2018-12-14 15:13:48 +11:00

627 lines
24 KiB

# use unpack from struct and argv from sys
from struct import unpack,pack; import argparse;
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
Driverutil.py - A Python script to work with A3 drivers
By Robert Justice
The primary function is to convert an o65 relocatable 6502 binary
file to A3 driver format. This is to allow driver development using
the ca65 assembler
Support to add, update the converted driver into a SOS.DRIVER file
and delete & list is also included.
Finally, has some extract functions to extract driver code to allow
disassembly. One of these will relocate the extracted Driver to
0x2000 base address to minimise any confusion with zero page when
reuses some functions and ideas from Driv3rs.py, thank you
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Command Description',dest="command")
# Bin command
bin_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'bin', help='Convert o65 binary to A3 driver binary format, Comment + Code + RelocationTable')
'o65file', action='store',
help='Input o65 code file to be converted')
'binfile', action='store',
help='Binary output file')
# Sos command
sos_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'sos', help='Convert o65 binary and output as SOS.DRIVER format(for use with scp)')
'o65file', action='store',
help='Input o65 code file to be converted')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER Binary output file')
# List command
add_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'list', help='List current drivers in a SOS.DRIVER file')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to be updated')
# Add command
add_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'add', help='Convert o65 binary and add as new driver to a existing SOS.DRIVER file')
'o65file', action='store',
help='Input o65 code file to be converted')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to list the contained drivers')
# Update command
update_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'update', help='Convert o65 binary and update existing driver in a SOS.DRIVER file')
'o65file', action='store',
help='Input o65 code file to be converted')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to be updated')
# Delete command
delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'delete', help='Delete a driver from an existing SOS.DRIVER file')
'drivername', action='store',
help='Name of driver to be deleted (include . eg: ".console"')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to delete the driver from')
# Extract command
extract_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'extract', help='Extract a driver from an existing SOS.DRIVER file')
'drivername', action='store',
help='Name of driver to be extracted (include . eg: ".console"')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to extract the driver from')
# Extract code and relocate to 0x2000 command
extract_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'extractcode', help='Extract a drivers code from an existing SOS.DRIVER file and relocate to 0x2000 to aid disassembly')
'drivername', action='store',
help='Name of driver to be extracted (include . eg: ".console"')
'sosfile', action='store',
help='SOS.DRIVER file to extract the driver from')
args = parser.parse_args()
# this function unpacks several read operations --
# text, binary, and single-byte. Each uses unpack from
# struct and attempts converts the resulting tuple into
# into either a string or integer, depending upon need.
def readUnpack(file,bytes, **options):
if options.get("type") == 't':
SOS = file.read(bytes)
text_unpacked = unpack('%ss' % bytes, SOS)
return ''.join(text_unpacked)
if options.get("type") == 'b':
SOS = file.read(bytes)
offset_unpacked = unpack ('< H', SOS)
return int('.'.join(str(x) for x in offset_unpacked))
if options.get("type") == '1':
SOS = file.read(bytes)
offset_unpacked = unpack ('< B', SOS)
return int(ord(SOS))
# this function reads a word from a string at the specified
# offset and returns an integer
def readWord(data,startpos):
return ord(data[startpos+1])*256+ord(data[startpos])
# this function reads a byte from a string at the specified
# offset and returns an integer
def readByte(data,startpos):
return ord(data[startpos])
# this function reads in a o65 binary file of a driver and
# converts to the same format as contained in the SOS.DRIVER
# file for drivers, Comment, Code, RelocateTable
# input - filename of o65 file
# returns - converted driver as a string
def convert_o65(file):
o65file = open(file, 'rb')
#parse the o65 file
byte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1') #non-C64 marker, 2 bytes
byte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
o65 = readUnpack(o65file,3,type = 't') # "o65" MAGIC number!
if o65 == 'o65': #valid file, lets keep going
version = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1') # version
mode = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # mode word
tbase = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # address to which text is assembled to originally
tlen = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # length of text segment
dbase = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # originating address for data segment
dlen = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # length of data segment
bbase = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # originating address for bss segment
blen = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # length of bss segment
zbase = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # originating address for zero segment
zlen = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # length of zero segment
stack = readUnpack(o65file,2,type = 'b') # minimum needed stack size, 0= not known.
