Zero page usage and ProDOS protocol parameters.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Smith 2018-02-12 00:39:41 -07:00
parent d2f02168ad
commit 06dc1237fe

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@ -22,40 +22,46 @@ fcchz macro string
Z00 equ $00
Z01 equ $01
Z24 equ $24
Z25 equ $25
Z40 equ $40
Z41 equ $41
Z42 equ $42
Z43 equ $43
Z44 equ $44
Z45 equ $45
Z46 equ $46
Z47 equ $47
Z48 equ $48
Z4b equ $4b
Z4c equ $4c
Z4d equ $4d
Z4e equ $4e
Z4f equ $4f
Z50 equ $50
Z51 equ $51
Z52 equ $52
Z53 equ $53
Z54 equ $54
Z55 equ $55
Z56 equ $56
Z57 equ $57
slot equ $58
Z59 equ $59
Z5a equ $5a
Z5b equ $5b
Z00 equ $00
Z01 equ $01
mon_ch equ $24
mon_cv equ $25
checksum equ $40
Z40 equ $40
Z41 equ $41
prodos_cmd_blk equ $42
prodos_command equ $42 ; Smartport command is also copied here
prodos_unit_num equ $43
prodos_buffer equ $44
prodos_block equ $46
Z48 equ $48
Z4b equ $4b
Z4c equ $4c
Z4d equ $4d
Z4e equ $4e
Z4f equ $4f
Z50 equ $50
Z51 equ $51
Z52 equ $52
Z53 equ $53
Z54 equ $54
Z55 equ $55
Z56 equ $56
Z57 equ $57
slot equ $58
Z59 equ $59
Z5a equ $5a
Z5b equ $5b
; per-slot screen holes (index by slot)
sh_prodos_flag equ $0478
sh_prodos_flag equ $0478 ; MSB = 1 for ProDOS, 0 for SmartPort
sh_04f8 equ $04f8
sh_0578 equ $0578
sh_05f8 equ $05f8
@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ sh_07f8 equ $07f8
; global screen holes
gh_06f8 equ $06f8
gh_0778 equ $0778
gh_07f8 equ $07f8
gh_shared_rom_slot equ $07f8
D0800 equ $0800
@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ Lcn0e: ldx #slotnum
; combined ProDOS/SmartPort/boot dispatch
; carry = 1 for boot, 0 for ProDOS/SmartPort
Lcn14: ldx #$c0 + slotnum
stx gh_07f8
stx gh_shared_rom_slot
ldx #slotnum
lda rom_dis
jmp shared_rom_entry
@ -174,8 +180,8 @@ Lcn3e: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn3e
eor Dca27,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
bne Lcn51
inc Z57
@ -184,24 +190,24 @@ Lcn51: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn51
eor Dca37,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
Lcn60: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn60
eor Dca47,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
Lcn6f: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn6f
eor Dca57,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
bne Lcn82
inc Z57
@ -211,24 +217,24 @@ Lcn84: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn84
eor Dca37,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
Lcn93: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn93
eor Dca47,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
Lcna2: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcna2
eor Dca57,x
sta (Z56),y
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
dec Z4b
beq Lcnb8
@ -245,7 +251,7 @@ Lcnc2: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
and Z59
eor Z40
eor checksum
Lcncd: ldy iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcncd
@ -297,6 +303,7 @@ Sc800: jsr Scaee
jsr Sca05
ldy #$07
jsr Scba9
lda iwm_sel_drive_2,x
lda iwm_motor_on,x
ldy #$32
@ -306,32 +313,46 @@ Lc813: lda iwm_q7l,x
bne Lc813
jmp Lc949
Lc81f: lda iwm_ph_0_on,x
ldy #$05
; send packet sync sequence
Lc81f: lda iwm_ph_0_on,x ; turn on REQ
ldy #packet_sync_sequence_len - 1
lda #$ff
sta iwm_q7h,x
Lc829: lda Dc950,y
sta iwm_q7h,x ; set write mode
Lc829: lda packet_sync_sequence,y
Lc82c: asl iwm_q6l,x
bcc Lc82c
sta iwm_q6h,x
bpl Lc829
lda Z5a
lda Z5a ; destination ID
ora #$80
jsr Sc9d8
jsr Sc9d6
lda Z5b
jsr Sc9d8
jsr Sc9d6
jsr Sc9d6
lda Z4c
jsr send_nib7
jsr send_80 ; source address, always $80 (host)
lda Z5b ; packet type
jsr send_nib7
jsr send_80 ; aux type
jsr send_80 ; data statys byte
lda Z4c ; length of packet "odd bytes", 0-6
ora #$80
jsr Sc9d8
lda Z4b
jsr send_nib7
lda Z4b ; number of encoded 7-byte groups
ora #$80
jsr Sc9d8
lda Z4c
beq Lc873
jsr send_nib7
lda Z4c ; any "odd bytes"?
