;Return to the caller at the setup entry point. ($2003/$2006)
SetupRTS DB $00 ;0-Normal Boot, 1-Ret 2-Ret to GS/OS
* Now set prefix to boot device.
JSR GoPro ;First 'online'(was labled bootpfx,#en3)
DB $C5
DA olParm
BCS NoGood ;Branch if problems
LDA pnBuf+1 ;Get volume name length
AND #$0F ;strip devnum
BEQ NoGood ;Branch if error
INC ;Add 1 for leading '/'
STA pnBuf ;Save prefix length
LDA #'/' ;Place leading '/' in path name buf
STA pnBuf+1
JSR GoPro ;Set prefix
DB $C6
DA PfxParm
BCS NoGood ;Branch if problems
TAX ;(A) = 0 after successful MLI call
STX dst ;(Zerored)
LDY #$02 ;Read root directory into buffer
LDA #>ABuf ; starting at $0C00
RdDirBlks STA dst+1
STA dbBufr+1 ;(using a pointer in zero page also)
STY dbBlock
STX dbBlock+1
DB $80 ;Block read
DA dbParms
BCS NoGood
LDY #$03 ;Get next block number from link
LDA (dst),Y
ORA (dst),Y ;If both bytes are the same i.e. 0, 0
BEQ ExitDirBlkRd ; then no more blocks of directory
LDA (dst),Y
LDA dst+1
ADC #$02 ;Add $200 to buffer pointer until
CMP #$14 ; it points past $13FF
BCC RdDirBlks ;If ok, read next block
ExitDirBlkRd JMP LoadIntrp ;All is well, load interpreter!!!
NoGood STA RDROM2 ;Make sure rom is there
JSR HOME ;Clear video
LDY #mesLen ;Print message centered on screen
:loop LDA errMess,Y
BPL :loop
Hang BMI Hang
mesLen EQU 29
errMess ASC "Relocation/Configuration Error"
ReqEnh2 LDY #mes2Len
:loop2 LDA errMess2,Y ;Requires enhanced //
BPL :loop2
Hang2 BMI Hang2
mes2Len EQU 35
olParm DB $02
bUnit DB $60 ;Boot Unit
DA pnBuf+1
PfxParm DB $01
DA pnBuf
* Dir block read
dbParms DB $03
bbUnit DB $00
dbBufr DA $0000
dbBlock DW $0000
cortLand DB $00 ;Non-zero if IIgs
No80Col DB $00 ;Flag 40-col dispatcher to be installed
AuxGo EQU $03F0 ;Entry point to Aux LC driver call routine
cZero EQU $00
cMove EQU $01
cReloc EQU $04
cDone EQU $FF
entLen EQU $0C23
* Code move tables are explained in file Reloc.s
tablIntrp DB cMove ;Move interpreter loader code & tables
DA LoadIntrp ;Code is address independent
DW pcLen
DA LIcode
Pg3Tbl DB cMove
DA AuxGo ;was $3D6
DW $0010 ; and $002A
DA pg3Stuff
DB cMove
DA look ;dest addr
DW $0002 ;# of bytes to move
DA dst ;src addr
DB cMove ;Move 128K test to zero page
DA Test128
DW End128
DA Strt128
DB cDone
Disp64 DB cMove
DW $D100 ;lang card bank 2
DW $0300 ;3 pages
DA SEL_0 ;$5A00
DB cDone
DispBB DB cMove
DA $D100 ;lang card bank 2
DW $0300
DA SEL_1 ;$5D00
DB cDone
DispGS DB cMove
DA $D100 ;lang card bank 2
DW $0300
DA SEL_2 ;$6000
DB cMove
DA DispAdr ;$1000
DW $0300
DA SEL_2 ;$6000
DB cDone
* The following table is for moving the 64K version of
* the MLI to its execution address.
tabl64 DB cMove ;Relocate the interrupt/break/reset
DA IntHandler ; handler and associated vectors
DW $0065 ;Number of bytes to relocate
DA MLI_3 ;Source address of code to relocate
DB cMove ;Move preset 64K version of globals
DA Globals
DW $0100
DB cZero ;Clear buffers/workspace
DA orig ;dest
DW $0700 ;# of bytes to zero
DB cMove ;Move 64k version of MLI to language card
DA orig1 ;See #45..put rwts in lc bnk2 to make MLI_2
DW $2100 ;MLI length
DB cMove ;Move 64K version of
DA RWTS ; Disk ][ routines
DW $0700
DB cDone ;Clock moved later
TClkStuff DB cMove ;Lastly move/relocate thunderclock
DA ClockBegin ; whether needed or not
DW $007D
DB cReloc ;Adjust slot addresses
DA ClockBegin
DW $0069
DA ClockBegin
DB $00
clock64 EQU *+2
DB $C1 ;Last changed by DevSrch to correct slot#
DB $C1
DB $00
DB cDone
********** see rev note #50 *********
cortClock DB cMove ;Cortland clock relocating table
DA ClockBegin ;Destination address
DW $007D ;Length of 125 bytes
DW CCLOCK_0 ;Source load address of driver
DB cDone
****************** see rev note #56 *************
* Let's load and jsr to the appletalk configuaration file "atinit"
* if it is found. If it is not found, just continue with the loading
* and running of the ".SYSTEM" file.
