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synced 2025-03-11 08:32:50 +00:00
cursor blind thread no longer killed/restarted when cursor goes invisible. git-svn-id: svn://qnap.local/TwoTerm/trunk@3175 5590a31f-7b70-45f8-8c82-aa3a8e5f4507
423 lines
11 KiB
423 lines
11 KiB
// PTSE.mm
// 2Term
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 7/9/2010.
// Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include <sys/ttydefaults.h>
#import "PTSE.h"
#include "OutputChannel.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
machine console;
alphtype unsigned int;
action nop {}
action advance {
// advance cursor
if (++cursor.x == 80) {
cursor.x = 0;
if (cursor.y >= 24-1) {
} else cursor.y++;
arg1 = any ${ _scratch[0] = fc; };
arg2 = any ${ _scratch[1] = fc; };
main := (
0x00 $nop
| 0x01 ${
// A - $01 Move cursor to beginning of line.
cursor.x = 0;
| 0x02 ${
// B - $02 Move cursor to end of line.
cursor.x = 79;
| 0x03 $nop
| 0x04 ${
// D - Delete current character (under cursor)
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = cursor;
tmp.size = iSize(80 - cursor.x, 1);
| 0x05 ${
/* E - $05 */
//Inquire if using ProTERM Special Emulation
* When you send out [CONTROL-E] to a caller using ProTERM
* Special, the caller’s ProTERM will send back [CONTROL-“]”]
* (ASCII code 29). This allows a BBS to transparently
* detect the use of PSE.
| 0x06 ${
/* F - $06 */
// Insert space at cursor
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = cursor;
tmp.size = iSize(80 - cursor.x, 1);
| 0x07 ${
/* G - $07 - beep 1000 hz for .1 seconds. */
| 0x08 ${
/* H - $08 - Moves cursor left one column;
if cursor was at beginning of line, moves
it to end of previous line
if (cursor.x) cursor.x--;
else {
cursor.x = 80-1;
if (cursor.y) cursor.y--;
else screen->scrollDown();
| 0x09 ${
// control-I
cursor.x = (cursor.x + 8) & ~7;
cursor.x = std::min(cursor.x, 72); // verified.
| 0x0a ${
/* J - $0A - Moves cursor down one row; scrolls if needed */
if (cursor.y >= 24-1) {
} else cursor.y++;
| 0x0b ${
/* K - $0B - Move cursor up one line */
if (cursor.y == 0) {
} else cursor.y--;
| 0x0c ${
// control-L
/* clear text port and home */
// n.b - PT "home" is 0, 1
cursor = iPoint(0,0);
| 0x0d ${
// control-M
/* carriage return */
cursor.x = 0;
| 0x0e ${
// control-N
//Set: inverse off, mousetext off.
_context.flags = Screen::FlagNormal;
| 0x0f ${
// control-O
//Set: inverse on, mousetext off.
_context.flags = Screen::FlagInverse;
| 0x10 ${
// control-P
//Set inverse off, mousetext on.
_context.flags = Screen::FlagInverse | Screen::FlagMouseText;
| 0x11 $nop
| 0x12 arg1 arg2 ${
/* ^R */
* This allows a three character code to be used to display
* multiple characters. For example, to display a window frame,
* it is necessary to show the top and bottom borders which are
* long lines of the same character (dashes, underlines, etc.).
* To draw a 64-character line consisting of equal signs, send
* [CONTROL-R = @] where “@” is the ASCII code for 64.
uint8_t c = _scratch[0] & 0x7f;
int count = _scratch[1];
while (count--) {
screen->putc(c, _context);
if (cursor.x++ >= 80) {
cursor.x = 0;
if (cursor.y < 23) cursor.y++;
else screen->scrollUp();
| 0x13 $nop
| 0x14 any any any ${
//Sound single/dual-tone for duration.
// [Control-T Tl Control-A D] Sound tone Tl, for duration D
// [Control-T Tl T2 D] Sound dual tone Tl, T2 for duration D
* The tone command has two forms. The first invokes the single-tone
* generator, which produces relatively pure tones. The second
* invokes the dual-tone generator, which produces some rather
* interesting sounds. The three parameters, tone1, tone2, and
* duration, can all take values from 1 through 127. There is
* currently no known translation between pitch/duration values
* and actual frequencies/times.
| 0x15 ${
/* ^U - Move cursor right one character */
} $advance
| 0x16 ${
/* CTRL('V') */
// Insert blank line
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = iPoint(0, cursor.y);
tmp.size = iSize(80, 24 - cursor.y);
| 0x17 ${
/* CTRL('W') */
// Clear to end of screen
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = cursor;
tmp.size = iSize(80 - cursor.x, 1);
tmp = iRect(0, 0, 80, 24);
tmp.origin.y = cursor.y+1;
tmp.size.height -= cursor.y+1;
| 0x18 ${
// CTRL('X'):
// Home cursor (move to upper left corner)
// n.b. -- Proterm status bar on line 1. "home" is y=1.
cursor = iPoint(0,0);
| 0x19 ${
// CTRL('Y'):
/* clear to end of line. */
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = cursor;
tmp.size = iSize(80 - cursor.x, 1);
| 0x1a ${
// CTRL('Z'):
/* Delete current line */
iRect tmp;
tmp.origin = iPoint(0, cursor.y);
tmp.size = iSize(80, 24 - cursor.y);
| 0x1b $nop
| 0x1c $nop
| 0x1d $nop
| 0x1e arg1 arg2 ${
// CTRL('^'):
/* goto x y */
// todo - verify behavior for illegal values.
cursor.x = clamp(_scratch[0]-32, 0, 80 - 1);
cursor.y = clamp(_scratch[1]-32, 0, 24 - 1);
| 0x1f $nop
| 0x20 .. 0x7f ${
screen->putc(fc, _context);
} $advance
| 0x80..0xff $nop
)* $err{ fgoto main; };
write data;
@implementation PTSE
[EmulatorManager registerClass: self];
+(NSString *)name
return @"Proterm Special Emulation";
-(NSString *)name
return @"Proterm Special Emulation";
-(const char *)termName
return "proterm-special";
-(void)reset: (Screen *)screen
[self reset];
if (screen) screen->eraseScreen();
%%write init;
_context.cursor = iPoint(0,0);
_context.window = iRect(0,0,80,24);
_context.flags = 0;
return NO;
-(struct winsize)defaultSize
struct winsize ws = { 24, 80, 0, 0 };
return ws;
[self reset];
return self;
-(void)initTerm: (struct termios *)term
// Control-U is used by the up-arrow key.
term->c_cc[VKILL] = CTRL('X');
-(void)processData: (uint8_t *)data length: (size_t)length screen:(Screen *)screen output:(OutputChannel *)output
const uint8_t *eof = nullptr;
const uint8_t *p = data;
const uint8_t *pe = data + length;
auto &cursor = _context.cursor;
%%write exec;
-(void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event screen:(Screen *)screen output:(OutputChannel *)output
NSEventModifierFlags flags = [event modifierFlags];
NSString *chars = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers];
NSUInteger length = [chars length];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
unichar uc = [chars characterAtIndex: i];
switch (uc)
case NSEnterCharacter:
case NSDeleteCharacter:
// backspace and left arrow use the same code, alas.
case NSBackspaceCharacter:
case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey:
case NSRightArrowFunctionKey:
case NSUpArrowFunctionKey:
case NSDownArrowFunctionKey:
if (uc <= 0x7f)
char c = uc;
if (flags & NSControlKeyMask)
c = CTRL(c);