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;******************************************************* ; ; SCSI Driver Set Configuration Parms code. ; ; Written by Matt Gulick. Started June 22,1990 ; ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990 ; ;******************************************************* ;******************************************************* ; ; This file contains the Set Configuration Parms as ; defined in the ERS. ; ;******************************************************* ;******************************************************* ; ; Revision History: ; ;******************************************************* ; June 22, 1988 File started. EJECT IMPORT ddm_data ;******************************************************* ; ; 's_config_parms' ; ; This routine is used to set information about the ; volume or disk in question. If this call is issued ; to set disk info, then the DIB Pointer must point to ; the head DIB if this is a linked device. Volume ; calls should have the DIB Pointer set to the volume ; for which the information is being requested. ; ; The structure of the parameter list is defined in the ; SCSI Driver ERS. The parameters are going to depend ; greatly on the type of device that this driver is ; written for. That means that the info for the Scanner ; will not be the same in any form as that for a Hard ; Disk, or a Tape drive. These calls will be particular ; for the device type supported. ; ; Called via 'JSR' ; ; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB (LONG) ; [buff_ptr] = Data Buffer Pointer (LONG) ; Acc = Unspecified ; Carry = Unspecified ; Y register = Unspecified ; X register = Unspecified ; P register = 0=M=X=e ; Direct Page = Ours ; Data Bank = Ours ; ; Returns via 'RTS' ; ; Outputs: Acc = 0 ; Carry = 0 ; or ; Acc = Error ; Carry = 1 ; ; Y register = Unspecified ; X register = Unspecified ; P register = 0=M=X=e ; Direct Page = Ours ; Data Bank = Ours ; ; Errors: See Spec. ; ;******************************************************* scp ; ; Check the Request Count. Volume calls ; need at least 4 bytes. Disk calls need ; more and that will be verified there. ; lda <rqst_cnt+2 bne @rqst_cnt_ok lda <rqst_cnt cmp #$0004 blt @bad_cnt ; ; Do a mini check of the parameter list ; to see if it is correct. ; @rqst_cnt_ok lda [buff_ptr] ;Is the Request Count = 0? beq @exit_none ;Yes. Send Zero cmp #$0002 ;Is the count bigger than the min blt @exit_parm ;Overhead Structure? No? Parm Error. ; ; Check to see if this Volume is Online. ; ldy #dib.dvcflag lda [dib_ptr],y and #dvc_hardofl bne @not_online ; ; Validate that this DIB is from ; a Partition Map Entry. ; ldy #dib.start_blk lda [dib_ptr],y ldy #dib.start_blk+2 ora [dib_ptr],y beq @exit_parm ; ; Check Bitmap. ; ldy #config_pl.bitmap lda [buff_ptr],y bmi @do_volume brl do_disk ; ; Not from a partition. ; @not_online lda #drvr_off_line bra @exit_none ; ; Error exit point. ; @bad_exit jsr set_our_dp lda #drvr_io bra @exit_none ; ; Error exit point. ; @bad_cnt lda #drvr_bad_cnt bra @exit_none ; ; Use this code to exit when no data is ; being returned. ; @exit_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm @exit_none stz <trans_cnt stz <trans_cnt+2 cmp #$0001 rts ; ; Do the Volume Parms Here. ; Acc = Bitmap on entry. ; @do_volume sta |bitmap and #vconf_resv2++\ vconf_resv3++\ ;Check Bits that are not supported vconf_resv4++\ ;at this time. vconf_resv5++\ vconf_resv6 bne @exit_parm ;If unsupported bit set then error out. ; ; Check for Remount