LIcode EQU *
JSR GoPro ;Make a get file info call to make
DB $C4 ; atInit file is there and is
DA gfiList ; of the proper file type
BCC GFI_ok ;Branch if call successful...
CMP #fileNotFound ;Was error "file not found"?
BEQ LoadInt
BNE ATLoadErr ;Otherwise fatal i/o error in loading atInit
GFI_ok LDA gfiType ;Now see if atInit file is of proper type...
CMP #$E2 ;Is it the correct file type?
BNE ATLoadErr ;Error if wrong file type!
JSR GoPro ;Open atInit file
DB $C8
DA atOpen ; parameter list...
BNE ATLoadErr ; branch if error...
LDA #$9F ;39.75K
STA rdLen+1
STZ rdLen
DA rdParm
DA clParm
LDA RDROM2 ;Put ROM on line for atInit....
JSR $2000 ;Call the atInit routine to set up appletalk stuff
LoadInt JMP GoLoadInt ;Go execute the .SYSTEM file
ATLoadErr LDX atErr
:1 LDA atErr,X
BNE :1
ATerrHang BEQ ATerrHang
atErr STR "Unable to load ATInit file"
gfiList EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $0A ;Parameter count
DA atInitName ;Pointer to "atinit" file name
DB $00 ;access
gfiType EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $00 ;File type
DS 13,0 ;Space for rest of parameters...
atOpen EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $03
DW atInitName ;Pointer to "atinit" file name
DA $1400 ;Address of I/O buffer
DB $01 ;Reference number hard coded since no other files
atInitName EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
STR "atinit" ;Name of appletalk config file
GoLoadInt EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
LDA #>ABuf ;Search directory already in
STA idxl+1 ; memory between $0C00 & $13FF
LDA #<ABuf+4 ;Start 1 entry past header
BNE AddEntLen ;Always
NxtEntry LDA idxl ;Calc next entry posn
AddEntLen CLC
ADC entLen ;Bump to next entry address
STA idxl
BCS PageCros ;Branch if page cross
ADC entLen ;Test for end of block
BCC NoCros ;Branch if definitely not page cross
LDA idxl+1
LSR ;End of block?
BCC NoCros ;Branch if not
CMP #$09 ;End of directory?
BNE :1 ;Branch if an interpreter file
JMP JustQuit ;No interpreter file
:1 LDA #$04 ;Reset index to first entry in next block
STA idxl
PageCros INC idxl+1 ;Bump to next page
NoCros LDY #$10 ;First off, check file type
LDA #$FF ;Must be ProDOS SYS file
EOR (idxl),Y
BNE NxtEntry ;Branch if not
TAY ;else check to see if active
LDA (idxl),Y ;(Y)=0 (stortype/namelen)
BEQ NxtEntry ;Branch if deleted file
AND #$0F ;Strip file 'kind'
STA pnBuf ;Save name's length
CMP #$08 ;Must be at least 'x.SYSTEM'
BCC NxtEntry ;Otherwise, ignore it
TAY ;Compare last 7 characters for '.SYSTEM'
LDX #7-1
LookIntrp LDA (idxl),Y
EOR iterP,X
BNE NxtEntry ;Branch if something else
BPL LookIntrp
LDY #$00 ;Move name to pathname buffer
MovIntrp INY
LDA (idxl),Y
STA pnBuf,Y
ORA #$80 ;Make it printable in case of error
STA ioMess+$11,Y
CPY pnBuf ;All characters moved?
BNE MovIntrp ;Nope
LDA #" " ;Save a space after name
STA ioMess+$12,Y
TYA ;Update error message length
ADC #$13 ;(carry was set)
STA ioErrLen
JSR GoPro ;Open interpreter file
DB $C8
DA opParm
BNE BadLoad
JSR GoPro ;Get file's length
DB $D1
DA efParm
BNE BadLoad
LDA eof+2 ;Make sure file will fit
BNE TooLong
LDA eof+1
CMP #$9F ;Max size is 39.75K
BCS TooLong
STA rdLen+1
LDA eof ;Read entire file
STA rdLen
DA rdParm
BEQ GoClos ;Branch if successful read
CMP #badBufErr ;Memory conflict?
BEQ TooLong
BNE BadLoad ;Report i/o error
GoClos JSR GoPro
DA clParm
BNE BadLoad ;(branch never, we hope)
* If we are booting on a //c and an escape is in the keyboard buffer
* then clear it so we dont interfere with start application
* (pizza accelerator chip requires ESC to shift speed down)
LDA cFlag-LIcode+LoadIntrp;Booting on a 2c?
