* * Unidisk 3.5 ROM Memory Dump * * The target of this project is to dump all the Unidisk 3.5 memory * * Copyright (C) 2014 Riccardo Greco . * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * * @com.wudsn.ide.asm.hardware=APPLE2 * Protocol Converter Call XC ZPTempL equ $0006 ;Temporary zero page storage ZPTempH equ $0007 *** Pointers *** LowMain equ $000A HiMain equ $000B *** Monitor routines *** COut equ $FDED ;Console output ASCII COUT1 equ $FDF0 ;Output to screen CROut equ $FD8E ;Carriage return PRbyte equ $FDDA ;Print byte in hex PRBL2 equ $F94A ;Print many spaces KEYIN equ $FD1B ;Waits for keypress ** Command Code ** StatusCmd equ 0 ** Status Code ** StatusDIB equ 3 StatusUNI equ 5 * ControlCmd equ 4 ** Control Codes ** Eject equ 4 Run equ 5 SetDWLoad equ 6 DWLoad equ 7 * org $8000 ***************************************************** * Presentation message ************** * ldx #0 LOOP equ * lda DATA,x beq START jsr COut inx bne LOOP * DATA asc 'UNIDISK 3.5 UTILITY BY R. GRECO' dfb $8D,0 ; Inverse mode on ***************************************************** * * Find a Protocol Converter in one of the slots. START jsr FindPC bcs Error jsr CROut jsr CROut * * Now make the DIB call to the first guy * jsr Dispatch dfb StatusCmd dw DParmsDIB bcs Error * * Got the DIB; now print the name string * ldx #0 morechars equ * lda DIBName,x ora #$80 ;COut wants high Bit set jsr COut ; ASCII inx cpx DIBNameLen bne morechars ************************************* ldx #02 ; Set 2 space jsr PRBL2 ** Print Type *********************** lda DIBType jsr PRbyte ; HEX form ************************************* ldx #02 ; Set 2 space jsr PRBL2 ** Print Firmware version *********** ldx #0 morechars2 equ * lda DIBVersion,x jsr PRbyte ; HEX form inx cpx #$02 ; 2 Byte bne morechars2 jsr COut ************************************** jsr CROut jsr CROut ** Wait keypress to continue ** * jsr KEYIN * *** Eject *** jsr Dispatch dfb ControlCmd dw E_JECT *** Set start HiMain Memory Pointers *** lda #$20 ; Hi Byte start (//c ram) sta HiMain ; HiMain=$20 set *** Set Address *** jsr Dispatch dfb ControlCmd dw SET_ADD *** Download *** jsr Dispatch dfb ControlCmd dw DOWNLOAD * jsr RESET ; Jump the Error routine rts ********************************************* Error equ * * * There's either no PC around, or there was no give message * ldx #0 err1 equ * lda Message,x beq errout jsr COut inx bne err1 * errout equ * rts * Message asc 'NO PC OR NO DEVICE' dfb $8D,0 ********************************************* *** Set and Reset LoMain Memory Counter *** RESET ldx #$FF ;Lo Byte start One more before $00 (//c ram) clc ldy Y_reg ; 1 time $DF --> Y iny ; Y+ --> $FF sty Y_reg ; Y --> Y_reg Uni=$FF *** Execute *** EXEC inx stx LowMain ; 1 time set LowMain=$00 stx X_reg jsr Dispatch dfb ControlCmd dw EXE *** Read *** READ jsr Dispatch dfb StatusCmd dw DParms bcs Error * **** Screen Output **** * *** Accumulator *** lda UNIAcc_reg jsr COut ; Out the ASCII value ldx #03 ; Set 3 space jsr PRBL2 *** Y Register *** lda UNIY_reg jsr PRbyte *** X Register *** lda UNIX_reg jsr PRbyte ldx #01 ; Set one space jsr PRBL2 *** Process Status *** lda UNIP_val jsr PRbyte ldx #05 ; Set five space jsr PRBL2 ** //c Memory store adress ** lda HiMain jsr PRbyte lda LowMain jsr PRbyte jsr CROut **** Store in //c Main Memory **** ldx