2015-02-11 19:34:08 +01:00

80 lines
1.8 KiB

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
System : Manx Aztec C65 Version 3.2b
MS-DOS cross-development environment
Platform : Apple IIe 128K PRODOS 8
Program : putrax.c
Description : G2 Library Routine
Written by : Bill Buckels
Revision Date: May 29, 2008
Licence : You may use this code for whatever you wish as long
as you agree that Bill Buckels has no warranty or
liability obligations whatsoever from said use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decode RAG images with pcx run-length ecoding */
/* directly onto screen */
/* these are chunk oriented and do not break on scanlines */
/* but the header provides the width and height so no problem */
/* slightly more efficient to encode these in chunks since
repeats spanning scanlines encode more efficiently.*/
/* a table containing the starting addresses of
the 192 scanlines in HIRES PAGE 2 */
extern int HB[];
int put_rax(ptr,xorg, yorg)
unsigned char *ptr;
int xorg,yorg;
char *crt;
unsigned char ch;
int x, x1, xcnt;
int offset=0,width,height,target;
width = *ptr++;
height = *ptr++;
target = (width * height);
width = width + xorg;
height = height + yorg;
crt = (char *)(HB[yorg]+xorg);
x1 = xorg;
/* check to see if its raw */
/* if its not, run encoded */
if(0xC0 == (ch & 0xc0)){
xcnt = 0x3f & ch;
ch = *ptr++;
xcnt = 1;
if (offset < target) {
*crt++ = ch;
if (x1 >= width) {
x1 = xorg;
if (yorg >= height)break;
crt = (char *)(HB[yorg]+xorg);
else break;
if (yorg >= height)break;
} while(offset<target);
return 0;