BEQ Going ;Branch if not
LDA KBD ;Fetch last key in board (pending or not)
CMP #$9B ;ESCAPE character? (with bit 7 on)
BNE Going ;Branch if not
STA KBDSTROBE ;Clear keyboard strobe
Going LDA RDROM2 ;Enable Motherboard ROM
JMP $2000 ;GoInterP
cFlag DB $00 ;=1 if an apple 2c
* Transfer control to the dispatch/selector
JustQuit EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $65
DW quitParm
BadLoad LDY ioErrLen ;Center the bad news
LDA #$27 ;Report no interpreter
SBC ioErrLen
ADC ioErrLen
:NoItrp LDA ioMess,Y
BPL :NoItrp
BMI Hang10
TooLong LDY #$1E
:loop LDA lgMess,Y
BPL :loop
Hang10 BMI Hang10
lgMess EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
ASC "** System program too large **"
ioMess EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
ASC "** Unable to load X.System *********"
ioErrLen EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $00
opParm EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $03
DA pnBuf ;pathname
DA $1400
DB $01
efParm EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $02
DB $01
eof EQU efParm+2
HEX 000000
rdParm EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $04
DB $01
DA $2000
rdLen EQU rdParm+4
DW $0000
DW $0000
clParm EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $01
DB $00
quitParm EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
DB $04
DB $00 ;=$EE for enhanced quit
DW $0000 ;addr of pathname
DB $00 ;reserved
DW $0000 ;reserved
iterP EQU *-LIcode+LoadIntrp
pcLen EQU *-LIcode
pg3Stuff EQU * ;This stuff goes on page 3
* ------------------- see rev note 15 --------------------------
* Locate between vectors in page 3 starting at $3F0
* Note: since this is treated as a subroutine from the MLI,
* nothing may use the stack in main ram area!!
* x = 5 from calling routine to move parameter bytes in the call
DW $FA59 ;mon_Break
DW $FF59 ;mon_Reset
DB $5A ;Powerup byte
JMP OLDRST ;'&' vector
JMP OLDRST ;mon_ctrl-Y vector
DB $00,$40,$00 ;mon_nmi
DA IrqEnt ;Interrupt vector to global page
LC1In LDA LCBANK1 ;Swap LC bank1 in
WhichROM STZ apple ;Assume standard apple ][ first
LDX VERSION ;Look at the approved location...
CPX #$38 ;Apple ][? (actually is it autostart ROM?)
LDA #$80 ;else try for apple //e
CPX #$06
BEQ MuchRAM ;Yes, //e
LDA #$40 ;If that fails, try ][+
CPX #$EA ;Must be one of these values...
BNE WhatsIt
LDX $FB1E ;If it passes as ][+, then
CPX #$AD ; it might be /// in emulation
LDA #$D0 ;Mark it as 48k /// emulation!
CPX #$8A ; if it passes the test
BNE WhatsIt ;Branch always, well, maybe
NSMach SEC ;48K not allowed so apple ///
RTS ; emulation is not sufficient memory
WhatsIt LDA #$02 ;Machine unknown if we land here
STA (dst),Y
BNE FindRAM ;branch always
MuchRAM STA apple ;Save ROM id
TestLCRAM JSR LC1In ;Test for the presence of
LDA #$AA ; 'language' card RAM
STA $D000
EOR $D000 ;If it is there, result is zero
BNE NSMach ;Branch if it is not
LSR $D000 ;else check twice just to be sure
LDA #$55
EOR $D000
BNE NSMach ;Non-standard machine
LDA #$20 ;Indicate at LC RAM available
ORA apple
FindRAM JMP Test128 ;Go test for 128K
* The code below is moved to $80 before execution
Test128 EQU $80 ;Use zpage for this routine
Strt128 STA apple ;Save accumulated value
BPL Not128 ;Branch if sure it's less than 128K
LDA #$EE ;First try storing in Aux Mem
STA WRCARDRAM ;Write to aux while on main ZPage
STA RDCARDRAM ;Set to read aux ram
STA $0C00 ;Check for sparse mem mapping
STA $0800
LDA $0C00 ;See if sparse memory -same value
CMP #$EE ; 1K away
ASL $0C00 ;May be sparse mem so change value
ASL ; & see what happens
CMP $0C00
CMP $0800
BNE AuxMem
NoAux SEC ;Sparse mapping so no aux mem
BCS Back2Main
AuxMem CLC ;There is aux mem
Back2Main STA WRMAINRAM ;Switch back to write main ram
STA RDMAINRAM ;Switch back main ram read
BCS Not128 ;Branch if not 128K
LDA apple ;else update identity of machine
ORA #$30 ;Indicate 128K present
STA apple
Not128 LDA look+1 ;Futs with pointer for apple test
SBC #$05 ;Should result in $FB if zpage is ok
STA look+1
BCS *+4 ;(to the CLC)
DEC look
End128 EQU *-Strt128 ;Byte count for routine move to zpage