# Apple II Terminal Info These are terminfo entries for Apple II terminals: * GS/OS Console * GNO Console * Apple II Extended 80 column card * ProTerm Special Emulation Plus a .bashrc file to make them more usable in Unix. ## Why? Well, the main reason is that I wrote a terminal emulator that emulates the previously mentioned terminals. As such, I needed terminfo entries to be useful. These are largely based on the GNO/ME /etc/termcap file but some errors have been fixed. ## Installation git clone https://github.com/ksherlock/a2-terminfo.git cd a2-terminfo make install (Will install to your ~/.terminfo directory) ## Errors When in doubt, run `tput reset` A lot of software ignores your terminfo and uses hard-coded vt100/ansi escape sequences. `tmux` or `screen` can be used as a vt100 emulator. Or use better software. Most control codes have a meaning for Apple II terminals. Therfore displaying control codes (such as `cat`ting binary files) is likely to have unanticipated consequences. Refer to previous instructions on `tput reset`. One particular example that deserves mentioning: `ESC` activates mouse-text in the GNO console. `ESC` is also THE vt100 control code. `less` (and `more`, when it's `less`) strips non-vt100 control codes. Use the `-r` (raw) flag if you want them to pass through.