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synced 2025-02-05 01:32:56 +00:00
Usage: z80asm -ofile -f[b|m|h] -l[file] -s[n|a] -v -dsymbol ... file ... A maximum of 512 source files is allowed. If the filename of a source doesn't have an extension the default extension ".asm" will be concated. Source file names may have a path, the maximum length of a full qualified filename is 128 characters. If one use relative paths, the extension must be given, because all after a "." would be used as extension! Option o: To override the default name of the output file. Without this option the name of the output file becomes the name of the input file, but with the extension ".bin". The output file may have a path, the maximum length is limited to 128 characters. Option f: Format of the output file: -fb -> binary file -fm -> binary file with Mostek header -fh -> Intel hex Option l: Without this option no list file will be generated. With -l a list file with the name of the source file but extension ".lis" will be generated. An optional file name with path (128 characters maximum) may be added to this option. Option s: This option writes the unsorted symbol table (-s), sorted by name (-sn) or sorted by address (-sa) into the list file. This options works only, if option -l was given. Option v: Verbose operation of the assembler. Option d: With this option one can predefine symbols with a value of 0. The number of this option is not limited in the command line. Pseudo Operations: Definition of symbols and allocation of memory: ORG <expression> - set program address <symbol> EQU <expression> - define constant symbol <symbol> DEFL <expression> - define variable symbol <symbol> DEFB <exp,'char',..> - write bytes in memory <symbol> DEFW <exp,exp..> - write words (16 bits) in memory <symbol> DEFM <'string'> - write character string in memory <symbol> DEFS <expression> - reserve space in memory Conditional assembly: IFDEF <symbol> - assemble if symbol defined IFNDEF <symbol> - assemble if symbol not defined IFEQ <exp1,exp2> - assemble if equal IFNEQ <exp1,exp2> - assemble if not equal ELSE - else for all conditionals ENDIF - end of conditional assembly Manipulation of list file: PAGE <expression> - number of lines/page EJECT - skip to new page LIST - listing on NOLIST - listing off TITLE <'string'> - define title for page header Others: INCLUDE <filename> - include another source file PRINT <'string'> - print string to stdout in pass one