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; Global Equates
S_MagNum1 equ -6 ; I forgot where it was used
S_NormalPen equ $00020001
S_ThickPen equ $00020002
S_RowHeight equ 10
S_EditHeight equ 12
S_EditWidth equ 640 ; not really used yet
S_TextOffset equ 9
S_ColLabelHeight equ S_RowHeight+1
S_NumLabelWidth equ 52 ; was 80
S_NumLabOffset equ 8 ; was 30
S_DefaultColWd equ 80
S_MaxCellWidth equ 500
S_MinCellWidth equ 16
S_GrowHeight equ 10
S_GrowWidth equ 25
S_RSRefCon equ 0
S_BSRefCon equ 1
S_GrowRefCon equ 2
S_RDataSize equ 10000 ; hex -> $270F
S_BDataSize equ 702 ; hex -> $02BE
S_BViewSize equ 1
S_DefDefFormat equ $00020300
S_ColWdStructSize equ 704
; These are the different message types SS can receive
S_ColWidthMsg equ $0200
S_BreakLinkMsg equ $5200
S_BreakGraphLink equ $2500 ; these go to the graph module
S_ChartMsg equ $2501
; These bits are used in the CurEditFlag
S_EditingBit equ 1
S_BRMostBit equ 2 ; bit on means I dont know BRMost
S_ViewFormulaBit equ 4
S_ManCalcBit equ 8
S_GridOff equ 16
S_KeysInactive equ 32
; This bit is used temporarily in fixing dependency formulas
; (see S_FixFormula,S_FixFormula2,S_SwapCell)
S_RecentlyChangedBit equ $40
S_RecentlyChangedBit2 equ $20
; Definition of a Key structure
S_KeyMin equ 2
S_KeyMax equ 4
S_KeyArray equ 6
S_KeyStructDefault equ 8
S_KeySize equ 2
S_KeyIndexSize equ 4
S_KeyStructSize equ 0 ; word (point to RowCells)
S_KeyMap equ 2 ; variable (words)
S_KeyIndices equ 4 ; def variable (longs)
S_NotACell equ $7FFF7FFF ; *** Driver Equate ***
S_EndOfList equ -1
; Definition of a Cell structure
S_CellStructSize equ 36
S_CellID equ 0 ; long
S_CellFormat equ 4 ; long Driver Equate
S_CellValue equ 8 ; 10 bytes, floating pt Driver Equate
S_CellPriority equ 18 ; word
S_CellDependOnMe equ 20 ; long
S_CellContent equ 24 ; long
S_CellNext equ 28 ; long
S_CellPrevious equ 32 ; long
; Format, lower word
S_CellType equ $E000
S_CellPercent equ $1000
S_CellComma equ $0800
S_CellDollar equ $0400
S_CellRedNeg equ $0200
S_CellParenNeg equ $0100
S_CellSciNote equ $0080
S_CellFixed equ $0040
S_CellInvalid equ $0020 ; 0 = Valid, 1 = Invalid Driver equ
S_CellError equ $0010 ; 0 = Not Avail, 1 = Error Driver equ
S_CellBold equ $0008
S_CellULine equ $0004
S_CellJustify equ $0003
; Format, upper word
S_CellProtect equ $8000
S_CellInPath equ $0080 ; for circularity checking
S_CellVisited equ $0040 ; ' ' "
S_CellCircular equ $0020 ; ' ' "
; S_CellInRecalcList equ $0010
S_CellDecPlace equ $000F
S_CellTypeText equ $0000
S_CellTypeValue equ $2000 ; *** Driver Equate ***
S_CellTypeTextForm equ $4000 ; text formula
S_CellTypeFormula equ $6000 ; value formula
S_CellTypeLeftPad equ $8000
S_CellTypeRightPad equ $A000
S_CellTypeEmpty equ $E000
S_CellLeftJustify equ $0000
S_CellRightJustify equ $0001
S_CellCenterJustify equ $0002
; Definition of DependOnMe stucture
S_DependStructSize equ 12
S_DependInc equ 4
S_DependSize equ 0 ; long ( size of both lists)
S_DependRangeList equ 4 ; long (ptr to list start)
S_DependList equ 8 ; variable length (list start)
; Definition of Scrap structure
S_ScrapRows equ 0
S_ScrapCols equ 2
S_ScrapParseCode equ 4
S_ScrapSize equ 6
S_ScrapCells equ 10
S_ScrapCellLoc equ 0
S_ScrapCellSize equ 4
S_ScrapFormat equ 6
S_ScrapValueSize equ 10
S_ScrapValue equ 11
S_ScrapValFormula equ 21
; Definition of File Cell structure
; This is modeled after the scrap structure
S_FileRows equ 0
S_FileCols equ 2
S_FileSheetSize equ 4
S_FileSheet equ 8
S_FileCellLoc equ 0
S_FileCellSize equ 4
S_FileFormat equ 6
S_FileValueSize equ 10
S_FileValue equ 11
; 1/10/89
; This is a list of old File Version numbers
S_FileVersion1v1 equ 4 ; Release Versio