2018-02-21 08:06:38 -08:00

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DeskTop APIs

There are three distinct API classes that need to be used:

  • MouseGraphics ToolKit - graphics primitives, windowing and events
  • DeskTop Jump Table - simple JSR calls starting at $4003 MAIN, no arguments
  • DeskTop API - another MLI-style interface starting at $8E00 AUX

MouseGraphics ToolKit

This is a complex API library written by Apple circa 1985. It consists of:

  • Graphics Primitives - screen management, lines, rects, polys, text, patterns, pens
  • Mouse Graphics - windows, menus, events, cursors

Entry point is fixed at $4000 AUX, called MLI-style (JSR followed by command type and address of param block).

See MGTK.md for further documentation.

DeskTop Jump Table

Call from MAIN (RAMRDOFF/RAMWRTOFF). Call style:

   jsr $xxxx

NOTE: Most of these calls have not been identified yet.


Redraws all DeskTop windows. Required after a drag or resize. Follow with DESKTOP_REDRAW_ICONS call.


Deselect all DeskTop icons (volumes/files).


Changes mouse cursor to the default pointer. Note that bitmap is in the language card memory so it must be swapped in.


Changes mouse cursor to a watch. Note that bitmap is in the language card memory so it must be swapped in.

DeskTop API

Call from AUX (RAMRDON/RAMWRTON). Call style:

   jsr $8E00
   .byte command
   .addr params

NOTE: Only a single call has been identified so far.



Parameters: none (pass $0000 as address)

Redraws the icons on the desktop (mounted volumes, trash). This call is required in these cases:

  • After destroying a window (CloseWindow)
  • After repainting the desktop (JUMP_TABLE_REDRAW_ALL) following a drag (DragWindow)
  • After repainting the desktop (JUMP_TABLE_REDRAW_ALL) following a resize (GrowWindow)

DeskTop Data Structures

DeskTop's state - windows, icons - is accessible indirectly via APIs, and data structures can be accessed directly.


  • path_index (byte) - id of active window in path_table

  • selected_file_count (byte) - number of selected icons

  • selected_file_list (array of bytes) - ids of selected icons

Window - representing an open directory

  • path_table (array of addrs) - maps window id to window record address

Window record: 65-byte pathname buffer; it is a length-prefixed absolute path (e.g. /HD/GAMES)

Icon - representing a file (in a window) or volume (on the desktop)

  • file_table (array of addrs) - maps icon id to icon record address

Icon record: 27-byte structure optimized for rendering the file/volume icon.

.byte icon      icon index
.byte ??
.byte type/window_id
                (bits 0-3 window_id)
                (bits 4,5,6)
                       000 = directory
                       001 = system
                       010 = binary
                       011 = basic
                       100 = (unused)
                       101 = text/generic
                       110 = (unused)
                       111 = trash
                (bit 7 = open flag)
.word iconx     (pixels)
.word icony     (pixels)
.addr iconbits  (addr of {mapbits, mapwidth, reserved, maprect})
.byte len       (name length + 2)
.res  17  name  (name, with a space before and after)