X_reg lda UNIAcc_reg ;#$FB Test ldy #0 sta (LowMain),y cpx UNIL_End bne EXEC UNIL_End dfb $FF ; Lo Byte stop (Unidisk) - $C0 for zero page *** Increment HiMain *** inc HiMain ldy Y_reg cpy UNIH_End bne RESET UNIH_End dfb $FF ; Hi Byte stop (Unidisk) - $00 for zero page * rts ****************************************************** FindPC equ * * * Search slot 7 to slot 1 looking for signature bytes * ldx #7 ;Do for seven slots lda #$C7 sta ZPTempH lda #$00 sta ZPTempL * newslot equ * ldy #7 * again equ * lda (ZPTempL),y cmp sigtab,y ;One for byte signature beq maybe ;Found one signature byte dec ZPTempH dex bne newslot * * if we get here, no PC find sec rts * * if we get here, no byte find on PC maybe equ * dey dey ;if N=1 then all sig bytes OK bpl again * Found PC interface. Set up call address. * we already have high byte ($CN), we need low byte * foundPC equ * lda #$FF sta ZPTempL ldy #0 ;For indirect load lda (ZPTempL),y ;Get the byte * * Now the Acc has the low oreder ProDOS entry point. * The PC entry is three locations past this ... * clc adc #3 sta ZPTempL * * Now ZPTempL has PC entry point. * Return with carry clear. * clc rts *********************************************************** * * There are the PC signature bytes in their relative order. * The $FF bytes are filler bytes and are not compared. * sigtab dfb $FF,$20,$FF,$00 dfb $FF,$03,$FF,$00 * Dispatch equ * jmp (ZPTempL) ;Simulate an indirect JSR to PC * *** Status Parameter Set for UNI *** DParms equ * DPParmsCt dfb 3 ;Status calls have three parameters DPUnit dfb 1 DPBuffer dw UNI DPStatCode dfb StatusUNI * * *** Status Parameter Set for DIB *** DParmsDIB equ * DPParmsCt2 dfb 3 ;Status calls have three parameters DPUnit2 dfb 1 DPBuffer2 dw DIB DPStatCode2 dfb StatusDIB * * *** Status List DIB *** DIB equ * DIBStatByte1 dfb 0 DIBDevSize dfb 0,0,0 DIBNameLen dfb 0 DIBName ds 16,0 DIBType dfb 0 DIBSubType dfb 0 DIBVersion dw 0 * *** Status List UNI *** UNI equ * dfb 0 UNIError dfb 0 UNIRetries dfb 0 UNIAcc_reg dfb 0 UNIX_reg dfb 0 UNIY_reg dfb 0 UNIP_val dfb 0 HHH dfb 0 * *** Set Address *** SET_ADD equ * dfb 3 dfb 1 dw CNTL_LIST3 dfb SetDWLoad * *** Download *** DOWNLOAD equ * dfb 3 dfb 1 dw CNTL_LIST4 dfb DWLoad * *** Execute *** EXE equ * dfb 3 dfb 1 dw CNTL_LIST2 dfb Run *** Eject *** E_JECT equ * dfb 3 dfb 1 dw CNTL_LIST1 dfb Eject * ******** CONTROL LISTS ******** * * *** Eject *** CNTL_LIST1 equ * dw $0000 * *** Execute *** CNTL_LIST2 equ * Clow_byte dfb $06 Chigh_byte dfb $00 AccValue dfb $00 X_reg dfb $00 ;($80E3) Lo Byte start $00 (Unidisk) Y_reg dfb $DF ;($80E4) Hi Byte One more before start $E0 - $FF-->$00 for zero page (Unidisk) ProStatus dfb $00 LowPC_reg dfb $05 HighPC_reg dfb $05 * *** Set Address *** CNTL_LIST3 equ * CountL_byte dfb $02 CountH_byte dfb $00 LByte_Addr dfb $05 HByte_Addr dfb $05 * *** Download *** CNTL_LIST4 equ * LenghtL_byte dfb $0B ;<----- Lenght of Unidisk program Lo Byte LenghtH_byte dfb $00 ;<----- Lenght of Unidisk program Hi Byte * *** Start UNIDISK Program *** ** Temporaney save in UNIDISK "Free zero page space" the address point stored in UNIDISK X, Y registers** stx $00C0 sty $00C1 ** Store in UNIDISK Accumulator the value of the UniDISK location that is store in $00C0 plus $00C1 ldy #0 lda ($00C0),y ** Restore the value of Y Unidisk register ldy $00C1 rts