Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGCreateView PARAM0: Pointer to configuration block (LSB) PARAM1: Pointer to configuration block (MSB) Configuration block consists of eight bytes: 0: View ID (0-15) 1: Style (0 for plain, 1 for fancy) 2: Left edge of view 3: Top edge of view 4: Visible width of view 5: Visible height of view 6: Width of view's content 7: Height of view's content | WINDW( View ID, Style (0 for plain, 1 for fancy), Left edge, Top edge, View width, View height, Content width, Content height) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGCreateCheckbox PARAM0: Pointer to configuration block (LSB) PARAM1: Pointer to configuration block (MSB) Configuration block consists of five bytes: 0: View ID (0-15) 1: X position of checkbox 2: Y position of checkbox 3: Pointer to null-terminated string label (LSB) 4: Pointer to null-terminated string label (MSB) | &CHKBX( View ID, X position, Y position, "Label") |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGCreateButton PARAM0: Pointer to configuration block (LSB) PARAM1: Pointer to configuration block (MSB) Configuration block consists of eight bytes: 0: View ID (0-15) 1: Left edge of button 2: Top edge of button 3: Width of button 4: Pointer to click callback (LSB) 5: Pointer to click callback (MSB) 6: Pointer to null-terminated string label (LSB) 7: Pointer to null-terminated string label (MSB) | &BUTTN( View ID, Left edge, Top edge, Width, Line number for click callback, "Label") |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGSelectView A: View ID | &SEL(View ID) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGPendingViewAction | &PDACT |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGPendingView Returns in A: View ID | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewFocus | &FOC |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewUnfocus | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewFocusNext | &FOCN |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewFocusPrev | &FOCP |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewFocusAction | &ACT |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGPaintView | &PNT |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewPaintAll | &PNTA |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewSetTitle PARAM0: Pointer to null-terminated string (LSB) PARAM1: Pointer to null-terminated string (MSB) | &TITLE("title") |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewSetAction PARAM0: Function pointer (LSB) PARAM1: Function pointer (MSB) | &STACT(line number) |
Upper nybble | Window feature |
0000 | Content region |
0001 | Scroll arrow up |
0010 | Scroll arrow down |
0011 | Scroll arrow left |
0100 | Scroll arrow right |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGViewFromPoint PARAM0: X position to test PARAM1: Y position to test Returns in A: View ID (or <0 if no match) | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGSetCursor PARAM0: New X position PARAM1: New Y position | &CURSR(x,y) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGSetGlobalCursor PARAM0: New X position PARAM1: New Y position | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGSyncGlobalCursor | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGScrollX A: New X scroll position | Not available (see WGScroll) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGScrollY A: New Y scroll position | Not available (see WGScroll) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
Not available | &SCR(X position, Y position) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGScrollByX A: Offset to apply to X scroll position | Not available (see WGScrollBy) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGScrollY A: Offset to apply to Y scroll position | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
