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// Screen_obsolete.cpp
// 2Term
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 1/11/2011.
// Copyright 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include "Screen.h"
void Screen::setX(int x, bool clamp)
if (x < 0)
if (clamp) _port.cursor.x = 0;
if (x >= width())
if (clamp) _port.cursor.x = width() - 1;
_port.cursor.x = x;
void Screen::setY(int y, bool clamp)
if (y < 0)
if (clamp) _port.cursor.y = 0;
if (y >= height())
if (clamp) _port.cursor.y = height() - 1;
_port.cursor.y = y;
int Screen::incrementX(bool clamp)
setX(_port.cursor.x + 1, clamp);
return _port.cursor.x;
int Screen::decrementX(bool clamp)
setX(_port.cursor.x - 1, clamp);
return _port.cursor.x;
int Screen::incrementY(bool clamp)
setY(_port.cursor.y + 1, clamp);
return _port.cursor.y;
int Screen::decrementY(bool clamp)
setY(_port.cursor.y - 1, clamp);
return _port.cursor.y;
void Screen::tabTo(unsigned xPos)
CharInfo clear(' ', _flag);
CharInfoIterator iter;
xPos = std::min((int)xPos, width() - 1);
_updates.push_back(iPoint(xPos, _port.cursor.y));
for (unsigned x = _port.cursor.x; x < xPos; ++x)
_screen[_port.cursor.y][x] = clear;
_port.cursor.x = xPos;
void Screen::putc(uint8_t c, bool incrementX)
if (_port.cursor.x < width())
_screen[_port.cursor.y][_port.cursor.x] = CharInfo(c, _flag);
if (incrementX && _port.cursor.x < width() - 1) ++_port.cursor.x;
void Screen::deletec()
// delete character at cursor.
// move following character up
// set final character to ' ' (retaining flags from previous char)
if (_port.cursor.x >= width()) return;
_updates.push_back(iPoint(width() - 1, _port.cursor.y));
CharInfoIterator end = _screen[_port.cursor.y].end() - 1;
CharInfoIterator iter = _screen[_port.cursor.y].begin() + _port.cursor.x;
for ( ; iter != end; ++iter)
iter[0] = iter[1];
// retain the flags previously there.
end->c = ' ';
void Screen::insertc(uint8_t c)
// insert character at cursor.
// move following characters up (retaining flags).
if (_port.cursor.x >= width()) return;
_updates.push_back(iPoint(width() - 1, _port.cursor.y));
CharInfoIterator end = _screen[_port.cursor.y].end() - 1;
CharInfoIterator iter = _screen[_port.cursor.y].begin() + _port.cursor.x;
for ( ; iter != end; ++iter)
iter[1] = iter[0];
iter->c = ' ';
void Screen::eraseLine()
// erases everything to the right of, and including, the cursor
for (CharInfoIterator ciIter = _screen[y()].begin() + x(); ciIter < _screen[y()].end(); ++ciIter)
*ciIter = CharInfo(0, _flag);
_updates.push_back(iPoint(width() - 1, y()));
void Screen::eraseScreen()
// returns everything to the right of, and including, the cursor as well as all subsequent lines.
if (y() == height() -1) return;
for (ScreenIterator iter = _screen.begin() + y(); iter < _screen.end(); ++iter)
for (CharInfoIterator ciIter = iter->begin(); ciIter < iter->end(); ++ciIter)
*ciIter = CharInfo(0, _flag);
_updates.push_back(iPoint(0, y() + 1));
_updates.push_back(iPoint(width() - 1, height() - 1));