#print ("mode: ",mode)
#print ("tbase: ",tbase)
#print ("tlen: ",tlen)
#print ("dbase: ",dbase)
#print ("dlen: ",dlen)
#skip over header options
olen = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
while olen != 0 : #0 marks end of options header
otype = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
option_bytes = readUnpack(o65file,olen-2,type = 't')
olen = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
driver='' #this will be the converted driver
#add text segment
driver += o65file.read(tlen) #this is the comment part
#trim off the comment 0xFFFF if there is a comment
if readWord(driver,0) == 0xFFFF:
driver = driver[2:]
#add data segment length
driver += pack('<H',dlen) #this is the length of the code part
#add data segment
driver += o65file.read(dlen) #this is the code part
#skip Undefined references list number (should be 0) assuming size 16 bits for now
byte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
byte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
#skip TEXT segment reloc table, this should be 0 indicating no entries
byte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
#convert the relocation table from relative offset bytes to absolute addresses
reloctable =[]
offset_address = dbase-1 #offset starts at data seg orig minus 1
offset = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
#print ("start offset:",offset)
while offset != 0:
if offset == 255: #next offset > 254, so add this and get next byte
offset_address = offset_address + offset -1 #add 254
offset = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
typebyte = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
if typebyte == 0x83: #8=word offset and 3=data segment
offset_address = offset_address + offset
offset = readUnpack(o65file,1,type = '1')
#add the length of the relocation table
driver += pack('<H',len(reloctable)*2) #this is the length of the relocate part in bytes
#add the relocation table
for i in range(0,len(reloctable)):
driver += pack('<H',reloctable[i]) #this is the relocation part
return driver #return the converted driver binary
print 'not o65 input file'
# this function searchs through the driverfile data and returns
# a list of offsets for the drivers contained in the data
# each entry in the returned list is a dictionary containing:
# 'comment_start'
# 'code_start'
# 'reloc_start'
def parsedriverfile(filecontents):
filetype = filecontents[0:8] #check for 'SOS DRVR' header
if filetype != 'SOS DRVR':
drivers_list = []
offset = readWord(filecontents,8) + 8 + 2 #actual drivers start after this offset
loop = True
while loop :
driver = {}
rel_offset = readWord(filecontents,offset) #comment length
if rel_offset == 0xFFFF: #we are at the end of the file
end_mark = offset
loop = False
else : #else lets walk through and build the offsets
driver['comment_start'] = offset
offset += rel_offset + 2
driver['code_start'] = offset
rel_offset = readWord(filecontents,offset) #code length
offset += rel_offset + 2
driver['reloc_start'] = offset
rel_offset = readWord(filecontents,offset) #reloc start
offset += rel_offset + 2
return [drivers_list,end_mark]
# this function extracts the driver details from the dib
# and returns them in a dictionary
def parseDIB(filedata,offset,dib):
driver_details['dib_num'] = dib
driver_details['name_len'] = readByte(filedata,offset+6)
driver_details['name'] = filedata[offset+7:offset+7+driver_details['name_len']]
driver_details['status'] = readByte(filedata,offset+22)
driver_details['slot'] = readByte(filedata,offset+23)
driver_details['unit'] = readByte(filedata,offset+24)
driver_details['devtype'] = readByte(filedata,offset+25)
driver_details['subtype'] = readByte(filedata,offset+26)
driver_details['manid'] = readWord(filedata,offset+30)
driver_details['release'] = readWord(filedata,offset+32)
return driver_details
# this function extracts the name from the driver
# returns the name
def getDriverName(driver):
offset = readWord(driver, 0) #comment length
name_length = readByte(driver,offset + 8) #extract the name length from the driver code
#code starts after the comment
return driver[offset+9:offset+9+name_length] #then grab the name
# this function finds the index in a list of the member that
# contains a dictionary key/value pair
def find(lst, key, value):
for i, dic in enumerate(lst):
if dic[key] == value:
return i
return -1
# Main program
# lets select from the options
# raw driver format output as binary file
if args.command == 'bin':
driver = convert_o65(args.o65file)
bin_file = args.binfile
outfile = open(bin_file,'wb')
print 'File converted and written as raw binary file to:',bin_file
# Convert file and output as SOS.DRIVER format
# adds a dummy charset and keyboard header to keep scp happy
elif args.command == 'sos':
driver = convert_o65(args.o65file)
#create SOS driver header