beq Lc873 ; no, skip
; send "odd bytes"
ldy #$ff
lda Z59
Lc862: asl iwm_q6l,x
@ -342,11 +363,17 @@ Lc862: asl iwm_q6l,x
ora #$80
cpy Z4c
bcc Lc862
Lc873: lda Z4b
bne Lc87a
jmp Lc913
; send groups
Lc873: lda Z4b ; any groups to send?
bne Lc87a ; yes
jmp send_checksum ; no
Lc87a: nop
ldy #$00
; send a group
Lc87d: lda Z41
sta iwm_q6h,x
lda Z4d
@ -364,6 +391,7 @@ Lc888: ldy iwm_q6l,x
bne Lc8a1
inc Z57
jmp Lc8a3
Lc8a1: pha
Lc8a3: lda #$02
@ -422,41 +450,67 @@ Lc8df: lda Z51
rol Z41
dec Z4b
beq Lc913
jmp Lc87d
Lc913: lda Z40
dec Z4b ; sent last group?
beq send_checksum ; yes
jmp Lc87d ; no, send another group
; send checksum in FM
; send checksum even bits (bit 6, 4, 2, 0)
lda checksum
ora #$aa
Lc917: ldy iwm_q6l,x
; can't call send_nib7 to send the first part of the checksum, because
; it would modify the checksum in the process
Lc917: ldy iwm_q6l,x ; wait for write buffer ready
bpl Lc917
sta iwm_q6h,x
lda Z40
sta iwm_q6h,x ; write data
; send checksum odd bits (bit 7, 5, 3, 1, shifted right one bit)
lda checksum
ora #$aa
jsr Sc9d8
lda #$c8
jsr Sc9d8
Lc92c: lda iwm_q6l,x
and #$40
bne Lc92c
sta iwm_q6h,x
ldy #$0a
Lc938: dey
bne Lc943
lda #$01
jsr send_nib7
Sc93d: jsr Sca1f
bcs Lc949
Lc943: lda iwm_q7l,x
bmi Lc938
Lc949: lda iwm_ph_0_off,x
lda #$c8 ; send packet end mark
jsr send_nib7
; wait for write underrun; IWM write state will clear when
; done writing and no data presented
Lc92c: lda iwm_q6l,x ; read IWM handshake register
and #$40 ; in write state?
bne Lc92c ; yes, loop
sta iwm_q6h,x ; prepare to read status register
ldy #$0a ; counter to wait for ACK
Lc938: dey ; timeout?
bne Lc943 ; no, go check status
lda #$01
Sc93d: jsr get_slot_x
sec ; indicate error
bcs Lc949 ; always taken
Lc943: lda iwm_q7l,x ; read status
bmi Lc938 ; ACK (write protect)? no, keep waiting
clc ; yes, so no error
Lc949: lda iwm_ph_0_off,x ; turn off REQ
lda iwm_q6l,x
Dc950: fcb $c3,$ff,$fc,$f3,$cf,$3f
; packet sync byte sequence, in reverse order
fcb $c3,$ff,$fc,$f3,$cf,$3f
packet_sync_sequence_len equ *-packet_sync_sequence
jsr Sc95b
@ -468,7 +522,7 @@ Sc95b: nop
Lc95d: jmp Sc93d
Sc960: lda #$00
sta Z40
sta checksum
lda Z54
sta Z56
lda Z55
@ -499,8 +553,8 @@ Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x
and #$7f
sta Z4b,y
eor #$80
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
bpl Lc995
lda Z4c
@ -527,15 +581,19 @@ Lc9cc: sta (Z54),y
bcc Lc9c1
Lc9d3: jmp (Z52)
Sc9d6: lda #$80
Sc9d8: ldy iwm_q6l,x
bpl Sc9d8
lda #$80
ldy iwm_q6l,x
bpl send_nib7
sta iwm_q6h,x
eor Z40
sta Z40
eor checksum
sta checksum
Sc9e5: jsr Sca0f
lda iwm_ph_0_on,x
lda iwm_ph_2_on,x
@ -554,19 +612,23 @@ Lca01: dex
bne Lca01
Sca05: jsr Sca1f
Sca05: jsr get_slot_x
lda iwm_ph_1_on,x
lda iwm_ph_3_on,x
Sca0f: jsr Sca1f
Sca0f: jsr get_slot_x
lda iwm_ph_0_off,x
lda iwm_ph_1_off,x
lda iwm_ph_2_off,x
lda iwm_ph_3_off,x
Sca1f: lda slot
lda slot
@ -600,34 +662,42 @@ Sca76: jsr Sca8a
bcc Lca75
lda #$80
jsr Scded
lda gh_06f8
sta Z4d
lda gh_0778
sta Z4e
Sca8a: lda #$b8
ldy #$0b
Sca8a: lda #3000 & $ff ; retry 3000 times!
