// // TermWindowController.m // 2Term // // Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 7/2/2010. // Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #import #import "ScanLineFilter.h" #import "TermWindowController.h" #import "EmulatorView.h" #import "CurveView.h" #import "EmulatorWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #import "Defaults.h" #define TTYDEFCHARS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChildMonitor.h" #include "ColorView.h" @implementation TermWindowController @synthesize emulator = _emulator; +(id)new { return [[self alloc] initWithWindowNibName: @"TermWindow"]; } -(void)dealloc { [[ChildMonitor monitor] removeController: self]; [_emulator release]; [_popover release]; [_popoverViewController release]; [_foregroundColor release]; [_backgroundColor release]; [super dealloc]; } -(id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window { if ((self = [super initWithWindow: window])) { _foregroundColor = [[NSColor greenColor] retain]; _backgroundColor = [[NSColor blackColor] retain]; _bloomValue = 0.75; _blurValue = 0.0; _backlightValue = 0.25; _scanlineValue = 0.5; _vignetteValue = 0.5; _effectsEnabled = YES; } return self; } -(void)setParameters: (NSDictionary *)parameters { NSColor *o; Class klass; o = [parameters objectForKey: kForegroundColor]; o = o ? (NSColor *)o : [NSColor greenColor]; [self setForegroundColor: o]; o = [parameters objectForKey: kBackgroundColor]; o = o ? (NSColor *)o : [NSColor blackColor]; [self setBackgroundColor: o]; klass = [parameters objectForKey: kClass]; if (!klass || ![klass conformsToProtocol: @protocol(Emulator)]) { klass = Nil; //klass = [VT52 class]; } [self willChangeValueForKey: @"emulator"]; _emulator = [klass new]; [self didChangeValueForKey: @"emulator"]; #if 0 [self updateBackgroundColor]; [self updateForegroundColor]; #endif } -(void)initPTY { static std::string username; static std::string terminfo; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ // getlogin() sometimes returns crap. username = [NSUserName() UTF8String]; char *cp = getenv("TERMINFO_DIRS"); if (cp && *cp) { terminfo = cp; terminfo.push_back(':'); } NSString *s = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]; s = [s stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"terminfo"]; terminfo += [s UTF8String]; }); pid_t pid; int fd; struct termios term; struct winsize ws = [_emulator defaultSize]; memset(&term, 0, sizeof(term)); term.c_oflag = TTYDEF_OFLAG; term.c_lflag = TTYDEF_LFLAG; term.c_iflag = TTYDEF_IFLAG; term.c_cflag = TTYDEF_CFLAG; term.c_ispeed = term.c_ospeed = TTYDEF_SPEED; memcpy(term.c_cc, ttydefchars, sizeof(ttydefchars)); if ([_emulator respondsToSelector: @selector(initTerm:)]) [_emulator initTerm: &term]; pid = forkpty(&fd, NULL, &term, &ws); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "forkpty failed\n"); fflush(stderr); return; } if (pid == 0) { std::vector environ; std::string s; s.append("TERM_PROGRAM=TwoTerm"); s.append(1, (char)0); s.append("LANG=C"); s.append(1, (char)0); s.append("TERM="); s.append([_emulator termName]); s.append(1, (char)0); s.append("TERMINFO_DIRS="); s.append(terminfo.c_str()); s.append(1, (char)0); s.append(1, (char)0); for (std::string::size_type index = 0;;) { environ.push_back(&s[index]); index = s.find((char)0, index); if (index == std::string::npos) break; if (s[++index] == 0) break; } environ.push_back(NULL); // call login -f [username] // -p -- do NOT ignore environment. // export TERM=... // TODO -- option for localhost, telnet, ssh, etc. execle("/usr/bin/login", "login", "-pf", username.c_str(), NULL, &environ[0]); fprintf(stderr, "execle failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fflush(stderr); // should not call exit. _exit(-1); // child } if ([_emulator respondsToSelector: @selector(displaySize)]) { ws = [_emulator displaySize]; } [_emulatorView resizeTo: iSize(ws.ws_col, ws.ws_row) animated: NO]; NSWindow *window = [self window]; if (![_emulator resizable]) { NSUInteger mask = [window styleMask]; [window setShowsResizeIndicator: NO]; [window setStyleMask: mask & ~NSResizableWindowMask]; } [window setMinSize: [window frame].size]; [_emulatorView setFd: fd]; [[ChildMonitor monitor] addController: self pid: pid fd: fd]; } -(void)childFinished: (int)status { [_emulatorView childFinished: status]; } -(void)processData: (const void *)buffer size: (size_t)size { [_emulatorView processData: (uint8_t *)buffer size: size]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark NSWindowDelegate - (void)windowDidLoad { NSWindow *window; [super windowDidLoad]; // resize in 2.0 height