2019-02-15 12:54:28 -06:00

243 lines
6.1 KiB

package a2shape;
# a2shape.pm:
# Compiles input into an AppleSoft BASIC shape table.
# Reference the AppleSoft manual for more info.
use strict;
use Exporter::Auto;
sub calc_offset {
my ($table, $curr_shape, $curr_offset) = @_;
$table->[2 + ($curr_shape * 2)] = $curr_offset & 0xff;
$table->[2 + ($curr_shape * 2) + 1] = ($curr_offset >> 8) & 0xff;
$_[0] = $table;
sub check_if_legal {
my ($byte, $lineno) = @_;
# Check to see if we're accidentally ignoring bytes
if ($byte == 0) {
warn sprintf("Note: All zero byte will be ignored on line %d!\n", $lineno);
if (($byte & 0xf8) == 0) {
warn sprintf("Note: Ignoring C and B due to 0 on line %d!\n", $lineno);
# Input is lines of text with letters for the commands.
sub read_input {
my ($in_file) = @_;
my $ifh;
my @lines = ();
open $ifh, "<$in_file" or die "Can't open $in_file\n";
while (my $line = readline $ifh) {
chomp $line;
# Skip blank lines.
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
# Skip over comments
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
push @lines, $line;
close $ifh;
return @lines;
sub output_table {
my ($out_file, $output_mode, $num_shapes, $table_size, $table, $dbg, $vbs) = @_;
my $debug = 0;
$debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg;
my $verbose = 0;
$verbose = 1 if defined $vbs && $vbs;
my $ofh;
open $ofh, ">$out_file" or die "Can't write $out_file\n";
if ($output_mode) {
print STDERR "Output binary\n" if $debug;
my @shape_hdr;
my $offset = 0x6000;
$shape_hdr[0] = $offset & 0xff;
$shape_hdr[1] = ($offset >> 8) & 0xff;
$shape_hdr[2] = $table_size & 0xff;
$shape_hdr[3] = ($table_size >> 8) & 0xff;
print STDERR sprintf("Don't forget to POKE 232,%d : POKE 233,%d so Applesoft knows the location of the shape table\n", ($offset & 0xff), (($offset >> 8) & 0xff)) if $verbose;
foreach my $byte (@shape_hdr) {
print $ofh chr($byte);
foreach my $byte (@{$table}) {
print $ofh chr($byte);
} else {
print STDERR "Output Applesoft\n" if $debug;
# Locate shape table up near HIMEM
my $address = 0x1ff0 - $table_size;
print $ofh sprintf("10 HIMEM: %d\n", $address);
print $ofh sprintf("20 POKE 232,%d : POKE 233,%d\n", ($address & 0xff), ($address >> 8) & 0xff);
print $ofh sprintf("30 FOR L = %d TO %d: READ B : POKE L,B : NEXT L\n", $address, ($address + $table_size) - 1);
print $ofh "40 HGR : ROT=0 : SCALE=2\n";
print $ofh sprintf("50 FOR I = 1 TO %d : XDRAW I AT I*10,100 : NEXT I\n",
print $ofh "60 END\n";
for (my $byteno = 0; $byteno < $table_size; $byteno++) {
if ($byteno % 10 == 0) {
print $ofh sprintf("%d DATA ", 100 + $byteno / 10);
print $ofh sprintf("%d", $table->[$byteno]);
if (($byteno % 10 == 9) || ($byteno == $table_size - 1)) {
print $ofh "\n";
} else {
print $ofh ',';
close $ofh;
sub compile {
my ($lines, $dbg) = @_;
my $debug = 0;
$debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg;
my @table;
my $CMD_1 = 0;
my $CMD_2 = 1;
my $CMD_3 = 2;
# Determine the number of shapes from the array size.
my $num_shapes = scalar @{$lines};
if ($num_shapes < 1) {
die "Error getting numshapes\n";
print STDERR sprintf("Number of shapes = %d\n", $num_shapes) if $debug;
# First byte of table is low byte of number of shapes.
$table[0] = ($num_shapes & 0x00ff);
# Second byte of table is high byte of number of shapes.
$table[1] = (($num_shapes & 0xff00) >> 8);
# Skip over number of shapes and the table of offsets.
my $curr_offset = 2 + (2 * ($num_shapes));
# Look up table for commands. Non-plotting are lower case, plotting are upper.
my %commands = (
'u' => 0x00, # Non-plot up.
'r' => 0x01, # Non-plot right.
'd' => 0x02, # Non-plot down.
'l' => 0x03, # Non-plot left.
'U' => 0x04, # Plot up.
'R' => 0x05, # Plot right.
'D' => 0x06, # Plot down.
'L' => 0x07, # Plot left.
for (my $curr_shape = 0; $curr_shape < $num_shapes; $curr_shape++) {
&calc_offset(\@table, $curr_shape, $curr_offset);
# Read data.
my $bits_ptr = $CMD_1;
my $shape_str = $lines->[$curr_shape];
# Split the string.
my @cmds = split //, $shape_str;
# Look at each command character.
my $lineno = 0;
foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
my $command = '';
# Use a lookup table to determine command bis based in input.
if (defined $commands{$cmd}) {
$command = $commands{$cmd};
} else {
print STDERR sprintf("Invalid shape command '%s'", $cmd);
# Store the bits into bytes.
if ($bits_ptr == $CMD_1) {
# First set of (3) bits
$table[$curr_offset] = ($command & 0x07);
# Advance to 2nd set of bits.
$bits_ptr = $CMD_2;
} elsif ($bits_ptr == $CMD_2) {
# Second set of (3) bits
$table[$curr_offset] |= (($command & 0x07) << 3);
# Try 3rd set of bits next.
$bits_ptr = $CMD_3;
} else {
# Try to fit in CMD_3. This can only fit no-plot moves (plot bit not set),
# also a CMD_3 of 0x00 (no-plot up) is ignored, so it has to go to next byte
if (($command & 0x04) || ($command == 0x00)) {
# Store to CMD_1 instead
&check_if_legal($table[$curr_offset], $lineno);
# Go to next byte
# Store in first set of bits.
$table[$curr_offset] = ($command & 0x07);
# Advance to 2nd set
$bits_ptr = $CMD_2;
} else {
# Store to CMD_3
$table[$curr_offset] |= (($command & 0x03) << 6);
&check_if_legal($table[$curr_offset], $lineno);
# Go to next byte.
# First set of bits next.
$bits_ptr = $CMD_1;
if ($bits_ptr != $CMD_1) {
# Move past previous partially filled byte.
# Table ends with a 0
$table[$curr_offset] = 0x00;
# Current offset is table size.
return \@table, $num_shapes, $curr_offset;