ldy #3000 >> 8
ldx slot
sta sh_04f8,x
sta sh_0578,x
Lca97: lda Z4d
sta gh_06f8
lda Z4e
sta gh_0778
jsr Sc800
lda gh_06f8
sta Z4d
lda gh_0778
sta Z4e
bcc Lcabc
ldx slot
bcc Lcabc ; if no error, done
ldx slot ; decrement retry count
dec sh_04f8,x
bne Lca97
dec sh_0578,x
bpl Lca97
Lcabc: rts
Scabd: ldy slot
lda #$05
sta sh_04f8,y
@ -648,6 +718,7 @@ Dcadf: fcb $00,$01,$02,$04,$09,$12
Dcae5: fcb $00,$01,$02,$04,$01,$02
Dcaeb: fcb $00,$7f,$ff
Scaee: ldx Z4e
beq Lcb05
lda Z55
@ -709,7 +780,7 @@ Lcb5f: eor (Z54),y
bne Lcb5f
eor (Z54),y
Lcb66: sta Z40
Lcb66: sta checksum
sta Z55
ldy Z4c
@ -829,7 +900,7 @@ Lcc03: lda Z40,x
Lcc19: lda #$00
jsr Scded
Lcc1e: lda Z43
Lcc1e: lda prodos_unit_num
@ -843,21 +914,21 @@ Lcc1e: lda Z43
eor #$02
Lcc30: tax
stx Z43
stx prodos_unit_num
lda sh_prodos_flag,y ; ProDOS or SmartPort?
bpl Lcc3c
jmp Lcccf
; SmartPort
; SmartPort command, convert it into a ProDOS command
Lcc3c: lda sh_05f8,y ; set Z54 to point to cmd num -1
sta Z54
lda sh_0678,y
sta Z55
ldy #$01 ; copy SmartPort command to Z42
ldy #$01 ; copy SmartPort command
lda (Z54),y
sta Z42
sta prodos_command
lda (Z54),y ; copy SmartPort arg list pointer to Z54
@ -869,7 +940,7 @@ Lcc3c: lda sh_05f8,y ; set Z54 to point to cmd num -1
lda #$01
ldx Z42 ; SmartPort command in range ($00 to $09)?
ldx prodos_command ; SmartPort command in range ($00 to $09)?
cpx #$0a
bcc Lcc62
@ -878,14 +949,16 @@ Lcc5f: jmp Lcd9f
Lcc62: ldy #$00
lda (Z54),y
sta Z5a
ldy #$08
Lcc6a: lda (Z54),y
sta Z42,y
sta prodos_cmd_blk,y
bne Lcc6a
lda Z43
lda prodos_unit_num
bne Lcccf
ldx Z42
ldx prodos_command
lda Dcde3,x
and #$7f
@ -901,26 +974,26 @@ Lcc8d: lda #$00
Lcc92: txa
bne Lccb8
lda #$21
ldx Z46
ldx prodos_block
bne Lcc5f
ldx slot
ldy #$07
Lcca0: sta (Z44),y
Lcca0: sta (prodos_buffer),y
bne Lcca0
lda sh_07f8,x
sta (Z44),y
sta (prodos_buffer),y
lda #$00
sta (Z44),y
sta (prodos_buffer),y
lda #$08
jsr Sce4f
jmp Lcc8d
Lccb8: cmp #$04
bne Lccc7
ldx Z46
ldx prodos_block
beq Lcccb
beq Lcccb
@ -935,44 +1008,47 @@ Lcccb: lda #$1f
Lcccf: lda #$28
ldy slot
ldx sh_07f8,y
cpx Z43
cpx prodos_unit_num
bcc Lccc5
lda #$09
sta Z4d
lda #$00
sta Z4e
sta Z55
lda #$42
sta Z54
ldx slot
ldx slot
lda sh_prodos_flag,x ; ProDOS or SmartPort?