increments to prevent jittering the scan lines. //[window setResizeIncrements: NSMakeSize(1.0, 2.0)]; window = [self window]; [_emulatorView setEmulator: _emulator]; [self updateBackgroundColor]; [self updateForegroundColor]; [_colorView setWantsLayer: YES]; [_colorView setContentFilters: [self effectsFilter]]; [self initPTY]; } -(void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification { [[ChildMonitor monitor] removeController: self]; [self autorelease]; } -(void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification { [_emulatorView popCursor]; } -(void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification *)notification { [_emulatorView pushCursor: Screen::CursorTypeBlock]; } -(void)popoverWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification { [_fg deactivate]; [_bg deactivate]; [[NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel] orderOut: self]; } @end @implementation TermWindowController (Config) -(NSColor *)recalcBackgroundColor { if (_effectsEnabled) { return [_backgroundColor blendedColorWithFraction: _backlightValue ofColor: _foregroundColor]; } return _backgroundColor; } -(IBAction)filterParameterChanged:(id)sender { if (sender == _effectsButton) sender = nil; if (sender == nil || sender == _fg) { [self updateForegroundColor]; } if (sender == nil || sender == _fg || sender == _bg || sender == _lightenSlider) { [self updateBackgroundColor]; } if (sender == nil || sender == _vignetteSlider || sender == _darkenSlider || sender == _bloomSlider) { [_colorView setContentFilters: [self effectsFilter]]; } #if 0 CIFilter *filter = [_contentFilters objectAtIndex: 0]; [filter setValue: @(_vignetteValue) forKey: @"inputIntensity"]; } if (sender == _darkenSlider) { CIFilter *filter = [_contentFilters objectAtIndex: 1]; [filter setValue: @(_scanlineValue) forKey: @"inputDarken"]; } if (sender == _bloomSlider) { CIFilter *filter = [_contentFilters objectAtIndex: 2]; [filter setValue: @(_bloomValue) forKey: @"inputIntensity"]; } #endif } -(NSArray *)effectsFilter { if (!_effectsEnabled) return @[]; CIFilter *filter; NSMutableArray *filters = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 5]; // 1. vignette effect filter = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CIVignette"]; [filter setDefaults]; [filter setValue: @(_vignetteValue) forKey: @"inputIntensity"]; [filter setValue: @(2.0) forKey: @"inputRadius"]; [filters addObject: filter]; // 2. add the scanlines filter = [[ScanLineFilter new] autorelease]; [filter setValue: @(_scanlineValue) forKey: @"inputDarken"]; [filter setValue: @(0.0) forKey: @"inputLighten"]; [filters addObject: filter]; // 3. bloom it... filter = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CIBloom"]; [filter setDefaults]; [filter setValue: @2.0 forKey: @"inputRadius"]; [filter setValue: @(_bloomValue) forKey: @"inputIntensity"]; [filters addObject: filter]; #if 0 //4. blur it a bit... filter = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CIGaussianBlur"]; [filter setDefaults]; [filter setValue: @(_blurValue) forKey: @"inputRadius"]; [filters addObject: filter]; #endif return filters; } #pragma mark - IBActions -(IBAction)configure: (id)sender { if (!_popover) { NSNib *nib = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed: @"TermConfig" bundle: nil]; // n.b. - instantiateWithOwner (10.8+) does not +1 refcount top level objects. [nib instantiateWithOwner: self topLevelObjects: nil]; [nib release]; } if ([_popover isShown]) { [_popover close]; } else { [_popover showRelativeToRect: NSZeroRect ofView: _emulatorView preferredEdge: NSRectEdgeMaxX]; } } - (IBAction)foregroundColor:(id)sender { [self updateForegroundColor]; } - (IBAction)backgroundColor:(id)sender { [self updateBackgroundColor]; } - (IBAction)swapColors:(id)sender { [self willChangeValueForKey: @"foregroundColor"]; [self willChangeValueForKey: @"backgroundColor"]; std::swap(_foregroundColor, _backgroundColor); [self didChangeValueForKey: @"foregroundColor"]; [self didChangeValueForKey: @"backgroundColor"]; [self updateBackgroundColor]; [self updateForegroundColor]; if ([_fg isActive]) { [_bg activate: YES]; } else if ([_bg isActive]) { [_fg activate: YES]; } } -(void)updateForegroundColor { NSColor *color = _foregroundColor; NSWindow *window = [self window]; [(EmulatorWindow *)window setTitleTextColor: color]; [_emulatorView setForegroundColor: color]; } -(void)updateBackgroundColor { NSColor *color = [self recalcBackgroundColor]; NSWindow *window = [self window]; [window setBackgroundColor: color]; [_colorView setColor: color]; [_emulatorView setBackgroundColor: color]; } @end