header = 'SOS DRVR'
header += pack('<H',0x0522) #header length
header += pack('>H',0x0400) #Number of Disk /// drives installed (4)
header += '?? ' #char set name, ?? indicates no char set included (16 chars long)
for i in range(0,0x400): #pad out the char set with spaces
header += ' '
header += '?? ' #keyboard layout name (16 chars long)
for i in range(0,0x100): #pad out with spaces
header += ' '
sos_file = args.sosfile
outfile = open(sos_file,'wb')
outfile.write(header + driver + pack('>H',0xFFFF)) #add the end marker
print 'File converted and written as SOS.DRIVER binary file to:',sos_file
#Convert and add to an existing SOS.DRIVER file
elif args.command == 'add':
driver = convert_o65(args.o65file) #convert the driver code
driver_name = getDriverName(driver) #extract the driver name from the driver
sos_file = args.sosfile #read in the existing SOS.DRIVER file
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
sosdriverfile = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[0] #we just want the first item in the returned list
driver_end = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[1] #this is the offset of the 0xFFFF end marker
#lets check if it already exists in the SOS.DRIVER file
driver_details = []
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
driver_details.append(parseDIB(sosdriverfile,offset,0)) #we always use dib0
i = find(driver_details,'name',driver_name.upper()) #find index of the driver to add, convert name to uppercase
if i == -1:
#not found, lets add
trimmed_sosdriver = sosdriverfile[0:driver_end] #trim of the 0xFFFF end marker
newsosdriverfile = trimmed_sosdriver + driver + chr(0xFF) + chr(0xFF)
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'wb') #write it back out, overwriting the old one
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' added to ' + sos_file
#found, report error
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' elready exists in ' + sos_file + ', not added'
#List drivers in a SOS.DRIVER file
elif args.command == 'list':
sos_file = args.sosfile
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
filedata = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(filedata)[0] #we just want the first item in the returned list
driver_details = []
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
dib = 0
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
nextdib = readWord(filedata,offset+2) #next dib of this driver
while nextdib != 0:
dib += 1
nextdib = readWord(filedata,offset+nextdib+2) #next dib of this driver
print 'DriverName Status Slot Unit Manid Release'
for i in range(0,len(driver_details)):
#decode status byte
if driver_details[i]['status'] & 0x80 == 0x80:
status = 'active'
status = 'inactive'
#decode slot
if driver_details[i]['slot'] == 0:
slot = 'N/A'
slot = driver_details[i]['slot']
if driver_details[i]['dib_num'] == 0: #don't indent the first DIB
print '{:16} {:10} {:3} {:02X} {:04X} {:04X}'.format(driver_details[i]['name'], status, slot, driver_details[i]['unit'],driver_details[i]['manid'],driver_details[i]['release'])
else: #otherwise indent the rest, ie sub devices
print ' {:16}{:10} {:3} {:02X} {:04X} {:04X}'.format(driver_details[i]['name'], status, slot, driver_details[i]['unit'],driver_details[i]['manid'],driver_details[i]['release'])
print '\n Total size: ',len(filedata)
#Convert and update an existing driver in a SOS.DRIVER file
elif args.command == 'update':
driver = convert_o65(args.o65file) #convert the driver code
driver_name = getDriverName(driver) #extract the driver name from the driver
print 'Driver in o65 file: ',driver_name
sos_file = args.sosfile #read in the existing SOS.DRIVER file
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
sosdriverfile = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[0]
drivers_end = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[1]
driver_details = []
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
driver_details.append(parseDIB(sosdriverfile,offset,0)) #we always use dib0
i = find(driver_details,'name',driver_name.upper()) #find index of the driver to update, convert name to uppercase
if i != -1:
#found it
print 'Driver found in SOS.DRIVER, updating..'
#print drivers_list
newsosdriverfile = sosdriverfile[0:drivers_list[i]['comment_start']] #part up to target driver
newsosdriverfile += driver #add the updated driver
if i < len(drivers_list)-1: #check if its not the last one
newsosdriverfile += sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i+1]['comment_start']:] #add the rest after the target driver
else: #otherwise we use the end marker
newsosdriverfile += sosdriverfile[drivers_end:] #add the rest after the target driver
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'wb') #write it back out
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' updated!'