bpl Lcd02
ldx Z42
ldx prodos_command
lda Dcde3,x
and #$7f
sta Z5a
lda #$00
sta Z48
lda Z42
lda prodos_command
bne Lcd02
sta Z46
sta prodos_block
Lcd02: lda Z5a
ldx Z43
ldx prodos_unit_num
stx Z5a
sta Z43
sta prodos_unit_num
lda #$80
sta Z5b
jsr Sca0f
jsr Sca76
bcs Lcd5c
lda Z44
lda prodos_buffer
sta Z54
lda Z45
lda prodos_buffer+1
sta Z55
ldx Z42
ldx prodos_command
lda Dcde3,x
bpl Lcd60
cpx #$04
@ -996,8 +1072,8 @@ Lcd41: cpx #$02
lda #$00
ldx #$02
bne Lcd4f
Lcd4b: ldx Z47
lda Z46
Lcd4b: ldx prodos_block+1
lda prodos_block
Lcd4f: stx Z4e
sta Z4d
lda #$82
@ -1006,10 +1082,12 @@ Lcd4f: stx Z4e
bcc Lcd60
Lcd5c: lda #$06
bne Lcd9f
Lcd60: ldy slot
lda sh_prodos_flag,y ; ProDOS or SmartPort?
bpl Lcd73
lda Z42
lda prodos_command
bne Lcd73
lda #$45
ldx #$00
@ -1019,16 +1097,18 @@ Lcd73: jsr Scabd
bcs Lcd5c
jsr Scbbf
jsr Sce4f
lda Z42
lda prodos_command
bne Lcd9d
ldx slot
lda sh_prodos_flag,x ; ProDOS or SmartPort?
bpl Lcd9d
lda Z46
; ProDOS
lda prodos_block
sta sh_05f8,x
lda Z47
lda prodos_block+1
sta sh_0678,x
lda Z45
lda prodos_buffer+1
and #$10
bne Lcd9d
lda #$2f
@ -1081,19 +1161,19 @@ Scded: pha
jsr Sc9e5
lda Z42
lda prodos_command
lda Z43
lda prodos_unit_num
lda Z46
lda prodos_block
stx Z46
stx prodos_block
lda #$05
sta Z42
sta prodos_command
lda #$00
sta Z5a
lda #$02
sta Z43
sta prodos_unit_num
lda #$42
sta Z54
lda #$00
@ -1117,11 +1197,11 @@ Lce34: lda Z5a
ldy slot
sta sh_07f8,y
sta Z46
sta prodos_block
sta Z43
sta prodos_unit_num
sta Z42
sta prodos_command
lda #$a5
sta sh_06f8,y
eor #$ff
@ -1143,7 +1223,7 @@ boot: stx slot
; copy boot_prodos_command_block into zero page for use
ldy #boot_prodos_command_block_len - 1
Lce65: lda boot_prodos_command_block,y
sta Z42,y
sta prodos_cmd_blk,y
bpl Lce65
@ -1152,7 +1232,7 @@ Lce65: lda boot_prodos_command_block,y
sta Z43
sta prodos_unit_num
jsr execute_command ; read the boot block
bcs boot_error
@ -1178,16 +1258,16 @@ boot_error:
ldx Z00
bne Lcea4
ldx Z01
cpx gh_07f8
cpx gh_shared_rom_slot
bne Lcea4
jmp mon_sloop
Lcea4: ldx #23 ; bottom line of display
stx Z25
stx mon_cv
jsr mon_vtab
lda #$00
sta Z24
sta mon_ch
ldx #$00
ldy slot
lda sh_04f8,y