Use '<=1600 blocks' heuristic for 3.5 disks; tentatively fixes #6

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2018-12-28 21:43:46 -08:00
parent 79040d3b46
commit 2bfb2cd443

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@ -8576,20 +8576,63 @@ ram: return #device_type_ramdisk
: lda unit_number ; low nibble is high nibble of $CnFE
;; This would be correct, but fall back on old heuristic
;; instead since it's used elsewhere.
;;; and #%00001000 ; bit 3 = is removable?
and #%00001111
;; Old heuristic. Invalid on UDC, etc.
;; and #%00001111
bne :+
;; Better heuristic, but still invalid on UDC, Virtual II, etc.
;; and #%00001000 ; bit 3 = is removable?
;; So instead, just assume <=1600 blocks is a 3.5" floppy
jsr get_block_count
bcs :+
stax blocks
cmp16 blocks, #1601
bcs :+
return #device_type_removable
: return #device_type_profile
unit_number: .byte 0
blocks: .word 0
;;; ============================================================
;;; Get the block count for a given unit number.
;;; Input: A=unit_number
;;; Output: C=0, blocks in A,X on success, C=1 on error
.proc get_block_count_impl
DEFINE_ON_LINE_PARAMS on_line_params,, buffer
DEFINE_GET_FILE_INFO_PARAMS get_file_info_params, path
start: sta on_line_params::unit_num
MLI_RELAY_CALL ON_LINE, on_line_params
bne error
;; Prefix the path with '/'
lda buffer
and #%00001111 ; mask off name length
adc #1 ; account for '/'
sta path
copy #'/', buffer
MLI_RELAY_CALL GET_FILE_INFO, get_file_info_params
bne error
ldax get_file_info_params::aux_type
error: sec
path: .byte 0 ; becomes length-prefixed path
buffer: .res 16, 0 ; length overwritten with '/'
get_block_count := get_block_count_impl::start
;;; ============================================================
;;; Create Volume Icon. unit_number passed in A