#not found
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' not found in SOS.DRIVER file'
#Delete an existing driver in a SOS.DRIVER file
elif args.command == 'delete':
driver_name = args.drivername
sos_file = args.sosfile #read in the SOS.DRIVER file
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
sosdriverfile = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[0]
drivers_end = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[1]
driver_details = []
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
driver_details.append(parseDIB(sosdriverfile,offset,0)) #we always use dib0
i = find(driver_details,'name',driver_name.upper()) #find index of the driver to delete, convert name to uppercase
if i != -1:
#found it
print 'Driver found in SOS.DRIVER, deleting..'
newsosdriverfile = sosdriverfile[0:drivers_list[i]['comment_start']] #part up to target driver
if i < len(drivers_list)-1: #check if its not the last one
newsosdriverfile += sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i+1]['comment_start']:] #add the rest after the target driver
else: #otherwise we use the end marker
newsosdriverfile += sosdriverfile[drivers_end:] #add the rest after the target driver
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'wb') #write it back out
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' deleted!'
#not found
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' not found in SOS.DRIVER file'
#Extract a driver from a SOS.DRIVER file
elif args.command == 'extract':
driver_name = args.drivername
sos_file = args.sosfile #read in the SOS.DRIVER file
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
sosdriverfile = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[0] #parse the driver file to find the positions of the drivers
drivers_end = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[1] #parse the driver file to find the end of the drivers
driver_details = [] #now grab the details from dib0 of each them ie to find the names
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
driver_details.append(parseDIB(sosdriverfile,offset,0)) #we always use dib0
i = find(driver_details,'name',driver_name.upper()) #find index of the driver to extract, convert name to uppercase
if i != -1:
#found it
print 'Driver found in SOS.DRIVER, extracting..'
if i < len(drivers_list)-1: #check if its not the last one in sos.driver
extracted_driver = sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i]['comment_start']:drivers_list[i+1]['comment_start']]
else: #must be the last one, so we use the offset of the 0xFFFF marker
extracted_driver = sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i]['comment_start']:drivers_end]
filename = driver_name[1:] + '.driver' #chop off the ., and add .driver to the end
driverfile = open(filename,'wb') #write the new driver out
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' extracted and written to file: ' + filename
#not found
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' not found in SOS.DRIVER file'
#Extract a drivers code from a SOS.DRIVER file and relocate to 0x2000 to aid disassembly
# relocating to something other than 0x0000 helps to remove zero page ambiguities when
# disassembling the driver code
elif args.command == 'extractcode':
driver_name = args.drivername
sos_file = args.sosfile #read in the SOS.DRIVER file
sosdriver = open(sos_file,'rb')
sosdriverfile = sosdriver.read()
drivers_list = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[0] #parse the driver file to find the positions of the drivers
drivers_end = parsedriverfile(sosdriverfile)[1] #parse the driver file to find the end of the drivers
driver_details = [] #now grab the details from dib0 of each them ie to find the names
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
offset = drivers_list[i]['code_start']
driver_details.append(parseDIB(sosdriverfile,offset,0)) #we always use dib0
i = find(driver_details,'name',driver_name.upper()) #find index of the driver to extract, convert name to uppercase
if i != -1:
#found it
print 'Driver found in SOS.DRIVER, extracting code..'
#grab the code
extracted_driver_code = sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i]['code_start']+2:drivers_list[i]['reloc_start']] #skip the code length(+2)
#grab the relocate table
if i < len(drivers_list)-1: #check if its not the last one in sos.driver
extracted_driver_reloc = sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i]['reloc_start']+2:drivers_list[i+1]['comment_start']] #skip the reloc length(+2)
else: #must be the last one, so we use the offset of the 0xFFFF marker
extracted_driver_reloc = sosdriverfile[drivers_list[i]['reloc_start']+2:drivers_end] #skip the reloc length(+2)
#print extracted_driver_reloc.encode('hex')
#convert the reloc table from little endian addresses to list of integers
offset_table = []
for i in range (0,len(extracted_driver_reloc),2):
#now lets relocate the code to 0x2000
#just updates the high byte of the addresses to 0x20
j = 0
for i in range(0,len(extracted_driver_code)):
byte = readByte(extracted_driver_code,i)
if i == offset_table[j]+1: #looking at high byte
extracted_driver_code = extracted_driver_code[:i] + chr(byte + 0x20) + extracted_driver_code[i+1:] #add to the existing address high byte
if j < (len(offset_table)-1):
j += 1
filename = driver_name[1:] + '.driver_code_0x2000' #chop off the ., and add .driver_code_0x2000 to the end
driverfile = open(filename,'wb') #write the new driver out
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' extracted, relocated and written to file: ' + filename
#not found
print 'Driver: ' + driver_name + ' not found in SOS.DRIVER file'