Not available | &SCRBY(X offset, Y offset) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGClearScreen | &HOME |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGDesktop | &DESK |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGPlot A: Character to plot (Apple format) Note: Character is plotted at the current global cursor position. | &PLOT(X position Y position, character) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGPrint PARAM0: Pointer to null-terminated string (LSB) PARAM1: Pointer to null-terminated string (MSB) | &PRINT("string") |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGStrokeRect PARAM0: Left edge PARAM1: Top edge PARAM2: Width PARAM3: Height | &DRAW(left,top,width,height) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGFillRect PARAM0: Left edge PARAM1: Top edge PARAM2: Width PARAM3: Height Y: Character to fill with (Apple format) | &FILL(left,top,width,height,character) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGFancyRect PARAM0: Left edge PARAM1: Top edge PARAM2: Width PARAM3: Height | Not available |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGEnableMouse | Not available (see WGMouse) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGDisableMouse | Not available (see WGMouse) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
Not available | &MOUSE(1 to enable or 0 to disable) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
Not available | &GET(A$) |
Assembly | Applesoft |
X: WGExit | &EXIT |
Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character |
0 | @ | 16 | P | 32 | 48 | 0 | |
1 | A | 17 | Q | 33 | ! | 49 | 1 |
2 | B | 18 | R | 34 | " | 50 | 2 |
3 | C | 19 | S | 35 | # | 51 | 3 |
4 | D | 20 | T | 36 | $ | 52 | 4 |
5 | E | 21 | U | 37 | % | 53 | 5 |
6 | F | 22 | V | 38 | & | 54 | 6 |
7 | G | 23 | W | 39 | ' | 55 | 7 |
8 | H | 24 | X | 40 | ( | 56 | 8 |
9 | I | 25 | Y | 41 | ) | 57 | 9 |
10 | J | 26 | Z | 42 | * | 58 | : |
11 | K | 27 | [ | 43 | + | 59 | ; |
12 | L | 28 | \ | 44 | , | 60 | < |
13 | M | 29 | ] | 45 | - | 61 | = |
14 | N | 30 | ^ | 46 | . | 62 | > |
15 | O | 31 | _ | 47 | / | 63 | ? |
Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character |
64 | 80 | 96 | ` | 112 | p | ||
65 | 81 | 97 | a | 113 | q | ||
66 | 82 | 98 | b | 114 | r | ||
67 | 83 | 99 | c | 115 | s | ||
68 | 84 | 100 | d | 116 | t | ||
69 | 85 | 101 | e | 117 | u | ||
70 | 86 | 102 | f | 118 | v | ||
71 | 87 | 103 | g | 119 | w | ||
72 | 88 | 104 | h | 120 | x | ||
73 | 89 | 105 | i | 121 | y | ||
74 | 90 | 106 | j | 122 | z | ||
75 | 91 | 107 | k | 123 | { | ||
76 | 92 | 108 | l | 124 | | | ||
77 | 93 | 109 | m | 125 | } | ||
78 | 94 | 110 | n | 126 | ~ | ||
79 | 95 | 111 | o | 127 |
Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character |
128 | @ | 144 | P | 160 | 176 | 0 | |
129 | A | 145 | Q | 161 | ! | 177 | 1 |
130 | B | 146 | R | 162 | " | 178 | 2 |
131 | C | 147 | S | 163 | # | 179 | 3 |
132 | D | 148 | T | 164 | $ | 180 | 4 |
133 | E | 149 | U | 165 | % | 181 | 5 |
134 | F | 150 | V | 166 | & | 182 | 6 |
135 | G | 151 | W | 167 | ' | 183 | 7 |
136 | H | 152 | X | 168 | ( | 184 | 8 |
137 | I | 153 | Y | 169 | ) | 185 | 9 |
138 | J | 154 | Z | 170 | * | 186 | : |
139 | K | 155 | [ | 171 | + | 187 | ; |
140 | L | 156 | \ | 172 | , | 188 | < |
141 | M | 157 | ] | 173 | - | 189 | = |
142 | N | 158 | ^ | 174 | . | 190 | > |
143 | O | 159 | _ | 175 | / | 191 | ? |
Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character | Value | Character |
192 | @ | 208 | P | 224 | ` | 240 | p |
193 | A | 209 | Q | 225 | a | 241 | q |
194 | B | 210 | R | 226 | b | 242 | r |
195 | C | 211 | S | 227 | c | 243 | s |
196 | D | 212 | T | 228 | d | 244 | t |
197 | E | 213 | U | 229 | e | 245 | u |
198 | F | 214 | V | 230 | f | 246 | v |
199 | G | 215 | W | 231 | g | 247 | w |
200 | H | 216 | X | 232 | h | 248 | x |
201 | I | 217 | Y | 233 | i | 249 | y |
202 | J | 218 | Z | 234 | j | 250 | z |
203 | K | 219 | [ | 235 | k | 251 | { |
204 | L | 220 | \ | 236 | l | 252 | | |
205 | M | 221 | ] | 237 | m | 253 | | |
206 | N | 222 | ^ | 238 | n | 254 | ~ |
207 | O | 223 | _ | 239 | o | 255 |